Tuesday, December 19, 2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 12/18/2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 12/18/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/12/wwe-monday-night-raw-12112023.html 

This appears to be a Christmas episode. Christmas is next Monday when Raw would be, so who knows what happens next week.

The Judgment Day talk. Priest says to all rise for the Judgment Day. Finn says The Creed's earned their shot by winning the gauntlet. He says it's the biggest match of their careers, but for them, it's just another night at the office. Rhea threatens Ivy Nile, telling her she will do things to her if she interferes in her business. She said Judgment Day ran 2023 and will run 2024. Dom then says Judgment Day runs WWE and R-Truth interferes.

Truth says they left him and he didn't know they are opening the show up. JD asks him what he's doing out there. Truth says he's in Judgment Day. Truth said the beatdown he took last week was his initiation. He said the ycrossed the line and the licks he got hurt him physically and emotionally. Truth says he knows he didn't mean it when Priest said he didn't like him. JD tells him to get out if he's worried about getting hurt. Truth said it looks like everybody is looking for a fight. Truth said he needs somebody to beat up on since the other members have opponents. Truth and JD stare down and says there's a lot of animosity between them. Truth says they should squash the beef so they can be a happy family. He said let's do this in a Miracle on 34th street fight. JD says this was already advertised and is happening. Truth says 34th Street is a long way away from here and says they better get going. JD says the match is happening right now in this ring. JD tells Truth he's not in Judgment day. Truth says this match is a loser leaves Judgment Day match. JD says no and Priest says it's a good idea. JD says Truth will need a miracle to beat him.

Miracle on 34th Street Fight - Loser Leaves Judgment Day - JD McDonaugh vs R-Truth

Truth double leg takedowns him and gut kicks him. JD running back elbows him. Dom hands JD a candy cane themed kendo stick.  Truth ducks kendo stick shots and scissor kicks JD. Truth takes off his belt and whips JD. Truth bangs JD's head off a cookie tray. JD throws a christmas tree at him and misses. Truth pump kicks a present into his face. Truth shakes Dom's hand and says, "that was cool, dawg". Truth turns around then is pushed into the post.

We go to break and return. Truth corner splashes him and hiptosses him. Truth grabs a table. JD dropkicks him through the ropes. Dom trips Truth inside but he falls onto JD's crotch. Dom  tries to throw Truth into the steps but is thrown in himself. Truth sprays JD with a fire extinguisher.

Truth hits flying shoulders and blue thunder bombs him. Truth goes for the five knuckle shuffle but is kicked. Truth leg lariats JD and hits the five knuckle shuffle. Truth side steps JD and JD goes out to the floor. Truth hits JD with a christmas tree.

A table is set up and both go up top. JD grabs Truth and Truth falls on him. They go through the table and Truth wins!!!

This was your usual holiday street fight but it was fun with people taking christmas tree and cookie tray shots. I loved the ending as I'm happy the R-Truth in Judgment Day story isn't ending. It's hilarious. This was definitely a burial for JD but he'll get back in and we've got a lot of story to go on this. 

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance talk. They say they will become the WWE women's tag champs tonight. They say Piper and Green's time is up tonight.

Nia Jax comes down to ringside and talks in the ring. Becky Lynch comes down and interrupts before she can say anything. Becky gets in the ring and Nia leaves. Becky said she can say what she wants to her face since she's here now. Nia said she'd love to break her face but has other matters to deal with. Nia says she was going to announce that she was entering The Royal Rumble. Becky says no one cares. Nia said they never fought because the higher ups are afraid of what she might do to her. She said she's the money maker and it may end if they fight. Nia says she's the size of her leg and she would squash her and would never be seen again.

Becky says Nia's existence in WWE is under someone else's name. Becky says she will go down as the best to ever do it and Nia will go down as the person who broke the nose of the best who ever did it. She said Nia will lose to the greatest to ever do it. Becky said she can prove her wrong by fighting her right now. Nia cllas for a ref and a ref comes running out.

Nia teases going in and backs off. She says seeing as how bad Becky wants this, she's not going to get it. She said this will happen on her terms in San Diego. She said they will meet in 2 weeks at Day One. Nia said she will break her face and her daughter will wonder why she is uglier than usual. Nia walks up the ramp and and Becky jumps on her back to hit her. Nia drops her with a shot from behind to end the segment. This was a good segment.

