Thursday, December 14, 2023

All Japan Pro Wrestling 12/2/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 8

All Japan Pro Wrestling 12/2/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 8 

Junior Battle of Glory 2023 Match - Koji Iwamoto vs. Ryo Inoue

They lock up and Koji side headlocks him. Ryo dropkicks him and they trade forearms. Ryo drops him with a chest kick then PK's him for 2. Koji pop-up knees him and lariats him. Koji hits a bridging twisting neckbreaker off the ropes. Ryo enzugiri's him and underhook suplexes him for 2. Ryo triangle enzugiri's him then Koji cradle shocks him for 2. Koji hip throws him and wins it.

It was an average match between these two that only went a few minutes. It was far from anyone's best. 

Junior Battle of Glory 2023 Match - Hikaru Sato vs. Fuminori Abe

Abe takes him down and Sato headscissors him. Abe bow and arrows him and Sato escapes. Abe gets a rope break and slaps him in the head. They kick each other in the back Abe slaps him in the head. Abe dragon screws him.

Abe goes over him like a sunset flip then is kicked at 5 minutes. Abe challenges him to kick him in the face and then he slaps his head for it. They trade forearms and Abe gets dropped. They slap each other, Abe bops him over the head and takes an enzugiri. Sato headbutts him, Abe rolls out but pulls himself back in then headbutts him. Sato then taps him out with a fujiwara armbar.

This was straight up garbage. Neither guy tried here and the biggest bump of the match was off a dragon screw.

Atsuki Aoyagi & Imabari Taoru Mascaras vs. Jun Saito & KOSHI

AA = Atsuki Aoyagi

Koshi and AA start us off. Koshi hits boots and side headlocks him. Koshi shoulders him over, AA leap frogs him and drops down, then hits a dropkick. Koshi takes a headlock takeover and headscissors him. They then stand off.

Taoru and Jun get in. Taoru hits forearms and dropkicks him in the knee and chest. Jun headbutts him. Taoru and Koshi trade chest chops and Koshi eye rakes him. Koshi stands on him in the corner. Jun slams Taoru. Taoru fights back with chest forearms and is clubbed down.

Koshi tries to rip up Taoru's mask and hits stomps. Koshi slams him for 2. Taoru hits a high tornado ddt on Koshi. AA cartwheels and backflips out of an irish whip then 2nd rope armdrags Koshi. He then dropkicks him. Koshi pump kicks him. Jun shoulders over AA.

Taoru back elbows Jun in the corner then 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. Jun face kicks him. Koshi backdrops Taoru then Jun elbow drops him for 2. Taoru escapes a chokeslam then AA springboard dropkicks Jun. AA handspring back corkscrews Koshi then Taoru plancha's on both opponents outside.

Jun takes a double suplex then Taoru top rope crossbodies him for 2 at 10 minutes. Taoru comes off the top, gets caught and Jun hits a double chokeslam. Jun suplexes Taoru for 2. Jun cobra clutch slams Taoru and wins it.

This was an average match. You'd think Taoru and Koshi would try to show off here in the hopes of impressing, but they didn't. This also didn't need to go over 10 minutes. Taoru is a very average smaller high flying guy and Koshi came across as a very basic and uninterested heel.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Seigo Tachibana vs. Ren Ayabe & Shuji Ishikawa

Seigo and Ren start us off. That sounds like an anime series or something. Ren wants to do a test of strength and Seigo can't reach him, so he boots him in the gut. Ren boots him back then shoulders him over. Ren shoulders him over many times. Shuji  gets in. Seigo runs the ropes and Shuji keeps stepping aside to make him run more. Seigo tires himself out then falls down.

Ren slams Seigo. Seigo tries to fight back with forearms and gets nowhere. Ren forearms him down. Shuji running lariats Seigo in the corner then 2nd rope double stomps him for 2. Seigo hits forearms then gets dropped with one. Seigo rolls up Shuji for 2 then boots him.

Jiro gets in and hits jacket punches on Shuji. Shuji no sells them. Jiro pulls Shuji's neck down over the top and slingshot arabian moonsaults him for 2. Shuji gutwrenches Jiro then Ren gets in and flying neckbreakers Jiro. Ren face kicks Jiro then misses a boot. He gets stuck on the ropes and goes out. Jiro and Seigo fight and then dance over a dive spot as usual then Seigo tope con hilos both opponents outside.

Jiro's team throws Shuji out and tries to set up rails to block him from returning in. Jiro pushes Seigo off the top onto Ren and Seigo misses. Jiro top rope dropkicks Seigo on accident then takes a face kick from Ren. Ren suplexes Jiro for 2 at 10 minutes.

Seigo hits forearms on Ren and runs into Shuji. He stops then Ren drops him with a forearm. Ren full nelson bombs Jiro for 2. Ren and Jiro mess up a suplex spot and Jiro pins him to win it.

This was mostly comedy and wasn't good. Seigo was the only person who really tried here and Shuji basically slept his way through this one.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Hokuto Omori & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. Hideki Okatani & Yukio Sakaguchi

 KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima

KN and Yukio start us off. They trade leg kicks then do some mat wrestling. KN kicks him in the back after a snapmare, then Yukio does the same. KN then drops down and lets him kick him. They trade more back kicks and Yukio is thrown out. Yukio is sent into the rails and post.

Omori hits boots on Yukio in the corner. Omori slams him. KN comes in and trades forearms with Yukio. KN chinlocks Yukio then KN running face kicks him. KN hits kicks to the chest then Yukio puts him on the top rope and pumping knees him. Yukio jump kicks him then Okatani gets in.

