Saturday, November 4, 2023

WWE Smackdown 11/3/2023

WWE Smackdown 11/3/2023

Last week's show is here:

LA Knight comes out to talk. He said Roman has held the title for 1200 days and while that's impressive, it can all come to an end quick. LA said Roman will be dropped on his head with a BFT tomorrow and says this will be a hostile takeover. He said the title has no choice but to come with him and be the end of Roman's reign.

Roman Reigns then comes out with Paul Heyman. They take forever as usual. He introduces himself, saying he is the head of the table, the tribal chief and the face of WWE. He tells the fans to chant LA's name and says this will be the last time it happens. Roman said he pushed WWE forward to the big screen and says the kids call this cinema. He said he's done everything you can do while all LA has done is cosplay a redneck version of his cousin.

Roman says LA's dream is done and this is his reality now. Roman says nobody will know who he is and he will be left in the desert. He said he won't be the last one either. LA says he's not here to finish something, he's here to start the LA Knight era. He said Roman is the megastar because he carries the title, but LA says he's the megastar every day. LA says not to leave a warning shot, but to make sure he's done as the only visible bloodline will be the one running down his forehead. They go face to face and officials come out with Nick Aldis. They shove each other.

Austin Theory is interviewed. He said last week Owens sucker punched him and Waller, but he's used to it as he's the 150 million hit man. He said he has a face that should be on billboards but says Owens has a face that only a mother could love. He said Owens won't have to wear a mask for Halloween when he gets done with him.

Austin Theory vs Kevin Owens

Owens backs him up into the corner. Grayson Waller is on commentary.  Theory goes out, Owens goes after him then has his back rammed into the apron and commentary table. Theory pounds on him then hits corner punches. Owens atomic drops him and lariats him over the top.  Owens then lariats him outside and sentons him on the floor.

 We go to PiP break and return. Theory's head is banged off the commentary table then Owens' neck is pulled over the top rope. Owens is sent into the post. Theory forearms him then rolls into a blockbuster on Owens. Owens is sat on the top rope and hits a top rope fisherman's buster. Owens pop-up powerbombs him then stunners him for the win.

It was short and there wasn't a whole lot to it before the finish. I didn't really like Theory losing clean and I thought it was a waste of these two to be honest.

Cathy Kelly interviews Bianca Belair. She says she has history with Bayley and says it is personal now since Damage Ctrl took her out. Damage Ctrl jumps Belair then Nick Aldis breaks it up.

Logan Paul meets Lashley, Ford and Dawkins in the back. They congratulate Paul on knocking out Rey and Paul said we might see more of that at Crown Jewel. Lashley says that's what success is about and that's what the Street Profits need to do. B-Fab walks in and wants to talk to Lashley.

Piper Niven and Chelsea Green vs Shotzi and Charlotte Flair

Flair is Shotzi's mystery partner. Shotzi hits forearms on Piper then Piper catches her 2nd rope crossbody. Piper shoulderbreakers her and we see Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn watching in the back. Shotzi takes a short arm clothesline then Green stomps her in the corner.

Shotzi fights off the 2v1 then Flair top rope crossbodies both opponents. Flair chops both then Flair cuty special's Green. Flair boots Piper from the apron then does a slingslot roll-up. Flair facekicks Piper then Green and wins it.

The finish was weak and I didn't like the tag champs beating beaten so easily here. There was not much to this at all before the finish. Losing to a face kick is pretty bad unless you are in 1990's New Japan.

Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa talk in the ring. Paul says this is the end of days with John Cena and said this was not the way he wanted it to be. He said Cena came back to WWE and picked a fight with The Bloodline. Paul says Roman turns to Solo when there is a problem. He said he could be the tribal chief someday, but you don't become the tribal chief without victims under your feet. He said there is no bigger victim than John Cena.

Solo then gets on the mic. He asks Paul why he is wasting his breath talking to them. Solo said we didn't come here to talk to them, we came here to talk to John Cena, face to face. John Cena comes out.

