Saturday, April 20, 2024

AEW Collision 4/20/2024

AEW Collision 4/20/2024

Last week's show is here:

Adam Copeland, Mark Briscoe and Eddie Kingston vs Top Flight and Action Andretti

AA does a kung fu pose at Mark then Mark does one back. Mark armdrags him then wristlocks him. AA bridges out then sunset flips him. Mark rolls through and side headlocks him. AA flying headscissors him then dropkicks him. Mark goes into a buckle and comes off of it with a forearm on AA. AA takes a double shoulderblock.

AA handspring back elbows Adam. Darius works Adam's arm then backslides him. Darius dropkicks him then Dante lariats him on the ropes. Adam takes a suplex into a slingshot swanton from Dante. Adam running powerslams Dante then Eddie headbutts Dante. Dante flip dives onto Eddie inside then is held for a lariat from Eddie. We go to PiP break and return.

Eddie facewash kicks Dante then Dante headscissors him. Dante hits a jumping knee. Darius hits shots on Mark and Adam. Darius does a double ddt move on his opponents. AA seated moonsaults out onto Adam then Dante topes Eddie. Mark t-bone suplexes Darius and AA.

Dante jumps off of Darius' back to leg lariat Mark on the apron. Darius uses Dante to tornado ddt Eddie. AA then running ssp's Eddie. All 6 men lariat each other at the same time and go down. Eddie hits chops on AA then AA enzugiri's him. Eddie lariats AA. Dante flips over Adam then takes an impaler ddt. Mark hits a jay driller on Darius. Adam spears AA then Mark hits a froggy bow on AA. Eddie picks up the pin.

It was a longer opener and a match with no real storyline involved. It was fine but this was nobody's best effort here and it wasn't real memorable. 

The lights go out and House of Black appear on the tron. Buddy says to thank each other because they will eradicate all their dreams at Dynasty. Black says they will dig deep until they reach Adam's darkest fears. He says it will be so deep that Adam will wonder if he's close to hell. He said it will feel familiar as hell is where the heart is.

We get a video package on Swerve vs Samoa Joe for tomorrow.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs CJ Esparza

CJ hits shots to the gut and a spinning forearm. Hobbs lariats him then throws him out under the bottom rope. Hobbs world strongest slams CJ on the apron then torture racks him. Hobbs wins in a quick squash.

Don Callis and Hobbs do a promo. Don says his family is the talk of wrestling. He said he won't be at ringside during the bunkhouse match tonight. Don said he was responsible for Kenny Omega winning the IWGP title and said he put the biggest match together in Japan in Jericho vs Omega at the Dome. He said he cashed in all of his favors and said the Hobbs/Mox match on Dynamite will be for the IWGP Title. He says the IWGP Title will come home to The Don Callis Family.

We get a video on Danielson vs Opreay for tomorrow.

Chris Jericho does a promo. He said he wants to apologize to Hook and Tazz for his conduct on Dynamite. He said he doesn't blame Hook for putting his hands on him. Jericho says he wants to take Hook's offer up to see how good he is. He said they will fight for the FTW Title at Dynasty. He talks about the learning tree and said Hook will also learn life lessons. He said he wants to make him a better wrestler and person. He said beating Hook for the FTW title will hurt him more than Hook.

The Acclaimed vs The Gunn's

Tony Schiavone gets on the mic. He says if The Gunn's walk out he was told they will not wrestle at Dynasty. Bowens grabs Colten and the match starts. The Gunn's are beat up in the corners. Colten is thrown over the top then Austin takes a legdrop to the crotch off the buckles. Max hits corner punches on Colten. Bowens is thrown over the rails by Austin.

We go to PiP break and return. Max takes a single leg crab and tags in Bowens. Bowens hits shots on The gunn's then spinning forearms Colten. Austin is forearmed out. Bowens over the back fameassers Colten. Bowens is pushed into Max, knocking him out of the ring. Colten tries to pin Bowens but is caught with his feet on the ropes. Bowens ushigoroshi's Colten then running knees him for 2.

