Thursday, December 7, 2023

AEW Dynamite 12/6/2023

AEW Dynamite 12/6/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Continental Classic - Gold League - Jon Moxley vs Rush

Rush and Jon trade chops to start. Rush belly to belly suplexes him and they fight in the crowd.Rush is sent into a rail then sent over it. They fight in the crowd and Jon takes a beer to the head. Jon hits chops and forearms in the corner then rush chops him back. Rush stands on him in the corner then boots him.

They trade more forearms and Rush powerslams him for 2. Mox cutters him. Mox suerplexes him for 2. They trade more shots and Mox is belly to belly suplexed into the rails. We go to PiP break and return. Rush hits kicks and Jon does a single arm ddt.  Rush piledrivers him then superplexes him. Rush is thrown out then Mox hits a nice tope on him.

They trade more forearms and Mox lariats him. Rush forearms him, they trde more then forearm each other at the same time. Rush headbutts him. Mox hits a big lariat out of the corner and death rider ddt for 2. Mox then wins via choke.

It was a good match and was exactly what you would want out of these two with lots of brawling and strike exchanges.

Jay White says he used to look up to Jay Lethal. White said he needs this victory. Lethal says he is best when backed into the corner and White says he is taking the points tonight.

Renee interviews Roderick Strong and The Kingdom on the stage. Strong said MJF will put his dagger in his best friend by proxy, Samoa Joe. He said actions have consequences and Joe will put his hand on a hot stove tonight and his hand will burn. Strong says every decision has consequences. Strong said he's in this wheelchair due to decisions he made. He then gets out of the wheelchair and said he will no longer suffer for hi decisions. He says he won't be held back by the wheelchair and they push it off the stage. Strong says the chair held him back far too long.

Renee interviews Adam Page. He said he got hit with a cinderblock and couldn't fly for a few weeks. He talked about what Swerve did to him and said he beat him. He said this is not over and they are bound by something greater. Page said he knows what he wants and he will make sure he never has it. MJF then appears and said his match with Swerve was a question of who could get more STD's. Page then walks out and MJF said Page puts the crowd to sleep. Page comes back in. They argue and MJF brings up beating Page for the Dynamite Diamond Ring. Page then says he won the title. MJF said he held the title longer. MJF says he thinks Page is the devil. Page says MJF is the devil. Samoa Joe then comes in. He says MJF is his responsibility. Joe said they have other issues tonight and they do not involve Page. 

Continental Classic - Gold League - Mark Briscoe vs Swerve Strickland

Mark armdrags him and grounds him on the mat. They trade holds and Mark shoulders him over then grabs a side headlock. Mark puts him in another one then facekicks him. Mark brainbusters him then russian legsweeps him. Swerve 2nd rope euros his neck. Mark dropkicks him through the ropes and they trade shots on the apron. Mark enzugiri's him and sends him into the rails. Swerve back body drops him over the rails, then suplexes him off the rails onto the floor.

We go to break and return. Swerve neckbreakers him over the middle rope. Mark uppercuts him and hits a flying forearm. Mark flying kicks him in the corner then fisherman busters him for 2.  Swerve pulls Mark into the 2nd buckle. Swerve rolls him into a german, rolling flatliners him and buzzsaw kicks him for 2. Mark knocks him off the top rope to the outside then tope con hilos him. Mark lariats Swerve for 2.

Swerve does his jumping back kick then Mark gets his knees up on Swerve's 450. Mark side death valley drivers him. Swerve gets his knees up on his froggy bow for 2. Swerve death valley drivers him on the apron and top rope double stomps him to win it.

It was okay but maybe went a few more minutes than it needed to. Swerve's roll into the german was cool here.

Renee interviews Mariah May.  May says Tony loves Japanese wrestling and Stardom. She talks about debuting and Renee asks her when she will debut. May says it's none of her business and says tonight is about Toni Storm. Renee wishes her luck tonight.

Samoa Joe vs ?

