Sunday, December 10, 2023

AEW Collision 12/9/2023

AEW Collision 12/9/2023

Last week's show is here:

Ethan Page said we have Montreal vs Hamilton tonight. He said he doesn't feel the best, but Kenny Omega will get his best. Omega says Page put in the work and looks great. He said he's had bad luck but will still give it a try. Kenny says he will see him on Collision. Bryan Danielson said something gives between him and Andrade tonight. He said they are both undefeated and he better give his A-game. Andrade El Idolo is with CJ Perry. He says he is better than him and El Idolo. CJ says he will lose to the lucha kind. Claudio Castagnoli says his two least favorite things in wrestling are amateurs and Eddie Kingston. He then talks in French. Eddie Kingston says everyone knows what this is and says to hit the music.

Continental Classic - Blue League - Eddie Kingston vs Claudio Castagnoli

CC face kicks him then takes a uraken and backdrop. CC rolls out and Eddie topes him. Eddie northern lights bombs him then CC floats over him and hits a neutralizer for 2. Eddie hits punches from the apron then is lariated down to the floor. CC double stomps him and bullies him with some weaker kicks. Eddie hits chops then CC giant swings. CC sharpshooters him and Eddie ropebreaks.

CC foot slaps him then euro flurries him in the corner. CC then corner dropkicks him. They trade shots and CC short arm lariats him. CC eye rakes him with his foot then hits a forearm flurry. CC then presses against him with two feet. CC euros Eddie while he's on the ropes and superplexes him.

We go to PiP break and return. CC hits face kicks and Eddie no fires up. Eddie hits chops then takes a stiff short arm clothesline. CC gutwrench suplexes him for 2. They trade more shots and Eddie enzugiri's him. Eddie hits an exploder and uranage for 2. Eddie hits machine gun chops and running lariats him for 2.

Eddie puts him in a stretch plum and CC slips out. Eddie hits some knees then is backdropped for 2. CC running euros him then crossfaces him. Eddie avoids a ricola bomb and takes a euro for 2. They slap each other. CC euros him then takes a half-nelson suplex and two uraken's. Eddie hits another uraken then CC hurricanrana's him off a powerbomb attempt. Eddie reverses it and pins him.

This was long at around 18 minutes. I thought the finish could have been a little better here as Eddie didn't get enough before it. It was a rather one sided match with CC beating up Eddie for most of the match. It was a good match.

We get a Jon Moxley promo from Wednesday. He said he's not scared of Rush and said he's a lot of bark. He said it was a hard match against him and will be a hard one against Swerve. He said this is the Continental Classic and it's supposed to be hard. He said Swerve has a lot of buzz and says it's one thing to be at the top of the sport and another to stay there. Mox says it's a price Swerve isn't willing to pay. He says it will be a long night for him and he should pack a lunch.

Renee interviews Hook backstage. Wheeler Yuta walks in. He says he's a paper champ and an amateur. He said Renee should interview honorable champs like him. Hook says he kicked Shibata in the balls. Yuta said he can do it under Pure Rules or Hook's rules too. He said Hook stuck his nose in his business and says he's ready to put him out. He says let's do it under FTW rules.

Willow Nightingale vs Mercedes Martinez

MM = Mercedes Martinez

They lock up and Willow backs her up in the corner. MM hits shots on Willow then stomps her in the corner. Willow hits a big lariat then lariats her against the ropes. Willow shoulders her over then running face kicks her. Willow sentons her. MM goes out, Willow argues with Diamante out there then MM sends Willow into the apron. Willow is thrown into the rails then takes a bridging twisting neckbreaker on the floor.

We go to PiP break and full break and return. MM hits two suplexes then Willow hits one. MM hits some shots then Willow bulldogs her. Willow 2nd rope dropkicks her then corner cannonballs her. Diamante gets on the ropes and is hit. MM nails Willow then fisherman busters her for 2. MM backdrops her twice then MM exploders her.