Bowens gets his leg grabbed when going back int othe ring and Colten fameassers him for 2. Bowens takes a bulldog then a eurostep neckbreaker from Colten. Bowens avoids a 310 to Yuma. Bowens and Austin go out. Colten eye rakes Max and forearms him in the back of the neck. Max attitude adjustments Colten then MAx is crotched on the buckles. Austin takes a wild bump into the ring from the apron on a lariat.

Bowens takes a 310 to Yuma then Max hits a mic drop elbow drop. Colten blocks a sunset flip and Jay gives him his bat to grab for leverage. Colten gets the win.

It was a fast paced tag here. There were some unusual moments here that may or may not have been botches. It was a decent match though and I liked it.

Bryan Danielson is interviewed by Lexi Nair. He says he feels alive and said it seems like The Don Callis Family is up to something. He wonders if Don doesn't have the faith in Will he says. He said he feels alive due to Takeshita dropping him on the ramp and said he gets to get his revenge tonight. Will Ospreay walks in. He said he had nothing to do with the attacks on Bryan on Dynamite or Collision. Bryan just says sure and Will says, "you have to believe me on this".

We get a post-Dynamite promo from Toni while she is covered in lipstick. She said Rosa wants to be a hero or martyr. She said this is not a business or charity and said she should have stayed a social worker if she wanted to uplift women. She said this belt shines in her reflection. She said if Rosa wants to drag her star to hell, she better check the bedroom. She said hell is in her bedroom and she makes love to her demons every night.

Bunkhouse Match - Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli vs Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher

The BCC is jumped as they enter. CC is knocked off the ramp and KT hits boots on him on the floor. Kyle sends Bryan into the rails then pounds on him. Kyle is sent over the rails then Bryan jumping knees him off the rails. CC runs the steps and bowls over KT.

The brawl continues outside and Kyle takes punches. Bryan's head is banged off a hand rail then the edge of a hockey board. CC runs a trash can into KT's head. Bryan throws Kyle into the rails then bangs his head off the commentary table. KT hits CC in the back with the ring bell hammer.

Bryan chokes Kyle with a wire and drags him with it. Kyle is sent into the rail and CC trades with KT in the ring. KT bites CC then takes a spinebuster. CC giant swings KT then KT takes a basement dropkick from KT. Bryan goes for a dive and has a chair thrown at this head.

Kyle throws powder in CC's eyes then superkicks him. Kyle hits a last ride powerbomb for 2. Bryan's bleeding and we go to PiP break. We return and Bryan ddt's KT on the ramp.  CC hits Kyle with the ring bell hammer then throws him into the rails. Kyle's head is banged off the steps. KT is laid on the top rope and Bryan flying knees him off the top.

Bryan hits chest kicks on KT then CC is back body dropped into the first row. Bryan buzzsaw kicks KT then KT face kicks him in the corner. KT germans CC then Kyle face kicks CC. CC and Bryan take stereo suplexes for 2. A chain is brought in. Bryan and CC do stereo sleepers on their opponents then do stereo elbow flurries. They then do a crossface and a lebell lock.

Powerhouse Hobbs comes down and helps out, hitting spinebusters on Bryan and CC. Jon Moxley then comes out and trades with Hobbs. They go outside and fight then fight into the seats. KT chairs CC and Kyle hits Bryan with a microphone. Bryan hurricanrana's KT off the buckles onto a chair off a powerbomb attempt. CC puts a chair around his arm and lariats Kyle. CC cannonbals KT off the apron. Bryan then flying knees Kyle and lebell locks him with a chain. Kyle then taps out.

It was a good, hardcore tag match. We got a little blood, some weapons usage and lots of brawling and hatred. I was surprised they did this in the middle of the show.

Bryan gets on the mic after. He said people asked what he was doing in one of these matches the night before he fights Will Ospreay. He said some people think of streets of gold and 40 virgins in heaven. He said his heaven is standing in this ring bleeding in front of people. He says he will beat Will Ospreay's @ss tomorrow.  

