Friday, December 8, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 12/3/2023 World Tag League 2023 Day 11

New Japan Pro Wrestling 12/3/2023 World Tag League 2023 Day 11

The pre-show match did not air.

BULLET CLUB (Bad Luck Fale, Jack Bonza & Taiji Ishimori) vs. Just 5 Guys (DOUKI, Taichi & Yuya Uemura)

Jack and Yuya start us off. Jack rolls out of a wristlock and Yuya hammerlocks him. They end up doing a stand off. Jack forearms him, Yuya goes up and over then armdrags him. Yuya armdrags and double chops Taiji. The heels take over and Yuya is double teamed in the corner.

Jack slams Yuya then Fale stands on Yuya's back. Taiji then gets on top of Fale to push down more. Yuya dropkicks Fale and Fale blocks his armdrag. Fale misses an elbow drop. Taichi hits Kawada kicks on Fale then side kicks him. Taichi kicks him and Jack then lariats Taiji over. Taichi hits Kawada kicks on Fale then Fale shoulders him over.

Jack knees Taichi in the body then Taichi enzugiri's him. Douki flying headscissors Jack then springboard double back elbows 2 opponents. Jack takes a Taichi boot, a Yuya double chop and a Douki double stomp off the top. Douki enzugiri's Jack and Jack spinning lariats him. Douki rolls Jack up for 2 then Jack blocks his slingshot ddt. Jack fire thunder drivers him and picks up the win.

It was a very average and short three way. Douki was really the only person who got any meaningful time in here and I think it was the first time we saw Jack use his finisher.

Monstersauce (Alex Zayne & Lance Archer), Oskar Leube & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Shingo Takagi & Yota Tsuji) & Zandokan Jr.


Zand hits chops on Lance to start then is sent flying off a shoulder. Lance hits running back elbows on Zand and Bushi. Zand chopps Taguchi hard then running euros him. Yota gets in and helps Zand out then Zand drops him on Taguchi. Bushi leg kicks Taguchi then Shingo elbow drops Taguchi.

Shingo lariats Taguchi then Yota and Lance have a quick exchange. Yota throws him out at 5 minutes. Taguch punch combos Yota in the gut and Yota spanks him when he tries to hip attack him. Taguchi rolls into a hip attack on Yota.

Alex gets in and rolls Yota into a kick. Alex flips into a hurricanrana on Yota then Lance flips Alex onto Yota. Yota flying headscissors Alex and boots hm in the shoulder. Shingo suplexes Alex for 2. Shingo and Alex trade forearms. They back elbow each other and Alex flipping leg drops him.

Oskar finally gets in. He hits forearms on Shingo then spinning slams him. Shingo takes corner attacks and forearms Taguchi down. Shingo takes a double boot then an Oskar leg drop. Shingo punches and lariats Oskar then Bushi topes Taguchi then Zand hits a tope outside. The video feed then stops working and we don't see the finish. Shingo's team ended up winning.

No rating for this one as we didn't get to see the end. It was a decent match with Alex, Taguchi and Shingo trying here.

World Tag League 2023 Block A Match - Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) vs. United Empire (Great-O-Khan & HENARE) 

Kaun and Khan start us off. Kaun does a nice leapfrog and back elbow. Kaun sentons him then Khan takes a double back elbow and double trap hold. Khan takes a spear and chest club combo in the corner then Kaun slingshot sentons him. Kaun is back body dropped over the top then sent into the rails. Khan eye rakes Toa and sends him into the rails.

Khan slams Kaun then Toa and Henare try to go at it. Henare sentons Kaun for 2 then Khan mongolian chops Kaun. Khan sits on Kaun's neck in the corner then hiptosses him. Khan takes a wild bump on a ddt then Kaun hits a big lariat on Henare.

Toa gets in and his weak offense on Khan. Khan corner lariats Toa and they trade forearms. Khan double chops Toa then euros him. Toa swinging side slams him. Henare sends Kaun into the rails outside. Khan and Toa stand off and Henare demands to get in.

They do haka's at each other then hockey fight. They trade forearms then headbutts. Both go down to their knees and Toa sends him back with a headbutt. Henare pumpnging knees him then takes a pop-up samoan drop. Henare fights off a double team then 2nd rope corkscrew kicks Toa. Henare then lifts him with a spear. Khan forearms Toa then makes Toa powerbomb Kaun in a dumb spot. Khan lariats Toa then spinning rack neckbreakers Kaun for 2. Kaun shotgun dropkicks Kaun then Khan takes a meteora and running hip attack. Khan takes a sandwich lariat for 2.

Kaun fireman's carry gutbusters Khan. Henare spinning heel kicks Kaun then Toa headbutts Henare down at 15 minutes. Kaun sheep killer suplexes Kaun then Khan claw uranage's Kaun to win it.

It was good but went a little longer than it needed to. The crowd didn't react as much as they should have which hurt things. We got a lot of Henare vs Toa here and that was fun. I'd like to see this one again on a bigger stage somewhere with a crowd who cares.

World Tag League 2023 Block A Match - Kaito Kiyomiya & Ryohei Oiwa vs. CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano)

Kaito and Ishii trade forearms to start. Ishii gets the advantage and shoulders him over. Kaito dropkicks him, they go head to head and Kaito hits more forearms. Ishii is armdragged then takes a double armdrag. Yano then takes a double armdrag and double dropkick. Oiwa hits forearms on Ishii then takes chops.

Oiwa is thrown body first into the exposed buckle. Kaito gets in and dropkicks both opponents. Kaito armdrags both opponents then flying neckbreakers Yano. Yano hits Kaito in the back of the head then Kaito dragon screw leg whips him. Yano pulls Kaito down by the hair then Ishii kicks Kaito in the back. Kaito hits a nice dropkick on Ishii then Oiwa is tagged in.

