Thursday, April 4, 2024

STARDOM 4/4/2024 American Dream 2024 in The Keystone State

STARDOM 4/4/2024 American Dream 2024 in The Keystone State

They have big audio problems to start with the commentators being hard to hear.

High Speed Title Three Way Match - Mei Seira (c) vs. Saki Kashima vs. Ram Kaicho

They did a lot of comedy here and did a slow run of the ropes. Ram's face paint came off as dust and made Mei cough early. Saki did a break count for a hold.

The girls all took turns doing roll-ups and pin attempts. Mei single leg dropkicks Saki. Saki went for an octopus on Mei, Ram threw powder at her but Saki still somehow ended up pinning Mei out of it. Ram somehow thought she win.

It was a quick, mostly comedic match. Sure, it was fun but it was hardly the best they could have done.

Camron Branae & Queen's Quest (AZM & Saya Kamitani) vs. Oedo Tai (Momo Watanabe & Starlight Kid) & Stephanie Vaquer

Kid cartwheels over AZM and they trade fast pin attempts. Kid armdrags her, is legswept and they stand off. Kid is flipped and gets double stomped. Kid is in the gori special position and takes a double bulldog.

Saya flying knees Kid then low dropkicks her. Kid flying headscissors Saya then standing moonsaults her for 2. Momo corner dropkicks Saya then chest kicks her in the corner. Momo suplexes her then Saya spinning heel kicks her. Saya springboard crossbodies her for 2.

Momo takes an AZM high kick then Momo takes a triple basement dropkick. Saya northern lights suplexes Momo. Momo high kicks Saya then Saya spinning high kicks her. SV and AZM go at it. SV slides out of a high kick then AZM PK's her. AZM basement dropkicks her. SV superkicks her then AZM hits a la mistica drop on her. AZM buzzsaw kicks her.

CB takes a soul foot from SV then CB throwns her down. CB gets on her back and double knee presses her down. CB takes corner attacks and a codebreaker. Kid top rope plancha's on several people on the outside.

CB trips SV then spinning forearms her. CB shotgun dropkicks her then SV hits a headbutt flurry. SV corner meteora's CB. CB leg kicks SV then neckbreakers her with her own arm. SV does a package backbreaker on CB and wins it.

It was a fast paced tag with a lot of action. It was far from anyone's best work and we got a quick section with everyone and then they had SV and CB pair off for the end.

AZM grabs SV by the hair after and SV headbutts her.  

SAKI & Willow Nightingale vs. Konami & Syuri

Syuri side headlocks Saki. Saki throws her down and they back off. Syuri blocks a kick and trips Saki. Saki ducks a PK then Syuri takes a double shoulderblock. Saki takes corner attacks then Konami kicks Saki in the back. Syuri does as well.

Konami snapmares Saki then basement dropkicks her. Syuri underhook suplexes her then Saki suplexes Syuri. Willow hits lariats on Syuri then back splashes her. Willow hits a boot to the chest then Willow spinebusters her for 2.

Syuri misses a corner cannonball then Syuri knees and ddt's her. Konami sliding kicks Willow in the corner then does an octopus to her in the air. Syuri then cobra twists Saki at the same time. Willow takes a double german. Konami top rope dropkicks her then Konami puts her in the triangle lancer. Saki breaks it up. Konami is double gorilla pressed onto her own partner then Konami rolls up Willow.

Willow pounces Konami. Willow doctor bombs Konami and wins it.

It was another shorter match. There were only 4 people in it so they had a little more time than usual. It wasn't anything too noteworthy and it was far from a classic or anyone's best. Willow had a nice pounce here and Syuri wasn't much of a factor.

Mariah May, Mina Shirakawa & Xia Brookside vs. STARS (Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo) & Tam Nakano

Mina and her partners did Mina's dance. These girls were all part of Club Venus in Stardom. Mina talked on the mic but the music was too loud to hear her.  May wore her old attire here and not Toni Storm's attire.

Momo says it's nice to see May again and May says onegaishimasu. May goes up and over in the corner then blows a kiss at her. Momo armdrags her then dropkicks her. May spinning side slams Momo then Momo takes a triple basement dropkick.

