Tuesday, November 7, 2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 11/6/2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 11/6/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/10/wwe-monday-night-raw-10302023.html 

Seth Rollins gets in the ring and talks to start. He says he is still the champ. He thanks Drew for being a man of his word and for Judgment Day not getting involved in their match. He did say they got involved after though then invited Sami Zayn out.

He thanks Sami for helping him against Judgment Day. Sami said Judgment Day hold every title on Raw except for the world title. He said if Priest wins the world title, they are dealing with The Bloodline 2.0. He said he fought too long and hard to make that happen. He said he will make sure that they do not run this show.

Seth says they don't run Raw, he does. He said as long as he is champ around here, the MITB contract is not the only way to get a shot at the title. He said he talked to Adam Pearce and agreed to a match with him for the title and Sami just has to name the date. Sami said one day, he will win the title but he wants to beat a champ who is not compromised. He said Seth is not 100% right now. Seth tells him to cut the crap and asks him if he is 100%.

Seth said they are never 100% but it doesn't stop them from giving 100%. He offers the title match again and Sami said they should do it tonight. Seth then shakes on it and leaves.

Judgment Day talk in the back. Dom is thrilled about Logan Paul beating Rey then Damian Priest walks in. Priest is mad Sami is getting a title match. Priest says he and Finn will handle The New Day tonight and says let's do this.

Judgment Day (Finn Balor and Damien Priest) vs The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods)

Kofi and Finn go at it. Finn shoulders him over then Kofi jumping elbows him. Kofi gets out of a monkey flip then single leg dropkicks him. Finn takes a sliding lariat then vader bomb off the middle of the ropes. Woods dropkicks Finn out then Priest is double clotheslined over the top. Kofi and Woods then do stereo tope con hilos.

Woods double axe handles Priest off the apron then rider kicks him off of it. Woods boots Priest in the corner then rolls into a lariat for 2. We go to break and return. Woods top rope dropkicks Finn then Kogi springboard chops Priest. Kofi dropkicks Priest then top rope froggy crossbodies him. Kofi hits a running boot then the boom drop legdrop.

Priest spinning punches him then lariats him. Finn gets crotched on the top rope then Priest hits him on accident. Priest is thrown out then Kofi top rope superplexes him. Woods then top rope elbow drops him for 2. Kofi pulls Priest outside then Priest hits a bad flatliner on the announcer's table. Finn rolls up Woods for 2 then is superkicked.

Finn slingblades Woods then Woods takes a sit out side chokeslam and a top rope double footstomp. Finn picks up the win.

It was an okay match. Nothing too special but the faces and heels each got some offense in before the finish.

We see Drew McIntyre arrive. They attempt to interview him. He just gets back in his car and drives away.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Akira Tozawa

SN = Shinsuke Nakamura

Tozawa runs at him and is knee'd in the gut. Tozawa surprise germans him then does a nice tope outside. SN is sitting on the top rope and Tozawa hurricanrana's him down. Tozawa goes for a top rope senton but SN gets his knees up. Tozawa rolls him up for 2 and hurricanrana's him.

SN facekicks him then hits a kinshasa to win in this quick reverse squash.

Otis gets in the ring after, shakes his legs, takes off shirt and stares him down. SN then leaves.

 Natalya does a video promo. She says to be undeniable and take what you believe belongs to you. She said she has seen the next big thing come and go but she is still standing. She says she is the most accomplished woman in the history of WWE.

Adam Pearce does a taped message. He says finding Gunther's next opponent is of the highest importance. He said he chose 4 guys to be his next opponent - The Miz, Bronson Reed, Ivar and Ricochet.

Seth Rollins runs into Adam Pearce in the back. Adam asks if he's sure he wants to defend the title tonight. Seth said he's born to run and said he appreciates the concern.

#1 Contenders to the Intercontinental Title - The Miz vs Bronson Reed vs Ivar vs Ricochet

Reed and Ivar lariat each other early and are knocked out of the ring. Ric flips over Miz's back then backflips into a headscissors. Ric topes him then springboard dropkicks Reed on the apron. Ivar spinning high kicks Ric for 2. Ivar misses a butt drop on Miz then Ric handspring kicks Reed off the apron. Ivar butt drops Ric in the corner.

Ivar puts Ric over the top rope then Reed catapults him using the ropes and Ric hurricanrana's Ivar. That was cool but Ric hit his head on the move. Ric handsprings and trades roll-ups with Miz. Ric and Miz collide then Miz dropkicks Ivar through the ropes. Ric tope con hilos the two big guys then is caught and thrown into Miz.

Ivar crossbodies Ric against the rails then Ivar and Reed crossbody each other in mid-air outside. We go to break and return. Ric gets his springboard twisting crossbody caught and he is driven into Miz then slammed. Reed splashes Miz then they do a tower of doom spot with Ivar getting superplexed. Gunther watches on with a smile.

Ric pushes Miz then they trade shots. Ric euros him then Miz lariats him in the corner. Miz springboard crossbodies Reed then satelitte ddt's Ivar. Miz hits a ddt on Ric for 2. Ric single leg codebreakers Miz then Ivar splashes him on the pin attempt.

