Saturday, December 9, 2023

AEW Rampage 12/8/2023

AEW Rampage 12/8/2023

Last week's show is here: 

AEW International Title - Orange Cassidy (c) vs Angelico

OC rolls out of an armlock and wristlocks him. Ange stretches his arm against his neck. OC snapmares him and poses. Ange stops OC from putting his hands in his pockets. OC spinning headscissors takeovers him. Ange kicks him in the butt and things slow down. OC puts his hands in his pockets and armdrags him. OC then flying headscissors him with his hands in his pockets. OC dropkicks him with his hands in his pockets and sells his knee. Ange clips his knee.

OC rolls out and Serpentico takes a cheap shot outside. Ange throws some of his padding at Danhausen outside. Ange wraps his legs up and pulls on his arms. We go to PiP break and return. OC hits shots to the gut and Ange shin kicks him. Ange backdrops him. OC rolls him up then hits a stunner out of the suplex. OC then beack breaks him. Serpentico trips OC then Ange running facekicks him. Danhausen trips Ange.

Serp and Dan both get on the apron. Serp charges at him and misses, falling out of the ring. Dan curses Ange then OC is knocked into Dan. Ange upkicks OC and reverse figure fours him. Serp camel clutches Dan outside.

OC puts his hands in his pockets and reverses it somehow by doing this. Serp goes to hit OC and Dan hits him in the nuts. OC rolls up Ange and hits an orange punch. OC then wins it.

This was a total joke. OC did his usual nonsense plus Danhausen and Serp goofed around. 

Abadon vs Trish Adora

Trish hits forearms then chops. Trish machine gun chops her and cravates her. Trish pulls both of her arms back and sits on her shoulders. Abadon bites her in the leg and Trish kicks her in the chest. Abadon puts her feet up in the corner and presses her down. Abadon stomps on her then knees her.

Trish pump kicks her. Abadon gets up, superkicks her, high kicks then jumping knees her. Abadon then drives her head into the mat by hooking her leg around her neck. Abadon wins.

It was longer than it needed to be and it wasn't good.

The lights go out and Julia Hart teleports in. Hart puts the TBS Title on the mat and poses. Abadon grabs it and Hart shakes her head. The lights go out and Hart teleports again.

We get a re-run of a Mercedes Martinez and Willow Nightingale video.

Powerhouse Hobbs and Konosuke Takeshita vs Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels

KT = Konosuke Takeshita

Daniels and Hobbs square off. Daniels chops him and Hobbs laughs. Daniels hits some shots on him then is body blocked. Hobbs throws him on a slam and hits a corner spear. KT running forearms Daniels then 2nd rope sentons him. Daniels hits a jawbreaker and Sydal slingshot kicks KT. Sydal hits a brazilian kick and armdrags him. Sydal spin kicks him.

We go to PiP break and return. KT flips Sydal into a Hobbs powerslam. KT stomps Sydal then Sydal hurricanranas him. Sydal jumping knees KT then tags in Daniels. Daniels hits forearms then 2nd rope hurricanrana's Hobbs. Hobbs then hits a big lariat. Hobbs spinebusters Daniels then hits a world's strongest slam. Hobbs wins it.

It went longer than it needed to since the outcome was obvious. It was okay though.

Top Flight and Action Andretti are interviewed by Rene. They say it's time to step up and take flight and will accept Penta El Zero Miedo's challenge. Action said, "Double A don't play".

Continental Classic - Blue League - Bryan Danielson vs Daniel Garcia

DG = Daniel Garcia

They butt heads and stare down. Bryan wrist locks him and DG reverses it. Bryan goes for snapmares but DG rolls and wristlocks him. Bryan suplexes him. DG ducks a kick and rolls him up and Bryan ropebreaks on a submission attempt. DG leg kicks him then Bryan leg kicks him back. DG hits chops and punches then stomps him. DG stands on him in the corner then facewash kicks him. Bryan is put in tree of woe and DG dropkicks him there.

Bryan germans him and we go to PiP break. We return and Bryn hits kicks to the chest. DG fires up and slaps him then gets slapped multiple times back. DG slaps him and backdrops him for 2. DG goes for a powerbomb but is triangle choked out of it. Bryan hits punches while having a triangle choke locked in. DG ducks a flying knee and lays down on the mat. Bryan picks him up and is rolled up. DG dragon tamers him.

DG piledrivers him for 2 and boots him. DG runs at him and takes a flying knee. Bryan hits reverse curb stomps, hits crossface shots then Lebell locks him. The ref then ends the match.

It was a decent main. We some fire and stiffness here, but I didn't think it was great or very memorable. Neither guy really did anything too wild here.

Overall thoughts: The main and semi main were okay but I wouldn't recommend this one.

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