Wednesday, December 6, 2023

WWE NXT 12/5/2023

WWE NXT 12/5/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Iron Survivor Challenge Last Chance Qualifying Match - Thea Hail vs Roxanne Perez vs Kiana James vs Fallon Henley

Perez goes after Kiana then Kiana takes a double shoulder. 3 of the girls lock up at once then Thea flips out of a double armlock and armdrags them. Fallon bodyscissors Thea for a pin attempt then Perez rolls up Fallon out of the cazadora. Perez is pushed off the 2nd buckle to the floor by Kiana. Thea headscissors takeovers Fallon.

Kiana is tripped into the bottom rope and hit by Fallon. Thea tope splashes Perez outside and Kiana hits Perez with her purse.  Perez is thrown into the buckles. We go to PiP break. Kiana bangs Thea's head off the apron and sends Fallon into the post. Kiana hits knees to Thea's gut then running facekicks her. Kiana catches Thea's crossbody and bangs her into Fallon. Kiana slams Thea for 2.

Thea's head is banged off the mat. Theam akes her comeback and flipping neckbreakers Kiana. Fallon slaps Thea on the top rope. She superplexes her then Kiana gets under her and powerbombs her. Perez crossbodies Kiana off the buckles and flurries on her with shots. Perez thesz presses Fallon and punches her. Perez goes for pop rocks and Kiana throws her off.

Perez clears the announcer's table off and Kiana is pushed into a chair on wheels. Perez and Kiana get on a rail and both fall off through the commentary table. Fallon shining wizards Thea and wins it.

They really didn't have enough for all of the girls involved and the break. The PPV also coming up didn't help things as no one was going to get hurt here before that. It was fast paced and frantic and there was some decent stuff here, but there was only so much they could do.

Ilja Dragunov arrives.

We see Meta-Four and Alpha Academy goofing around on Tik-Tok.

McKenzie Mitchell was fired this week and will no longer be on NXT. I thought she was doing a great job and was very pretty and I'm disappointed to see her go. Taking her interview spot here is Kelly Kincaid, who has been on Level Up. She interviews Lyra Valkyria. Lyra said she will be at Deadline then Lola Vice and Elektra Lopez come in. Lola says she can cash in her contract anytime she wants and she says she is ready when she is. Lopez says Lola might even cash in her contract for a tag title shot. Tatum Paxley then walks in. Tatum says that's a good idea and Vice says to mind her own business. Tatum says she wants to see if Lola is ready for a fight like she says she is and Tatum she is ready.

Wes Lee is in the ring with a cane. He said we are four days away from Deadline. He said he was imagining beating Dom for the N-A Title. He said it won't be happening like that though. Wes talked about how he has heart an said the fans support won't help him right now. He said it won't bring back the feeling to his leg. He cries and said he need surgery. He said he will return and cement his legacy as one of the best to do this. He says for now, he'll see you later.

Dominik Mysterio comes out. He mocks Wes, saying he's going home again. He said he doesn't doubt his back hurts, but said his own back hurts from carrying WWE for the last two years. He tells him to watch what he does with the title and says he will have the night off to chill then at Deadline. Wes says Dom will be competing, but not against him. Wes then says to take the word from Rey Mysterio. Rey said this Saturday is not a night off. Rey said he will be there to see him fight and says Dragon Lee will be his opponent. Dragon Lee then comes out. Dom goes after him and gets hit. Lee goes for a powerbomb and Dom slides out. Lee holds up the title after.

We see Kiana going to the medical room. Izzi Dame comes in and asks if she's okay. Kiana says the next time she sees Roxanne Perez, she will end her. Roxanne then sees her and goes after her. They have to be held back. Ava Raine gets between them and said she will make this official for Saturday. Why Ava? Who knows. They also basically said Izzi and Kiana are affiliated here. 

Riley Osborne, Keanu Carver, Tavion Heights, Dion Lennox, Luca Crusifino, Myles Borne, Oba Femi and Trey Bearhill are announced for the NXT Men's Breakout Tournament. We have not seen Keanu or Dion yet and haven't seen Oba for about 6-7 months.

Tatum Paxley vs Lola Vice

Tatum rolls out of an attack then bridges. Tatum grabs her arm then takes a hip attack. Lola takes Tatum down. Tatum climbs up the middle of the ropes and dropkicks her. Tatum the ncrawls to get at her and hits forearms. Lola is sent into the buckles then Tatum crossbodies her. Lola gets powerbombed.

