Thursday, December 21, 2023

WWF Superstars 12/17/1994

WWF Superstars 12/17/1994

We see clips of Shawn Michaels running from Diesel at the 1994 Survivor Series. They said Jack Tunney declared the tag titles vacant and then set up a tag team tournament for it.

Vince and Jerry Lawler welcome us to the show and dance with Men on a Mission. Oscar calls Lawler "Burger King" in his rap

WWF Tag Title Tournament 1st Round - Men on a Mission vs Million Dollar Corporation (Tatanka and Bam Bam Bigelow)


"Did you see that McMahon? He pinned him with one finger! No Mo. No Mo." - Jerry Lawler

We get 4 person brawling to start and Mo takes a big bump out of the ring. Bam Bam headbutts Mable then Tatanka shoulders over Tatanka. Mable no sells Tatanka's dropkicks then shoulders him over. Mo double axe handles Mo's arm off the top. Bam Bam misses an elbow then eye rakes Mo. Tatanka misses a top rope chop then is clotheslined.

Mo hits a nice powerslam. Vince talks about the mental prowress of Oscar and Lawler says Oscar makes Forrest Gump look like Einstein. Tatanka's arm is worked over and Mable headbutts it. Mable leg drops the arm as we go to break.

We return and Tatana's arm is still being worked on. Mo headbutts the arm then Tatanka wristlocks him. Bam Bam headbutts Mo's arm and takes shots from both opponents. Mo wristlocks Bam Bam and Bam Bam headbutts him in the gut. Tatanka slams Mo then misses an elbow. Mo armlocks Tatanka.

Tatanka rakes Mable's eyes then takes chops. Bam Bam thrust kicks Mable then Mable suplexes him. Bam Bam suplexes Mable. Bam running headbutts Mable and both fall back, making tags. Mo running clotheslines Tatanka then hiptosses him for 2. Tatanka hits a nice chop then samoan drops him. Tatanka then wins it with a one finger pin.

This was an armlock lovers dream. They spent a lot of time working the arm here. Tatanka pinning Mo with one finger was a burial and it looked bad here as Mable just watched his partner get pinned. I liked the suplexes Mable and Bam did and Tatanka had some nice offense here.


Stephanie Wiand talks about Christmas. She said Doink received Dink from Santa last year and said they have stayed together through thick and thin. We then see Doink at a Toys for Tots event. 

I.R.S. vs Phil Apollo

IRS gets on the mic and says The Undertaker will never rest in peace until he pays IRS. We see an IRS sign which is an odd sight. A druid is out there with IRS and Dibiase.

IRS bangs Phil's head off the buckle then hits punches and stomps. IRS hits a nice elbow drop then misses a corner charge. Phil rolls him up then takes an elbow to the back of the head. IRS abdominal stretches him then flying lariats him to win it.

This was a short squash. Not a whole lot to say about it. IRS' strikes looked decent here. I have no idea what the druid is about.

Dibiase tells Lex Luger to take a look at the clip of IRS winning as his bank account will be null and void after facing him Monday.

We get a Royal Rumble Report with Todd Pettengill. He says Pamela Anderson will be there and he says he wants to hang out with her. He talks about Brett vs Diesel at the Royal Rumble and hyped up the match. He said Diesel is the only person to hold all three belts in the same calendar year.

We cut to Diesel. He said he told Bret anytime and place. He said Bret jumped on the place. He said he hopes he's 100%, because he will be. He said Bret wouldn't accept the challenge if he wasn't. Diesel asks him how long he's been getting away with wearing pink. He says black and gold are a man's colors. He said they'll both be experiencing black and blue colors and he can't wait to see him in the ring. This was a weird and bad promo.

Todd talks about the Royal Rumble. We see clips of last year's finish with Bret and Luger eliminating themselves at the same time. Todd runs down the wrestlers in the Royal Rumble.