Okatani sliding lariats KN for 2. KN knees him in the gut and they trade forearms. KN dragon screws him then Omori running forearms Okatani for 2. Omori flatliners Okatani for 2 then Okatani flying lariats him. Yukio gets in and drops Omori. Yukio PK's him then hits a big chest kick to KN. KN takes shots from both opponents then kicks both in the chest. Omori top rope dropkicks Yukio then KN PK's Yukio.

Omori carries Yukio into a german. Yukio flying triangles Omori then Omori puts him in a head and arm hold. Everyone gets a move in then Yukio pump kicks Omori for 2. Yukio pumping knees Omori and wins it.

I wasn't a fan of this. It went on long and the crowd wasn't that much into it. Yukio took a beating here for a while and KN was never in danger except for one small segment.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Ryuki Honda & Yuma Anzai vs. BULK Orchestra (Galeno Del Mal & Hayato Tamura)

Galeno and Yuma start us off. They lock up and shoulder battle, which Galeno wins. Yuma hits a nice dropkick and armdrags him then they stand off. Honda and Tamura trade forearms then Honda shoulders him over. Tamura takes a double shoulder then Yuma forearms him. Honda kneels on Tamura over the middle rope and counts with the ref.

Galeno hits Honda on the ropes then he and Tamura lariat Honda on the ropes. They then splash him. They both stand on Honda and then Tamura kneels on Honda on the ropes, counting along with the ref. Honda and Tamura trade forearms then Tamura gut punches him.

Tamura lariats Honda then shoulders him over for 2. Honda spinebusters him. Yuma gets in, corner forearms Tamura then belly to belly suplexes him. Yuma hits a nice dropkick on Tamura then is ddt'd. Tamura top rope shoulders Yuma, rolling him backwards. Yuma then dragon suplexes him. Tamura no sells it and lariats him.

Galeno and Honda get in. They trade forearms. Galeno headbutts him in the chest and spinning lariats him. Galeno rolls Honda into a knee. Honda takes a sandwich lariat for 2. Honda spears Galeno then Galeno takes a lariat and jumping knee combo. Honda lariats him for 2.

Galeno corner cannonballs Honda then Yuma hits a jumping knee on Tamura. Tamura hits a big lariat on Yuma. Honda is about to take a powerplex but gets his knees up on Galeno's splash and wins it.

Not as good as it could have been, but it was somewhat good. It would have been a lot better in front of any other crowd. All 4 of these guys are rather reliable wrestlers and there was no way this was ever going to be bad.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Kento Miyahara & Yuma Aoyagi vs. Cyrus & Ryan Davidson

Ryan and Kento lock up. Ryan back elbows him, runs through his lariat and shouldrs him over. Cyrus and Yuma lock up. Cyrus pushes him down twice and Ryan laughs about it as Yuma gets mad. Cyrus and Yuma shoulder battle. Yuma tries to backdrop him but can't, so he has Kento help him do it. Kento tries to kick Cyrus from the apron but is swung down into the apron.

Yuma and Ryan brawl outside. Ryan's head is banged off a chair then Kento is sent into the rail. Ryan gets sent into the seats then Yuma gets sent into the seats as Ryan laughs about it. Ryan euros Kento back inside the ring then mudhole corner stomps him.  Ryan backdrops Kento for 2. Ryan corner lariats and corner enzugiri's Kento. Ryan then suplexes him for 2.

Cyrus gets in and misses a headbutt on Kento. Yuma is tagged in and dropkicks Cyrus. Yuma dropkicks Cyrus against the 2nd rope. Yuma comes off the top rope and is caught and powerslammed. Ryan slams Yuma then running fist drops him. Ryan corner splashes Yuma then they trade forearms. Ryan euros him then Yuma suplexes him.

Kento dropkicks Cyrus in the knee then dropkicks him in the side of the head. Cyrus hits back elbows on Kento then splashes him. Kento is catapulted into Cyrus' bodyblock. Kento avoids a Cyrus vader bomb then Yuma top rope dropkicks Cyrus. Kento fires up then he nails Cyrus with Yuma. Cyrus double lariats both opponents hard.

Kento sunset flips Cyrus with help from Yuma. Yuma and Ryan trade forearms then Ryan powerslams him. Ryan goes up top. Kento and Yuma try to suplex him then Cyrus powerbombs both down. Ryan does some kind of twisting top rope splash on Yuma then Cyrus pins Kento with a vader bomb.

The brawling at the start of this hurt it some and with the dead crowd, it took a while to get things moving. It felt like it went too long but it ended up being okay. I do hope Ryan comes back after this tour. He's trying and he actually seems like he wants to be there. 

Junior Battle of Glory 2023 Match - Naruki Doi vs. Rising HAYATO

Rising grabs Doi's arm, Doi rolls out of it and wristlocks him. Rising headflips out and chops him. Rising flying headscissors him out. Rising does his pose and Doi face kicks him. Rising goes to springboard from the apron and is pushed down. Doi then baseball slides him off the apron.

Doi rakes Rising's face across the top rope. Doi slams him for 2 then steps on his throat. Rising running back elbows Doi then shotgun dropkicks him in the corner. Rising bulldogs him for 2. Doi flipping sentons onto him then neckbreakers him for 2.

They trade forearms and chops. We see Seigo and Jiro walk into the arena behind them for some reason. Rising leg lariats him then Doi brainbusters him. Rising falcon arrows him. Doi gets his knees up on Rising's asai moonsault for 2. Doi hits doi fives. Rising hits superkicks then asai moonsaults him for 2. Rising double underhook drivers him and hits another asai moonsault to win it.

They only had 10 minutes here and had to rush through this. This was an odd choice for a main event.

Overall thoughts: The crowd sucked and ruined everything. I really only liked 2 of the RWTL matches here and I wouldn't recommend this one.

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