Wednesday, December 13, 2023

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/29/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 7

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/29/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 7


Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Seigo Tachibana vs. BULK Orchestra (Galeno Del Mal & Hayato Tamura)

Tamura backs up Jiro on the ropes. Tamura takes shots from his opponents as does Galeno. Jiro and Seigo then hit stereo shotgun dropkicks. They go outside and Tamura headbutts Seigo. Seigo is sent into the rails then takes lariats on the ropes. Tamura and Galeno then splash him. Tamura top rope shoulderblocks Seigo then corner lariats Seigo.

Galeno single leg crabs Seigo then Jiro breaks it up. Jiro drags Seigo over for a tag but Galeno pulls him away. Galeno slams Seigo then misses a splash. Seigo goes for the tag again and Tamura pulls Jiro away. Tamura then hits Seigo with a hand fan. Siego hits forearms on Galeno then Galeno rolls him into a knee.  Seigo forearm flurries Galeno and is knocked back.

Jiro finally gets tagged in. He beats up Galeno then enzugiri's him. Jiro slams him then slingshot arabian moonsaults him. Galeno hits a nice pump kick. Jiro sends his opponents out of the ring. Seigo tope con hilos both opponents outside. Jiro throws Seigo off the top onto Tamura then they do a spike b-driver on Tamura.

Tamura lariats Seigo and Galeno headbutts Jiro in the chest. Seigo crucifixes Tamura for 2 then takes 2 lariats. Tamura picks up the win.

We didn't see a lot of Tamura or Jiro really in this one as it was mostly Galeno and Seigo. Jiro's team was more lighthearted here and they went for more of an opening match than a main event here. While entertaining, it didn't achieve all of its potential.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Cyrus & Ryan Davidson vs. Hideki Okatani & Yukio Sakaguchi

The Japanese are attacked before the bell and thrown out. They fight on the floor and the Japanese are sent into the rails. Ryan hits euros on Okatani in the ring and short arm lariats him. Ryan falcon arrows him then slams him. Ryan then does a running fist drop.

Cyrus knees Okatani in the gut then delay suplexes him. Cyrus grabs him by the throat and Okatani dropkicks him. Yukio gets in. His kicks are no sold and he is shoved. Yukio kick combos him then pump kicks him. Cyrus splashes him and Yukio triangles him. Cyrus then powerbombs Yukio to release the hold.

Ryan and Okatani get in. Okatani hits forearms then flying kicks him. Okatani sliding lariats him for 2. Ryan powerslams him for 2. Yukio pumping knees Ryan then Okatani flying lariats ryan for 2. Oktani northern lights suplexes Ryan for 2. Okatani hits a gigi bomb on Ryan and wins it.

It was an average match. It didn't have a lot of time and Okatani and Ryan did most of the work here.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Hikaru Sato vs. Ryo Inoue

Ryo runs at him with a face kick and a forearm flurry. Ryo hits running face kicks. They trade forearms and slaps. Ryo running face kicks him then Sato fujiwara armbars him. Sato hammerlocks his arm around the ropes then Sato running kicks his arm. Sato face kicks him then goes for a fujiwara armbar. Sato kimura shoulderbreakers him then kicks him.

Ryo dropkicks him off the 2nd rope thne hits a kick flurry. Ryo flying back elbows him and Sato blocks his PK with a heel hook. Sato turns it into an ankle lock and enzugiri's him. Sato ankle locks him again then backdrops him for 2. Sato kimura's him then Ryo enzugiri's him. Ryo enzugiri's him and triangle enzugiri's him. Ryo underhook suplexes him and PK's him for 2. Ryo hits buzzsaw kicks for 2. Ryo then wrist-clutch, cutthroat backdrops him to win.

It started off well. Ryo kept trying but Sato just wanted to do his random submissions that slowed everything down and ruined whatever Ryo was going for here.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Naruki Doi vs. Fuminori Abe


They trade forearms to start then do another round of it. Doi knocks him down with a forearm and Abe kicks him in the leg. Doi back elbows him and poses then Abe slaps him. Doi spinebusters him then flipping sentons him. Doi abdominal stretches him on the mat then rolls him up for 2. Abe enzugiri's him then spin kicks him in the corner.

Doi eye rakes him then Abe bops him in the head. They trade forearms then Abe dropkicks him. Doi brainbusters him and face kicks him. Abe does his spot where he rolls out of the ring and comes back in then Doi does it back to him. Abe does it again and fakes him out then punches him in the face. Doi backslides him off a baseball punch attempt then Abe hurricanrana's him for 2. Doi hits doi fives. Abe does his spot again where he pulls himself back in, rolls onto Doi then Doi reverses it to pin him.

 I thought it was rushed and too cute for its own good.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Koji Iwamoto vs. Dan Tamura

Koji side headlocks him  then Dan shoulders him over. They trade forearms for a while and slow down. Dan is thrown into the ropes, trips and shoulders him over. Koji is thrown into the rails outside.

Koji shoulders throws him. Koji running back elbows him then shoulders him over. Koji then hits a bridging twisting neckbreaker for 2. Koji goes for a hip throw and Dan blocks it with a backdrop. Dan hits a karelin's lift then suplexes him.

Dan samoan drops him for 2, takes a uranage and they lariat each other. Dan then goes down. Dan death valley drivers him for 2 then Koji cradle shocks him for 2. Koji hits a nasty kudo driver for 2. Koji hip throws him and wins it.

