Friday, December 15, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 12/15/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 12/15/2023

Last week's show is here:

Scrypts vs Javier Bernal

I have no idea JB hasn't been used on NXT in forever. He seemed to be doing great then he just stopped appearing on the show. They lock up. Scrypts goes under him and upkicks him. They trade hammerlocks and JB back body drops him. JB side headlocks him then shoulders him over.

Scrypts hits a nice dropkick then Nima and Price have words for JB outside. JB trips him into the 2nd rope then does Out the Mud's pose on him. Nima hits a cheap shot forearm on JB over the 2nd rope then Scrypts baseball slides JB for 1.

Scrypts hits a spin kick then takes a forearm on the ropes. Scrypts does a corkscrew crossbody for 2. Scrypts stomps JB in the corner. JB back elbows and boots him. Scrypts backflips out of a lariat and hits a nice neckbreaker off of it for 2. Scrypts elbows him on the top of the head then neck cranks him.

JB pulls Scrypts out then dropkicks him. JB hits a step up enzugiri then hits corner punches. JB bulldogs him off the ropes  then hits a full-nelson slam for 2. JB puts his feet on the ropes to try and pin Scrypts but Nima knocks his feet off of them. Scrypts then does a cartwheel and backflip into a cutter to win it.

I have no idea who the face or heel was in this one and that made it hard to enjoy it. You could really make the case for both guys at times here. Scrypts did some cool stuff as usual and JB did fine in-ring wise.

Amari Miller is interviewed. She says she's back. She says she is nervous and excited. She said she knows Valentina Feroz well and says she sees things clearly after her injury. she said she is stronger than ever and says she is shitting the ground running. She says "Millernation rise-up!". She looked different here than she did the last time we saw her. 

Amari Miller vs Valentina Feroz

Feroz has a new CGI graphic and new gear. Amari also has new gear and she gets a "welcome back" chant. Feroz side headlock takeovers her then misses an elbow. Amari armlocks her and Feroz tries to roll through it. Amari drops down, trips her and sentons her. Feroz stands on her hair and bangs her leg off the mat. Feroz facebusters her for 2.

Feroz hammerlocks her and pushes her head into the mat. Feroz hits a dropkick for 2 then shoulder throws her. Amari back elbows and crossbodies her. Amari then lariats her. Amari hits a running knee. Feroz kind of does a koppo kick then 2nd rope meteora's her for the win.

It was stupid to have Amari return just to lose here. It's not like Feroz can't take the loss. The match was short and wasn't anything too special.

Tony D'Angelo and Stacks vs Charlie Dempsey and Drew Gulak

We have about 7 minutes left for this. CD flying knees Stacks then slams him. Stacks slams him then Drew gets in. Drew ties up Stacks' arm and Stacks flips out of it using the ropes. Stacks jumps over Drew's back and armdrags him. Tony slams Drew then Drew armdrags him. Tony hits a punch then Drew takes a splash and a slam. tony drops Stacks onto Drew.

CD is hiptossed by Stacks. They collide in a botched spot. Drew hits Stacks from the apron and CD backbreakers Stacks. Stacks is put in a headlock and dropkicked by Drew. CD then hip throws him. Stacks takes a double japanese armdrag and CD euros him.

Stacks hits a nice double boot out of the corner and CD rolls out over it. Drew tags himself in for the most part then Tony is tagged in. Tony hits lariats on Drew then hits a dangerous belly to belly suplex. Tony spinebusters Drew for 2. Tony fisherman suplexes Tony for 2.

Drew escapes a powerbomb and maybe rakes Tony with his boot on accident. Drew germans Tony and CD double underhooks Tony for 2. Stacks comes off the top onto CD and breaks up the pin attempt. Drew goes up top and is thrown off by Tony. Tony backdrops CD while he holds Drew then Tony and Stacks hit punches together. CD and Drew are lariated over the top. Tony then hiptosses Stacks outside onto the heels. Drew takes a bada bing, bada boom and is pinned.

This was pretty messy to be honest with some sloppy spots and a general very rushed pace.

Overall thoughts: This wasn't a good one. The main was sloppy and Drew nearly got hurt. The women didn't impress and it wasn't clear who was the face and the heel in the opener.

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