Wednesday, December 13, 2023

AEW Dynamite 12/13/2023

AEW Dynamite 12/13/2023

Last week's show is here:

Samoa Joe comes out to talk. He says he's looking for answers. He said he was looking for the devil and noticed Adam Page was missing. Adam Page comes out. Page says if he's accusing him, just come out and say it. Page says he doesn't care about any of this. Joe said he already made up his mind and said maybe he came out as an executioner and not a detective. Roderick Strong and The Kingdom then come out.

Strong calls Page his young boy, whatever that means. Strong says it's clear it's MJF. Page nails Strong. Strong goes out, Page goes up to Joe then is hit from behind.

Roderick Strong vs Adam Page

Page hits a bunch of chops  then fallaway slams him. Page running ssp's him for 2. Strong stomps him in the corner. Strong backbreakers him. Page face kicks him. Strong hits chops and Page springboard lariats him while he's on the apron. Page plancha's him. The ref gets distracted and Page gets hit up top. Strong backbreakers him on the top rope and Page rolls out.

We go to PiP break and return. Strong arm locks him. They each spinning forearm each other at the same time. Page hits some punches then stomps him in the corner. Page death valley drivers him for 2. Page running face kicks him then bites him. Page pop-up powerbombs Strong. Strong does some odd olympic slam onto Page's chest, then hits a regular olympic slam. Strong tiger drivers Page and the ref counts 3. The match continues for some reason and no one even chants anything about it.

Page moonsaults off the apron Taven then boots Strong from the apron. Page then top rope moonsaults The Kingdom outside. Page goes for a buckshot lariat, Strong stops it. Page lariats him and hits a horrible deadeye with Strong being at least a foot away from the mat.

This was average until the last part of it. Then, Aubrey counted 3 and no pin was made and Page botched a deadeye to win it.

Continental Classic - Blue League - Andrade El Igolo vs Brody King

AEI = Andrade El Idolo

They lock up and AEI headlock takeovers him. AEI side headlockes him and is backdropped. Brody shoulders him over and sentons him. They trade chops. Brody goes for a sleeper and is brought down over the top rope. AEI then top rope crossbodies him for 2.  AEI 2nd rope moonsaults him outside.

AEI is put on the 2nd rope and chopped over, down to the floor. AEI has a busted lip. We go to PiP break and return. Brody twists his neck and they trade chops. Brody is dropkicked in the knee and goes into the middle buckle. AEI dragon screws him then flying forearms him.

AEI slams Brody then AEI arabian moonsaults him. Brody hits a big lariat for 2. Brody cannonballs him in the corner for 2. They trade chops and AEI misses a face kick. Brody running forearms him then spins with a forearm. AEI spinning back elbows him. They go up top and Brody is ddt'd on the turnbuckle connector. AEI double underhook ddt's him and wins it.

I thought it went a little too long and the finish with the ddt on the rope connector didn't work.

The Von Erich's re interviewed. Kevin says he loves AEW and has so many friends here. Best Friends walk in. OC says he needs two partners for a match on Rampage and asks The Von Erich's to team with him. They agree as Danhausen complains that he didn't get picked.

Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho come out to talk. Jericho said Starks and Big Bill put him out after attacking him. He said he spent 3 weeks thinking of what to say and tells them to get out here. Starks and Bill come out. Starks says he has no problem with Kenny and said Jericho sucks the life out of everything.

Starks asks if Kenny can really trust him. Starks tells him to look at all the things he has done to him and said he wouldn't be shocked if Jericho randomly attacked him. Kenny says he doesn't trust Jericho. Kenny brings up The Firm, calls it an angle and says it was a "flacid". He then says it was The SAWFT. Kenny said he's on the end of a beatdown every 2 weeks and said they earned themselves a title shot. Kenny said maybe they can take the tag titles off of them at World's End.

Starks said he beat Chris twice, so he knows half of them. Starks says they are the best tag team and they don't even have a name. Jericho said they should have a name but it gets bleeped out when he gives ideas. Jericho then said they should be Big Billy Starks. They make fun of each others clothes and Jericho says he sees a better dressed version of Enzo Amore. Starks gets mad and said he doesn't care anymore. He says Kenny is starting to get him mad too and says if they want the war, bring it on. Starks calls them scumbags. Kenny does his stupid goodnight, bang thing and that ends it.

This wasn't good and was definitely a Jericho creation.

Ruby Soho vs Riho

Toni Storm is on commentary. Ruby throws her back then hits corner stomps. Ruby knocks her down with a forearm and kneels on her on the ropes. Ruby slams her then Riho basement dropkicks her. Riho flying knees her then suplexes her for 2. Riho rolls her into a double stomp. They go up top and Riho double stomps Ruby as she hangs form the top.

