Wednesday, December 6, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 12/2/2023 World Tag League 2023 Day 10

New Japan Pro Wrestling 12/2/2023 World Tag League 2023 Day 10

Here's what I saw:

Oskar Leube & Yuto Nakashima vs. CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano)

The four of them go head to head to start. Oskar and Yuto boot and club their opponents. Ishii takes a double shoulder then Yano takes corner moves. Yuto shoulders Yano over. Everyone fights outside and Yuto is sent into the rails. Yano hits Yuto with a turnbuckle pad. Ishii chops up Yuto then Yuto chops back. Ishii drops him with a chop. Ishii chop and forearm combos him.

Yano stomps Yuto then is powerslammed. Oskar gets in and shoulders over Yano. Oskar's nose is bleeding. Oskar misses a corner charge then hits a nice face kick on Yano for 2. Yano pulls Oskar down by the hair. Oskar suplexes Ishii and Yuto gets in. Ishii forearms Yuto then Yuto shoulders him over. They trade forearms and Ishii backdrops him for 2.

Oskar forearms Ishii then elbow drops him. Yuto then PK's Ishii for 2. Yuto armbars Ishii and Yano breaks it up. Yano takes a high/low then Ishii germans Yuto for 2. Ishii headbutts Yuto then sliding lariats him to win it.

It was a short action packed sprint and pretty much everyone but Yano contributed here.

Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) & Oleg Boltin vs. United Empire (Callum Newman, Great-O-Khan & HENARE)

Toa and Henare have a fun stare down. Oleg and Khan start us off. They do some amateur wrestling and Khan cartwheels out of a leg hold. Oleg fireman carry slams him then throws him around in the karelin's lift position before throwing him. Khan sleepers Oleg as a fight happens outside the ring. Khan mongolian chops Oleg then sits on his neck in the corner.

Henare sentons Oleg then he and Khan put Oleg in a traphezus hold. Oleg does a nice slam on Henare. Kaun gets in and hits lariats on Henare. Khan pump kicks him over the 2nd rope and then plancha's him on the floor. Kaun uranages Khan then jumps off his back with a dropkick on Newman. Kaun hits lariats on Henare and they trade forearms. Henare berzerker bombs him.

Newman gets in running back elbows Kaun. Newman dropkicks both GoA members in the corners then PK's Kaun. Kaun hits a nice forearm on Newman. Newman runs the ropes fast and is pounced by Kaun. Henare and Toa finally go back to face and haka's at each other. Khan pump kicks Oleg then Kaun running back elbows him. Toa headbutts Newman then Newman is pinned after a t-gimmick.

It was an entertaining 6-man as expected. Everyone had their role here and the Toa vs Henare section was fun.

World Tag League 2023 Block B Match - Guerrillas Of Destiny (El Phantasmo & Hikuleo) (w/Jado) vs. Rogue Army (Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza)


ELP = El Phantasmo, Hiku = Hikuleo

Jack and ELP start us off. ELP rolls out of a wristlock and puts him in a bow and arrow. Jack shoulders him over and blocks an elbow drop with a crucifix. ELP backslides him and stomps his hands. ELP walks up the buckles, does rope tricks and hurricanranas him.

Fale and Hiku get in. Hiku offers a handshake and Fale piefaces him. They trade forearms and shoulder battle. ELP goes for a slam and Jack clips him. Jack drops his body down on Hiku's leg then Jack stomps him. Fale surfs on Hiku's back and ELP stops it. Jack dropkicks Hiku in the knee then Hiku back body drops him.

ELP hits forearms on Jack then flying forearms him. ELP atomic drops him and russian leg sweeps him. ELP then 2nd rope elbow drops him. Jack spinning lariats ELP for 2. ELP ddt's Jack off a powerslam attempt. Jack takes a head kick + spinning cut throat torture rack neckbreaker for 2. Jack germans ELP then Fale splashes Hiku. Fale samoan drops him and Jack 2nd rope elbow drops Hiku.  

ELP takes a double shoulder then Hiku double lariats his opponents. Hku splashes Fale and slams him. ELP superkicks Jack then topes Fale. Hiku chokeslams Jack. ELP springboard rocket launchers onto Jack and wins it.

It was average and nothing too special. There were too many limited people involved in this one.

World Tag League 2023 Block B Match - Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr. vs. Just 5 Guys (Taichi & Yuya Uemura)

AJ = Atlantis Jr., Sob = Soberano Jr.

