Saturday, December 9, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 12/8/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 12/8/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Brooks Jensen vs Dion Lennox

This is Dion's televised debut match. He wore glasses to the ring and they said he's a 6'2 former football linebacker. Dion side headlocks him twice. Dion hits some dropkicks and throws him across the ring. Jensen neckbreakers him then Dion backslides him. Dion hits a back body drop, a shoulder and a dropkick.

Dion spinebusters him then attitude adjustments him for 2. Jensen ddt's him then hits a top rope knee drop to win it.

Dion's green but he has a lot of energy, power and can move. I think he showed some promise here. Jensen hit a new top rope knee drop here and it was interesting to see them basically treat him like a veteran. Dion got a cut on his forehead during this.

Jada Parker is interviewed. She said she brought pressure to the NXT Breakout Tournament and said there's more to come. She said Gigi Dolin is a former champ and said she's not the one to play with. She said she wishes her all the best because she will need it.

Gigi Dolin vs Jaida Parker

 Jaida's parents and brother were college athletes and her cousin played for the Chicago Bulls. They said she was on the U-17 US Soccer team. Gigi sweeps her and shoulders her over. Gigi forearms her on the ropes then dropkicks her in the back while she is tied up in the ropes. Jaida hits some strikes and lays her on the middle buckle. Jaida springboard butt drops her then reverse ddt's her on the knee. Jaida slams her down from the waistlock position. Jaida kneels on her back and pulls her chin.

Jaida leg drops her and paintbrushes the back of her head. Jaida misses a legdrop then Gigi hits strikes. Gigi high kicks her and hits the Gigi driver to win it.

People online were making it seemed like Jaida won here, but she did not. Jaida bullied her around a little messing with her hair and putting some good looking submissions on. Jaida's definitely a roughhouser. This was really short.

Edris Enofe and Malik Blake vs Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey


CD = Charlie Dempsey

Blade's wearing a bandana on his neck. CD knocks him over then Blade monkey flips him. Blade armdrags him then takes a double boot. Gulak takes a double team and Enofe hits some elbow drops. Enofe does a nice spin move into a shoulder. Enofe then does an armdrag using the ropes into a Blade dropkick on Gulak.

Blade superkicks Gulak and goes out. He gets sent into the apron then takes a stiff baseball slide to the back of the head. CD backbreakers Blade. CD gutwrench bombs Blade and Gulak pulls on Blade's nose and arm. Gulak exploders Blade then CD double underhook suplexes Blade.

Blade hits a stiff lariat on CD out of the corner. Enofe and Gulak get in. Enofe beats up on the heels and dropkicks CD. Enofe slingblade bulldogs CD then fisherman suplexes Gulak for 2. Gulak and Enofe slap each other then Enofe ddt's him. Drew is held up in the air and blockbustered by Blade for 2. Blade plancha's CD outside. Kemp and Borne try to disrupt Enofe on the buckles then Blade tope con hilos over Kemp onto Borne outside. Enofe takes a big forearm from Gulak then Enofe takes a t-gimmick for the loss.

It was an okay tag as expected. Blade and Enofe have done tons of these tags and they are always fine. I really don't know what the deal is with them, but they are probably main roster ready yet get less and less TV time as time goes on.

Overall thoughts: I liked the show. The main was good and the other two matches were tolerable. Dion and Jaida were average in their matches with some green moments.

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