Oiwa running forearms Ishii then they trade forearms. Oiwa slams Ishii and splashes him for 2. Ishii takes a double dropkick. Ishii takes corner attacks then is powerslammed by Oiwa for 2. Yano trips Oiwa from the outside and takes him down inside. Yano belly to belly suplexes Kaito then Oiwa is catapulted into the exposed buckle. Ishii germans Oiwa then powerbombs him for 2. Ishii hits a stiff lariat on Oiwa then Kaito shining wizards Ishii.

Kaito dropkicks Ishii in the knee, dropkicks him in the chest then Oiwa rolls him up for 2. Ishii takes a doomsday device crossbody then takes karelin's lift with a running knee for 2. Oiwa olympic slams Ishii for 2. Ishii hits a spinning forearm then takes a headbutt. Ishii running lariats Oiwa for 2. ishii takes a spinning forearm into a german for 2. Oiwa dropkicks Ishii and then Ishii sliding lariats him for 2. Ishii suplexes Oiwa and gets the win.

It ran a little longer than it should of, but they made good use of Yano. Ishii gave 100% effort as usual and Kaito and Oiwa matched up well against him. 

House Of Torture (EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi) vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Alex Coughlin & Gabe Kidd)

Kidd comes to the ring with a chair and makes HoT run. Alex then nails HoT from behind. Everyone brawls in the aisle way and the ref does nothing. Alex gets thrown into the exposed buckle then has his head banged off of it. Yujiro sliding kicks him and sends him into the exposed buckle again. Evil chokes Alex with a towel then Alex karelin's lifts him. Evil is sent into the rails where the timekeeper is.

Alex chokes Evil then bites his head. Kidd talks trash to Evil, Evil goes to eye rake him then Kidd snaps his fingers. Evil kicks Kidd low in the gut then Kidd gets hit by Togo outside. Kidd is suplexed on the exposed floor. Yujiro bites Alex's hand and throwsn him into the exposed buckle at 5 minutes. Yujiro fisherman busters Kidd for 2.

Yujiro is thrown into the exposed buckle then Kidd bites him. Kanemaru grabs Kidd by the hair and is hit as he tries to spit alcohol at him. The ref gets ran into then HoT beat up on their opponents. They brawl into the crowd and HoT lock Kidd out of the arena. Alex tries to fight off the 4v1 then takes a sharpshooter on the floor. Yujiro shoves a chair into his neck. Kidd appears on the balcony then dives on his opponents. 

Kidd throws Yujiro into the post then brainbusters him for 2. Yujiro takes a double muscle buster. War Dogs go for a spike tombstone and the lights go out. The lights come back on and War Dogs are out with HoT in the ring, We then see Sho is dressed as an arena employee. Kidd gets group stomped then karate chopped in the nuts. Yujiro shot ddt's him for 2 as Alex pulls the ref out. Alex is thrown into the post. Gedo comes down with a sledgehammer and backs off all of HoT. Kidd low blows Yujiro then Alex hits Yujiro with a cane. Yujiro takes a spike tombstone and Kidd wins it.

It was your usual House of Torture bs, but Gabe being thrown out of the arena and reappearing was interesting as was Sho being behind the lights being turned off. 

World Tag League 2023 Block A Match - Ren Narita & Shota Umino vs. TMDK (Mikey Nicholls & Shane Haste) 

Shane and Shota start us off. They trade some basic holds and both miss low dropkicks. Shane hits one then poses then Shot hits one and poses. Mikey and Ren come in and trade forearms then Mikey shoulders him over. Ren does a nice flying neckbreaker and Mikey's head is banged off the buckle. Mikey takes a double back elbow then double sentons and a double elbow drop at 5 minutes.

Ren is hit from behind by Mikey, sent outside then backdropped on the apron. Ren takes a double back elbow then flipping senton and fist drop combo. Ren hits forearms on Mikey then is dropped. Shane kneels on Ren's throat. Ren spinning heel kicks Shane. Shota gets in and running forearms Shane. Shota slams Mikey on his chest and low dropkicks him.

Shota fisherman suplexes Shane then Shane hits a nice dropkick on him at 10 minutes. Shota exploder suplexes Mikey. Ren gets in and underhook suplexes Mikey. Mikey ddt's Ren then cobra twists him. Mikey lariats Ren then takes a german. Mikey no sells it then death valley drivers him. Shane gets in and Ren exploders him.

Shota shotgun dropkicks Shane then slingshot ddt's him over the 2nd rope. Shota top rope low dropkicks Shane then slingshot cutters him. Shota lifting reverse ddt's Shane then stf's him but Ren is thrown into them at 15 minutes. Shota stf's Shane again. Ren flying kicks Shane in the corner then Shane is double teamed. Shane takes a hart attack and a double exploder suplex.

Shota mcgillicutters Shane for 2 and enzugiri's his shoulder. Shota half-nelson suplexes him then Shane lariats him. Shane hits a sitout last ride on him for 2 then Mikey blue thunders Ren. Shota takes a highway to hell then Shota hits a nice tornado ddt onto Shane. Shane high kicks him then Shota takes a tank buster. Shane wins it.

It was an average main event. Nothing particularly special about it and nobody really went out of their way. There was nothing wrong with it, but it was very by the numbers and was the Shota show as it has been all tournament.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show. They tried in the Gates of Agony vs Henare/Khan match but the crowd wasn't with them. The House of Torture did some new tricks with Sho dressing up as an arena staff member and turned the lights out. The main was okay and Yano/Ishii vs Kaito/Oiwa was good.

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