Momo is posed on while on the middle rope. Mina slams Momo  then Mina surfboards Momo. May hits shots on Momo while she's up top then May headstand headscissors Momo down off the buckles. Momo dropkicks May then Momo 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Mayu dropkicks May and rolls up her up into a basement dropkick.

May does a double walk up the ropes armdrag then double basement dropkicks May and Mina. Mayu and May trade forearms then May slingblades her. Mina kicks Mayu from the ropes then Mayu snapmares her. Mayu kicks her in the back. Tam and Mina taunt each other and shake their bodies.

They duck each others shots then Mina spinning forearms her. Mina top rope knee presses Tam then bridging twisting neckbreakers her. Xia hits lariats on Tam then flying headscissors her. Xia neckbreakers Tam for 2. Xia takes a double 619 then she is backdropped by Tam.

Tam takes a double legsweep move and Xia kicks her for 2. Tam hanging dragon sleepers Xia then Xia codebreakers her. Xia takes a triple team backdrop then Momo double stomps Xia's back. Momo and Mayu hit stereo dropkicks then Mayu topes outside. Xia is pushed into a german for 2. Mina takes a double superkick then Tam kicks Xia right in the face. Tam basement double knees her for 2. Tam spinning high kicks Xia then tiger suplexes her to win it.

It was the longest match on the show so far and was the only match that got enough time. It was an okay trios match with them keeping the action moving and us getting to see Club Venus again. Xia took a hard kick to the face here from Tam. Momo had a pretty good showing here as I'm usually not too big of a fan of hers. I felt like everyone actually tried a little here. 

Toni Storm comes out after as she used to wrestle for Stardom. Toni gets on the mic. She said she's reminded of the old days when she started her journey in Eastern Championship Wrestling. She said this is the place where she entered sandman. She said she wouldn't be hwere she is without Stardom. She said Stardom has a new gaijin who made her mark like she did. She says Stardom will be hers someday. She said she loves her and gives her flowers. Toni then talks to Mina. She kisses her and says something about May not having to lose anymore. She tells Mina that the forbidden door is always open. Mina says she's going to knock something else down.

Unfortunately, this was really hard to hear due to audio issues. I hate to speak too much further on this when I don't 100% know what was said.

World Of Stardom Title Match - Maika (c) vs. Megan Bayne

Meg backs her up against the ropes. She stops a take down, picks her up and Maika goes over her. They shoulder battle and Maika tells her to come on. Meg gets armdragged then trips Maika. Meg shoulders her over then slams her.

Meg hits corner spears, splashes her then double underhook suplexes her. Meg does a fallaway slam into a samoan drop. Meg goes for a suplex, Maika blocks it and suplexes her. Maika hits corner lariats for 2. Maika goes for the armbar then Meg puts her in the corner. Maika gets caught off the ropes and takes an overhead belly to belly suplex.

Meg swinging side slams her for 2. Meg slams her and they fight on the buckles. Maika 2nd rope superplexes her. Meg hits a big boot then gets lariated. Meg hits a flying lariat. They trade forearms and Maika hits a powerslam. Meg side slams her then Maika powerbombs her for 2. Meg powerbombs her then hits a backdrop. Meg backdrops her then hits an F-5 for 2.

Maika is put up top then she does a nasty 2nd rope michinoku driver. Meg then of course kicks out of it. Maika hits a hammerlock michinoku driver and wins it.

I didn't like the michinoku driver kick out. Up to that, it was a good little power matchup. The two matched up pretty well together and they did put out a main event worthy match. 

Momo Watanabe gets in the ring after and seems to challenge Maika for her title. Momo goes for a cheapshot and Megan Bayne gets in the way. Momo then backs off.

Maika gets on the mic after and accepts the challenge for 4/27 in Yokohama. Maika then leads the We Are Stardom chant after.

Overall thoughts: Everything but the last two matches was short. Nothing was bad here and the main was mostly good, but this was not even half of what you'd get on a normal Stardom show so it's hard to put this over that much. It was nice to see Club Venus back and Toni Storm popping in was nice.

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