Thursday, November 16, 2023

Dramatic Dream Team 11/12/2023 DDT Ultimate Party 2023

Dramatic Dream Team 11/12/2023 DDT Ultimate Party 2023

Here's what I saw:

KO-D Tag Team Title Match - Romance Dawn (Shota & Soma Takao) (c) vs. Antonio Honda & Masahiro Takanashi

MT = Masahiro Takanashi

Shota and MT go at it but both tag out. Honda comes in and trips over the middle rope. Honda shoulders Soma over and goofs around. Soma dropkicks him and tags in Shota. Honda takes a double hiptoss, a sliding dropkick and elbow. Shota and Soma then do kip-ups.

Honda falls over and calls for a time out. He then nails Soma in the throat. Soma 2nd rope dropkicks MT then Shota hits shots on MT. Shota back elbows MT then MT step up enzugiri's him.

Honda comes in and trips over the middle rope. He then grabs the mic. He goofs off then eye pokes his opponents. Honda's team takes stereo enzugiri's then bionic elbows. Soma is tombstoned then Honda misses a 2nd rope dive. Soma rolls him up. Shota is thrown in the ropes but flips to the apron and cannonballs MT.

Honda sunset flips Soma then Honda hits punches on Soma. Soma spinning forearms him then hits a beach break to win it.

It was a short comedy match with Honda goofing around as usual.

Moka Miyamoto, Shino Suzuki & Yuki Arai vs. Daisy Monkey (Arisu Endo & Suzume) & Wakana Uehara

Moka and Wakana start us off. Moka wristlocks her then Wakana kips up out of it and side headlock taekvoers her. Moka headscissors her and they stare down. Wakana leapfrogs and armdrags her. Yuki wristlocks Wakana then slams her. Shino back elbows Wakana for 2 then Wakana dropkicks her.

Endo and Suzume double back elbow Shino then Suzume does a nice roll up on her. Endo slams Shino then Shino back elbows her. Moka gets in  and Endo knee presses the back of her neck down. Moka grounded cobtra twists Endo and Endo ropebreaks. Endo double springboard dropkicks Moka then Suzume top rope crossbodies Moka.

Suzume dropkicks Moka then Moka slams her. Yuki is tagged in and facekicks Suzume. Yuki dropkicks her then Suzume bulldogs Yuki with the use of the ropes. Wakana gets in and dropkicks Yuki then handspring back elbows her. Wakana forearms Yuki then Yuki facekicks her. Yuki takes a double dropkick then Wakana suplexes Yuki for 2.

Yuki facekicks Wakana then sharpshooters her. Shino dropkicks Endo. Moka gut punches and leg lariats Suzume. Wakana takes a pump kick from Yuki then takes a full-nelson slam. Yuki axe kicks Wakana and wins it.

It went a little long but it was a good match. It was fast paced and they hit their stuff clean. Nothing really to complain about here.

Kuroshio TOKYO Japan vs. Takeshi Masada

Jiro had a long entrance here going through most of the sections of the crowd and teasing getting in multiple times. Jiro goes through his entire entrance theme then he runs to the back and comes back out. He then finally gets in the ring.

TM wrestles in his jacket just like Jiro does. TM shoulders him over and Jiro kips up and poses. Jiro goes to kip up but TM stands on his hair. They armdrag each other then Jiro hits jacket punches. TM facekicks him and pump kicks him out of the ring.

TM and Jiro both get on different sides of the ring and stare down from the 2nd rope. They try to go down together and argue about it for a while. TM then dropkicks him off the apron and takes his jacket off. Jiro is thrown into the post and ends up swinging his body around it.

Jiro slides out and hugs fansthen TM double axe handles him. Jiro slides out again and hugs fans then springboard double stomps him. Jiro hits an enzugiri. Jiro headlocks him, smothering him with his jacket. TM hits forearms then Jiro jacket punches him. TM is pulled off the 2nd rope by Jiro.

TM dropkicks Jiro then suplexes him. TM comes off the 2nd rope and swinging flatliners him. Jiro hits a jacket punch then flapjacks him on the top buckle. Jiro top rope swantons him for 2 then superkicks him. TM backslides Jiro then hits a beachbreak for 2. TM high kicks and superkicks him for 2. TM hits a triangle enzugiri then does a ki krusher for 2. Jiro then crucifixes him and wins it in a surprise finish.

Jiro's entrance was long but amusing for most of it. The match went a little longer than it needed to. The two did match up well and it's a shame the finish wasn't better.

HARASHIMA, Jun Akiyama & Yukio Naya vs. Voodoo Murders (Jun Saito, Rei Saito & Toshizo)

HS = Harashima, JS = Jun Saito,

Rei and Naya start us off. They shoulder battle and Naya is knocked over. Everyone fights outside then Rei splashes Naya on the inside. Rei hits a headbutt then takes a knee to the gut. HS snapmares Rei and kicks him in the back. HS stomps and legdrops him. Toshizo pulls HS out then holds him for chops from JS.

