Friday, December 22, 2023

Dramatic Dream Team 12/3/2023 D-Ou Grand Prix 2023 In Shinjuku Day 2

Dramatic Dream Team 12/3/2023 D-Ou Grand Prix 2023 In Shinjuku Day 2

Demus & KANON vs. Kazuma Sumi & MIKAMI

Mikami and Kanon start us off. Kanon headlock takeovers him then is headscissored. Mikami reverses a double knuckle lock. Kanon goes to shoulder him over but is tripped. Mikami rides him with a headlock. Kanon flips out of an armlock, up kicks him and they stand off.

Sumi armdrags Demus then uses the ropes to armdrag him. Sumi then satelitte headscissors him and kips up. Demus tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Kanon hiptosses Demus into Sumi then backbreakers Sumi. Demus slams Sumi then elbow drops him.

Demus bites Sumi's nipples. Kanon kicks Sumi in the back. Sumi dropkicks him in the back then goes up and over and does a tornado ddt off of it. Mikami gets in and sentons Kanon. Mikami then codebreakers Demus while hitting a senton on Kanon. Mikami leg locks Kanon and Kanon ropebreaks.

Mikami 619's Kanon then Kanon drives him into the buckles. Kanon takes a double codebreaker from his opponents for 2. Kanon blocks Sumi's headscissors and backbreakers him. Demus pop up powerslams Sumi then Sumi 2nd rope hurricanrana's him. Demus does a cool spinning torture rack drop on Sumi then he powerslams Mikami. Demus top rope crossbodies Mikami then Mikami dropkicks him. Kanon hits a nasty lariat on Mikami then Sumi takes a pop-up backbreaker. Demus spinning muscle busters Sumi and wins it.

It was a decent opener. Sumi did well with the lucha stuff and the heels did a good job roughing him up. 

Jun Akiyama, Makoto Oishi, Rukiya & Yusuke Okada vs. Akito, HARASHIMA, Takeshi Masada & Toy Kojima

HS = Harashima, TM = Takeshi Masada

TM and Ruki start us off. TM shoulders him over and gutbusters him. Ruki forearms him then takes a boot to the face. They stand off and tag out. Toy attacks Jun as he gets in, seemingly expecting his buddies to join. Toy then takes a 4v1 in the corner. Okada then back elbows Toy for 2. They trade forearms for chops. Okada headbutts then suplexes him. Jun gets back in and hits a double back elbow on Toy with Okada. Jun piledrivers Toy.

We have a stand off as both teams have someone in a 2v1. Jun's team teases trading hostages but throws Toy back in their corner. Jun machine gun chops Toy then eye pokes him. Toy comes off the 2nd rope on Oishii but Oishii just moves back so he can't reach him in a clever spot. Toy enzugiri's him as he poses and they knock each other down.

HS and Okada get in. Okada hits forearms then HS hits chest kicks. Okada 2nd rope dropkicks HS for 2. Okada goes up top and takes a pump kick then HS superplexes him. TM gets in and face kicks Okada. TM flatliners him for 2. Okada dropkicks him then Ruki gets in. Ruki spinning neckbreakers TM then bulldogs him for 2.

TM takes corner attacks, a face kick and a running forearm. TM hits kicks on Ruki for 2. TM's team clears their opponents off the apron then hits corner attacks on Ruki. Toy slams Ruki and HS springboard splashes Ruki. TM buzzsaw kicks Ruki for 2. TM ki krushers Ruki and wins it.

It was a sub-10 minute multi-man tag. We didn't see much of Akito or Oishii here and it was mostly Toy getting a whooping.

D-Ou Grand Prix 2023 Block B Match - Kazuki Hirata vs. Yukio Naya


Hirata runs at him and can't cradle him. Hirata then runs into his shoulder as Naya stands there and falls over. Hirata puts on his sunglasses in the ring, the music hits and he is foreqarmed down. Naya then stands on his neck on the ropes. Hirata crawls on the ropes to try and get away.

