Sunday, December 17, 2023

AEW Collision 12/16/2023

AEW Collision 12/16/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Eddie Kingston says if he loses tonight, he's out of the tournament. He says he's not going to lose and tells Daniel Garcia to get out of the way and wait his turn. Daniel Garcia says neither one of them respect them and says the pain he feels will be nothing compared to the pain he feels when he takes the most important pain tonight (I guess the loss of his title chances?). Claudio Castagnoli said Andrade El Idolo showed he has what it takes to win but says he will get revenge on him for trying to hurt one of the BCC members. Andrade El Idolo says its his time. Brody King says it's make or break time for him. He says we will see him rip the wings off the dragon. Bryan Danielson says tonight something has to give and despite him being banged up, it won't be him. Orange Cassidy then is in a classroom and says he doesn't know what that is.

Thunder Rosa is doing Spanish commentary. Hey, if it keeps her out of the ring, I'm all for it.

Continental Classic - Blue League - Andrade El Idolo vs Claudio Castagnoli

AEI = Andrade El Idolo

CC pushes him to start. They lock up and AEI is backed up in the corner. They shoulder battle. AEI poses on the ropes, CC rushes him and goes out. AEI runs the ropes and CC slides back in to lariat him. CC hits euros. AEI top rope crossbodies him for 2. AEI stalls outside.

The ref stops CC from going after him then CC goes around him and hits him. AEI flying hurricanrana's him then goes for a plancha but takes a euro. CC euros him in the corner. AEI hits dragon screws then CC pops him up and euros him for 2. CC knees him in the gut and back elbows him. AEI slams him then flying forearms him.

CC puts him in the giant swing. CC sharpshooters him, trips him and figure fours him. AEI guillotines him up top then hits a 2nd rope code red for 2. AEI corner meteoras him for 2. AEI goes up top and CC 2nd rope superplexes him. AEI then holds on and hits 2 suplexes. They trade forearms and face kicks him. AEI spinning back elbows him for 2. AEI sits up top and takes forearms. they both fall down and AEI crotches himself. CC knees him in the crotch as the ref adjusts the top rope connector cover then hits a neutralizer. CC picks up the win.

I didn't think it was that great and the finish was really lame here. They tried to have a great match but there wasn't any special logic to it or anything and it definitely was not a classic.

They do a package on The Continental Classic. Rush says something and Jay talks about all the points he won.

Abadon vs Jazmin Allure

She was being featured during the pandemic and went away just as Thunder Rosa did. Rosa's back and now she's back. Hmm. Abadon hits mounted punches to start on her and hits a swinging side slam. Abadon high kicks her and hits a running knee. Abadon puts her leg round her head and drives her into the match. Abadon then wins this quick squash.

The lights go out and Julia Hart teleports in. She drops the belt in the ring. They catfight and Abadon sliding knees her in the head. Abadon then grabs the TBS Title. Skye Blue appears in the ringbehind Abadon and stares down with her. They stare at Julia Hart then Skye helps Hart beat up Abadon for some reason. Thunder Rosa then gets in the ring and hits Skye. Skye and Hart then escape the ring. Rosa and Abadon bump into each other then they shake hands.

Skye Blue joining up with Hart after not doing so previously wasn't explained real well here.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn are interviewed. Billy says they have a problem and says they are now p!ssed off. Max says they are coming for whoever is under the Devil mask. Bowens says there's a group who tried to end their careers. He says this is an Acclaimed search and destroy mission. He says they are going to go back to being one of the best trios in AEW history.

Top Flight and Action Andretti walk in. They said they heard them issue a trio. Darius says they are the hottest trio and are cooking. Action says everyone loves The Acclaimed, but they love the ideas of the trios titles around their wastes. Bowens says the challenge is accepted and sets it up for next week.

AEW International Title - Orange Cassidy (c) vs Bryan Keith

This is the 2nd OC match I've seen today. Not a good one here. Bryan puts him in a headlock then shoulders him over. Bryan headlock takeovers him. OC leapfrogs him then side steps him. with a shove. OC puts his hands in his pockets and dropkicks him like that. Bryan teases a punch then double underhooks him.

Bryan hits chops then face kicks him. We go to PiP break and return. OC back elbows him and takes a boot to the chest. OC tornado ddt's him then tope forearms him outside. OC forearms him off the buckles and Keith headbutts him while he sits up top. Bryan 2nd rope exploders him then hits a running knee. OC hits a beach break for 2. OC superkicks him and Bryan knees him.

Bryan knees him in the corner then hits a diamond dust off the 2nd rope for 2. OC rolls him up and wins it.

I didn't like this. It was random and completely out of nowhere. Bryan hasn't been seen in a very long time and had only appeared once or twice here yet is somehow getting title shots. I thought they did too much here as well.

Miro does a video. He asks what he is doing and says he is getting caught in drama. He said he wants to fight Andrade not because he is his wife's client, but because he is an @sshole. He said he is ready to kill everyone.

Komander is interviewed. He's smaller than Lexi. Roderick Strong and The Kingdom come in. Strong isn't in the wheelchair. Strong said he didn't win at Final Battle. Strong said he had won the ROH TV title and won Survival of the Fittest. He said he's looking forward to getting back on the horse and has found his next victim. Komander then says something in spanish.

