Friday, November 17, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 11/17/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 11/17/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Dani Palmer vs Tatum Paxley

Tatum has new black and red gear. They show video of Tatum turning on Dani during a tag match 2 months ago. Tatum grabs her by the hair then Dani cartwheels out. Dani cravates her then rolls through a slam to keep it on. Dani rolls again to keep it on.

Tatum side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Dani hits a nice leapfrog then back rolls into a headscissors. Tatum does some dumb spot where she pushes the bottom rope down on Dani's leg, barely hitting it. Tatum dragon screws her then kicks her hard in the leg while holding down her foot.

Tatum hits kicks to the knee then steps up on her back just to splash it. Dani falls down due to her leg when running the ropes and Tatum kicks her leg. Tatum puts her in an indian deathlock then does a calf crusher.

Dani armbars her then is crucifixed. Dani dropkicks her in the knee and upkicks her from the mat. Dani hits clotheslines then does a shotgun dropkick. Dani does her handstand double kick then Tatum dragon screws her over the middle rope. Tatum hits a psycho trap/tequila shot and wins it.

I can't really the last time I saw Tatum win a match, so this is good for her. She worked the knee most of the match and won with a hold that held the knee, so I guess it worked.

Tavion Heights is interviewed by Kelly Kincaid. He says Riley Osborne is impressive and says hes a highflyer. He says you have to go up but the only place to go from there is down. He says he will lay everything on the line to get the win. He then said he can shoot for the stars but it won't be enough to reach these heights.

Riley Osborne vs Tavion Heights

Tav = Tavion Heights

Tav is hyped up here. Tav rolls on his back to do a headlock then Riley handstand walks out of it. Riley wristlocks him, Tav kips up out of it then hits a unique fireman's carry type of slam I've never seen before.

Tav waistlocks him and then shoves him off as he goes for strikes. Riley flips off the 2nd rope over him then takes a huge overhead belly to belly with Tav not even bending back for it. Tax its a nice gutwrench suplex then a big back body drop. Tav pulls both of Riley's arms backwards then torture racks him.

Riley lariats him in the back of the head. Riley kind of does a slingblade bulldog then leg lariats him for 2. Riley standing corkscrew moonsaults him for 2. Riley goes up top and bangs Tav's head off the top. Riley then hits a top rope shooting star press and wins it.

Riley took some impressive bumps here but he sadly had a lot of sloppy moments, so I can't really say it was that good. Riley just didn't really hit anything clean here sadly. They did match up well otherwise though.

Overall thoughts: Only 2 matches here. The girls match was okay. They tried in the main but they had some sloppy moments and I can't put it over despite Riley's good bumping.

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