We see clips from earlier with Kofi Kingston dressed up as Santa and giving out gifts.

Kofi walks in the back and runs into DIY. He asks them what they want for Christmas. He gives Gargano a Jey Uso Yeet shirt. DIY then walk up to The Miz. Miz does their "We are DIY" line. Gargano says last week was great and they shake hands with Miz.

Miz is interviewed. He said we won't know who Gunther is until he's at the bottom of the mountain. He says the boulder at the top of the mountain is unsturdy. He says Imperium is caving in around him and does a Gunther accent. He says he plans on finishing what he started and says if you want to ask about added pressure, ask Gunther who doesn't want to face him again.

Intercontinental Title - Miz can't challenge Gunther again if he loses - Gunther (c) vs The Miz

Gunther headlock takeovers him. Miz blocks a boston crab attempt. Miz chops him down then heel hooks him. Miz then indian deathlocks him. Miz hits forearms while doing it then does Gunther's pose while keeping the hold on. Miz knocks him out of the ring, slides out after him and is nailed on the floor. Gunther powerbombs him on the apron.

We go to break and return. Gunther hits a big face kick. Gunther hits kicks to the chest and euros him. Miz flying forearms him then takes a chop and a kick to the back. Gunther calls him a wannabe and a nobody. Gunther euros him then hits knees in the corner. Gunther running chops him and Miz face kicks him. Miz flying clotheslines him in the corner and gets his springboard crossbody caught. Gunther lays him on the top rope and chops him.

They go outside and Gunther chops the post whne Miz ducks. We go to break and return. Miz hits kicks and works the arm. gunther goes for a boston crab and Miz grabs the arm. Gunther then gets his back and cravates him. Miz grabs his hand then short ddt's him. Miz hits another ddt and tornado ddt's him for 2. Miz stomps Gunther's hand then takes a shotgun dropkick. Gutnehr powerbombs him and turns it into a boston crab.

Gunther pie faces him and hits chops while he's kneeling. Miz tells him to bring it on then Gunther sleepers him. Miz reverses it with a pin attempt. Miz then hits a skull crushing finale for 2. Miz hits kicks and Gunther hits a nice lariat. Gunther gets stopped up top then Miz hits a 2nd rope skull crushing finale. Gunther then rolls out.

Gunther powerbombs him when they get back in the ring then hits a rainmaker. Gunther hits another powerbomb and wins it.

I would have liked a better ending here. Gunther just kind of rolled out and got back in and won it, but I loved this match. Miz was a great face here trying to bust out some submissions to get Gunther's respect. Gunther was great at bullying him as usual. This was an easy match of the year contender for me and the best match of Miz's career.

We get a beer sponsored video on The Creed Brothers. They lift each other and say they have been undefeated on Raw. They say they are a family, not Judgment Day. They say they better be in for the fight of their lives. They say they are hungry, ready and have the momentum to bring home the titles.

Imperium claps for Gunther in the back. Kaiser says it was a stellar performance and a joy to watch. Gunther says those two have no reason to be jolly and said he's the only one contributing to this. Gunther says he's going to step away for a few weeks and recharge. He tells them to stay here, grind and work hard and finally impress him.

Kofi Kingston walks in. Kaiser tells him to pack his presents and get out of here. Kofi has a gift for him and it's coal. Kaiser gets mad and stares him down in his face. Kofi said you gotta be nice all year round and says let that be a lesson.

Shinsuke Nakamura reads "The American Nightmare Before Christmas". He did a poem saying he misted him and wants to ruin his plans. He says the Nightmare is over and through and the Nightmare is for him. He says his father was inbred and says he will be his last fight. He says something in Japanese and Cody jumps him. Cody spears him out of a door then throws him into boxes. They fight in the aisle way in the arena and guards try to stop it. Cody jumps off the rails and double axe handles him. Cody topes him and bangs his head off the announcer's table. Cody goes for cross rhodes on the table and security breaks it up. Nakamura's poem was great with the line about Dusty being inbred being very funny.

Adam Pearce talks to Tozawa. He said he wants to make sure this is the match he wants. Green and Piper walk in. They aren't happy about having to defend their tag titles. Green asks if they can cancel the match since it's the holiday season. Adam says no and says the match is next. Green says she will talk to Nicholas Aldis. Bronson Reed walks in. He says Pearce has plans to determine Gunther's next challenger and says let's talk.

