Wednesday, November 8, 2023

WWE NXT 11/7/2023

WWE NXT 11/7/2023

Last week's show is here:

NXT Heritage Cup - Noam Dar (c) vs Akira Tozawa

Round 1 - Akira grabs an arm then trips him and ties up his legs. Akira sunset flips him but Dar doesn't roll with it. Dar side headlocks him then leg sweeps him. Akira suplexes him then enzugiri's him from the apron. Akira gets distracted by Meta-Four outside then backdrops Dar on the floor. Dar then superplexes him at the bell.

Round 2 - Akira trips him then Dar grabs a kneebar. Dar rolls him up with the tights and pins him. Dar then cheapshots him. Dar leads 1 fall to 0.

Round 3 - This went on during the break. Dar stalls outside to start and everyone's seconds faced off outside. Akira hits a shining wizard for 2. Akira goes up on the 2nd rope and is leg swept down. Dar hits kicks to the chest then Akira pump kicks and superkicks him. The bell sounds as we come back from commercial and Dar hits elbows to the head between rounds.

Round 4 - Dar back body drops him. Akira topes him outside then topes Oro Mensah. Akira ankle locks him and taps him out to tie it at 1 fall a piece.

Round 5 - Akira pump kicks him then backdrops him. Dar spinning back elbows him for 2 then Akira hurricanrana's him. Akira germans him for 2 then corkscrew kicks him. Akira goes up top and has to fight off Oro. Lash then pulls Dar out of the way on a top rope senton. Dar flying shining wizards Akira and wins it.

Round 3 was during the break and it was hard to follow in PiP. I didn't think this was anything too special and I wish they would stop doing these on shows with commercials.

Oro gets in Tozawa's face after. Maxine slaps him, Gable germans Oro then Otis splashes Oro.

Mick Foley is picking qualifying matches for the Iron Survivor Challenge. He books Tiffany Stratton vs Fallon Henley as Tiff hit Fallon last week and we never saw the match. He then picks Dijak vs Tyler Bate for the men's qualifier.

We go to the women's locker room. Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice come in. Lola said her Breakout Tournament win looked easy. Kelani Jordan said she wouldn't have won it without Lopez. Arianna Grace tries to get involved and is ignored. Roxanne Perez comes in and said just because she won the tournament, it doesn't mean she becomes champ. She said not to make enemies out of the entire locker room. They then talk in spanish. Arianna goes to talk again and is told to shut up. 

Lyra Valkyria comes out to talk. She said you aren't supposed to meet your hero, but she met and beat hers. She says Becky Lynch is a legend and icon and says the NXT title is now around her wiast. Lyra said the fans made the place feel like magic and says they showed the world what a main event women's title match is all about. She said she knows the women's locker room is after her now and we see Xia Li walking through the stands.

Lyra says to let her through. Xia asked if she saw her attack Becky.  Xia told her she plans to take her title then spinning high kicks a security guard.

Tyler Bate does a video promo. He says he's pin point laser focused and said Mick Foley sees what he sees. He says he's tired of living on a resume of the past and it's time to write his future. He says Dijak is massive but he has slain many golaith's in the past. He said he will take him on an airplane spin to the NXT title.

Fallon is with Briggs and Jensen in the back. She says the games are over. She says she doesn't need them out there and Jensen says Tiffany plays dirty. Fallon says Tiffy Time is over and it's her time.

Alpha Academy tells Tozawa he knew this wouldn't be easy. He said apply the Gable method of success and then Maxine says they will come back to NXT next week to be guests on Supernova Sessions. Drew Gulak and friends come in. He asks why Chad wants to be with the group he is with. Gulak puts over his friends and Dempsey says the Heritage Cup should be off limits to them. Dempsey says he will stretch them then Otis starts doing hip thrusts. Otis challenges Gulak for tonight.

We see a ref leave Shawn Michaels' office. The ref says Shawn told him to use his discretion with the rules during the Von vs Bron match. He says we will have a winner. We then see Ava Raine go into Shawn's office.

Women's Iron Survival Challenge Qualifying Match - Tiffany Stratton vs Fallon Henley

No intro for Tiffany here and just a quick intro for Fallon. they lock up and Tiff pulls her backwards. Fallon pulls her down backwards. Fallon single leg crabs her. Fallon comes off the apron on her and is nailed with a forearm. Tiff goes up top and is hit then superplexed.

Fallon single leg crabs her and Tiff ropebreaks. Fallon slides out and punches her then we go to PiP break. We return and they trade shots. They headbutt each other at the same time then Fallon kicks her in the side of the face. Tiff slams her into the bottom rope. Fallon 2nd rope crossbodies her, gets caught and is thrown out under the top rope to the floor.

