Thursday, November 2, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 10/26/2023 Episode #35

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 10/26/2023 Episode #35

Last week's show is here: 

Angelico is with Serpentico and talks about Eddie Kingston. He said this title match shouldn't have an effect on their friendship. Ange said Eddie took advantage of Serp by keeping him in the submission after he tapped out. This was not good with Ange having the least threatening voice ever.

Metalik vs Angelico


They shake hands and Metal headflips out of a wristlock. Ange side headlocks him then does a spinning headscissors him. Metal walks the top rope and springboard crossbodies him. Metal back springboards and is dropkicked in mid-air. Ange backdrops him for 2. Ange ties both of his legs up and he ropebreaks.

Metal does a sling blade bulldog, walks the middle rope then 2nd rope dropkicks him. Metal walks up the buckles and flip dives on him. Metal springboard splashes him for 2. Metal hits a superkick then takes an upkick. Ange then does a reverse figure four with an ankle lock and wins it.

It was on the shorter end. They kept it moving and flew around a little before Ange picked up the win. This was a random one.

Kyle Fletcher is interviewed by Lexi. Kyle talks about losing to Kenny Omega and Bryan Danielson. He said he's young and only 24. He said it'll be a different story the next time he gets in the ring with them.

The Infantry vs Terrence Hughes and Terrell Hughes

The Infantry are kicked during the handshake. Bravo takes a corner splash then a big overhead belly to belly. Bravo does his fakeout crossover punch and tags out. Dean jumping lariats one of the twins and jumps onto the apron during it. He then hits a springboard lariat. A twin then takes a russian legsweep + facekick combo and is pinned.

This was just a short squash.

Maria Kanellis is interviewed. She said Griff and Cole have another match tonight and she feels confident about it. She said they want to win tag team gold and says mama is proud of her baby boys. Leyla Hirsch walks in and says she must be happy Maria lost to Athena. Maria says she wanted to help her and says Leyla expects to be handed everything. Leyla says she has no idea about her struggles and said she needed the match with Athena. Leyla said it woke her up and reminded her of who she is. Leyla said she didn't treat her the best and didn't want her help, but is willing to let her help. Maria says she hears her but asks how she is different than anyone else. Maria says if she wants her help, she needs to earn it.

Dalton Castle vs Anthony Henry

We have a different set of Boys today. Dalton goes for a handshake and is piefaced. They duck each others shots in the corner. Henry back elbows him and Dalton slides out. Dalton takes him down in the ring then slams him down. Dalton sliding knees him.

Henry's back is pushed into the steps then he is ddt'd on the floor. Dalton's back is rammed into the apron then he takes a knee lift over the 2nd rope. Henry running leg lariats Dalton from behind outside, sending him over the rails.

They trade shots on the inside and Dalton back elbows him. Dalton clotheslines him then hits a flying knee in the corner. Dalton slingblade bulldogs him. Henry blocks a bangarang and hits a stiff piledriver for 2. Dalton spinning exploders him twice then deadlift germans him from the apron. Dalton then hits the bangarang and wins it.

The crowd got into it during the second half but the first half of this was a mess. I don't know what happened but there wasn't a lot of chemistry and it had no momentum until the finish.

Mark Sterling, Josh Woods and Tony Nese are interviewed. Mark says this is a celebratory interview to talk about their successes. Ethan Page then walks in. He said he was given Mark's business card last week and called the number on it every week. He said he keeps getting the answering machine even though he's interested in personal training. Nese tells Page he beat him and is moving on to bigger and better things. Page asks if he beat him fair and played by the rules. Woods tells him he lost and says bye. Page asks if Woods is the wrestler in this group and actually plays by the rules. Mark says it sounds like Page wants to face Woods next week and Page agrees.

Tornado Rules - Mercedes Martinez and Diamante vs Athena and Billie Starkz

The heels have matching gear. They say this is under tornado rules. All 4 go at each other to start then pair off outside.  Athena picks up Dia like a suplex and tosses her over the rail. MM is thrown into the rail by Billie and Billie celebrates. Athena fights the heels on the apron then takes a neckbreaker over the 2nd rope. MM bridging ddt's Athena for 2. Billie is 2v1'd then double crossbodies her opponents. MM short arm lariats Billie then facekicks her. Athena shotgun dropkicks MM then flying single leg dropkicks her. Athena then hits the stroke on her. Dia lariats Athena then does a cross rhodes for 2.

Billie deadlift germans Dia on her head. MM standing double arm chokeslams Billie then Athena is held up for a superkick. Billie is low dropkicked in the corner. Athena is on Billie's shoulders and rolls into a spear on MM. Dia is put on Athena's shoulders and takes an electric chair into a german. Dia takes a double suplex then Athena spin kicks MM. Billie spinning high kicks MM then ddt's Dia. Athena grabs Dia's legs while she's doing a handstand in the ddt and drops her down chest first from the electric chair.

Athena hits a running corner hip attack and Billie hits a running corner splash. Athena standing moonsaulta Dia then flips Billie off the top onto Dia. Dia tries to hit her opponents 1v2 then takes a 2v1. MM backdrops Athena then Billie takes a powerbomb + blockbuster combo. The ref then counts the pin and Mercedes grabs the win. It seems like it could have been botched, but I don't know.

Dia gives MM Athena's belt after. Athena nails Dia and MM poses with the title in Athena's face. They go face to face and MM throws her belt.

