Friday, December 15, 2023

WWE Smackdown 12/15/2023

WWE Smackdown 12/15/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Roman Reigns comes out to talk with Bloodline. It takes him forever as usual. He talks about having someone step up and be the tribal chief when he's not around. Jimmy Uso thinks its him, then Roman tells Jimmyo join him in congratulating his brother, Solo. Randy Orton then comes out.

We then go to break and return. We were on break for at least 3 minutes and Orton is just entering the ring as we return. Orton tells Roman he's coming for him. He said he took 18 months away from him, so he's going to take everything from him. He says he doesn't care which of his family members he has to go through. he says it starts tonight and ends at the Royal Rumble. Roman says it sounds like he deserved it. Roman says he's been out for 18 months but hasn't thought about him at all. Roman says he hasn't done anything to earn this opportunity, so he goes to the back of the line where he belongs.

Roman said people think they can just show up and get what they want. He tells him to tap into his dumb head and listen to the voices going off. He said this isn't 2017 anymore. He says he's levels above him. Orton says Roman isn't just a historical champ, he's a legend. Orton says he has evolved but he will always be a legend killer. Orton goes for the RKO, Roman slips out and hides behind Bloodline. Orton tells him maybe he should start thinking about him. He then says the voices in his head tell him Roman might have just crapped his pants. He then says, "Daddy's back".

US Title Shot Tournament First Round - Grayson Waller vs Carmelo Hayes

Logan Paul says Waller has to waste his time here in an inset. He said Melo says he doesn't miss, but he missed his entire career. He tells his family to enjoy tonight as this will be the only time they see him in that ring.

Melo flips over Waller's back then dropkicks him. Waller does kip ups while in the wristlock and is grounded. Waller hits a nice punch and Melo ctadles him. Waller hits a side kick then Melo hurricanrana's him out of the corner. Waller hangs form the top rope and Melo hits the fadeaway blind springboard legdrop. Waler rolls out and goes back in. Melo goes back in and springboard twisting clotheslines him. Melo lariats him over the top and we go to break.

We return and Waller has Melo in a cravate. Melo springboards, holds his knee then Waller slides out and back in with a roll into a flatliner. Melo hits a punch flurry in the corner and corner forearms him. Melo pump kicks him and hits a la mistica drop for 2. Melo is pulled down from the buckles and Waller hits a cool rolling 2nd rope overdrive.

Melo rolls him up and superkicks him. Melo hits a back springboard ddt for 2. Waller rolls out and in and catches a codebreaker. Melo hits a top rope nothing but net legdrop and shockingly gets the upset.

Props to WWE for putting Melo over here. That took some guts. It was an entertaining match thought the roll and stuff were a little much. The two matched up real well and there was a lot of flying.

Randy Orton talks to LA Knight in the back. Orton says he doesn't need his help tonight. LA says we know how these numbers work. Orton says we are cool and said they got a win together. Orton says let's keep it that way and tells him to stay out of his way. LA says he wants to be the first to take everything away from Roman and The Bloodline.

US Title Shot Tournament First Round - Kevin Owens vs Austin Theory

Logan Paul does an inset. He says Kevin dresses like a 5th grader and says he's embarassing himself. They are really pushing that Kevin has a broken hand here.

Kevin side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Kevin armdrags him then rolls him up for 2. Theory hits punches. Kevin back elbows him and sentons him. Theory rolls out. They fight on the apron and Kevin cannonballs him off of it. Theory rolls in and hits a dropkick. Theory then suplexes him on the apron. We go to break and return.

They fight up top and Theory is knocked down. Kevin frogsplashes him then holds his hand in pain after. Kevin goes for a swanton bomb but Theory gets his knees up. Theory stomps him then Kevin punches and stomps him. Kevin flying shoulders him, atomic drops him and ddt's him for 2. Kevin hits a superkick for 2. Kevin goes up top and Theory jumps up, hitting a seated spanish fly on the top rope.

They go back up top and Kevin hits a top rope twisting fisherman  buster. Theory then rolls out. Theory crotches Kevin on the rail and forearms him. Kevin gets in and Theory rolls into a blockbuster on him. Theory gets put in the tree of woe and Kevin cannonballs him. Kevin top rope swantons him for 2. Kevin goes for a stunner and Theory hits his hand. Theory bangs Kevin's hand off the post then stomps it on the steps. Kevin drops him with his hand with the cast on it and picks up the win.

I didn't like this one. They did way too much here and they really didn't bother with the injured hand much until the end.

The Bloodline talks in the back. Roman says Randy ruined the celebration tonight and said someone needs to shut his mouth. Jimmy said he could but says it osunds like a job for the tribal heir. Roman says it's promotion season and says he could get anything ie he handles Orton alone.

We get a video from Karrion Kross and Scarlet. He says this place is about to be recycled. He said as soon as he walked through the door, everything was set in motion. He says everything is about to crumble and says soon we will see it.