Rei slams HS then stands on his body. Toshizo whips HS with his belt multiple times then is forearmed down. JS gets in and HS legsweeps him. HS sliding kicks him then Akiyama running back elbows JS. Akiyama sliding knees JS for 2. They trade forearms and Akiyama headbutts him. JS chokeslams Akiyama then Akiyama exploders him.

Naya and Rei get in and trade forearms. Naya elbow drops him. The Saito brothers double chokeslam Naya. Naya ducks a lariat and JS ends up lariating Toshizo. The faces get offense in and HS springboard splashes Toshizo. Naya backdrops Toshizo and wins it.

It was a decent trios match that made sense. We got to see the big guys go at it a little and the faces and heels both were both decent here. It was what you would want and expect out of this and was one of the few non-disappointments on the card.

Daisuke Sasaki vs. Tetsuya Endo

DS = Daisuke Sasaki

Endo backdrops him on his neck then they go outside. Endo's head is banged off the apron then he is sent into the seats. DS chairs him in the gut then puts the chair around his neck and neckbreakers him.  DS then ddt's him in the ring. Endo goes to springboard and DS shakes the ropes on him. Endo then falls out.

Endo is put on a chair and DS jumps off the top with an elbow on him. DS top rope elbow drops him then rolls him into a crossface. They slap each other then Endo does a handspring into a back corkscrew enzugiri. DS sits up top and Endo top rope hurricanrana's him. Endo then springboard forearms him for 2.

Endo does a dragon suplex into a german suplex. DS spears him then pedigrees and superkicks him. DS does a la mistica into a crossface then Endo drops DS on both of Endo's knees. Endo goes up top and DS' buddies pull him out. DS tells his buddies not to help him outside. Endo goes for a flying space tiger drop but DS moves and superkicks him.

Endo hits a double pele kick outside on DS' seconds then powerbombs DS on Endo's knees. Endo then springboard 450's him outside through a table. DS takes a spinning torture rack drop and kicks out at 1. Endo canadian destroyers him. Endo hits a top rope SSP but DS gets his knees up. DS then puts him in a crucifix with a neck hold. Endo doesn't tap but the ref calls it off.

It was a very indy match. Lot of high spots here with springboard 450's to tables on the outside, springboard forearms to the outside and neckbreakers on chairs yet the match just continued on. There was no selling or logic here and the finish was lame as Endo wasn't even knocked or nor did he tap. They just went from one spot to the next and kept going.

DDT Universal Title No Disqualification Match - Matt Cardona (c) (w/Steph De Lander) vs. MAO

Matt wore a gold cowboy hat and skull facemask. Matt hits a jumping legdrop on him as he is standing to start. Matt hits forearms then Mao dropkicks him. Mao hits a step up knee then Matt slides out. Mao forearms him outside then chases Steph around. Matt dropkicks him through the ropes then ddt's him on the floor. Matt chokes him with an umbrella.

They go back in and Steph chokes Mao in front of the ref. Matt neckbreakers him then Steph trips Mao outside. Matt hits Mao with a chair then chokes him with it. A chair is put between the ropes and Matt is sent into it. Matt's head is banged off the chair then Mao headflips off the chair. Mao then hits a spinning heel kick van daminator.

Mao gets a plastic box then does a spaceman plancha, hitting Matt with the box. Shunma then superkicks Steph outside. Mao asai moonsaults the heels outside. Mao jumps over the ref's back to stunner Matt then rolls him up for 2. Matt puts the ref in front of him then Steph germans Mao. Mao then takes facewash kicks from Matt and Steph.

Mao is pushed into the ref, knocking him over. Matt then low blows Mao. Matt and Steph go for a double suplex on Mao but get double neckbreakered. Mao hits kicks on Matt. Yoshiko is thrown in wearing a ref outfit then Mao powerbombs Matt. Mao then uses Yoshiko to try and count his own pin.

Mao sunset flips him and they both use Yoshiko to count pins. Matt hits radio silence and uses Yoshiko to count the pin. Matt argues with the doll and Steph spears Mao. I skipped ahead because this was garbage and Mao wins with a radio silence off the top through plastic boxes.

This was awful with stuffed doll referees, female on male violence, Mao's buddies helping him at times then letting him getting beaten up at times and a whole host of other issues. I would have not even watched this if I knew this was what was going to happen. This was so bad that I actually had to fast forward through it.

