Wednesday, December 13, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 12/10/2023 World Tag League 2023 Day 16 Final Day

New Japan Pro Wrestling 12/10/2023 World Tag League 2023 Day 16 Final Day

Asosan & Kodai Nozaki vs. Oleg Boltin & Ryusuke Taguchi


Aso and Oleg lock up. They trade shots then shoulder battle. Oleg shoulders him over then they both tag out. Kodai pushes RT over then throws him. RT hip attacks him and Kodai no sells it. RT hits some low dropkicks then running hip attacks him. Oleg hits karelin's lift on Kodai and they trade forearms.

Kodai death valley drivers him and slams him. Kodai then splashes him for 2. Oleg double leg slams Kodai then RT starts running the ropes endlessly. RT gets caught on the hip attack and crossbody then Kodai suplexes him off of it.

Aso corner lariats RT then double underhook suplexes him. Aso sentons RT. Aso gets on Kodai's back and they double splash RT. Kodai pounces Oleg out of the ring. RT then rolls up Aso off a move and pins him.

It was nice to see some different faces here for a change. Kodai has a nice snap to all of his moves and looked good here against Oleg. It was shorter than it should have been. 

Monstersauce (Alex Zayne & Lance Archer), Minoru Suzuki & Yuji Nagata vs. BULLET CLUB (Alex Coughlin, Bad Luck Fale, Gabe Kidd & Jack Bonza)

Lance and Fale stare down and shoulder battle. Lance corner lariats him. Alex and Yuji get in. Alex misses a lariat and is low dropkicked in the knee. Alex backdrops Yuji then hits mounted shots. Kidd and Suzuki fight behnd the guard rails and Suzuki's head is banged off a table. Fale stands on Yuji's back.

Jack hits punches on Yuji then Alex chokes Yuji. Kidd and Yuji trade forearms then Yuji exploders him. Suzuki running face kicks Kidd then forearm flurries him in the corner. Suzuki face kicks Alex then Kidd bites Suzuki. Jack slaps Suzuki around and talks trash. Suzuki gets mad and fires up. Suzuki puts Jack in a choke then forearms him down.

Alex gets in and takes knees from Jack. Jack release germans him then lariats him for 2. Alex corner lariats him, Lance step up knees him then Alex flipping hurricanrana's him off the top. Suzuki hits a stiff gotch-style piledriver on Jack. Lance then hits a blackout on Alex onto Jack for the win.

It was a throwaway tag to get people on the card. Alex was the only one with any real highlights here.

CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano), Oskar Leube & Yuto Nakashima vs. United Empire (Callum Newman, Great-O-Khan, HENARE & Jeff Cobb)

Ishii is triple teamed to start then 6 of the 8 fight outside. Yuto and Newman trade forearms. Yuto forearms him on the ropes and Newman running chest kicks him. Newman is knocked over, kips up and dropkicks Yuto. Yano and Khan get in. Khan takes off a turnbuckle pad then slaps Khan in the head. Khan trips him and sits on his neck on the buckles. Henare punches Yano in the butt and Newman kicks Yano in the butt. Cobb then battering rams Yano in the butt.

Yano touches Henare's bald head then atomic drops him. Henare nails Cobb on accident then Ishii shoulders him over. Ishii and Henare trade forearms then Henare spinning heel kicks him. Ishii suplexes Henare then Henare berzerker bombs him. Cobb gets in and launches Newman into a dropkick on Ishii. Oskar flips Newman with a boot.

Cobb punches Oskar then Oskar spinning slams Cobb. Yuto PK's Cobb then Oskar legdrops Cobb for 2. Yuto chest kicks Khan then Cobb lariats Oskar. Cobb lariats Oskar while he's down. Cobb tour of the islands slams Oskar and wins it. Henare and Ishii trade forearms outside. Khan then stands on Ishii out there and yanks his leg. Ishii gets beat up by UE in the ring and has a belt foot pressed into his face. He is then thrown out with the belt.