Willow gets on the 2nd rope and MM hits a very dangerous looking dominator. Willow no sells it and pins her.

I hated the finish. Willow was maybe supposed to land on her knees or something here to block it, but she didn't, so it just looked like she no sold it. And it looked real dangerous as it was done. The match was unoffensive otherwise and wasn't bad.

MM and Diamante beat up Willow after. Diamante grabs a step ladder. Willow gets it rammed into her gut then  Kris Statlander comes out with a chain. The heels run and escape.

Renee interviews Hager and 2.0. She asks 2.0 how it feels to be home. Hager says he wants to talk about Danhausen and says he put the FBI and mounties on the case for Danhausen taking his hat. Menard said he thinks of legends like Rocket Richard and Celine Dion when he thinks of Montreal. He says we are adding two more names to the list in Menard and Parker. Parker said they sat in the stands here and dreamed of being here many times. They are hyped and talk in French. Ruby Soho, Anna Jay and Saray get in. Saraya and Menard argue and Menard pulls Parker away. Saraya yells at Ruby and pulls her arms open, revealing an Angelo Parker shirt. Saraya says she's an evil witch and said she won't be there for her next week as she needs to prove she wants to keep doing this.

We get a Swerve Strickland promo from Wednesday. He said he doesn't feel pain when it comes to proving people wrong. He said this is bigger than the tournament and he wants to be the leader of the company. He says he runs the industry and says to save the footage because they will want to run it back when he is the leader of AEW. He says he's hungry and feasting and needs that win. Swerve says he does all this violent stuff too just like Mox and says he will see him Wednesday.

Wardlow vs Willie Mack

Wardlow throws him off to start. Mack hits some shots then takes a nice dropkick from Wardlow. Warldow hits corner spears then is pulled over the top. Mack plancha's him. Wardlow no sells it and headbutts him. Wardlow jumps up to the apron and Mack avoids his charge. Mack rolls him up and standing moonsaults him for 1.

Wardlow blocks his flying headscissors and powerbombs him. Wardlow hits another powerbomb then flips him with a wind-up lariat. Wardlow powerbombs him and the ref immediately calls it off.

I didn't like the ref calling it off like that. It was too sudden and it just isn't enforced consistently that way up and down the show. I'm tired of Wardlow squashes. It's not helping him and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

We get a quick video on The House of Black vs FTR.

Kenny Omega vs Ethan Page

They shake hands. Kenny headlocks him and shoulders him over. Page back elbows him. We see Tony Nese watching this in the back. Kenny flips over Page in the corner then hurricanrana's him. Kenny runs the ropes and Page comes off the ropes with a cutter. Kenny then rolls out to the floor.

Page punches him outside and takes chops. Page is thrown into the rail then running shoulders him. Kenny moonsaults off the rail onto him. Kenny over the back bulldogs him for 2. Page hits a big slam. Kenny suplexes him over the top rope then holds on and goes with him.

We go to PiP break and return. Page shoulders him off the apron.  Page comes off the bottom rope and is kicked. Kenny powerbombs him and v-triggers him for 2. Kenny pumping knees him then Page armdrags him. Page hits an iconoclasm then ddt's him for 2. Kenny hits a Finlay roll then misses a 2nd rope moonsault. Kenny snap dragon suplexes him.

They go up top and Page 2nd rope powerslams him. Page rolls him up for 2 then taking a pumping knee. Page then face kicks him for 2. Kenny rolls him up for 2 and v-triggers him twice. Kenny hits a one-winged angel and wins it.

I didn't like the last part of this match as they stopped selling and just sprinted to the finish. It was just average otherwise. Kenny got his lip busted open here.

Big Bill hits a big boot on Kenny on the sage as he exits. Page kind of goes up to help him.

Lexi interviews CJ Perry. She says Andrade was born to do this and is a multi-time champ. She said he has won gold in 5 different weight classes and said he has all the tools to be Bryan. Miro walks in and says when was the last time CJ said good things about him. Miro asks why he's so mad that he told her to go home. He said he's the breadwinner. Miro said when his dad goes fishing or kills boars, his mom cleans them and said she should too. Miro said he won't touch Andrade during this tournament, but says once it's finished, so is he.