Tatum bodyscissors Lola then Lola ankle locks her from the mat. Lola kicks her in the gut, uraken's her and spin kicks her. Lola spin kicks her in the gut and does a running hip attack. Lola spinning high kicks her and wins it.

It wasn't that good but there were no sloppy moments.

We see Axiom and Nathan Frazier talk in the bathroom last week. Axiom hands him a mask as he is looking at his face. Ax says he should have known better. Nathan feels like he is picking a fight. Axiom says they can compete when he heals up. Nathan says lets beat the crap out of each other then shake hands after. Nathan says his face will look worse than his does and Axiom says he can't afford to lose the money maker.

Baro Corbin is interviewed in the parking lot. He's not worried about Ilja, says he has him where he wants him and says it will be sweet to take the title off of him.

NXT Anonymous shows us Trick and Melo talking in a room. Trick leaves, Melo textes someone and follows. I believe this is from the night Trick was attacked.

Joe Gacy shows up behind the commentators and says the crowd loves them. 

Alpha Academy (Chad Gable, Otis and Maxxine Dupri) vs Meta-Four (Noam Dar, Oro Mensah and Lash Legend)

Chad and Dar start us off. Chad amateur wrestlers him then ar sucker punches him. Chad running slams him. Oro gets in and is chopped by Chad. Chad goes up and over then is leg swept. Chad armdrags Oro twice. Oro goes for a flipping koppo kick, Chad avoids it and tries to ankle lock him.

The girls get in. Lash hits a big forearm. Max has her hurricanrana blocked but rolls her up. Lash clubs her back then Max crossbodies her. Lash catches her, tags out and throws her off. Otis gets in the ring and dances towards Lash. Dar gets in and is shouldered then shoulders Chad off the apron.

Otis takes double back clubs but ends up double suplexing them. Chad top rope lariats both. Both of them go out and everyone fights outside. We go to break and return. Dar elbows him in the back of the head then Chad release germans him. Otis and Oro get in. Otis shoulders and slams him then casually spinning back elbows him. Otis powerbombs Dar.

Oro jumping knees Otis and Otis splashes him off his asai moonsault. Otis hits the caterpillar elbow drop then the girls get in. Lash challenges Otis and Otis dances. Lash is grossed out. Otis runs at her then Lash slams her, which should be a DQ. Maxxine comes off the top and diving hurricanrana's Lash. Maxxine suplexes her and Oro pulls her off on the pin. Maxxine hits shots on Oro which should be a DQ then Chad lariats Oro over the top. Maxxine kicks Lash off the apron onto Otis. Otis says "yeahh" and Lash asks to be let go. Maxxine jumps off Chad's shoulders onto everyone outside. Chad blocks a kick with an ankle lock and taps Dar to win it.

I didn't like the girls being able to hit the guys. The guys wouldn't be able to hit them but you are allowed to hit the other sex, then the boys are dumb for not targeting the girls. While it doesn't bother me, they really should be careful with the Otis and Lash stuff as some people will twist it the wrong way and get someone in trouble over it. It really would have been a fun match if not for the blatant rule breaking.

Alpga Academy do Tozawa's dance after. 

We go to the Gallus Pub. Hank and Tank are there. They ask if they are lost and says they can leave through the door or window. Tank says they have beers for them and are here to talk business. Hank and Tank said they need to pick a fight with the guys who have done it all to get to the next level. Gallus says no. Hank then tries to talk in a Scottish accent and Wolf gets mad. Tank tells Wolf to embrace the anger and they agree to a match to get them to leave. Wolf says they need to learn to walk before they run with the Gallus firm.

Ava Raine comes out of Shawn Michaels' office. Ava says things are out of control and said Kiana and Roxanne Perez will fight in a steel cage match at Deadline.

Women's Iron Survival Challenge Summit

Byron Saxton hosts this and introduces all the girls. Tiffany Stratton says it all starts and stops with her. She said Charlotte Flair said she was the future of the women's division. She said she's also the only one in the ring who held the women's title. Tiff says it's only a matter of time before she wins her title back and says she just sees 4 participation trophies and one winner.

