Thursday, December 21, 2023

AEW Dynamite 12/20/2023

AEW Dynamite 12/20/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Continental Classic - Gold League - Swerve Strickland vs Rush


Swerve needs to win this one to stay in contention here. Swerve waistlocks him and they do amateur wrestling. Swerve flying headscissors him then they trade armdrags. Swerve misses a dropkick and they stand off. Swerve hits chops and Rush running forearms him out. Rush tope con hilos him outside and hits chops. Rush then stands on his shoulders against the bottom buckle.

Rush boots him in the face and then poses. Swerve then flying armbars him as he poses. Rush powerslams him for 2. Rush hits kicks then is kicked in the knee. Swerve dropkicks his knee. Swerve's leg is swept on the apron and he lands hard on the apron. Rush then throws him into the rails. Swerve germans him on the floor then is shotgun dropkicked into the rails.

We go to PiP break and return. Rush release germans him hard then Swerve rebound germans him. They forearm each other then kick each other at the same time. Rush belly to belly suplexes him into the buckles. Rush goes to charge him but his knee goes out then Swerve single leg crabs him. Rush cradles him and misses a slap. Rush spinning forearms him then straightjacket piledrivers him for 2.

They trade chops on the apron. Swerve enzugiri's him then takes a belly to belly suplex on the floor. Rush misses a ton rope senton then Swerve 450's him for 1. Swerve rolls into a flatliner then rolls into a brainbuster. Swerve jumping mule kicks him in the head and top rope double stomps him to win it.

I didn't like this at all. They did way too much and didn't sell it much at all. It was also a long opener at over 15 minutes. 

Bryan Danielson said he's been waiting to be in a tournament like this for a long time and says he wants to win this. Eddie Kingston said Daniel Garcia took him to his limit. Andrade said he and Claudio have unfinished business. Bryan then says something about Claudio.

Chris Jericho talks in the back. He said Kenny is in the hospital with diverticulitis and says he will be out of AEW indefinitely. Jericho said they are all pulling for him and said he will be waiting for him when he returns. Jericho then does Kenny's stupid line and they don't explain what's going to happen with their tag title match.

Continental Classic - Gold League - Mark Briscoe vs Jay Lethal


Mark armlocks him then Jay takes him down. Mark takes him down and they challenge the other to come on. Jay slaps him and is chopped. Both of them hit chops then Jay hiptosses him into a basement dropkick. Mark 2nd rope dropkicks him then Jay suplexes him. Jay handsprings into him knocking him off the apron. Jay topes him into the rails then struts on the apron. Jay goes for another tope then is suplexed on the floor. Mark elbow drops him off the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade forearms. Jay blocks a kick and lariats him then Mark forearms him on the ropes. Jay double chops him then hits a lethal combination. Jay goes up top and is chopped down. Mark dropkicks him through the ropes. Mark tope con hilos off a chair onto Jay.

Jay germans him on his head then Jay corkscrew kicks Mark. Jay rolling torture rack drops him then top rope elbow drops him for 2. Mark uranges Jay then fisherman busters him. Mark side death valley drivers him then Jay gets his feet up on Mark's froggy bow. Jay hits a jay driller on Mark for 2. Jay is caught on a lethal injection and hit with a cutthroat burning hammer. Mark hits a jay driller and wins it.

They did way too much here and brought down what would have been an otherwise decent match. 

Jay and Mark shake hands after.

They showed some video of MJF being inducted into the Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. Of course, they had to talk about racism here even though MJF has made multiple racist statements towards White people.

Wardlow says the clock is ticking for MJF. He says we are getting closer and closer to his world ending. Wardlow says the payment for his sins can't wait any longer and says he will bring the devil to his knees.

Samoa Joe comes out to talk. Joe said he is seeking answers but said maybe he wasn't asking the right people. He said Roderick Stronger is the dullest bulb on the tree and says week after week we get attacked by The Devil. Joe said for some odd reason, Adam Page was a victim. He said we get videos of people being attacked by The Devil yet The Devil never shows videos of MJF being beaten up. Joe tells MJF to come out and answer questions for him.

MJF comes out. He said Joe promised to protect him and talks in Joe's voice. He said Joe claimed he was his property and said Joe seems to care about his property as much as Joe cares about his diet. MJF said he didn't recall The Devil's crew laying a finger on Joe. MJF asks why he is waiting for World's End when he can end his world right now. MJF pushes Joe. Joe pushes him aside then The Devil's crew come out. Joe and MJF quickly knock them out of the ring. More come and surround the ring. The lights then go out.

The Devil appears on the tron and writes "Where can you go? Who can you trust? Next week, will you accept a challenge for your ROH World Tag Team Championship?". The writing then asks if MJF is a real man. MJF says he knows Joe will say no then Joe says we accept. Joe says the best way to deal with The Devil is with their bare hands. He says next week they will beat his boys @sses.

Orange Cassidy, Kris Statlander, Rocky Romero and Trent Beretta are interviewed. Rocky says he spent most of the year as a CMLL champ. He said he wants to bring gold around here. OC then says he will see him Friday. Rocky is shocked and confused.

