Saturday, November 4, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 11/3/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 11/3/2023

Last week's show is here:

Valentina Feroz vs Ivy Nile


Ivy just got put on Raw this week, so it's odd that she's here for this one. Feroz trips her and Ivy avoids having her knee banged off the mat. Ivy front facelocks her and rides her then Feroz rolls her. Feroz does a good job riding her then takes a fallaway slam. Ivy is armdragged then shoulder thrown.

Feroz keylocks her and rolls. Ivy deadlift picks her up with it and Feroz armbars her over the top rope. Feroz arm wringers her down and butt drops her arm. Feroz hammerlocks her and grabs her chin. Feroz hammerlocks her and Ivy sends her through the ropes. Feroz then pulls her out and she splats on the floor.

Ivy 619's under the bottom rope then does a spin kick that misses. Ivy hits shoulder tackles then does her flying corner kick. Ivy gutwrench slams her for 2. Feroz fireman's carry slams her then meteora's her. Feroz goes for a flying triangle but Ivy drops her out of it. Ivy then puts her in the dragon sleeper and wins it.

Ivy didn't hit all of her moves clean but I liked the amateur wrestling during the beginning of this. It showed a new side of Feroz and it felt like they were really going at it. 

Trey Bearhill is interviewed. He said everyone imagines winning in thei debut, but he lost. He said he took the step forward though and believes he will gain wsidom through experience. He says Myles Borne is a different man than he faced last time and is a wiser Trey Bearhill than last time. Trey kind of mumbles and it was an unusual promo.

Trey Bearhill vs Myles Borne

Trey does his indian dancing during his entrance. Myles has a new CGI graphic for his name. Trey back elbows him and dances. Trey Beal throws him then holds him in the air by his arm. Borne escapes the 2nd attempt at it and clips him. Borne hits punches then double stomps his back. Borne chinlocks him then Trey hits chops.

Trey rakes his back and dances, then crossbodies him. Damon Kemp gets on the apron. Trey is distracted and dropkicked. Borne then gets the win.

Trey got to do more than he did last time. The crowd got into him and his dancing is interesting. Borne's dropkick at the end was nice but this was short and didn't have a lot to it.

Oro Mensah vs Dante Chen

They said this is their first Level Up match, but they fought in July on Level Up.

They lock up. Oro rolls through a wristlock and upkicks him. Chen headlock takeovers him off the 2nd rope and armlocks him. Oro's 2nd upkick attempt is blocked then he takes armdrags. They slap each other then Chen armdrags him.

Oro superkicks him hard while he's on his knees. Oro stomps him and tries to throw him out, but Chen gets stukc on the ropes. Oro overhead exploders him for 2. Chen rolls him up then Oro does a leg sweep. They trade shots and Oro pulls his neck over the top rope. Oro then does a chicken wing through the ropes. Oro does a nasty hook kick from behind.

Oro gets put on Chen's shoulders then is dropped backwards. Boa comes out. Chen hits strikes then hits a big back body drop on Oro. Chen atomic drops him then hits his side pump kick. Oro's head is banged off the top rope then Chen does a springboard punch. Chen does a double palm strike and Lash push's Oro's leg on the ropes. Chen thinks he has it won and is surprised to find out he doesn't. Oro does a double throat thrust then running spinning heel kicks him in the corner to win it.

Boa helps Chen out after.

I don't really know what to say about this one. The piece were there but I didn't think it came together like it should have. Chen could have used some stronger offense here. It should have been better considering how long these two have been around.

Overall thoughts: Three matches this week, none of which were perfect. Trey Bearhill had a better showing than last time and Valentina Feroz showed some new amateur wrestling abilities. The main event didn't gel. I wouldn't recommend this.

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