WWE Women's Tag Titles - Chelsea Green and Piper Niven (c) vs Katana Chance and Kayden Carter

Carter headscissors Green then headlock takeovers her. Green steps on her back and slaps her. Carter takes her down and walks on her back. Carter armdrags and dropicks her. Green is tripped into a baseball slide then Chance slingshot swantons on her. Piper gets in and knocks Carter off the apron. Piper pounces Chance then Chance bulldogs her off the cazadora. Chance and Carter end up laying near the corner and get vader bombed at the same time.

We go to break and return. Piper misses a cannonball on Chance. Green gets in and Carter also gets in. Carter hits forearms on her and splashes Piper. Carter superkicks Green then kicks Piper and splashes Green off of it. Carter face kicks Green through the ropes then springboard twisting legdrops her for 2. Green flying leg lariats Carter for 2.

Carter avoids a double suplex then takes a codebreaker. Piper sentons her while she's in it for 2. Chance throws out Green. Carter superkicks Piper then the faces hit a keg stand on Piper for 2. Green release germans Carter and Chance codebreakers Green. Green takes the after party 450 + neckbreaker is pinned. New women's tag champs!

It wasn't a bad match at all. Green was doing well with the tag titles. I don't think they built up Carter and Chance well enough to do this or gave them enough of a storyline to justify it. But, they kind of needed to do something to get established and maybe this will be it. If not, Green's character is strong enough that a loss won't kill her.

Ivy Nile is working out with Alpha Academy. She says she is ready for Rhea. Dupri thanks her for having her back last week. Ivy says her goal for 2024 is to become women's champ. Ivy said she has to go help the Creed's get ready. Tozawa walks in. He says he a match with Ivar. Ivar and Valhalah walk in. They stare him down. Chad says when he told him to go big, he didn't mean that big. Tozawa yells arigato and goes to dance.

Chance and Carter walk up to the other girls in the back. Kofi Kingsto nthen comes up to them and dances with them. Kofi asks what thye want for Christmas and they said they got everything they need right here. They thank LeRae and Indi and said dreams do come true. They then say let's go party. Shayna, Zoey, Nox and Natalya aren't impressed. Nat says they need new challengers since they got new champs and Shayna says that's what she was thinking.

Tozawa vs Ivar

Cole says Kofi Klaus should give Tozawa armor. Wade said he should give him a helicopter to get out. Valhalah and Maxxine Dupri are out here.

Tozawa flies at Ivar and hits punches. Ivar throws him out. Toz gets back in and corkscrew kicks him. Toz hurricanrana's him into the buckles then is caught on a 2nd rope crossbody. Toz slides through the legs, is popped up and hits a ddt off of it. Toz dances then takes a butt drop in the corner.

Ivar misses a top rope splash. Toz rips his own shirt off. He goes up top and Valhalah distracts him. Maxxine pulls her off the apron. Val runs at her, gets side stepped and goes into the rails. Toz top rope sentons Ivar for 2. Ivar spinning high kicks him then is crotched up top.

Toz goes for a top rope hurricanrana and is blocked. Ivar then 2nd rope world's strongest slams him and wins it.

It was quick but it was decent and made sense with the little man vs big man storyline. It was standard but well done here.

Seth Rollins comes out to talk. He said he's defending his title against Drew McIntyre on WWE Day One. Drew comes out before he can say more. Seth said he didn't forget the headbutt he gave him a few weeks ago and told him to tread lightly. Drew says he's proud of him. He said he told Punk the truth to his face and says that's a real leader.

Drew said Seth got to see his family and Drew said he hasn't gotten and wonders if it's worth it. Drew said he had an his family want to be by each others sides, but they tell him to go chase his dream. He then says suddenly one day, they aren't here anymore. Drew says he doesn't want the title, he needs it. He needs to know the sacrifices were worth it. He said he will do everything to take the title from him.

Seth said his actions and words haven't lined up lately and he doesn't know whether to believe him or not buy it. Seth asks why he thinks the outcome will be different this time. Seth said Drew will do everything but take responsibility for his actions.  He said Drew is the only person stopping himself from being champ. Seth said he told Punk he hated him last week, but he pities Drew. He said he'll see him in a few weeks. Seth goes to leave, Drew grabs him and Seth hits him. Seth topes him and hits mounted punches outside. Seth is then banged into the LED rails.