Riho vs Saraya

Saraya clubs Riho's back. Saraya pulls her down by the hair. We see Ruby Soho watching this in the back. Saraya is tripped into the 2nd rope then rolls out. Saraya flying headscissors her on the floor three times then Saraya hides behind security. Saraya kicks Riho then swings her head into the rails.

We go to PiP break and return. Riho headscissors her then 619's her. Riho slips off the top on a crossbody then crossfaces her. Riho comes off the top and is kicked in the gut. Riho cradles her and hits a northern lights suplex for 2. Riho top rope double stomps her then hits a meteora to win it.

It wasn't good with some bad camera work and some sloppy spots.

Luther brings Toni Storm down after. Toni has some glasses on a stick and looks at Riho with them. Riho hits forearms then 619's her. Mariah May then hits Riho with the women's title. Toni is shocked and has Luther pull her away.

Tony Schiavone is given something to read from Christian Cage. Cage says he is taking Nick Wayne on a vacation. He said he will return on Collision this Saturday where he will address Adam Copeland. He said he expects nothing less than a hero's welcome.  

Samoa Joe and MJF argue in the back. MJF said Joe isn't good at being his security guard.  He finds a mask on the floor in front of The Mogul Embassy's room. He grabs Prince Nana. Swerve Strickland then comes out and says to be careful how he handles him. He said he feels like MJF has been ducking him. MJF then does lines from Swerve's song. MJF said they have a long history and used to do long car rides together. MJF said they never made contact because Swerve isn't on his level. Swerve thanks him for the road trips and said Regal said MJF failed a tryout. Swerve said MJF does tryouts and he signs contracts. He told him to be careful how he talks to him as the last person who did this got hung by a chain. MJF says he's his world champ and he needs to watch his mouth. He tells him to pull down his Flavor Flav grills. MJF ask why wouldn't Swerve frame Adam Page and have the Mogul Embassy jump people. He then said this would clear the path for Swerve to get the title. MJF asks Swerve if he's the devil. MJF said if this is his house, he's the big bad wolf and will burn the house down. He then says he will break his arms so he can swerve while he drives. Swerve said he will bring him hell if he keeps waving the title in his face. The Mogul Embassy then open the door. Joe then comes and says he and MJF have business elsewhere. Swerve tells him to go handle it. Prince Nana then says he forgot to put Swerve on about Collision last week.

I didn't like Swerve getting talked down to here and putting up with it. This devil stuff is really going off the rails with everyone getting accused.

Roderick Strong vs Komander


Komander trips him down. Kom uses the ropes to flip out of an armlock then is tripped. Kom cartwheels and flips out of the corner then takes a knee to head. Kom walks up the buckles and armdrags him then hits a spinning headscissors. Kom then dropkicks him.

Strong kicks him in the gut then backbreakers him. Kom bodyscissors Strong out of the ring and we go to PiP break. We return and Kom headscissors him out of the side slam position. Kom spinning high kicks him. Kom dropkicks him and trips him int othe 2nd rope. Kom springboard twisting crossbodies him. Kom phoenix splashes Strong for 2. The Kingdom pull out Strong then Kom rope walk moonsaults all 3 of them.

Kom springboards and runs into a jumping knee. Strong gutbusters him off a suplex attempt and wins it.

It was a decent match. It was on the shorter end of things so they avoided a lot of the usua problems Komander runs into.

The Kingdom then put up "MJF is the devil" signs after. 

Renee interviews Strong in the ring. Strong tells Joe that MJF is the devil and says Samoa Joe is his best friend by proxy.

Continental Classic - Gold League - Jon Moxley vs Jay White

Mox puts Jay in a grounded choke then drops elbows on him. Mox piledrivers Jay and then bulldog chokes him. Mox hits chops and punches outside. Mox kind of runs himself into the steps. Jay stomps and foot chokes Mox in the corner. Mox hits forearms then bangs Jay's head off the rail. Mox backdrops Jay on the ramp then hits corner punches.

Mox bites Jay's head. Jay clips Mox's leg then knocks him off the apron. We go to PiP break then return. Jay indian deathlocks him. They trade forearms and Mox boot flurries him in the corner. Mox then stands on him in the corner.

Mox rakes his back up top then bites him. Mox hits a 2nd rope superplex then lariats him over the top. Mox then topes Jay. Jay drops Mox's body on the steps. Jay grabs a chair and hits Mox in the leg with it. Mox counters a blade runner with a ddt.

Jay dragon screw leg whips him then Mox cradles him for 2. Mox rolls him and hits a knee for 2. They trade forearms and Mox cutters him. Jay tazzmission suplexes him then uranges him for 2. Jay hits a ki krusher for 2 then hits another tazzmission suplex. Mox no sells it and lariats him then hits another lariat. Mox curbstomps him .

Jay flips out of a deathrider ddt then blade runners him to win it.

I was surprised to see Jay win here. I didn't think it was anything special. They worked the leg for a bit which went nowhere.

Swerve gets on the stage after.

Overall thoughts: I thought they did too much in half the matches. The main was very average and Strong/Komander was the best match of the night. The Devil stuff is dragging on and bringing down everybody else with it. I thought it was a below average show.

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