Friday, December 15, 2023

All Japan Pro Wrestling 12/3/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 9

All Japan Pro Wrestling 12/3/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 9

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Ryuki Honda & Yuma Anzai vs. Hideki Okatani & Yukio Sakaguchi

Yuma and Okatani lock up. They trade some basic holds and end up doing a stand off after a headscissors. Honda and Yukio bump chests then trade forearms. Honda slams him then kneels on him on the ropes. Honda goes for it again and is thrown out. Yukio then kicks Honda from the apron.

Yukio hits a hard kick on Honda in the ring then Honda spinebusters him. Yuma gets in and running forearms Yukio. He belly to belly suplexes him for 2. Yuma dropkicks him into the ropes then takes a pumping knee. Yukio and Yuma trade forearms and Yuma double underhook suplexes him for 2. Yukio pumping knees him then Yuma flying knees him.

Okatani and Honda trade forearms. Honda back elbows him then shoulders him over. Okatani takes corner attacks then the AJPW team are knocked down. Honda takes a double dropkick then a running knee + forearm combo for 2. Okatani northern lights suplexes Honda then Honda spears him. Okatani fights off a 2v1 then takes a lariat + jumping knee combo.

Yuma flying knees Yukio. Honda hits a stiff lariat on Okatani then another for a 2 count. Honda running one-arm powerbombs Okatani and wins it.

It was a fun opener as expected. Honda put out a good effort here and the DDT guys tried as well. 

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Seigo Tachibana vs. Cyrus & Ryan Davidson


The faces screw around to start, figuring out who will get in. Cyrus throws Jiro into the ropes, making him bounce down to the mat. Cyrus shoulders Jiro over and Jiro kips up. Jiro goes to kip up but Cyrus stands on his hair. Cyrus then splashes him. Cyrus and Seigo play tug of war with Jiro's arms.

Ryan and Seigo go at it. They shoulder battle and Ryan knocks him over. Ryan backdrops him then Cyrus headbutts him in the sternum. Cyrus corner splashes him then corner cannonballs him. Seigo hits forearms on Ryan then Ryan corner lariats him. Ryan suplexes him.

Seigo double boots Cyrus in the corner. He top rope crossbodies him, gets caught then powerbombed. Jiro pulls Cyrus over the top rope. Ryan misses a senton on Seigo then Jiro comes in and jacket punches Ryan. Jiro does a top rope blockbuster to Ryan. Ryan powerslams Seigo when he gets in. Ryan misses a fist drop on Seigo and is superkicked by Jiro.

Cyrus runs over Jiro with a bodyblock then headbutts Seigo down. Ryan falcon arrows Jiro for 2. Jiro crucifxes Ryan and pins him with Seigo's help.

It went longer than it needed to and was often comedic with Seigo and Jiro getting beaten up by the bigger guys. 

Black Menso-re, Izanagi & Rising HAYATO vs. Aran Sano, Hikaru Sato & The Bodyguard

Sano and Rising start us off. Rising headflips out of a wristlock and chops him. Sano shoulders Rising over. Rising pulls him out then does his pose in the ring. Bodyguard and Izanagi get in. Body pushes him over then Iza hits forearms. Iza is dropped with a chop and Body shoulders him over.

Body twists Iza's neck. Sano gets in and trades shots with Iza. Iza trips him then Sano shoulders him over. Sano blocks Iza's chops and makes a dance out of it. Iza just kicks him in the chest. Sano and Rising trade chops and Rising basement dropkicks him for 2.

Sano suplexes Iza. Sato gets in and kicks Iza in the corner. Sato water wheel drops him then kimura's him. Menso eye pokes Sato multiple times, walks the top rope and gets crotched. Body whips Menso into the corner and lariats him. Body takes horrible strikes from Iza and Menso then double lariats them. Body corner lariats Menso then lariat flurries him in the corner.

Sano and Rising trade forearms and Rising leg lariats him. Sano hits a nice dropkick then Menso rolls up Body. Menso eye pokes body then is lariated. Rising camel clutches Menso and taps him out to win.