Sob works Yuya's arm then pulls both arms backwards. Sob grabs his hair and snapmares him. Yuya armdrags him and headlock takeovers him. Sob headscissors him and they stand off. AJ and Taichi go at it. Taichi hits a hard chop and they trade chops. AJ flying headscissors him then top rope crossbodies him. Taichi enzugiri's him in the corner and Yuya knocks Sob off the apron.

Yuya hammerlocks AJ. Taichi gets in and hits some weak kicks to AJ's face to mock him. Taichi then hits Kawada kicks. AJ superkicks him then Sob top rope crossbodies Taichi. Sob goes up and over Taichi in the corner then enzugiri's him. Sob gets on Yuya's back and legdrops him. Sob powerslams Taichi then 2nd rope moonsaults him. Taichi face kicks Sob and lariats him. Yuya flying forearms Sob and double chops him. Yuya bulldogs Sob for 2.

Sob hits a nice dropkick on Yuya then AJ powerslams Yuya for 2. Yuya is double hiptossed into a powerbomb + neckbreaker combo. Yuya and AJ trade chops. Yuya then bulldogs AJ for 2. Yuya misses a dive off the top then takes a top rope tornillo by Sob. AJ tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Taichi then Sob fosbury flops Taichi outside. AJ hits a michinoku driver on Yuya then top rope frogsplashes him for 2.

Yano headscissors and armdrags AJ and picks up the win.

It was one of the better Atlantis/Soberano matches on the tour as Yuya and Taichi were light enough to work with them. Still not a classic though and Atlantis Jr. in particular is just not impressive. This got a good amount of time. 

World Tag League 2023 Block B Match - Minoru Suzuki & Yuji Nagata vs. Monstersauce (Alex Zayne & Lance Archer)

Lance shows Suzuki a Suzuki-gun shirt then says tonight we fight. Suzuki forearms him and they trade forearms. They then each facekick the other and tag out. Alex and Yuji go at it. Alex shoulders him over then vader bomb knees his back. Alex then does a running corkscrew ssp on him. Lance pounds on Yuji and tells Suzuki he is next. Suzuki then comes in and gives him the middle finger.

Lance slams Alex onto Yuji. Lance hits a chop then Yuji fires up. Yuji dropkicks Lance in the knee then Suzuki forearm flurries Lance. Suzuki running facekicks Lance then Lance running elbows him in the corner.

Lance and Suzuki trade forearms then forearm each other at the same time and go down. They trade more forearms and both go down again. Yuji and Alex trade forearms then Yuji hits chest kicks. Yuji bridging twisting neckbreakers him then exploders him for 2. Yuji crossfaces Alex.

Lance hiptosses Alex into Suzuki then Alex headscissors Lance into Yuji.Lance flips Alex onto Yuji for 2. Suzuki stops a double team then Yuji rolls up Alex for 2. Alex back elbows and kicks Yuji then Yuji spinning heel kicks him. Yuji backdrops Alex and wins it.

It was a decent tag. It could have been lame but Lance and Suzuki went after each other as former teammates and that carried most of the match. I thought the ending was too sudden.

World Tag League 2023 Block B Match - Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr. vs. Bishamon (Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI)

Zand = Zandokan Jr.

This is a big test on Zandokan for me. Yota flying headscissors Yoshi. Yota takes a double hiptoss then Yoshi is hiptossed onto him. Bishamon then double club Zand's back. Yoshi is thrown into the rails then Zand hits him with a chair. Goto is popped up and kicked then takes a sandwich sliding dropkick. Goto is bridged on the ropes and Yota butt drops him.

Goto hits a stiff lariat on Yota. Yoshi running headhunters Yota then neckbreakers him for 2. Yota face kicks Yoshi then pushes Goto's head into the mat with his feet. Zand gets in and hits a big chop on Goto. Goto takes a double hiptoss into a drop then Zand 2nd rope moonsaults Goto for 2.

Yoshi lariats Yota then takes a euro from Zand. Goto ushigoroshi's Zand over his knee. Goto spinning heel kicks Zand then backdrops him. Yoshi and Zand trade chops then Zand takes a russian legsweep + headhunter combo for 2. Zand topes Goto outside then Yota top rope crossbodies Yoshi over top him. Yoshi takes a double hammerlock suplex in the ring.

Yota gets on Zand's shoulders but misses his splash. Goto and Zand lariat each other. Yota then takes a superkick + neckbreaker over the knee. Yoshi lifts up Zand and Goto bulldogs him off the buckles. Zand takes a powerbomb + slice combo and is pinned.

This didn't overstay its welcome and they got the best use of Zandokan that they have gotten so far. I thought it was a solid main event that was done well.

Overall thoughts: 3 of the World Tag League matches were good, I liked the Gates of Agony 6-man and the Oskar tag match. It was a good show overall.

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