Kevin Owens is walking around in the back. He runs into Cameron Grimes. Grimes said he wished he could have punched Theory like that. Kayla Braxton then interviews him. He's asked about Carmelo Hayes. He says he was like him at one point.

Melo comes up to him. He says he has respect for him but needs this more than he does. He says he's not like Waller and Theory. He says he's not going to punch him in the face. Kevin then asks Braxton what he's talking about.

They say Charlotte injured herself last week and will be out.

Bayley talks about Damage Ctrl. She said she made it to be the most dominant women's faction in history and said they get closer by the day to that goal. Iyo says it's her era now and says she's the most dangerous and powerful champ. She said nothing will stop her. Bayley says they are stronger than ever with Kairi Sane and Asuka. They say no one is ready for Damage Ctrl. Kai says it's time for them to raise the bar and change the game. Bayley says they need to hold all the gold and says Kairi/Asuka need to win the tag titles. Bayley says she needs to win the Royal Rumble and take Rhea's title. They then all laugh. You would never know Bayley and Damage Ctrl had issues after this.

The Kabuki Warriors vs Michin and Zelina Vega

This started during the break. Michin gets knocked down from the apron and Kairi Sane forearms her off the apron. We see that the Warriors were jumped during their entrance. Michin takes a sequence with kicks that ends in a bulldog. Sane sliding d's Michin in the corner then Kairi top rope forearms her for 2. Michin takes a sliding kick + forearm combo.

Asuka hits some shots and takes a backslide. Asuka lariats her then Michin suplexes her. Vega gets in. She lariats Sane then step up kicks her in the corner. Vega running knees her for 2. Vega hammerlock ddt's her then and avoids the 619. Sane uraken's her.

Asuka gets in and chickenwings her. Vega rolls it over for a pin attempt. Michin gets in and headbutts her. Michin hits a la rosa driver for 2. Sane alabama slams Vega on the announcer's table. Michin kicks Sane off the apron. Michin spin kicks Asuka and does a drop down pele kick. Kai gets on the apron then Bayley pushes Michin off the top. Asuka high kicks Michin and Sane hits the top rope elbow on Mcihin to win it.

It was fast paced and Michin was in this one for the majority of it. Damage Ctrl having to cheat to win didn't make them look good here. I have no idea why the faces jumped Damage Ctrl as they entered. 

Solo and Jimmy Uso talk in the back. Jimmy says he's worried about Roman talking in his room longer than usual. He asks Solo if he would tell him if something happened to him. Solo says yes and says he's his brother.

Santos Escobar does a video. He said the last time he had the US title in his grasp, it was ripped away by Rey Mysterio. He said because of that, Rey is no longer around. He said this time he won't let anyone take what he deserves. He says he will face Lashley, who he never faced 1v1. He says Bobby won't want to show his ugly face on SD when heis done with him. He says he will become the new US champ

Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits talk. Bobby says Logan Paul is the US champ. He said this tournament is filled with people Logan thinks he can beat, except him. Ford said Santos hasn't done anything compared to Bobby. Dawkins says Santos can step up and get stomped out. Bobby says Santos is just standing in his way.

Randy Orton vs Jimmy Uso

Orton kicks him then hits punches in the corner. Orton goes for a ddt over the 2nd rope and Uso slips out. Uso calls for timeout as we go to break.

We return and Orton backdropped Uso on the commentary table during the break. He then does it again. Orton armlocks him and back elbows him. Orton hits corner punches then stomps him. Orton spins Uso's leg and Uso spinning enzugiri's him. Uso hits punches to a seated Orton in the corner then running hip attacks him. Uso hits corner punches and Orton eye pokes him.

Uso throws Orton out and Orton holds his knee. We go to break and return. Orton lariats Uso several times then powerslams him.  Uso pulls his throat down over the top rope then Orton ddt's him over the 2nd rope. Solo Sikoa comes out then LA Knight follows. LA throws Solo into the rail. Orton RKO's Uso and gets the win.

It wasn't anything too special and the break really ate up a lot of this. I thought they could have been a little more creative on the ending.

Roman Reigns then nails LA Knight from behind. Orton gets mad and stares down Roman. They fight in the ring. Uso stomps Orton from behind. LA Knight gets in and is hit from behind by Solo. Solo hits punches on him in the corner and Roman hits some stomps. AJ Styles then shows up behind Bloodline and springboard forearms Roman. AJ beats up the heels and Solo is lariated over the top rope. The faces then gesture at them from the ring.

AJ shockingly nails LA Knight from behind. AJ then walks right past the Bloodline and out.

This didn't make much sense. Why would AJ help out LA and attack Roman then attack LA and ignore Roman on the way out?

Overall thoughts: I wasn't that big of a fan of this show. The main event angle didn't make a lot of sense and none of the matches were that special. They also seemed to have forgotten about the issues with Bayley and Damage Ctrl.

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