Friday, November 17, 2023

AEW Collision 11/17/2023

AEW Collision 11/17/2023

Last week's show is here: 

AEW is airing a PPV on Saturday when Collision usually is, so Collision is airing a day prior.

No promos to start the show.

Tony Schiavone interviews Christian Cage, Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne in the ring. Christian said they get to last match tomorrow night and offers his services of fatherly guidance once he finishes off Sting. CC says it's a good thing Ric Flair looks like the crypt keeper already as if he gets involved tommorow, he wil literally meet him tomorrow.

CC says Adam Copeland came here to steal his spotlight and he said he's not the same person he used to be. He says he will break Adam's neck tomorrow. CC said it doesn't matter who he faces tonight as he can beat all four at the same time anyway. The fans chant "prove it"  and references James Harden, saying "I don't work within the system, I am the system". Harden's a basketball player and just said that line after leaving the Philadelphia 76ers.

Big Bill and Ricky Starks are interviewed. Bill says neither he or Starks have to be beaten tomorrow to lose the tag titles. He said Starks spoke to Tony Khan and said he could pick a stipulation because of it. Starks says he is choosing a ladder match. He said they will walk out as champs in style tomorrow.

Miro vs Daniel Garcia

Miro deadlift throws him while he's on his knees early. DG hits forearms then Miro pounds and stomps on him in the corner. Miro suplexes him then short arm clotheslines him. Miro does another throw on him and teases doing DG's dance. DG hits chops and punches then Miro swinging side slams him.

We go to PiP break and return. DG tries to fight out of a hold then dropkicks him in the knee. DG stomps him in the gut in the corner then flying double knees him. DG flying knees him then Miro hits a superkick. DG grabs his leg and slaps him then backdrops him.

DG goes to dance and Matt Menard comes down to stop him. DG stares at him then pushes Miro into him on the apron. DG then crossfaces Miro then sharpshooters him. DG pulls all the way back but Miro hooks his arm around his throat and bangs his head off the mat.

Miro pump kicks him then wins with the camel clutch.

It wasn't bad and I thought they did a decent job of making it believeable that Garcia could stay in this match with Miro.

CJ Perry and Andrade El Idolo are interviewed. Andrade said he is happy because of CJ and CJ says Andrade is the best wrestler. CJ says AEI is born to do this and CJ says she entered him in The Continental Classic. CJ said she negotiated this with Tony to give him extra if he wins matches in it and AEI is surprised. AEI says he trusts her.

The Kings of the Black Throne vs The Boys

Black wristlocks Brent. Brent kips up and uses the ropes to flip out of it. Black spinning back elbows him. Brandon hits shots on King that are no sold then King slams him down off a wheelbarrow. Brandon is back dropped over the top onto Brent then Black knees Brandon. Brandon is thrown into a fire thunder and is pinned.

This was just a quick squash.

Julia Hart does a promo. She said Skye turned her back on her and will pay for it. Skye says she is coming for Kris Statlander and said she hasn't been the same after being misted. She tells Julia not to get in her way. Kris said her opponents had to get darker to go after her yet still can't compare. Kris said she gets stronger everyday and it will take more to beat her.

#1 Contender to TNT Title - Penta El Cero Miedo vs Komander vs Brian Cage vs Trent Beretta

Penta takes a pump kick from Cage then Cage pop-ups up Komander to let him fall on his front. Trent spinning forearms Cage then Komander springboard hurricanrana's Cage. Cage takes a double superkick on the apron then Komander is popped up and hits a nice tonrillo on Cage outside.

Trnet back elbows Penta then they trade chops. Trent jumping knees him then half-nelson suplexes him. Komander springboard dropkicks Trent. Komander walks the top rope but Cage shakes it, knocking him off. Cage then 2nd rope suplexes him outside onto Trent and Penta. Cage sends Penta and Trnet into the rails and backdrops Komander onto the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Trent takes a reverse slam from Cage. Penta leg kicks Cage then pops up Komander into a dropkick on Cage. Komander suplexes Penta onto Cage in the corner. Komander rolls up Trent then Trent germans him. Penta superkicks Komander then Trent germans Penta. Trent poisonrana's Cage then Cage spinning lariats him. Cage blocks Komander's satelittle ddt then does a weird drop where he flips him on his chest.

Penta superkicks Trent then goes up and over and backcrackers him. Cage then ends up rolling Penta intoa canadian destroyer on Komander. Penta slingblades Cage then hits a made in Japan on Trent. Penta superkicks Cage then kicks Komander in the knee. Penta then jumps off Komander's back into a tope con hilo on Cage. Komander then tope conhilos Penta through the ropes. Komander takes a beachbreak and Trent gets the win.

It was a spotfest as expected with some dives and various spots. You know the deal here. 

Hobbs and Don Callis are interviewed. Don said Paul Wight is on the shelf and Don due to Hobbs slamming him on a car on Dynamite. Don said that's brutality and said that's what they bring. Hobbs says anyone can get it and says, "I'm big, I'm black, I'm jacked". He tells Paul Wight to stay away because "anyone can get it".

Wardlow vs ?

Wardlow running forearms his opponent then jack knife powerbombs him. Wardlow top rope swantons him then hits a last ride powerbomb. The ref then calls it off.

It was the same thing we've been seeing for years with Wardlow now and didn't do a whole lot for him.