It was a quick tag but it was entertaining with the various heavies going at it.

Shota Umino & Tiger Mask vs. House Of Torture (Dick Togo & SHO)

I think Ren Narita was supposed to be here over Togo, but he's not here. Togo is thrown out by Shota and sent into the post. Tiger spin kicks Sho in the ring then high kicks him. Tiger strike combos him in the corner, hits a double underhook suplex then a knee drop. Sho takes a kick to the gut then an enzugiri grom Shota. Tiger tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Togo. Shota clubs on Sho's back.

Shota hits him with forearms then Ren Narita finally arrives. Ren sleepers Shota then throws him into the rails. Ren face kicks him over the rail. The ref then rings the bell and it seems like this officially starts. Togo chokes Tiger with a weapon and Ren facebusters Tiger. Sho then pins Tiger.

I don't know what the heck this was but it didn't make any sense and was stupid. 

Ren runs from Shota after.

Hiroshi Tanahashi & Kazuchika Okada vs. Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)

Okada shoulders Toa and gets knocked over. Toa shoulders him over again. Toa slams Okada. Tana takes a back cracker into a uranage then Toa shoulders over Okada outside. Kaun throws Okada into the rail and apron. Kaun running back elbows Okada then Toa splashes Okada. Kaun lariats Okada.

Toa hits knees to the body of Okada then Kaun slingshot swantons Okada. Kaun knees Okada in the gut then takes a flapjack. Tana flying forearms Kaun then euros him. Tana swantons Kaun and Kaun does a backdrop on him. Tana hits a twist and shout on Toa then Okada is tagged in.

Okada back elbows Toa in the corner then ddt's him. Toa no sells it. Okada running back elbows Toa then ddt's him. Okada slams Toa then boots him. Okada takes a botched pop-up samoan drop then Toa hip attacks Okada in the corner. Okada takes a sandwich lariat then a t-gimmick for 2.

Tana slingblades Toa and Kaun. Tana plancha's Kaun then Okada dropkicks Toa. Okada sit out slams Toa then rainmakers him for the win.

This was an easy match to do but it just didn't work. Toa and Okada messed up everything they tried. The heels didn't get enough offense in against Okada and Tana and the faces comeback wasn't that great.

Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Shingo Takagi, Tetsuya Naito & Yota Tsuji) & Zandokan Jr. vs. Just 5 Guys (DOUKI, SANADA, Taichi, TAKA Michinoku & Yuya Uemura)

Zand = Zandokan Jr.

Naito and Sanada lock up. Sanada clean breaks him. Yota and Yuya get in and Yota shoulders him over. Yota reverses a hiptoss into an armdrag. Yuya armdrags him then double chops him. Shingo and Taichi trade shoulders, boots and then leg kicks for chops. Taichi face kicks him then side kicks him. Taka eye pokes Shingo then shin kicks him. Taka takes double chops from two people, a double elbow then takes a basement dropkick.

Shingo back elbows then lariats Douki. Shingo elbow drops Douki then Naito chokes Sanada with a mic stand outside. Zand suplexes Douki then asai moonsaults him. Zand hits a nice punch on Douki then cartwheel back elbows him. Sanada and Naito go at it. Sanada dropkicks him in the knee then dropkicks Shingo.

Sanada puts Bushi in the paradise lock and trips Shingo into him. Sanada dropkicks Naito. Naito hiptosses Sanada into a neckbreaker on the knee. Bushi top rope dropkicks Sanada. Sanada dropkicks him in the knee. Bushi takes offense from all 4 opponents then Taka puts him in just facelock. Taka superkicks him then michinoku drivers him for 2.

Yuya chops Yota then takes a pumping knee. Yuya backdrops Yota then armdrags and dropkicks Shingo. Everyone starts coming in to hit offense and Naito tornado ddt's Sanada. Zand tiger drivers Taka then splashes Douki on the rail outside. Bushi top rope codebreakers Taka and gets the win.