Naya chops him for 2 then slams him. Naya puts him in a high crab and Hirata ropebreaks. Hirata tries forearms that don't work then is hiptossed. Naya misses an elbow drop and takes a baseball slide. Hirata misses a splash and takes a knee to the body. Hirata pulls him over the top then plancha's him.

Hirata tries to block him from coming in and Naya runs around the ring. Hirata baseball slides him and poses. Naya pulls him out and stops the count. Hirata is thrown into the post. Hirata rolls up Naya for 2 then enzugiri's him. Hirata jumps at him and pushes him back.

Hirata's music hits and he runs into a face kick. Hirata tries to get him to do his dance with him. Naya puts on the glasses and kind of does it with him. Naya then knees him in the gut to the music. Naya misses a knee and is rolled up. Naya suplexes him for 2 then backdrops him to win it.

It was comedy as expected. Hirata's been booked too weak to be believable in any way against Naya and it went on too long. 

D-Ou Grand Prix 2023 Block A Match - Tetsuya Endo vs. Yuki Ino

Ino misses a charge, takes a 619 to the body then takes a springboard crossbody. Ino hits a nice spinning lariat then Endo rolls out. Endo hides under the ring then reappears. Endo goes in and out of the ring, frustrating Ino. Ino charges at him and nails someone else instead when Endo moves.

Ino tries to spear him while he's seated on a chair but ends up spearing the chair instead. Endo hits boots on Ino then eye rakes him. Endo pulls Ino's neck forward while he is seated. Endo goes to springboard and is dropped on the top rope. Ino suplexes him.

Ino double chops him and hits corner lariats. Ino runs the ropes multiple times and lariats Endo. Endo backslides him and rolls him up multiple times for 2. Endo suplexes Ino. Endo corner elbows Ino then tornado ddt's him. Ino pounces him then hits a stroke for 2. Endo dropkicks him then Ino forward rolls into a samoan drop on him. Ino spears him, goes for another and is rolled up for 2.

Endo takes punches then standing spanish flies him. Endo exploders him then handspring corkscrew kicks him for 2. Endo spinning torture rack bombs him. Endo then hits an SSP off the top and wins it.

I liked it. Endo got beaten up and bullied around early and tried to get an upset win. Endo eventually got some offense in and won it. It could have been done a little better with Endo winning by a surprise roll-up or something similar, but the general idea was good.

D-Ou Grand Prix 2023 Block A Match - Daisuke Sasaki vs. Yuki Ueno

Sasaki attacks him before the bell and hits some nice punches. Ueno backslides him and they trade pin attempts. Sasaki flying headscissors him and slides out after a pin attempt.

Back in the ring and Ueno goes for an armbar. Sasaki armlocks him then Ueno headscissors him. Sasaki shoulders him over then Ueno hits a nice armdrag. Ueo rolls through a lariat then spinning headscissors him. Ueno goes to moonsault Ueno outside but MJ Paul interferes. Sasaki then bangs Ueno's leg off the post. Ueno is then thrown knee first into chairs.

Sasaki elbows Ueno's knee then butt drops his knee. Ueno suplexes Sasaki then misses a vader bomb double knee drops. Sasaki ankle locks Ueno then Ueno belly to belly suplexes him. Ueno vader bomb double knee drops him then sells his own knees after it. Ueno then jumps over Sasaki's back with a bulldog.

Sasaki reverses a half-nelson move into a crossface. Sasaki jumps off the top and is caught with a dropkick. Sasaki jawbreakers him then takes a hurricanrana. Ueno goes for a dive on him then Paul pulls Ueno out. Ueno fights Sasaki and Paul in the stands then Sasaki hits him with a title belt. Sasaki chinlocks Ueno in the stands.

Ueno back body drops Sasaki in the stands. Ueno throws him into the seats. Ueno pulls his neck down over a rail then piledrivers him over the 2nd rope inside. Ueno chinlocks him then Sasaki backdrops him. Sasaki lariats him off the top and hits a stiff ddt.