Kelani Jordan says shes the newest and has the least experience. She said she doesn't know what to expect but said none of these girls were in one of these matches either. She said her endurance is top notch from gymnastics. She says she knows how to go 2 minutes and will keep up a pace nobody else can go to. Tiff says she did gymnastics too. Lash Legend said no one wants to hear Kelani spear. Lash says she begs to differ about Tiff being the most athletic. She said she can say toodles to that title since she lost to Becky. Lash said she hangs out with Dar so she knows something about multiple pinfalls. She said her strategy is that she is boujee and will bully everyone into the penalty box. Kelani asks what her excuse will be when she's in the penalty box.

Blair Davenport talks next. She says she's not here to one up people with one liners. She said she doesn't like anyone in this ring and said no one wants to come to her as they will be on the shelf life Sol and Nikkita. She talks about being vicious then Fallon Henley interrupts. Fallon said she doesn't care who she has to knock out to win this. She talks about knocking out the heels and said she has no beef with Kelani. She said they are both in this match and anything goes. She said she will ride momentum to Deadline. Tiff says Kelani has a 0% chance to win this. Lash screams on the mic and tells Tiff she knows she didn't just cut her off. Tiff said she did.

Byron gets mad and says they told him they wouldn't do this. Fallon said well behaved women seldom make history then she nails Tiff. They all brawl in the ring and refs try to break it up.

I thought this was a fun segment that got us some different interactions between the girls than we usually get.

Axiom vs Nathan Frazer

They miss kicks to start and Ax armdrags him off the ropes. NF flying headscissors him, Ax cartwheels out and they both kip up. They then both pump kick each other at the same time. NF superkicks him and goes to the 2nd rope then Ax slides through the ropes and germans him. Ax comes off the top and catches a superkick. Ax top rope moonsaults him outside. We then see the girls from the Iron Survivor Challenge fighting. They come down to ringside and get in the ring. The ref throws the match out.

Well, what we got of this was good, but yeah, the ending sucks.

Nikkita Lyons then comes out and drops Blair with a kick.

We then go to Chase U, where there is an assembly. Chase says the illegal gambling accusations have rocked this place to this core. Chase says the person who put this University in debt is him. He said he fell short of the example he set. He said Chase U is now under academic probation and said some students aren't able to get financial aid now. Thea says we need to know how much is owed to help. Chase says he owes hundreds of thousands of dollars plus interest through a third party. He said he used university assets then took a loan through an organization who he can't pay back. Chase says he will pull the university out of this mess. Duke asks what they can do to help. Someone says they should do a bake sale or car wash. Riley Osborne then says they should teach a class on how to survive a financial crisis. Chase notices him. Thea starts staring at him with lovey eves and we see the girl who is with Tony Nese. Jacy has a suggestion during this but never gets called on. We then cut away.

Trick and Melo talk in the back. Trick wants to know why he was in the video from earlier and said he needs answers. Melo says let me handle my next match and then I'll talk. Trick says no and says it's his last chance.

Lexis King talks on Twitter. He said the entire internet is talking about the leaked footage. He said they told him he should be worried but he's here just chilling. He said when you are a big star like him, the camera always finds you. He said, "ain't that right, Carmelo Hayes?". He then talks about how he won't interfere tonight but says they will be on the same page soon. Lexis said Melo doesn't miss and he doesn't miss either. He said Deadline awaits and loves it when a plan comes together.

Eddy is asked how his ribs are. He said he's nowhere near 100% but tonight is too important. He said he gets a shot at Dijak if he wins this.

Iron Survivor Challenge Last Chance Qualifying Match - Carmelo Hayes vs Tyle Bate vs Joe Coffey vs Eddy Thorpe

Joe hits shots on Eddy then Eddy facekicks and backdrops him. Eddy backdrops Melo. Bate knees Melo then 2nd rope euros him. Bate airplan spins Eddy and Joe stops it. Joe then gets an airplane spin. Bate hits a nice dropkick on Melo. Bate is caught off the 2nd rope then he and Joe back body drop Melo. Joe does a spinning wheelbarrow on Bate and plants him down.

Melo 2nd rope twisting clotheslines Eddy. Eddy 2nd rope crossbodies Melo and Eddy then Joe pop-up euros Eddy. Bate exploders Joe then Melo pump kicks Bate. Eddy spinebusters Melo.