Rush vs Dax Harwood


They trade chops. Dax slides under him then is shouldered and stomped. Dax flying forearms him and Rush goes out. Dax is back body dropped on the floor then thrown into the rails. Dax's chest is busted open form chops then Dax hits a forearm flurry in the corner. Rush throws him into the post shoulder first then really beats him up in the corner. Rush kicks him in the face then poses.

We go to PiP break and return. Rush suplexes him then Dax hits double german suplexes. Rush chops him then superplexes him for 2. They chop each other then grab each other by the throat. They slap each other and both fall down at the same time.

Rush backdrops him then Dax hits a piledriver for 2. Rush sends him into the post outside then argues with Ricky Starks, who is on commentary. Starks puts his title in his face then Rush spits at him. Rush goes for his dropkick in the corner then Starks spears him. Bill then pounds on Dax and Cash Wheeler comes down to help. LFI then come down to join the battle then The House of Black jump in. Bill and Brody King fight over a ladder then Cash and Dralistico dive on them. Security tries to stop it and we go to break.

I liked this one. The two were pretty aggressive and stiff with each other and really turned what could have been a nothing match into a fun affair.

Action Andretti is interviewed about Darius Martin. The Kingdom and Roderick Strong walk in. They say he has a bruised ego and weak neck. Action tells them to shut up and Strong said he found his next victim.

Buddy Matthews vs Wheeler Yuta

They trade waistlocks and Yuta wristlocks him. Buddy side headlock takedowns him. Yuta offers his leg then pulls it away when he tries to grab it. Yuta rolls him up and dropkicks him. They go out and Yuta is thrown into the rails.

Buddy pump kicks him against the rail. They fight on the apron then Buddy throws him into the commentator's table. We go to PiP break and return. Buddy hits some kicks and stomps his foot. Yuta hits a big forearm then hits chops and forearms.

Yuta spinning forearms him then Buddy superkicks him. Buddy hits a pumping knee then is rolled up for 2. Yuta germans him for 2 then superkicks him. Yuta topes him then is dropped onto the turnbuckle connector gut first. Yuta hits some boots from the top rope then splashes his back as he hangs over the middle rope.

Yuta is rolled up then Buddy boots him. Buddy superkicks his head against the top rope then powerbombs him. Buddy then curbstomps him for the win.

The first half was better than the 2nd match. It was acceptable but ran a little longer than it needed to.

Buddy grabs a chair after then Claudio Castagnoli comes down and backs him up. Claudio grab the mic and says if he wants attention from the BCC, all he has to do is ask. He said he's been p!ssing him off for a few weeks and CC said he likes to make his challenges face to face. He challenges him to a match at Full Gear.

We get a promo video for Mox vs OC. Mox said he hits like a b!tch. OC said the title doesn't feel the same since he didn't beat Mox for it. OC says he has to beat him.

The Outcasts (Saraya and Ruby Soho) vs Hikaru Shida and Kris Statlander

Shida wristlocks her then dropkicks her. Shida puts her on her shoulders torture rack style and just throws her back. Kris trips Ruby then hits a handstand corkscrew legdrop. Saraya is armdragged by Kris then Kris shoulders her over. We see Julia Hart watching this on a tv.

Saraya running knees Kris then Kris double suplexes both opponents. Shida gets on the 2nd rope and crossbodies both opponents. Shida jumping knees Saraya  then suplexes Ruby into Saraya. We see Skye Blue watching this in the back. Shida hits horrid corner punches on both opponents then is thrown down off the buckles.

We go to PiP break and return. Shida suplexes Saraya and we see Angelo Parker watching in the crowd. Shida hits forearms on Saraya then Saraya kicks her. Shida hits a step up enzugiri. Kris shoulders over Ruby then spinning lariats her. Kris hits a jumping knee on Saraya then spinning ki krushers her for 2.

Ruby throws Kris into the rail near Parker, who is wearing a Ruby Soho shirt. Kris takes a poisonrana then Ruby takes a Shida missile dropkick. Shida superkicks brazilian kicks Ruby then trades forearms with Saraya. They then crossbody each other at the same time.

Shida knees Ruby off the apron then flying knees Saraya. Parker helps up Ruby outside then Shida comes off the top and takes a kick from Saraya. Saraya hits her ddt finisher on Shida then Kris is thrown out. Saraya gets mad at Ruby and Parker goofing off. Parker gets nailed by Kris then Shida spinning knee's Saraya to win.

Outside of Shida's finisher and corner punches looking horrible, it wasn't that bad. We didn't have the usual interference and they furthered the Parker/Saraya storyline.

Tony Schiavone interviews MJF, who calls him a fat, old, prick. MJF said he promised to defend the tag titles and said he would. He said he will do whatever it takes to defend the tag titles. He said he won't let Cole down and says he is partly to blame for Cole's injury. MJF said the AEW title means everything to him. He said Jay White is insecure and reminds him of himself. He said he stole the title trying to prove to himself. MJF said the title doesn't make the man, the man makes the title. He said Jay will lose and says nobody is on the level of the devil. MJF talks about likelihoods and said it was slim to none of him becoming champ. He said his odds are slim to none, but he likes those odds. I didn't really like this one and I didn't like it being in the final segment.

Overall thoughts: It looked like garbage on paper but Garcia/Miro and Dax/Rush were a lot better than expected. Even the women didn't do a terrible job and I actually ended up liking this show.

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