We go to PiP break and return. Riho flying headscissors her then 619's her. Riho top rope crossbodies her for 2. Riho sunset flips her then Ruby superkicks her in the face. Ruby backdrops her then Riho crucifix bombs her for 2. Ruby hits the no future kick for 2.

Ruby guillotines her then Riho suplexes her for 2 out of it. Riho hits a dragon suplex then meteoras her for the win.

It was average and nothing special.

We get a video on Wardlow. He said he has been preparing for war since he returned. Wardlow said he has left a path of pure mayhem behind him. He says he will be the one to bring the devil to his knees. He says MJF's world is coming to an end.

Continental Classic - Gold League - Rush vs Jay Lethal

Jay hits chops and Rush shoulders him over. Rush corner splashes him then Jay corner lariats him. Jay then hiptosses him and cartwheels into a basement dropkick. Jay then does Jeff Jarrett's strut. Rush rebound germans Jay then running knees him.

they go out and Rush throws him into the rails. Rush forearms him and kicks him in the corner. Rush powerslams him. They go up top. Jay chops him and gets down. Jay hits a lethal combination. Rush cradles him then Jay hits a step-up enzugiri. Jay takes a belly to belly suplex into the buckles then superkicks him. Jay hangsprings and is put in a choke. Jay taps.

I didn't like the ending here. It was on the shorter end and was over before it really got going here.

Continental Classic - Gold League - Jay White vs Mark Briscoe

Mark flying dropkicks him and hits chops in the corner. Jay rolls him up then Mark face kicks him. Mark rolling death valley drivers him then top rope froggy bow's him. Jay rolls out and grabs a cable. Mark chops him then bites him back inside. Jay exploders him over the top rope to the floor. Mark is thrown into the rail then Jay short ddt's him.

We go to PiP break and return. Jay back elbows him on the ropes and running euros him. Mark back body drops him then hits a big lariat. Mark hits some chops then flying forearms him. Mark face kicks him off the apron then elbows him off the apron. Jay eye rakes him in the ring then Mark hits a razor's edge for 2. Jay dragon screws him then Mark cradles him for 2. Jay suplexes him twice then Mark exploders him on his head.

Mark goes for a froggy bow and Jay gets his knees up. Jay bladerunners him and wins it.

It was fine but nothing too special or memorable Jay took a nasty suplex on his head here. I don't think this really helped out Jay any.

Bryan Danielson says last year's Final Battle was Jay Briscoe's last ROH match. He makes a challenge for the BCC vs FTR and Mark Briscoe. Dax says they are going to honor Jay and says he will fight for Jay's honor.

Continental Classic - Gold League - Swerve Strickland vs Jon Moxley

Swerve trips him and they roll on the mat. The announcers already are talking about this taking the show over the TV time.  Mox kisses him in the corner for some reason then Swerve kisses him. The hell is this? Swerve headscissors him off the mat and Mox rolls out. Mox boots him in the corner, gets stuck on the 2nd rope then Swerve ddt's him down.

Swerve hits punches on him outside then bangs his head off the post. Mox lariats him out of the corner then hits corner punches. Mox bites him then piledrivers him for 2. Swerve gets stuck on the ring skirt outside and Mox pulls it up into his crotch. Mox then throws him into the steps.

We go to PiP break and return. Mox is kneeling on his back and goes for a chicken wing. Swerve gets out and takes a big lariat.  Mox backbreakers him then Swerve hits some shots. Swerve 2nd rope euros him and dances. Swerve rolls and takes a cutter. Mox gotch style piledrivers him for 2. Mox hits headbutts then Swerve hits headbutts back. Swerve rolls into a flatliner then suplexes him. Mox no sells it then Swerve flying kicks him for 2.

Swerve hits reverse curbstomps then flying kicks him. Swerve goes up top and is pushed to the floor. Swerve gets in and is curbstomped for 2. Mox hits forearms on Swerve's neck. Mox then armbars him. Mox grabs a chair outside and Swerve plancha's him.  Swerve kicks him from the apron and double stomps Mox while he's on a chair outside. Swerve top rope double stomps him for 2. Mox then rolls him up and wins it.

It wasn't a bad main event at all and they matched up okay. Not great or anything and I was somewhat surprised to see Swerve lose. I did not like them kissing each other at all.

We then go to the back and Adam Page is fighting off The Devil's masked men. The Devil is in the car and Page is spinebustered onto it, cracking the window.

Overall thoughts: The second half of the show was a lot better than the first half, which had a bad talking segment and 2 bad finishes. Despite Copeland/Christian being in the main event last week, it wasn't even mentioned here which was odd. I thought it was about average overall.

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