We go to PiP break and return. Joe euros Eddy. Melo springboard blind ddt's Bate and Joe sells it for some reason despite not getting hit. Eddy then comes off of Joe's back and hits a dropkick. Eddy crossbodies Joe and germans Melo. Eddy suplexes Bate for 2. Eddy topes Joe through the ropes then topes Bate as well. Eddy takes a spinebuster on the bottom part of the steps and medical staff come check on him.

Melo and Bate trade forearms then Joe top rope double dropkicks them. Melo sunset flips Joe into a german on Bate. Melo is popped up into Bate then Joe flying battering rams both. Joe is dropped down on Bate's knees. Bate then takes a codebreaker off the rebound lariat attempt.

Melo springboards and takes a flying battering ram. Bate punches Joe then Joe springboards into a euro. Melo comes off the top and goes into a euro. Bate rebound lariats Joe then tiger drivers him tow in it.

It was a spotfest as expect with fast paced action. It was entertaining and never really had a dull moment. They had some bad moments on some of the spots though. Joe took a ddt that he didn't get touched on and Bate slid under someone at one point so they could land on his knees.

Bate says he's the final man going to Deadline. He says he knows what is awaiting him. He said he is usually about peace and tranquility. He says to hell with that and says the 4 men in it won't stand a chance. Dijak comes out and says he's delusional. He calls Eddy a piece of trash then kicks him while he's getting helped up. He says to get Eddy out and take the trash out.

Dijak says his heart must be working in overdrive if he thinks he has a chance in the ICS. Bron Breakker comes out and says neither has an idea of what they are in for. He says both better pray he is the last entrance in the match or both will be in the penalty box. Bron says that's the safest place to be though when he's around. He said to stay in the box.

Josh Briggs comes out. He says Bron is threatening people again. He says he's coming for him Saturday. He says he knows they are underestimating him and he likes it that way. He says he has been waiting on this his entire life and is betting on himself. He said he is shocking the world at Deadline. Bron says if he believes that, he is stupider than he looks. Trick Williams comes out and says he will whoop that trick. Dijak says the only trick he should be whooping is his best friend. Trick nails Dijak and they all start fighting. Security comes out to stop it. 

This was a fun segment with Dijak continuing his feud with Eddie and furthering the Trick/Melo situation.

Carmelo Hayes talks to Ava Raine in the back. I have no idea what he said. Trick then goes up to Melo and asks Melo if he texted Lexis to take him out. Melo says he would never work with Lexis and said he will whoop him on Saturday. Melo said Ava helped make that match. Trick says Melo opens the show Saturday and Trick closes the show.

Ilja Dragunov and Baron Corbin have a face to face summit. Ilja says he won't go first then throws his chair aside. Ilja said he turned this match into something more than just a normal match. He said he brought his personal life into this. He said you can mock him and question him but says him bringing up his son crossed the line. He said his body will pay for this on Saturday. Baron says what he calls sacrifices are excuses. He said he could bring his family if he wanted to. He said Ilja left his family and makes excuses for it. Baron says what he is doing to his son is what Ilja's dad to him. Baron mocks him getting mad. Ilja takes his suit and tie off and said he is trying to contain this.

Ilja said he is trying to contain his anger. He said he will leave this place in an ambulance with no shot at the title if he keeps going. He calls him a materialistic son of a b*tch. Baron says this is about vindication and said Ilja needs to win this to justify to his son while he is here. Baron said he has never stopped and has been a prominent figure on tv for 8 years and is taking what is his. Baron says if this is about his family, do something about it right now. Baron says he doesn't scare him and said he has been through hell and back and always finds a way. Baron mocks him by throwing stuff around too. Baron then turns his back and tries to get him to send him through a table.  Baron calls him a coward. Ilja grabs him and hugs him. He says the only one who can destroy the dragon is the dragon himself. Ilja then looks at him and laughs.

The men's ICS competitors then fight in the entrance way. Bron ends up spearing Trick through the table in the corner. Bate rebound lariats Dijak and the show ends.

I'm not sure how I feel about the Ilja stuff but I definitely am interested to see how that one goes on Saturday.

Overall thoughts: I thought it was a good show with some good wrestling. They have really built this PPV up well and there's a lot to look forward to with title matches, 2 5-way Iron Survival Challenges, maybe some answers on the Trick/Melo situation and a cage match.

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