The lights go out and masked men appear around the ring. The lights go out and come back on and the masked guys are gone. The devil gets on the tron and we see MJF is laid out in the parking lot by a beer bottle. Joe goes running for MJF.

Jon Moxley said he's 3-0 and expects to go 5-0 and win the Continental Classic. Swerve comes up to him. He said it'll take more to stop the momentum he has. Swerve said he will do whatever it takes to win. Mox says "me too". Swerve says he will see him in Texas next week. 

Ben Mankiewicz of Turner Classic Movies talk about Toni Storm. He said every slam she does paints a smile and every piledriver paints a picture. He said tonight may be her best role of them all.

AEW Women's Title - Toni Storm (c) vs Skye Blue

Toni headlock takeovers her then is headscissored. Toni side headlocks her and escapes an arm lock. Skye flips her by the arm and Toni stomps her. Sky flying headscissors her and gets hit as she runs to the ropes. Toni gets on Luther's shoulders and throws Skye off the apron in an unusual spot. May chops her outside and bangs her head off the commentator's table.

Toni hip attacks her against the rails. We go to break and return. Skye dropkicks her and step up knees her on the ropes. Skye hits her sweeping kick then top rope crossbodies her. Toni germans her and Skye running facewash kicks her in the corner. Skye hits a code blue for 2. Toni superplexes her and hip attacks her. Skye reverses the storm zero but is pinned.

It was your average women's match. There were no botches or anything and it's tolerable.

Riho then comes out for some reason and puts at Toni's title. Toni tries to hit her but is dropkicked. Luther then pulls Toni away.

Continental Classic - Gold League - Jay White vs Jay Lethal


They trade side headlocks. Lethal headscissors him and they both back off. Lethal goes to strut and gets hit. Lethal hiptosses him and hits la magistral. Lethal hiptosses him into a basement dropkick. White chops him then ddt's him. We go to PiP break and return. They fight up top and Lethal hits a lethal combination. Lethal catches his boot and lariats him then topes him. Lethal rolling torture rack drops him then top rope elbows him for 2.

Lethal enzugiri's him then White suplexes him into the buckles. White then brainbusters him for 2. White suplexes him and White counters the lethal injection twice. Lethal tries to roll him up then White rolls him up to win it.

It was a shorter match than it should have been. It was okay but you kind of knew who was winning here and it wasn't their greatest work.

They announced The Von Erich's will be on Dynamite next week since they are in Dallas. It's a cool idea and all but they've had no introduction or matches in AEW and most people aren't going to know who Marshall and Ross are.

TNT Title - Christian Cage (c) vs Adam Copeland

Adam grounded chokes him then clubs his chest. Adam knocks him off the apron onto the floor then bangs his head off the commentary table. Adam stomps his hand and sends him into the rails. Adam foot chokes him against the rails then CC is sent into the post. CC pulls Adam into the post.

Adam is sent over the rails. We go to break and return. CC chinlocks him then bullies him around. Adam russian legsweeps him off the 2nd rope. CC is on the apron and Adam lariats him off the 2nd buckle. CC top rope splashes him for 2. Adam counters a spear with an impaler. They go up top and Adam running powerbombs him.

Adam avoids a killswitch then pulls him down backwards. Adam crossfaces him then hits mounted punches. Adam goes for a spear, CC leapfrogs him and hits a killswitch for 2. CC misses a spear then kicks the ref in the nuts. CC grabs the title belt and they spear each other at the same time. Nick Wayne's mom comes down. She grabs the title belt and ends up nailing Adam with it. CC hits a killswitch on Adam and stomps the back of Edge's neck into the title. CC then wins it.

People made a big deal about the ending and made it seem like it was another Montreal screwjob, but I didn't see that. It was a decent match but I would have liked a little more hate. I'm not that surprised by Nick's mom turning on Adam, but I don't know where you can go with it from here since she doesn't wrestle.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show with a lot of decent matches. Rush/Mox was good, the main was fine and Briscoe/Swerve was fine. I'm curious to see if Edge vs Christian drew a good number or not for this one.

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