Tiff sitout spinebusters her for 2 then bridges on a leg lock. Fallon slides out and kicks her while she is bridged. Fallon hits a running shoulder, running back elbow and a spin kick. Fallon lariats her then does a spinning facebuster for 2. Tiff hits a finlay roll then Fallon moves on her moonsault attempt. Fallon backrolls her and is pushed face first into the 2nd buckle. Tiff chop blocks her and hits the prettiest moonsault ever to win.

It wasn't great but it was one of the better matches Fallon has ever been involved in and it made her look good. Tiff didn't get that much offense in here. 

Wes Lee and McKenzie are dancing in the back for some reason. Wes says he has returned to NXT. He said he was on a never ending hamster wheel and needed to get off track. He said his head and body is right and he has a list of things to take care of with Dirty Dom at the top of it.

Baron Corbin walks in. He says nobody cares. Wes asks why he's always mad and he mocks him leaving. Wes says Ilja will destroy him then says he could destroy Ilja himself. He then says he has something else to add to the list.

Bron Breakker is interviewed. Bron says Von is the one who should be concerned and said this will be the shortest comeback in WWE history. He said he will decimate whatever is left of that corpse and said everyone will know Von is the fool who thought he could beat Bron Breakker.

Dijak asks why Bate was put in a qualifying match he can't win. He says Foley sees what he sees - the endurance and discipline to thrive in the iron survivor challenge. He said he will do what he has to tonight.

Von Wagner vs Bron Breakker

Von has a scar on the side of his head. They go at it to start then Von punches him. Bron jumps off the steps and runs into a boot. Von hits corner punches and diving lariats him from the 2nd rope. Von shakes his head and starts stumbling. Bron running knees him then takes him down and hits mounted shots.

Bron germans him then puts him in the Steiner recliner. Bron is rammed head first into the buckle. Von takes a shot, powers up and hits his own punches. Von flying lariats him then underhook suplexes him. Von running facekicks him then flying leg lariats him for 2.

Von clears the announcer's table off then is pushed into the steps. Bron low blows him. Bron gorilla presses Mr. Stone. Von grabs Stone, pushes him away and is speared on the floor. Bron hits a spear on Von and wins it.

It was short and explosive with two heavies going at. They sold Von's injury some here too. I liked it. It's not the final chapter of the story and there's more to come.

Mr. Stone chairs Bron after. Bron goes after him then grabs him by the throat. Von gets behind Bron then powerbombs him through the table. Mr. Stone tells him he did this and said he finished him. Stone and Von then hug.

Carmelo Hayes is interviewed. He is asked about Trick Williams' return. Melo is quizzed about Trick and says he did not attack Trick. He said he knows Trick wants answers face to face and he owes him that.

We get a Brawling Brutes video. They said like Out The Mud, they grew up on streets too with different pavement. They said you had to scrap and survive. Ridge said he spent a decade running through people and Butch said he was fighting grown men at the age of 12. Ridge said they have different principles and said they will see them face to face next week to knock their teeth down their throat.

Roxanne Perez and Kelani Jordan vs Elektra Lopez and Lola Vice

Arianna Grace comes out as this is about to start. She says she wishes them the best of luck as Miss NXT and says she loves them all and looks forward to seeing them showcase their talent. Lopez forearms Perez then takes forearms back. Lopez fallaway slams her then Lola axe kicks her chest as she lays on the middle rope. Lola goes for an armbar then Perez walks the top rope and armdrags her. KJ armdrags Lola tiger feint style through the ropes and hits a nice dropkick.

Lopez short arm lariats KJ then elbow drops her. Lola hip attacks KJ in the corner then KJ crossbodies her. Perez thesz presses her then Perez takes a leg sweep + lariat combo. Perez then takes a sandwich hip attack to the head. Perez russian legsweeps Lola then KJ hot tags in and cartwheel back elbows Lola with both falling over. KJ hits a roll of the dice move on her.

Lola spin kicks Perez in the gut then Lopez is dropkicked into Lola. Perez hits a pop rocks on Lopez then topes Lola. KJ does a split legged moonsault on Lopez and wins it.

It wasn't totally clean but had it been, it would have decent.

Arianna Grace gets on the mic after and announces the winners. She says the real winners are all of the fans then Karmen Petrovic nails her from behind. Karmen says, "Will you shut up already?"