It was a midcard, half-serious trios match. Sano didn't look too bad in the little he got in. I thought it went longer than it needed to at over 10 minutes. 

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Hokuto Omori & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. BULK Orchestra (Galeno Del Mal & Hayato Tamura)


KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima

KN and Omori are hit at the bell and attacked outside the ring. Omori trips Galeno into the middle rope. Omori takes lariats against the ropes then is splashed by both opponents. Omori hits forearms on Tamura then Tamura drops him with one. Tamura slams him and knocks KN off the apron. KN comes in an they fire at each other with forearms.

Tamura and KN grapple then Tamura slams him. Galeno elbow drops Omori then chinlocks him. Tamura knocks KN off the apron again and shoulders over Omori. Tamura then top rope shoulderblocks Omori. Omori flatliners Tamura. KN running face kicks Tamura then chest kicks him.

KN kicks down both opponents. Tamura corner lariats KN then takes a corner face kick. KN kicks away Tamura's lariat and superkicks him before taking a lariat. Omori hits hard forearms on Galeno. Omori takes corner lariats. Galeno and Tamura lariat each other on accident then Omori cutters both. KN PK's Galeno then germans him. Omori running forearms Galeno for 2.

KN forearms Tamura in the corner then sleepers him. Galeno spinning lariats Omori then reverse suplexes him for 2. Galeno double underhook twisting neckbreakers Omori and pins him.

It seemed like were building up to a great Tamura vs Nakajima segment, but that never ended up coming. It was an entertaining match but could have been better if they followed up on it. There was a lot of stiffness here. Omori worked the majority of this match as usual.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Fuminori Abe vs. Atsuki Aoyagi

They trade basic holds to start and stand off. Abe chinlocks him then straightjacket chokes him. Abe kicks him in the back then slaps him. AA is popped up an dropkicks him off of it. AA flips out of an irish whip then 2nd rope armdrags him and dropkicks him. AA 2nd rope moonsaults him outside.

AA forearms him inside then takes a dropkick to the knee. Abe spin kicks him in the gut then kicks him in the back. AA blocks a kick. They trade some shots and AA hits bad superkicks. Abe catches his handspring back enzugiri with an ankle lock. Abe germans him then takes an enzugiri. AA hits triple fisherman suplexes for 2. Abe rolls him up for 2 then AA puts him in la magistral for 2. Abe hurricanrana's him and AA Rolls through it with a pin attempt to win.

It was an okay juniors match. They had a 10 minute time limit and had a fast paced match. The finsih was good but it wasn't anything too special. 

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Dan Tamura vs. Ryo Inoue

Dan tries to take down Ryo to start. Dan shoulders him over. Ryo face kicks him twice then face kicks him off the apron. Dan is sent into the rails outside. Ryo kicks him in the back then Dan samoan drops him. Dan flying shoulders him for 2 then hits karelin's lift. Dan boston crabs him.

Dan runs at him and takes a knee. Ryo chest kick flurries him in the corner then PK's him. Ryo double unerhook suplexes him then triangle kicks him. They trade forearms and Ryo goes down. Ryo enzugiri's him, spin kicks him and buzzsaw kicks him for 2. Ryo chest kicks Dan then knees him on the ropes. Dan hits a nice lariat then hits another for 2. Dan death valley drivers him for 2. Dan then wins it with a powerbomb.

It was an okay 9 minute match. Nothing too wild here. We got a few nice lariats from Dan and Ryo hit some good kicks here.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Naruki Doi vs. Koji Iwamoto

They trade forearms to start. Doi back elbows him against the ropes then Doi slingshot elbow drops him. Atsuki Aoyagi, Rising Hayato, Abe and Sato are seen watching in the crowd. Koji hiptosses Doi's neck onto his knee then double knee drops him for 2. Koji stf's him and Doi rope breaks.

Koji forearms him, boots him out of the corner then takes a running back elbow. Doi flip sentons on him then brainbusters him for 2. Doi running face kicks him then Koji shoulder throws him. Koji's neck is pulled down over the top.