It was a throwaway tag with everyone getting a little time in then sending it over to the next guy. It was fast paced and entertaining but obviously was it was.

World Tag League 2023 Final Match - Bishamon (Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI) vs. Guerrillas Of Destiny (El Phantasmo & Hikuleo) 


ELP and Yoshi start us off. They do some amateur wrestling and back off. ELP takes over Yoshi, Yoshi headscissors him and they stand off. Yoshi dropkicks him in the knee then is dropkicked. ELP headflips, stares down Goto and poses. Goto and ELP shoulder battle and Goto knocks him over. Hiku gets in and is headlocked by Goto. Hiku shoulders him over hard and corner splashes him. Hiku spinning side slams him into an ELP 2nd rope fistdrop.

Goto hits forearms on both opponents then ELP leapfrogs him so Hiku can ddt him. Hiku hits a nice elbow on Goto and the announcers start making funny sounds after it. Goto lariats ELP hard off the ropes. Yoshi gets in and hits attacks on ELP. ELP takes a double shoulder. Yoshi is hiptossed onto ELP then Hiku is double suplexed onto ELP.

ELP takes the double club on his back. ELP gets beat up on a little and Goto chinlocks him. ELP throws Goto out then flying headscissors Yoshi over. ELP evades a double team and enzugiri's Goto. ELP push kicks Yoshi into Goto and tags in Hiku.

Hiku shoulders over Yoshi then hits snake eyes on Goto. Hiku shoulders over Goto then double lariats Goto and Yoshi. ELP walks up the buckles and the top rope with Hiku's help and moonsaults Bishamon. A table is set up outside and Yoshi avoids going through it. Goto shoulders Hiku then they lariat battle. Both go down.

ELP and Yoshi trade shots. ELP springboatd twisting crossbodies him then topes him outside. ELP springboard swantons Yoshi into an asai moonsault. ELP torture rack drops Yoshi onto Goto then Yoshi takes a head kick + spinning torture rack cutter for 2. ELP superkicks Yoshi then plancha's Goto. Hiku chokeslams Yoshi then rocket launchers ELP onto Yoshi's knees for 2. Goto knocks down ELP with a forearm then is clubbed by Hiku. ELP cutters Goto then ELP 2nd rope sitout powerbombs Yoshi. ELP tries to walk the top rope but Hiku stops him. ELP then rocket launchers Hiku. Hiku misses the splash.

Goto backdrops ELP for 2. ELP back slides Goto then Goto ushigoroshi's him. Goto rolls him into an arm lock and hammerlock with his leg. ELP hits palm strikes on Goto and is dropped with a forearm. ELP takes a superkick into an ushigoroshi then Hiku is neckbreakered over the knee. Yoshi corner lariats ELP then ELP takes a russian legsweep + headhunter combo for 2.

ELP takes a superkick then an elbow slice + powerbomb for 2. Bishamon hit running shots on Hiku then double lariat him over the top. Yoshi corner lariats ELP. Bishamon has Giku on the apron. Yoshi hits a backcracker then Hiku takes a bomb + elbow slice off the apron through the table.

ELP fights off Bishamon with forearms. ELP takes a superkick an pushes goto into Yoshi. ELP puts Goto on Yoshi's back and elbow slices him down. ELP superkicks Yoshi and gets a 2 count on Goto. ELP then ushigoroshi's Goto. ELP superkicks Goto then piledrivers him for 2. Yoshi superkicks ELP then ELP takes a superkick into a drop for 2. ELP is lifted up for a bulldog from Goto off the top for 2. ELP then takes a double team powerbomb + cutter. Goto picks up the win.

The second half of this dragged and this did not need to go 40 minutes. They really didn't make that bad of use of their time though and didn't overdo it despite having reason to. It was watchable, maybe good but not great or a classic.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show with the people in the main pulling out a big match. It wasn't a classic but it was good. The rest of the show was mostly filler.

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