Statlander, Willow and Stokeley do a promo. They say the yare fired up, which they say is F-U. Stoke stops Kris and says F-U means something different to him where he's from. He says F-U to Brody and Hart. Willow asks if a confident champ hits their opponent with a chain. Willow said Hart knows her she has her this time. Willow says she will slam and powerbomb her through the mat, back to the shadow realm she came from. She said she's walking out TBS champ ya b!tch. Kris then yells World Star.

Skye Blue vs Leyla Hirsch

Skye misses a running face kick but it is sold anyway. She hits forearms. LH trips her and hits mounted shots. LH flips her over from the gori special. LH's tope is met with a forearm then LH takes a bridging twisting neckbreaker from the apron to the floor. Skye suplexes LH for 2 then chokes her on the ropes.

LH hits forearms then is dropped with a forearm. LH's head is banged off the buckles then Skye cartwheel forearms her. LH backdrops her then does a wheelbarrow german. LH superkicks LH's head against the buckles. LH cartwheels off the top into a 2nd rope german for 2. LH misses a move off the ropes then is kicked. Skye TKO's LH then does a dragon sleeper while sitting on her back. Skye wins via submission.

It was better than it would have been a year ago. It's a shame they botched the first and second to last moves here as it's hard to defend it. I didn't like the kickout off the cartwheel german on the buckles. 

The Elite (The Young Bucks and Kazuchika Okada) vs Pac and FTR

Pac and Okada start us off. Pac bangs Okada's head off the buckles and hits knees to the gut. Cash euros Okada and The Bucks pull Okada to save him. The faces slide out and they all fight outside. Dax chops Okada then Okada stares him down. they trade forearms and Okada euros Dax. Dax hiptosses a Buck then that Buck takes a double headbutt.

Pac jawbreakers Okada then Pac top rope double stomps Okada's arm. Pac puts him in his submission and The Bucks break it up. The heels are pushed into each other outside and they all fight outside again.

We go to PiP break and return. Cash is beat up  in the corner by a Buck after being crotched on the post during the break. The crowd chants "CM Punk". Cash takes a chinlock then backdrops Matt. Nick throws Cash into the buckles hard. Okada slingshot swantons Cash. Cash is eye raked and ducks a crossbody.

Pac is tagged in and hits shots on a Buck then flying crossbodies him. Pac spin kicks him and flying kicks him. Pac suplexes him. Pac back body drops the Bucks over the top then germans Okada. Pac fosbury flops outside onto The Bucks. Okada takes a spike piledriver for 2.

Okada facekicks Pac on the apron then Pac is sent into the steps. Okada flapjacks Pac and we go to another PiP break.  We return and a Buck kicks the other Buck on accident. Pac hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Dax is hot tagged in and hits punches. Dax lariats a Buck then hits a chop and punch combo. Dax suplexes Okada. A buck is put in tree of woe and the other Buck's crotch is pulled into his face.

Nick is thrown into a german from Pac. A Buck superkicks the other Buck on accident then Okada ddt's Dax. Okada dropkicks Dax then Dax sharpshooters him. Dax takes a double superkick then a triple kick in the corner. Okada over the back neckbreakers Dax on the knee. Dax takes a running knee and a top rope elbow drop. A Buck takes a powerplex then a 450 from Pac for 2. All 6 fight in the ring then Pac takes a shatter machine for 2. Pac takes an EVP trigger for 2. Matt takes a shatter machine then Dax takes a ddt on the floor. Cash topes a Buck and Okada outside then Pac hits a black arrow off the top on a Buck. Pac picks up the win.

It was a decent main event here. The Bucks didn't get to do a ton besides getting beaten up so the usual no selling issues weren't as much of a problem. It got plenty of time.

Daniel Garcia comes down and gets beaten up by The Elite after. The Bucks are sent out eventually then Okada takesa shots from 4 people. Pac puts Okada in a standing brutalizer and The Bucks pull Okada out.

Overall thoughts: It was a wrestling heavy edition of Collision. The opener, both tag matches and the trios match were all decent to good though so it ended up being a good show.

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