I was okay with this until the kudo driver. That should have finished the match, but it didn't and somehow the hip throw did. There's no explaining it and they ruined a decent match with it. It was a little rushed and they went at each other hard here.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Hokuto Omori & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. Ren Ayabe & Shuji Ishikawa

KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima

Omori headlocks Ren and is picked up and carried. Ren then shoulders him over multiple times. Ren is tripped into the bottom rope then Omori dropkicks him in the knee. Omori short ddt's him then throws him out. All 4 guys fight outside. Shuji's head is banged off the apron and KN PK's him from the apron.

Shuji is sent into the rail outside and the apron. Ren counters a oduble team out of the corner, shouldering both opponents over. KN hits shots on Ren then Ren forearms him. They trade chest kicks for forearms and KN flurries him with kicks on the ropes. KN snapmares him and kicks him in the back.

KN running face kicks Ren in the corner and foot chokes him. KN ducks a shot, kicks him and then gets powerslammed. Shuji running lariats KN then 2nd rope double stomps him for 2. Shuji is pushed into an Omori forearm then Shuji double lariats both opponents over.

KN chest kicks both opponents and Omori cutters Shuji. KN running kicks Shuji on the mat then PK's him for 2. KN superkicks Shuji twice and Shuji suplexes him. Omori top rope dropkicks Shuji then hits some hard forearms on him. Omori puts him in a head and arm submission.

Omori goes up top and is face kicked. Ren gets on Shuji's shoulders and they superplex Omori off the top. KN hits forearms on Ren then is dropkicked. Shuji and Omori trade forearms. Shuji fire thunders him for 2 then hits splash mountain to win it.

I didn't like this at all. Nakajima beat up on the giants like he was the giant and sold very little in return. It really made the whole set-up of the match weird and didn't make a lot of sense. Omori was also getting offense in like he was some killer instead of being the obvious underdog along with KN. Stuff like this is why Nakajima isn't in Noah anymore.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Hideki Suzuki & Suwama vs. Ryuki Honda & Yuma Anzai

Honda and Suwama start us off. Honda side headlocks him and both tag out. Suzuki takes him down and Yuma suplexes him. They do amateur wrestling then Suwama gets back in. Suwama bangs Yuma's head off the buckles and hits forearms. Suwama ddt's him for 2 then hits double chops. Suwama backdrops him for 2.

Suwama forearms Yuma on the ropes then Yuma belly to belly suplexes him. Honda gets in and corner lariats Suwama. Honda lays on Suwama's neck on the middle ropes and counts along with the ref. Honda spinebusters Suwama for 2. Suwama blocks his spear and suplexes him. Suzuki gets in and backbreakers Honda.

Suzuki abdominal stretches Honda and Yuma breaks it up. Honda spears Suzuki. Yuma gets in, running forearms Suzuki in the corner and gets his belly to belly blocked. Suwama rams Yuma's back, causing Suzuki to go back into the buckles. Suzuki goes for a dropkick on Yuma off the ropes and Yuma hold son, sending Suzuki down. Yuma then dropkicks both.

Suzuki takes corner moves and Yuma belly to belly suplexes him for 2. Yuma hits forearms on Suzuki then double underhook suplexes him. Suzuki ties up Yuma's legs and Honda germans him from behind. Suzuki takes a combo jumping knee + larait to the back. Suzuki tombstones Yuma then Yuma suplexes him. Yuma jumping knees Suzuki for 2.

Yuma goes for another knee, Suzuki catches his leg and goes for a hold. Honda goes to stop it then Suwama sleepers him. Suzuki regal stretches Yuma and Yuma taps.

I thought it was fine. Nothing too great. A little too slow to start with Suzuki as expected but it was fine from there.

Suzuki shoves his belt in Suwama's face after and tries to get him to strap it on him.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Kento Miyahara & Yuma Aoyagi vs. Voodoo Murders (Jun Saito & Rei Saito)

Kento and Jun lock up. Kento face kicks him then gets headscissored and they stand off. Yuma and Rei get in. Rei shoulders him over then Yuma hits forearms. Ren shoulders him over again. Rei is tripped into the 2nd rope and basement dropkicked over the middle rope. Kento chokes Rei outside and Yuma bangs Jun's head off the sign in the stands. Rei then headbutts Yuma and chokes him with a towel.

Yuma is thrown into the post. Jun slams Yuma then elbow drops him. Jun stands on Yuma and poses then Rei stands on Yuma. Jun then joins Rei in standing on Yuma. Rei machine gun chops Yuma then side slams him for 2. Rei splashes Yuma for 2 then Yuma crossbodies him. Kento gets in and face kicks Rei. Kento dropkicks Rei in the knee then the head.

Rei shoulders Kento over then Jun running face kicks Kento. Jun lariats Kento for 2. Kento takes a face kick from Jun. The bros run into each other when Kento moves and Yuma double dropkicks them off the top. Yuma running forearms Jun then Kento pumping knees Jun. Yuma top rope crossbodies Jun for 2. Jun spears Yuma.

Yuma dropkicks Rei then superplexes Jun off the top. Kento pump kicks Rei then lariats him down. Jun takes a pumping knee and superkick combo for 2. Yuma guillotines Jun by hanging off of him and Jun suplexes him. Jun chokeslams him and Kento breaks up the pin. Kento and Rei trade shots then Rei bolo punches him. Rei crossbodies Kento.

Rei slaps Yuma then Yuma takes a Jun lariat for 2. Yuma avoids a doomsday device and germans Rei. Yuma suplexes Jun for 2. Yuma fisherman busters Jun and picks up the win.

Not great but a very standard tag match. The heels got a lot of the offense in and took control early then the faces came back and won. Nothing too crazy here or anything but it was okay.

Overall thoughts: No classics here but there was some decent wrestling on the show. Everyone kind of seemed to be taking it easy here for the most part.

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