Adam Bomb vs Tony Devito 


A fan does the ring introductions here and King rips her for being ugly. Tony Devito would later go on to be one of The Baldies in ECW. Adam throws down Tony to start then shoulders him over. Adam powerslams him. Adam bends over and gets kicked then hits punches. Tony is backdropped on his neck then Adam top rope diving clotheslines him. Adam pumphandle slams him and wins it.

It was a squash which Tony obviously had no chance in.

"Farmer" Henry Godwin debuts next. They show a picture of a pig then show Godwin's face.

Henry Godwin vs Nick Barberri

Godwin's music is mostly just goat sounds and someone calling a pig to come over.

Godwin nails him from behind then clubs him. Nick avoids a clothesline but takes the 2nd one. Gowin slams him then stands on his neck. Godwin sits on his back and rakes his face. He rams his head into his gut and hits a reverse ddt called "the slop drop". Godwin picks up the win.

Godwin was real rough here. It was weird becaause this gimmick is kind of a face gimmick but he was all heel here.

We see clips of Lou Albano taking The Headshrinkers to a barber shop to get their hair cut. The Headshrinkers resist and try to trim Albano's beard.

We go to the Heartbreak Hotel with Shawn Michaels. He said one of the props is missing (Diesel). He said everything at the hotel can be replaced, with the exception of Shawn Michaels. The crowd chants Diesel. He brings out Jeff Jarrett with The Roadie.

Jeff says it's an honor and privilege to be here and he gives him his cd. Jeff has the wildest glasses on ever here with tinsel and lights. He says The Roadie is his personal roadie and towels him down and gets him cold beverages. Shawn asks if he has a name and asks what to call him and Jeff says he doesn't know or care. Shawn says he will just call him Roadie.

Shawn says Jeff is on the hunt for gold. Jeff talks about Razor Ramon and The Intercontinental Title. He says he's not making a threat but a promise to take his title. He says he will have the gold album and belt. He says the WWF will have to be renamed to the "Double J F". Shawn said he hopes The Heartbreak Hotel will be part of that and Jeff says it will.

They say they are feeling something and Jeff says he will write a song about The Heartbreak Hotel. Jeff said they are out of time and have to wrap it up. Shawn ends it with "I am Shawn Michaels, and you are not".

The British Bulldog vs Charlie Hunter


Bulldog pushes him off then shoulders him. Bulldog hiptosses and dropkicks him then shoulders him over. Hunter hits forearms then Bulldog hits a nice delayed suplex. Bulldog hits headbutts then chinlocks him. King said Santa gave Bulldog a bulldog for christmas and he was trying to figure out where to put the batteries in it. Hunter gets some forearms in and back elbows him. Bulldog running powerslams him here and wins it.

Hunter got a lot of offense in here and while he wasn't as ripped as Bulldog, he was bigger than him. Bulldog had a pretty cool look here but the squash wasn't that impressive minus the delayed vertical suplex. King had some good jokes here.

We go back to the Live Event Center with Stephanie Wiand. She puts over Bob Holly and said he competes in stock car racing. We see the WWF race car. Wiand shows us clips of the car being worked on. They said Holly was involved in a crash during the race and didn't win. Of course that was total bs. 

Vince and King talk about next week's show with The Heavenly Bodies vs The Bushwhackers, Lex Luger, the debut of Hakushi, King Kong Bundy, Doink and Dink and Jeff Jarrett. They also say there will be an interview with Deisel.  They talk about McMahon's christmas gift for like the 3rd time this show. King said he found a guy who has a hairpiece and a headset all in one unit for him. He says the hair is red and Vince will look great in it.

Overall thoughts: It's 1994 and all of these matches were squashes but one. The opener was a battle of the armlocks and headbutts for the most part. Jeff Jarrett had some fantastic glasses on and Charlie Hunter got a few things in against The British Bulldog. Henry Godwin made his debut and we saw Vince dance. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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