Joe Gacy talks on video. He says people judged him and called him the weird guy and the maniac. Joe says it's just him and that's how he is built. Joe talked about hearing voices and said he's in his own personal hell. He said he doesn't know what to do then says maybe he does know what to do.

Ilja Dragunov talks about the match with Melo. He said he needed to use all of his energy to beat him. He said he was drained from it and said Melo is a warrior. He said he got dropped by Corbin last week and said his eyes are the window to his soul. He said they may have met before but he's different with the title on his shoulder. He says the only person who can slay the dragon is the dragon himself.

We see Corbin watching this then Enofe, Blade, Hank and Tank walk up to him. They say he should be worried. Corbin says that's why they will never be anybody.

Drew Gulak vs Otis

Otis shoulders him over and short arm lariats him. Otis hits him with his gut then rams his head into his gut. Otis hits a corner spear then ends up spearing the post. Drew top rope lariats him. Otis deadlift powerbombs him from the triangle position then backdrops him hard on his neck and head.

Otis hits a nice bodyblock then spinning back elbows him. Otis backsplashes him then hits a stiff spinning lariat. Otis then doe the caterpillar elbow drop then does a pop-up powerbomb to win it.

It was pretty much a squash but Otis looked good here and really stiffed Gulak.

Tiffany Stratton and Kiana James talk in the back about the Iron Survivor Challenge. They said they both can agree that Roxanne can't win it. They say they are carrying the division on their backs and can't let anyone new in. KJ says Deadline will come down to them in the ICS. During this, we see Boa talk to Dante Chen, who is now wearing facepaint like him. This comes after Boa helped him on Level Up.

We go to Chase U. Tony D's crew is looking for Chase and they tell Jacy that Chase knows who it is from. Jacy opens the letter then Chase sees it. Chase tells her opening other people's mail is illegal. Duke and Thea then walk in and want to know what they are talking about. They said they are talking about how their match needed next week. Jacy tells them that Duke and Chase defend their tag titles next week. Duke is surprised by this then leaves with Thea. Chase then opens the letter and looks worried.

Men's Iron Survival Challenge Qualifying Match - Tyler Bate vs Dijak

Dijak hits some shots early. Bate kneelifts him then 2nd rope euros him for 2. Bate enzugiri's him out of the ring then dives on him over the top rope outside. Bate crossbodies him outside then takes a swinging slam over the rail.

We go to PiP break and return. Bate 2nd rope fisherman suplexes him then they trade shots on their knees. Dijak hits forearms then Bate punches him. Dijak sit out chokeslams him for 2. Bate airplane spins him then hits a rebound german. Dijak throws him across the ring off a suplex then Dijak lands on his feet off a top rope german. Dijak spinning facekicks him for 2.

Bate hits shots, kneelifts him then is caught coming off the ropes with a GTH. Dijak then wins it.

It was kind of slippy with not a lot of selling and I didn't think it was that good. It was also hard to buy Bate being able to hurt Dijak.

Dijak says he is taking Ilja Dragunov's title after.

We see Trick Williams arrive in the parking lot.

Lita makes her picks for the ISC next week.

Carmelo Hayes comes out to talk. He calls out Trick. Melo says he knows why he is upset and annoyed. He said roadblocks are part of the journey and said he shared his glory with him. He said without Trick, there would be no Melo. Trick says that is why he's having a hard time figuring this out. Trick said he did what he could to make sure when he shoots, he doesn't miss. Melo says when he won, Trick won. Trick said that was easy then Melo was shooting all the shots and asks why he couldn't be with him when Trick had the ball.

Trick goes to ask him if he attacked him. Melo cuts him off. He said he believed in him and said he was there for him. Melo said he was destined for greatness. Trick said Melo had his main events and he wants his too. Trick said Melo wasn't there. He said he got hit in the head and went down and said the only voice he heard was his and the refs. Melo asks him if he's for real when he didn't see who attacked him. Trick asks him if he attacked him. Melo asks him if he wants the truth then Lexis King comes out.

King says we have quite the paradox here. Melo tells him to shut up and mind his business. Trick says the same thing. King says he's trying to get to the bottom of this and says it could have been someone new here who was trying to make an impact. He aid it could have been someone with thoughts so twisted and a mind so unclean. He asks Trick if he's sure it was Melo who attacked him. King says Trick has been sucking this thumb for weeks then Trick goes to hit him and nails Melo on accident. Trick goes to help Melo and Melo slaps his hand away. Melo lets Trick help him up and Melo makes an angry face as Trick hugs him. 

Overall thoughts: It was okay but not great. I thought some of the matches could have been better and we still are waiting to see what happens with some of the storylines.

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