Sasaki goes for a top rope elbow drop and Ueno gets his feet up. Ueno rebound germans him then takes a dragon suplex. Ueno germans him then Sasaki dragon suplexes him. Ueno then germans him. They trade forearms and Ueno enzugiri's him on the apron. Ueno slingshot double knee drops him then dragon suplexes him on the apron.

Ueno top rope moonsaults him outside then frogsplashes him off the top for 2. Sasaki rolls him up but has his feet on the ropes. Ueno charges at him and ends up doing a flying attack to the ref. Sasaki then slams the ref. MJ Paul comes in and helps beat up on Ueno. Ueno takes a double team ddt into a wheelbarrow german. Paul then counts the pin for Sasaki.

A new ref comes in and Sasaki top rope elbow drops Ueno for 2. Ueno gets out and Sasaki crossfaces him. Ueno ropebreaks. Ueno top rope hurricanrana's him then hits a rolling overdrive for 2 as Paul pulls the ref out. Paul hits bolo punches on Ueno then is dropkicked out. Ueno flying shining wizards Sasaki. Ueno then double jump moonsaults him for 2.

Sasaki puts Ueno in la mistica. Ueno dropkicks him then Ueno drops him on another la mistica attempt. Ueno straightjacket germans him for 2. Sasaki spears him and the time limit expires.

I hated this. They did knee work that didn't go anywhere. They cheated in front of the ref. They beat the ref up. They had interference. They were outside the ring and didn't get counted out and they didn't sell at times. It also went too long and the last part of it really dragged.

DDT Universal Title D-Ou Grand Prix 2023 Block A Match - MAO (c) vs. Chris Brookes


I think they had announced earlier in the show that this would be for the Universal Title. For some reason, they stand on the tables at the arena and sign contracts. They stare at each other and do nothing then finally get in the ring for this one to start.

As soon as the bell rings, both go out to stand on the tabled again. They lock up on the tables and Mao wristlocks him. CB wristlocks him. CB goes for a double underhook and Mao blocks it. CB then ducks a kick and they stand off as the countout count hits 18. They roll back in.

Mao brings in plastic boxes for them to use on each other. They duel with plastic boxes and CB shoulders him over. Mao kips up while holding the box and rolls with it. Mao then does an armdrag while holding it. Mao double knee drops a box into CB's gut. CB hits him with a chair outside. Mao is sent into the post but hangs onto it. CB then throws a chair at him as he hangs.

They have a long table at the arena that the crowd can put stuff on and lean on. They put a board on wheels on it, pull Mao down it with a rope and hit him with a box as he comes off the table. CB rocking chairs him around a rail. CB is pushed on the board on wheels but Nakazawa falls while doing it. Nakazawa then talks on the mic and eye pokes Mao.

CB then pushes Nakazawa on the board on wheels and Mao hits CB with a box to thwart it. Mao moonsaults off a rail and hits people other than CB. CB then flips over the rail onto Mao. Mao is taped to a board and has to be carried into the ring like a stretcher to get in before the countout count.

CB Double knee drops him off the top while he's tied to the board then Mao gets off the board. Mao dropkicks him and hits a step up knee. Mao superkicks him and they fight on the apron. Mao package piledrivers him off the apron through a table. They trade chops.

CB jumping knees and enzugiri's him then Mao barely hits the ref but the ref goes down and sells it anyway. Mao spinning heel kicks him then CB's partners come in and beat up Mao. Mao's buddies then beat up CB. The buddies fight each other then CB piledrivers Mao for 2. CB top rope double knee drops Mao for 2.

They fight on the table again. They drink beer together for osme reason then trade punches. Mao takes a jumping knee and CB goes for a piledriver. Mao ties CB's feet together and laughs at him. CB low blows him then piledrivers him. CB tries to hop with his feet tied together to beat the countout count but Mao jumps off the table, over fans to the apron and beats the count. CB trips and Mao wins.

This was comedy garbage before it even started. The less said the better. There was no wrestling or logic here.

Overall thoughts: The main was comedy, the semi-main was a bad draw, the Naya/Hirata match was comedy and the rest of the card was not enough to make up for it. Shows like these are the reason I did not see a lot of DDT in 2022.

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