Solo said he's mad he has to wait until tomorrow to punch him, but the tribal chief ordered him to give Cena the mic to said goodbye while he still can. He said Cena won't be able to say goodbye tomorrow. Cena asks if he realizes who he is in the ring with and said we've been waiting for him to talk all year, and that's all he had to say. Cena is hoarse and said it will only take him 90 seconds to cook him. He said he will say goodbye, not to them but for them. Cena said Solo only has a job here because of his cousin and said he's a bargain basement Tazz ripoff, not a tough enforcer. He told him to tape his fist up nice and tight, because the only place it is going is straight up his @ss tomorrow. It was a good segment. 

Damage Ctrl talked about beating up Bianca. They said she should have her head on a swivel looking out for them. Bayley said maybe she will put her down for good tonight and said maybe it's her for Iyo for the title tomorrow. Bayley then said it's a joke. Nick Aldis came in and said they need a match with a winner tonight. He then said Damage Ctrl will be banned from ringside. They complained then Iyo told Bayley that she can handle this.

Good Ol' Fashioned Donnybrook Match - The Brawling Brutes vs Pretty Deadly

PD is jumped during their entrance. They beg off in the ring then they take stereo chest clubs. Kit is suplexed on the apron and Elton is sent into the middle buckle crotch-first. Elton is put in tree of woe and Ridge crossbodies him. Ridge pop-up drops Kit and Btuch knees Elton off the apron. Butch pulls on Elton's fingers over a bar top, then is backdropped on it. Ridge shoulders over Elton then Ridge's back is banged into the post.

Ridge picks up both PD members and throws them over the top. Butch then top rope moonsaults PD outside. We go to PiP break and return. Butch hits a tornado ddt off a barrel then Kit takes an alabama slam on a trash can. Kit is put in a boston crab while Elton is put in an ankle lock. Ridge is hit with a stool in the back of the head then takes a suplex + powerbomb combo.

Butch chop flurries Kit then Elton hits a running elbow on Butch. Elton takes a gorilla press into a slam then Kit hits a twist of fate on Ridge. Butch step up enzugiri's Elton then Kit lariats Butch. Butch is hit with a shillelagh and rolled up. Elton is powerbombed through a table set up on barrels. Butch pump kicks Kit for 2.

Ridge is sent into a stack of barrells outside. Butch goes for a superplex and is hit with a beer bottle. Butch takes a spinebuster + neckbreaker combo off the 2nd rope through a table. Butch is then pinned.

It was good stuff as expected. Pretty much all hardcore wrestling but they had some fun spots here and the two teams matched up well. I would not take an alabama slam from Ridge nor would I try to powerbomb + neckbreaker him as both could be dangerous spots.

Nick Aldis talks to Paul Heyman in the back. Paul wants to offer advice and Nick tells him to make it quick. Paul said he should have a lot of medical help on hand tomorrow as LA will need it. He says this is the most savage version of Roman Reigns anyone will see. Nick asks if he's done and he says, "with LA Knight? Hardly."

Rey Mysterio vs Logan Paul Weigh-In

They get weighed. Paul says he has a big mouth and is short. He pats him on the head and Nick says no contact. Rey slaps him and security steps in. Rey hits him with a microphone.

Bianca Belair vs Bayley


Bayley pounds on her then Bianca corner spears her. Bianca suplexes her twice then handsprings into a moonsault. Bianca slams her several times then Bayley stunners her over the middle rope. Bayley then running knees her into the post.

We go to break and return. Bianca is thrown out. Bayley elbow drops her off the apron. Bianca hits a backbreaker then dropkicks. Bianca corner spears her then hits mounted punches. Bianca spinebusters her  then 2nd rope superplexes her. Bianca mostly hits a handspring moonsault but they act like she doesn't.

Bayley pulls her by the hair into the post then Bayley top rope elbow drops her for 2. Bayleyer clears off the commentator's table then Bayley runs into the post from the apron. Bianca plancha's her. Bayley rolls her up inside then Bianca whips her with her hair in front of the ref. The ref doesn't care and Bianca wins it with the KOD.

I don't get Bianca being allowed to whip Bayley with her hair like that right in front of the ref. The ref said nothing too. They actually had a good match otherwise with both bringing some hatred and taking nice looking bumps into the posts.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall. The Knight/Roman segment was okay and the Cena/Solo segment was good. The main had a bad finish but was good and the Donnybrook Brawl was good.

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