Friday, April 12, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 4/12/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 4/12/2024

Last week's show is here:

Tavion Heights vs Uriah Connors

UC waistlocks him then Tav throws him off. Tav does a waislock takedown then side headlocks him. UC hits a headbutt to the chest and chops him. Tav hits a stiff back elbow in the corner. Tav is sent out of the ring via roll-up. UC neckbreakers him then stomps him.

UC clubs his back then armlocks him. UC knees him in the body then dropkicks him against the ropes. UC is thrown into the buckles then he does a headscissors over the top rope. Tav hangs on through and does an electric chair drop on him.

Tav hits lariats then overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Tav hits a slingblade then belly to belly suplexes him for the win.

It was one of Tav's better matches. Tav seemed pretty hyped up and inspired here and it showed in the ring. I'm not real sure what exactly made Connors a good opponent for him other than being able to be thrown around easier but Tav worked well with him.

Kendall Grey and Carlee Bright are interviewed. Carlee said she met Grey months ago and she looked like her. She said she was impressed how Grey manhandled girls bigger than her. Carlee said there could be some give and take with her agility and Grey's ground and pound. Grey says they have the best of both worlds. Grey said they think they put NXT on notice against Meta-Four and will come back stronger this time. They tell Stevie Turner and Blair Davenport they are coming for their first win tonight against them. It wasn't anything great but both came across as likeable faces on the mic and seemed comfortable.

Kendall Grey and Carlee Bright vs Stevie Turner and Blair Davenport

Grey has the darker hair and more tan skin. Stevie put some weight on. Steve snapmares CB then CB rolls > kips up > cartwheels out of a wristlock and reverses it. Grey top rope double axe handles Stevie's arm off the top. Blair hits uppercuts on Grey then Grey backslides her. Grey fireman's carries her then CB butt drops Blair's arm.

CB armlocks Blair. Steve headlocks CB. CB goes up and over Stevie. Grey gets on CB's shoulders and splashes Stevie. Grey goes through Stevie's legs and rolls her backwards the nhits some nice ifreman's carries on her. Grey hits a nice belly to belly on Blair. Stevie backcrackers Grey off the 2nd rope then Blair top rope double stomps Grey.

Blair elbow drops Grey then backbreakers her for 2. Grey takes a double suplex for 2. Stevie forearms Grey in the back then Grey forearms her off the ropes. Stevie single leg crabs Grey.

Grey tilt-a-whirl headscissors Blair then tags out. CB hits back elbows on Blair then hits a nice dropkick. CB cartwheel kicks her the is flipped into a splash on Stevie by Blair. CB does a neat headscissors into a splash and Blair blocks a standing moonsault. Blair falcon arrows her the win.

It was a decent tag. Grey is maybe the best moving female I've ever seen. This girl is quick and super smooth. She's going places. I liked the team of Grey and Bright here and the heels did their part well against them. 

Eddy Thorpe vs Dion Lennox

They lock up and Eddy wristlocks him. Eddy rolls and kips up out of a wristlock. Eddy side headlocks him. They shoulder battle and Eddy is knocked down twice. Dion does a nice dropkick then headlock takeovers him. Eddy shotgun dropkicks him then back elbows him.

Eddy hits another back elbow for 2 then armlocks him. Eddy  cobra twists him and is hiptossed. Dion lariats him out of the corner. Dion hits some punches and hits some bad strikes. Dion aotmic drops him then hits a running lariat.

Dion knees him in the gut then Eddie does an implant ddt and wins it.

I wasn't a fan of this. They didn't match up well and were visibly caught talking. Dion was definitely trying but it was jut not his best outing.

Eddy tries to help him up after and Dion pushes him off.

Overall thoughts: The first two matches were decent matches but the main didn't work. Kendall Grey is one of the best moving females I've ever seen and she really impressed me here. Tavion Heights had a good outing on this one as well. It wasn't must see, but it was a fun and quick half hour of wrestling.

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