Julia Hart does a promo. She said being the princess of the Black Throne comes with a lot of responsibilities. She said she always needs to see what's behind people's masks but says she can't see behind Abadon's mask.

2.0 vs Penta El Zero Miedo and Komander

2.0 are the hometown team and are cheered here. Penta does his zero miedo taunt to him and the crowd chants, "Daddy Magic". Penta spin kicks Menard in the gut then kicks him in the face. Penta enzugiri's him then takes a corner lariat. Penta headflips and they stare down. Komander springboard dropkicks Menard then Parker leg lariats him.

Komander kips up and hits armdrags and a dropkick. Komander splashes Parker then jumps off Penta's back and dropkicks Parker in the corner. Menard takes a double superkick then Komander is monkey flipped into both 2.0 members in the corner. The luchadores try to dive but are hit with forearms then sent into the rails outside.

We go to PiP break and full break then return. Komander uses the ropes and then rolls to avoid a shot. Penta gets in and hits sling blades. Penta superkicks Parker out. Penta and Komander superkick 2.0 outside and Menard is sent into the rails. Parker hits some punches on Penta then Penta hits a made in Japan on Parker for 2.

Menard chops Penta then boston crabs him. Komander breaks it up.  Komander is lifted up and takes a codebreaker for 2. Menard is thrown out. Penta superkicks Parker then Komander walks the top rope, does an ssp and helps spike Menard with Penta's package piledriver.

I didn't get the finish on this one. Penta and Komander aren't a team. Why not give 2.0 the win here at home? This wasn't done that well with both teams kind of being the heels and faces at times.

Shane Taylor and Keith Lee do a sit down interview with Nigel. Shane said Keith jumped ship when they were at their best. He said he doesn't see the same drive in him anymore. Keith says lady death doesn't have an answer for him and neither does Shane Taylor. He said he will learn his lesson. Lee wore some goofy Star Trek costume here and was hard to understand.

Continental Classic - Blue League - Andrade El Idolo vs Bryan Danielson

AEI = Andrade El Idolo

AEI wristlocks him then Bryan wristlocks him back. AEI takes him down and they stand off. AEI flips him over his own back then Bryan monkey flips him. AEI shoulders him over and side headlocks him.

AEI shoulders him over and they collide in a botch. Bryan backdrops him. They trade chops for kicks and AEI dragon screws him. AEI flying forearms him and misses a corner charge. Bryan then topes him near the post. We go PiP break and return.

Bryan's eye patch is off then AEI is back body dropped to the floor. Bryan goes to tope him but is hit with a forearm. AEI figure fours him then Bryan ropebreaks. Bryan's eye is bleeding. AEI headbutts him and thumbs him in the eye. Bryan slaps him up there then top rope dropkicks him.

Andrade rolls him up but Bryan goes for a Lebell lock. Bryan reverses another roll-up then they flying clothesline each other at the same time. They trade punches and AEI puts him in the gori special and rams him backwards into the buckles.

AEI superplexes him then hits 2 more suplexes. AEI goes up top and gets crotched. Bryan top rope backdrops him for 2. AEI flips out of a back drop and spinning elbows him for 2. They trade forearms and Bryan flying kicks him. AEI spinning back elbows him then meteora's the back of his neck against the bottom buckle. AEI forearm flurries him then does another meteora. AEI ddt's him and gets the win.

It was a good main with Bryan's eye bleeding and AEI working it somewhat, though it had issues. AEI had some sloppy moments here with the spinning back elbow and Bryan's dive wasn't hit clean. It also started off a little slower than it should have.

Overall thoughts: There were some bad finishes tonight which harmed what could have been decent matches otherwise. The main and the opener were positives on this show, but the rest of the show wasn't as good.

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