Chris Jericho vs. Konosuke Takeshita

CJ = Chris Jericho, KT = Konosuke Takeshita

The crowd sang Judas is a cool moment. CJ rolls out of an armlock and puts middle fingers in his face. CJ throws a chair in then they shoulder battle. KT hits a lariat then takes a face kick. CJ lariats him over the top to the floor. CJ takes a camera and takes a photo of KT. They go into the stands and KT's head is banged off a seat. They trade forearms in the seats and CJ goes off the seat platform.

CJ hits him with a rail then pull up a mat. KT brainbusters him on the exposed floor. They are back up in no time and trade chops. KT then flying clotheslines him. KT 2nd rope sentons him then they trade forearms. CJ boots him from the corner then shoulders him over. CJ then comes of the top with a double axe handle. KT drops him down on his chest.

CJ boston crabs KT then KT ropebreaks. CJ threatens the ref then KT flying knees him. KT goes for another flying knee, ends up going over the top then no sells it. CJ springboard dropkicks him while he stands on the apron then CJ top rope crossbodies him on the floor. CJ's head is banged off the post then CJ is superplexed.

They trade chops and KT blue thunder bombs him. KT misses a top rope splash then CJ lionsaults him. They fight on their knees and CJ headbutts him. KT headbutts him back then spinning forearms him. KT puts him in his own walls of jericho move then KT flying knees him off the apron. KT tope con hilo's him.

KT goes for a top rope senton but CJ gets his knees up. KT then blocks CJ's lionsault. They trade forearms on their knees the CJ rolls him into a walls of Jericho. KT hits a cradle tombstone then wheelbarrow germans him for 2 after. KT then pumping knees him for 2. KT goes for a flying lariat but takes a codebreaker for a 1 count.

They slap each other on their knees. CJ corner lariats him then hits corner punches. KT pulls CJ down and CJ hits his head off the buckle. KT hits a rough looking super blue thunder bomb for 2. KT forearms him then hits a flying knee. KT hits more flying knees then CJ puts himn in another walls of jericho. KT then taps out.

This was flat out indy garbage. There was no selling whatsoever to be had here and they did so much. This was maybe the worst match I've ever seen Jericho in and KT unfortunately has seemed to pick up on the spot monkey habits of most of the AEW roster. I do give credit to Jericho here. He really went all out and took some major bumps when he could have mailed it in.

KO-D Openweight Title Match - Chris Brookes (c) vs. Yuki Ueno

CB = Chris Brookes

They trade waistlocks and CB headlock takeovers him. They then stand off. They shoulder battle and Yuki slaps him. CB hits a facekick then chops him and Yuki dropkicks him. Yuki tornillo plancha's him outside then CB bangs Yuki's head off a rail. CB throws a chair at his face then drops a rail on his head. CB is back body dropped on the floor then Yuki moonsaults off the aisle way on him.

Yuki is thrown into the post and takes quite a bump into it. CB then piledrivers him through a table. CB brainbusters him for 2 then hits chops. CB kneedrops and sentons him. They trade chops for forearms then CB top rope double underhook suplexes him. CB tries to octopus him but Yuki drops him backwards.

Yuki hits a jumping knee and enzugiri then rebound germans him. Yuki then uses he ropes to hit a canadian destroyer which CB no sells. CB then double stomps him. Yuki step up enzugiri's him then slingshot double knee drops him. Yuki then leg lariats him against the ropes for 2. CB grounded octopus locks him.

They fight on the apron then CB tombstones him on it. Yuki then hurricanrana's him from the buckles down to the floor. They trade shots on their knees inside. Yuki forearms him and takes a headbutt.  CB hits slaps then Yuki hits forearms. Yuki straightjacket germans him then hits a shining wizard for 2.

CB knees him from behind then double underhook piledrivers him for 2. CB comes off the top and lands on Yuki's knees. Yuki then does a dangerous looking piledriver on him. Yuki shining wizards him in the back of the head hten top rope frogsplashes him for 2. Yuki hits a ranhei variation for 2. Yuki goes for a best moonsault ever but CB gets his feet up.

CB john woo's him then michinoku drivers him for 2. CB double underhook piledriver him for 2. CB double underhook piledrivers him then buzzsaw kicks him. Yuki flips him with a lariat then CB hits a slap combo. Yuki hits a nice dropkick then hits a best moonsault ever. He does it again for 2. Yuki hits his ranhei bvariation for 2 and wins it.

I didn't like this at all. Like the Jericho/Takeshita match, they did way too much, they went too long and selling was not a priority. It was a real indy match with lots of dangerous moves and head bumps.

Overall thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this show. Every match was either comedy, intergender stuff or bad indy wrestling. The top matches didn't deliver with Jericho having one of the worst matches I've ever seen him in and Cardona/Mao being so bad that I fast forwarded through it. I skipped 3 matches here yet the show still felt super long. Don't get me wrong, this could have been a great show if they had just wrestled smarter and cut out on some of the goofy stuff, but that was not the case here.

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