Doi goes up top and gets caught. They trade forearms up there and Koji superplexes him. Doi no sells it then hits Doi fives. Koji hits a nice lariat and a cradle shock for 2. Doi rolls him up for 2. Koji pops him up into a knee then lariats him. Doi avoids a shoulder throw and rolls him up to win it.

It was a short and fast paced match. Not great or anything but it was watchable and okay.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Ren Ayabe & Shuji Ishikawa vs. Voodoo Murders (Jun Saito & Rei Saito)

Jun headlocks Shuji and they shoulder battle. Jun face kicks him then is shouldered over. Rei and Ren get in. Rei backs him up and they shoulder battle. They boot each other and Ren running boots him in the face. Everyone goes outside to fight. Shuji hits Jun with a fan's sign then chokes him with a fan's towel.

Ren hits forearms on Jun inside then is dropped with a chest kick. Jun does a bad slam on Ren then Rei stands on Ren's gut. Jun then stands on him too. Rei shoulders Ren over then splashes him. Ren backdrops Rei and tags out. Shuji running lariats Rei twice then Shuji stands on Rei with Ren on his shoulders.

Rei hits chops on Shuji and is headbutted. Rei splashes him on the ropes then Jun running face kicks and lariats Shuji for 2. Jun and Shuji trade shots then lariat each other at the same time. Shuji then shoulders him over. Ren hits forearms on Jun then face kicks him over.

Ren is chopped by both opponents then double neckbreakers both. Shuji running knees Jun then Ren top rope dropkicks Jun for 2. Rei powerboms Ren from the buckles then Jun top rope diving clotheslines Ren. Ren dropkicks Jun then Jun spears him. Ren takes a double suplex for 2.

Shuji fights his opponents 2v1 and takes a Jun lariat. Ren takes a double chokeslam for 2. Jun hits a cobra clutch russian leg sweep on Ren then sits on his back and cobra clutches him. Ren submits.

It wasn't that good as it was slow and long.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Kento Miyahara & Yuma Aoyagi vs. Hideki Suzuki & Suwama

Suwama shoulders Kento over and takes a face kick. Suzuki and Yuma go at it. Suzuki neckbreakers and knee drops him. Suzuki is tripped into the middle rope for a dropkick and everyone fights outside.  Kento face kicks Suzuki on the rails. Yuma gets sent into the rails and Suzuki pounds on Kento's gut. Suwama grabs a rail and throws it at Yuma.

Suzuki stomps on Yuma in the ring and twists his neck with his feet. Suwama hits short arm lariats on Yuma then corner lariats him. Suwama throws him on a belly to belly. Suzuki cobra twists Yuma and Yuma ropebreaks. Yuma avoids a double team and dropkicks Suwama out.

Kento gets in and face kicks Suzuki. He dropkicks him in the knee and head then does his pose as usual. Suwama suplexes Kento for 2 and Kento back body drops him. Yuma flying forearms Suwama. Suwama and Suzuki mess up a double team and Suwama lariats Suzuki. Yuma then dropkicks Suwama. Suwama takes corner moves.

Yuma gets stuck up top and takes a belly to belly from Suzuki. Suzuki and Kento trade strikes then Kento lariats him down. Suwama takes a pumping knee and pump kick combo then Yuma rock bottoms him. Kento germans Suzuki then Yuma fisherman busters Suwama.

Yuma euros Suwama then Suzuki tombstones him. Kento pumping knees Suzuki then takes a stiff double underhook suplex. Yuma takes a stiff double dropkick then Suwama last ride powerbombs him to win it.

This was a pretty good match. It may have been one of the best Suzuki matches I have seen. It didn't have the usual slow pace his matches have and Kento was really able to get some personality out of him for a change. I liked the various double teams and they were nice and stiff with each other here. 

Overall thoughts: 3 of the WTL matches were entertaining, but I wouldn't recommend this one. It was a long show at 3 hours.

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