It wasn't a classic, but it was a good effort overall. Billie continues to play the role well of Athena's understudy and the heels and Athena fought like they had some hatred for each other. I do think the finish was botched somehow as it felt off, but I don't know. This got a lot of time.

Kyle Fletcher vs Willie Mack


Willie did really good in that one interview segment months ago and naturally, hasn't done one since. They shake hands and Kyle hits some shots. Kyle kind of runs into Mack and they cal lit a single leg takedown. Mack reverses a hiptoss with an armdrag then hits another armdrag.

Mack flying headscissors him then hits a flying shining wizard. Mack is leg lariated off the apron then hits a nice shoulderblock inside. Mack hits a nice spinning heel kick then swinging slams him. Mack then standing moonsaults him for 2. Kyle superkicks him then dives off the 2nd rope, hitting a cutter.

Kyle leg lariats him in the back of the head then struggles to hit a tombstone. Kyle wins.

It was decent aside from the finish, which Kyle struggled to put on.

Lexi and Billie Starkz talk in the back. Athena comes in and yells at Billie. She said Billie cost her the loss. Athena says she sucks and is trash. Billie says it's not her fault and Athena yells in her face. Athena says she is trying to pull her out of the gutter. She said she thought she was her equal. She says she now has to defend her title against Mercedes and says it's Billie's fault. Athena then hits her and Billie cries. Lexi hugs her.

Four Corner Survival Match - Slim J vs. Gravity vs. Gringo Loco vs. Blake Christian


Grav is pulled out and stomped by J. Loco and Blake go at it. Blake headscissors him but Loco cartwheels out of it. Loco is pulled out and sent into the post by J. Blake then hits a stiff tope on J. Grav handsprings into the ropes outside then headscissors Blake on the floor. Grav handsprings inside and does a reverse armdrag. Grav then does a spinning headscissors on Loco.

Grav takes a pop-up drop on his chest. J does a cool slingshot blockbuster as Loco hangs from the top. Blake enzugiri's J then hits a uranage. J then does a standing imploding senton on J and top rope double stomps him. Grav uses the ropes to armdrag J then tope con hilos him outside. Loco 2nd rope moonsaults outside then Blake springboard 630's outside.

Blake rolls through a springboard 450 inside then J does a springboard corkscrew kick on the outside. J goes up top and Loco does a 2nd rope electric chair powerbomb. Blake springboard 450's Loco's back and Grav top rope splashes Blake's back while he's on top of J. Grav then pins J.

I was okay with this. It was a spotfest but they didn't go too long or do a bunch of stupid kickouts. 

Leyla Hirsch vs Nyxx

They shake hands and Leyla won't let go. Leyla backdrops her then stomps on her. Leyla hits mounted forearms. Nyxx hits forearms then is german suplexed. Leyla hits a nice running lariat. Leyla then armbars her and wins this quick squash.

Lee Moriarty vs Darius Martin

They trade chops off the handshake. DM cartwheels and Lee goes for a slingshot but takes an atomic drop. Lee is lariated hard over the top, banging his knee off the apron. DM plancha's him then has words with Shane Taylor.

Lee flying double chops him then does a grounded abdominal stretch along with an arm pull. DM bulldogs him over the bottom rope then flatliners him off the bottom rope. Lee leg sweeps him, steps on his leg then basement dropkicks him. Lee goes for a border city stretch and DM revers it into a roll-up. Shane Taylor nails DM from the outside. Lee puts DM in a border city stretch and the ref calls it as DM is knocked off.

Shane yells at DM while he's in the hold then Action Andretti makes the save.

It was short. It wasn't the cleanest match ever but there was definitely some extra viciousness in each move that was nice.

Rachael Ellering vs Robyn Renegade

RE = Rachael Ellering

I'd say Ellering is the favorite here, but you never know. Robyn hits a knee to the gut and an overhand punch. RE chops her then hits a senton. Robyn rolls out to the apron and drops her chest first on the apron. Robyn camel clutches her and pulls on her mouth.

RE hits chops then takes a forearm. RE running shoulders her then does something like a slingblade. RE twisting fisherman busters her for 2. RE botches a snapmare and snapmare drivers herself. Robyn misses a 2nd rope moonsault then RE spinning forearms her. RE blackhole slams her and wins it.

It was short and had some sloppy work.

Gates of Agony vs Iron Savages vs Griff Garrison and Cole Karter

We have about 4 minutes for this, so it's not going to be much. I feel like we saw this already last week. Griff and Cole nail Bronson from behind. Griff drops down and Cole dropkicks Bronson. Cole sliding lariats Bronson. Bronson 2nd rope crossbodies Cole. Kaun and Boulder are tagged in. Boulder shoulders him over.

Boulder takes a double boot then hits a double flapjack. Boulder powerslams Kaun then puts Bronson on his shoulders. Bronson is dropped down for a splash but the intended target moves. Toa throws Boulder into the rails the Griff spinning forearms Bronson. Toa pounces Griff over the top and hits a nasty spinebuster on Cole. Cole takes a double chokeslam and is pinned.

It was a short match and a total waste of everyone in here. It could have went 20 minutes easy and we got 4 whole minutes. They did what they could with it.

Overall thoughts: It was the usual ROH show. Too many matches and not enough time, which means shorter matches. They at least build to a couple of things next time and some of the matches were okay. The main was a waste of everyone involved. I wouldn't recommend it even though it was okay.

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