Drew asks him if he's a man who needs his pity and beats him up. He then reverse alabama slams him on the steps.

The Creed's talk in the back. Cody Rhodes comes up to him. He thanks them for the help next week. He said he hopes they leave here as champs tonight. 

Kofi comes out giving presents out. Imperium jump him then beat him up. Jey Uso comes out to make the save. Jey throws both over the top rope and plancha's both. Jey said he wants Ludwig Kaiser in the ring.

We go to break and return.

Jey Uso vs Ludwig Kaiser

This was apparently made official during the break and started there. Kaiser shoulders him over then takes a flying forearm. Jey hits punches. Kaiser lariats him then hits mounted punches. Kaiser chinlocks him. Jey hits punches then is thrown hard into the buckles. Vinci hits Jey from the outside. Kaiser lariats Jey over the top then running euros him outside.

We go to break then return. Jey completely misses an enzugiri and it's sold anyway. Jey hits punches and kicks him in the gut. Jey spinning enzugiri's him and hip attacks him in the corner.
Kaiser rolling death valley drivers him and they call it a Kaiser roll. Jey superkicks him and goes up top where Vinci interferes.

Kofi comes back out and hits a kick on Vinci. Jey spears Kaiser then top rope splashes him to win it.

The match wasn't much. They took it easy and sold a little more than usual for simple moves. I'm not sure if the stuff with Kofi is going anywhere, but I don't think that's a good pairing for Jey if so. He will end up as a midcarder if they pair him with midcarders.

Judgment Day make fun of JD McDonaugh in the back. Dom says it could be worse and talks about things that happened to him. Rhea comes in and is mad. She said when one of them loses, it reflects on the rest of them. Priest said JD lost and is out of Judgment Day. JD asks not to be kicked out of the group. Priest says he's obviously still in for now. Rhea said they need to make an example out of people here. She said she's going to put her title on the line against Ivy Nile. Finn says he and Priest are going to deal with The Creed's and show them why they are the tag champs. Rhea then pushes JD down onto the couch to further humiliate him. I didn't like JD basically being portrayed as a loser here. Yeah, the loss to Truth was bad, but this was just as bad. 

Undisputed WWE Tag Titles - Judgment Day (Damian Priest and Finn Balor) vs The Creed Brothers

JC = Julius Creed, BC = Brutus Creed

JC slams down Finn and both of them are wearing their singlet straps today which makes them look kind of dorky. Finn kicks him in the gut then JC hiptosses him. JC armdrags Priest then dropkicks Finn. Priest is lariated over the top.

We go to break and return. Finn is whipped into a fireman's carry then takes a double fireman's carry drop. Finn takes knees to the ribs from both opponents then is lifed for a double gutbuster. Priest pulls JC over the top then lariats him on the floor. JC is sent into the steps. BC is tagged in and beats up the heels. BC hits hammerfists on Finn then karelin's lifts him. BC corner splashes Finn and torture rack drops him for 2.

Finn throws BC out then Priest pounces him over the announcer's table. We go to break and return. BC and Priest trade forearms. Priest is caught and backdropped on a spinning high kick attempt. JC gets in. He belly to belly suplexes both opponents and standing ssp's Finn. The Creed's go for a doomsday device brutusball but Priest pushes Brutus to the apron. JC and Finn then lariat eacn other at the same time.

Rhea Ripley comes out to attack Ivy Nile. Ivy lifts her and drops her face first on the apron. Finn takes a doomsday device brutusball for 2. JC dropkicks Priest then runs up the buckles and flips on him. Finn slingblades BC then john woo's him into the buckles. Finn goes up top. JC jumps up to the top. Priest then takes a doomsday device brutusball with BC landing on his head. JC goes fo the pin and Finn hits a top rope double stomp on JC. Priest sitout chokeslams JC and gets the win.

It was too soon for this to be in the main. The Creed's haven't been featured enough and aren't known enough yet. It took the crowd a while to get into this and care because of it. It was a decent main but the reactions were ice cold during the first half of this.

Overall thoughts: It was a great Raw with the first half being one of the first halves of Raw ever. Miz/Gunther is an MOTYC. The Nakamura segment with Cody was good and the Truth/Judgment Day match and segment was super entertaining. The main was okay as well.

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