Sunday, December 17, 2023

AEW Rampage 12/15/2023

AEW Rampage 12/15/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Orange Cassidy, Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich vs 2.0 and Jake Hager

Ross is wearing tights that look like pajamas. Ross takes down Parker then Parker grabs his hair. Ross kips up out of a wristlock and hits a dropkick. Ross running face kicks Parker in the corner then dropkicks him in the corner. Marshall gets in. Marshall hits a nice dropkick then elbow drops him.

Hager and OC get in. OC is put on the buckles and puts his hands in his pockets. He dropkicks Hager then tornado ddt's him. OC is put on Matt's knee then Parker running knees him. We go to PiP break and return. OC gets his feet up on Hager's vader bomb then tags in Marshall. Marshall hits punches on 2.0 and dropkicks Menard. PArker sits on the top rope and gets dropkicked.

Menard takes corner attacks then Ross PK's him. Hager nails Ross from behind and catches OC off the top. OC cutters him then Hager takes a double dropkick from The Von Erich's. OC topes Hager. Marshall reverses Parker's roll up then gets the win.

Marshall wasn't moving well here likely due to the large leg sleeve he had here. He was definitely hobbling around. He hits some nice dropkicks though and the Von Erich's made the best of this that they could. OC did his usual nonsense as always. The match was fine for what it was minus the OC shenanigans.

The ex-JAS beat up the faces after. Danhausen tries to curse them. He gets caught then Kevin Von Erich comes down. The Von Erich's put claws on their opponents. Kevin gets in the ring and iron claws Hager. OC puts his sunglasses on Kevin after. The crowd chants for The Von Erich's after.

We see an interview from Wednesday with Mark Briscoe. Mark is asked what he as left to fight for. Mark says fighting is what he does and says he was put on this earth to do wrestling. We see Jay Lethal's crew walk up behind him. Jay says it looks like it's Jay vs Mark next week. Mark says look where hanging out with these clowns got him and Karen says look where it got Mark. Jay says there's a lot of history between them and Mark says there's nothing to lose. Mark says love of the game is what they fight for and Jay says honor. They shake hands and say they will do it next week.

The Don Callis Family (Powerhouse Hobbs and Kyle Fletcher) vs Hunter Grey and Paul Titan

I love grey and Titan. They last appeared for AEW on 5/31/22 and haven't been seen since. 

The jobbers are jumped before it starts. Kyle hits punches and forearms. Hobbs hits a splash, Kyle hits a corner enzugiri then Hobbs hits a spinebuster. Paul takes a world's most dangerous slam and is pinned.

This was your usual squash that didn't do much for anyone.

Don Callis gets on the mic after. He said his team has won more matches faster than anyone but all the fans want to talk about is The Golden Jets. Don says it's fear and says Jericho can't hide form them in the tag division. He said he is introducing the Don Callis Family Rules, where any two of his men can fight The Golden Jets at anytime. He says this is the only way we fight going forward.

Don punches one of the jobbers after.

Ruby Soho does a promo. She said she has lost again and isn't sure what's best for her. Saraya comes in. She said she told her she'd be nothing without her and says she needs her. Ruby said she helped her every step of the way and said if she thinks she can do by herself then go beat Riho.

Anna Jay vs Red Velvet

Red pushes her off the lock up. Anna offers a handshake. Red goes for it but avoids a shot. Red rolls her and Anna backslides her. Red hits la magistral for 2. Anna bows and gets kicked. Red then hits punches in the corner and foot chokes her.

Anna spin kicks her off the apron. Red's head is banged off the apron then Anna stretches her against the post. We go to PiP break and return. Anna stretches Red's arms back behind her. Anna suplexes her then is suplexed back. Red back elbows her then leg lariats her. Red double knees her against the ropes  then Anna does a gori special drop for 2.

Matt Menard comes out. Anna gets distracted and Red rolls her up for 2. Red spinning forearms her. Matt distracts Red then Red knocks her off the apron. Anna puts Red in a grounded sleeper and wins it.

It was just average and nothing too special. No embarrassing moments here though.

Top Flight and Action Andretti vs Penta El Zero Miedo, El Hijo del Vikingo and Komander

Komander flips off the ropes while in a wristlock then feints through the ropes. Dante forearms. Komander headscissors him into the corner. Dante blocks a monkey flip. Dante slides back in the ring backwards while Komander flips out. Dante then flips off the top. Dante rolls up Komander and they stand off.

Vikingo and Action go at it. Vikingo headscissors him and Action springs out of it. Action's handspring is caught then they end up standing off after a roll-up reversal. Darius and Penta go at it. They trade chops. Darius armdrags him and hits a dropkick. Penta superkicks him then Darius euros him. Penta sling blades him.

The luchadores do a triple stereo dive to the outside. We go to PiP break and return. Vikingo hits a double armdrag on Top Flight off the ropes and enzugiri's action. Penta double lariats top rope then Action rolls him into a double ddt on Top Flight.
Komander hits a springboard swanton on Action. He walks up Action's back, springboards and ddt's him. Dante drops Komander into a knee.

Vikingo racks Dante then hits a GTH off of it. Dante is hanging from the top rope and Vikingo walks up the ropes and hits a springboard legdrop. Darius ripcord drops Vikingo on his chest. Penta superkicks Darius then hits a spinning attitude adjusment. Action handspring back elbows Penta then Komander drops him on his chest off the headscissors attempt. Dante flying forearms Komander.

Dante comes off the 2nd rope and takes a codebreaker on the apron. Action death valley drivers Penta on the apron. Komander walks up the ropes and hurricanrana's Action to the floor from the apron. Komander back springboards off the 2nd rope and is german suplexed on the apron. Vikingo gets on Darius' back and hits a code red on the apron on him. Dante monkey flips Viking onto the apron then Penta springboards into a triangle canadian piledrivers on the apron. Everyone is down.

Action and Penta trade chops. Everyone else then gets involved to trade chops. Action's team hits triple superkicks then takes triple superkicks. They then lariat each other, shotgun dropkick each other and triple highkick each other all in stereo. Action and Darius are sent out, slide back in and hit stereo standing spanish flies. Komander handsprings, gets caught and then takes a half-nelson slam. Dante picks up the win.

It was what you would expect with lots of highflying and big moves and very little logic.

Overall thoughts: The opener was okay minus OC's garbage. The women had an average match. We had a pointless squash and the main event was indy wrestling as expected. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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