FTR comes out to talk. Cash says if the House of Black has a problem with them, come and see them face to face. Cash says they are jealous of their success and says they are unrealized potential. He says they know hwere to find them if they want to say something to them. Dax has a black eye. He says you can say a lot about them but can't say they back down from a fight. He challenges The House of Black and the mic goes out. The lights then go out. The House of Black get on the tron. They said they aren't trying to hurt them, they are trying to prove a pint. they want them to know that nobody has their back. Buddy says Mark Briscoe and Dax's family won't save them. Buddy asks who loves Cash? Buddy said they love him and welcome them to their family. Black says this isn't personal, this is what happens when they have to prove a point. They say this is love and asked who came to save them when they attacked them. Black says nobody came. Black says they didn't lie. They then burn a pitcure of Dax and has family. Black says like it or not, we're your family now.

We get a video on Keith Lee. Keith is interviewed by Lexi after beating Shane Taylor and says Shane Taylor is not him - the guy he was after.

Street Fight - Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale vs Mercedes Martinez and Diamante

Kris' team are wearing school girl outfits/secretary outfits. They knock the heels out of the ring to start and Willow accidentally cannonballs Kris. MM hits Willow in the head with a bottle. Dia spinning headscissors Kris then corner dropkicks her. Kris ddt's her on a barbed wire bat. Kris and Willow move steps together. Dia jumps off the steps, is caught and stopped onto them. MM throws a ladder at the faces but they catch it and throw it back. Willow and Dia are both bleeding.

Willow slams Dia then is hit with a crowbar. Willow is thrown into Kris and they both go into the buckles. MM spider germans Kris onto chairs. MM running face kicks Willow. We go to PiP break and return. 

We return from break and Kris is spinebustered through a board. Willow is hit with a sign then pulls the heels into each other. Dia punches Willow then Willow pounces her into a board. She then slams her into it. Willow hits her with the board then takes a chair shot from MM. Kris chairs MM in the back then hits a forearm flurry. Kris ki krushers her for 2.

Dia hits Kris with a briefcase then pours tacks out of it. MM puts Kris' head into the tacks then Kris takes a code red onto the tacks. Willow is dropkicked and powerbombed through a table outside (which she half misses). Kris spinning lariats Dia with a chain and wins it.

It was a typical hardcore match with tacks, tables and a board that nobody could get through.  

Toni Storm and Mariah May are interviewed. Toni said she doesn't care who she defends against next. May said Tony Khan helped her apply for her US wrestling license and soon she will debut. May asked if Toni can commentate or even watch her match, but Toni said she is busy. Toni says Ruby and Saraya should slap each others chests off and pull each others hairs out, creating two baldies.

Adam Copeland and Christian Cage talk over video clips. Adam said he is challenging Christian to a No DQ match at World's End. He said he will be the new TNT champ.

Brian Cage vs Kari Wright

Cage knees him then lariats him from behind. He release germans him then hits a fallaway slam. Cage power bombs him then hits a drill claw for the win in this squash.

The Mogul Embassy are interviewed minus Swerve. Cage said it's Swerve's house, but they live there too. Nana says the Swerve will win th eCC and says they are in the money with the Gates of Agony. Keith Lee comes in. Keith says his patience runs thin and his time is running out.

Continental Classic - Blue League - Eddie Kingston vs Daniel Garcia

They back each other up into the corners and Garcia chops him several times. Eddie chops back then STO's him. Garcia dragon screws Eddie off the apron and Eddie splats on the floor. Eddie hits a belly to belly. Eddie is limping and hits a nasty ddt.

We go to break and return. Eddie chinlocks him then drops him with a shot to the gut. Eddie hits machine gun chops. Garcia is down and does his dance while laying. Garcia combos him with punches and boots. Garcia dragon screws him and leg locks him. Garcia ankle locks him. Eddie exploders him into the buckle and hits a uraken for 2. Garcia backdrops him then hits a knee. Garcia backdrops him again for 2.

Garcia dropkicks him in the knee then takes a half-nelson suplex. Eddie urakens him and gets the win.

It was half leg work and half backdrops from Garcia. It was entertaining with both guys firing up at times and Garcia hitting Eddie with his own backdrops.

Continental Classic - Blue League - Bryan Danielson vs Brody King

Bryan leg kicks him multiple times. King hits chops and a kick to the back. King rakes his injured eye and pulls the mask off of it. King corner splashes him then corner cannonballs him.
King bangs Bryan's head off the announcer's table and throws him into the rails. Brody then crossbodies him into the rails.

We go to PiP break and return. King black hole slams him in the ring and sends him into the rails again. Bryan's bleeding from the eye then trips him into the rails. Bryan jumping knees him off the apron then top rope dropkicks him. Bryan dropkicks him in the corner and hits leg kicks.

They go up top. Bryan is crotched on the ropes then lariated from the 2nd rope. Brody charges at him and Bryan slides under him, putting him in a boston crab. They trade leg kicks and Bryan buzzsaw kicks him. Bryan hits downward elbows on Brody's head then Brody death valley drivers him for 2. Bryan busaiku knees him for 2. Brody lariats him for 2.

Bryan cradles him for 2, ducks a lariat and flying knees him. Bryan hits another flying knee and then one to the back of the head. Bryan then gets the win.

It was a good match with the big man vs small man here. Brody worked the eye a little and beat him up then Bryan made his big comeback and later won it. It could have been better though and Brody probably could have threw him around a little more.

Overall thoughts: A heavy wrestling show here. The second half of the show was better than the first half and I'd say it was above average. The Skye Blue turn wasn't done well and Bryan Keith was randomly thrown out there in a title match for some reason.

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