Ric backflips as Ivar cartwheels and they bang legs in mid-air. Ivar then lariats him. Ivar springboard lariats Reed but slips some. Ivar bronco busters Miz then Ric superkicks Ivar. Ric high kicks Miz then they forearm and facekick each other. Ivar and Reed stare down across the apron then both go up top. Ivar top rope moonsaults Ric and Reed misses his dive on Miz. Miz and Ivar then each get a pin in at the same time. Ric gets his shoulder up and Miz gets the pin on Reed. Ivar beats up Miz after then top rope moonsaults him.

I'm not sure what they were doing with the finish but it looked like both guys got the pin until we saw it in slow motion. It was a fun match with some clever spots and everyone getting good stuff out of everyone. 

Alpha Academy talk in the back. Tozawa says sorry for losing. Chad says he wished Tozawa would listen to him. Otis says he will get Nakamura next week for him. Chad says Tozawa has a Heritage Cup match next week and Chad said they will be there with him. Tozawa then dances. Maxxine Dupri comes in. She said she just has to be the last woman standing and could get a title shot. Chad tells her to learn from Tozawa and stick with people her own size.

We see video from earlier in the day. The Creed's and Ivy Nile sign their contracts in Adam Pearce's office. Adam said he is excited they got him and not SD. Ivy is excited to be in the battle royale. DIY walk in. They said they loved what they did in NXT and challenge them. They hint for Adam Pearce to make it official for tonight and he does.

The Creed Brothers vs DIY

JC = Julius Creed, JG = Johnny Gargano

JC takes down ciampa and they stare down. JC takes him down again  and rides his back. Ciampa snapmares him then tkaes a hard forearm. JG lariats JC from behind then JC is whipped into a Ciampa lariat. JC puts him in the suplex position while he is seated then stands up with him. JG escapes and the Creed's are sent out. DIY then do stereo planchas and re caught. The Creed's miss stereo moonsaults then JG topes into JC's forearm. Ciampa forearms JC off the steps then Brutus hits a Brutusball off the apron.

We go to break and return. JG superkicks JC then Ciampa does a Thesz press on Brutus. Ciampa running lariats both Creed's then does a double flying clothesline. Brutus takes a combo in the corner then is lifted for a backdrop and JG flies in to push him back harder I guess. Brutus catches JG in the air then samoan drops him. JC standing ssp's him and Brutus does a standing moonsault for 2.

Ciampa is thrown out by Brutus. JG is put on JC's shoulders. JG poisonrana's him then Ciampa flying knees JC. Ciampa hits a sitout pedigree on JC for 2. Brutus throws Ciampa into the rials outside then Ludwig Kaiser comes in and enzugiri's JG. JC puts JG on his shoulders then Brutus hits a top rope brutusball to win it.

It was a decent match with The Creed's looking good as usual. The crowd didn't really care that much about them winning though nor did they react like the crowd last week did. 

Sami Zayn and Jey Uso talk in the back. Jey said he deserves his shot tonight and says to show them who you are. He wishes him luck and says he will be watching. Sami asked how his talk with Adam Pearce went and Jey said him and Cody face Judgment Day for the tag titles next week. Jey says maybe the two of them are champs by next week.

Jackie Redmond interviews Becky Lynch. Becky says she has come around looking for a fight and sayd if it's against the entire division or leads her to the title, count her in. Nia Jax shows up behind Becky. Nia said she was waiting for her to turn around. Nia says nobody is throwing her over the top tonight and it will make her the happiest she ha sever been since she broke her face. Becky said she went on to win the main event of Mania after that and Nia went on to get fired.

Byron interviews Chelsea Green and Piper Niven in the back. Green cuts off Piper and says they have a real shot at winning this while people like Natalya and Tegan Nox are giving off charity vibes. She brings up the people Rhea beat at Crown Jewel. Shayna and Zoey walk in. Shayna says she will tear the limbs off the first person she sees in the ring and it may be here. Piper says it's everyone woman for herself. Zoey then says the same thing to Shayna. Shayna says she will be the one with her hand raised tonight.

Becky is worked on by the doctors in back and Pearce is there watching. They said she won't be in the battle royale. 

#1 Contenders Battle Royale for the Women's Title

Nikki Cross just stares in the middle of the ring and doesn't move. Raquel and Nia go face to face with her in the middle then throw Cross over the top without Cross caring or reacting. Maxxine eliminates Piper then Nia eliminates her. Chance gets on Nia's back then catches Carter before slamming Carter. Chance jumps off the bottom rope and dropkicks Nia then flips Chance with her feet into her.

Chance codebreakers Raquel then is lifted into a hurricanrana on Zoey off the ropes. Ivy tries to throw Chance over but Carter catches her feet and puts her back in. Ivy running kicks Carter on the apron, sends her into the post and Carter is eliminated. Ivy gorilla presses Chance onto Carter outside to eliminate her.

We go to break and return. Natalya tries to hurricanrana Raquel over the top. Green helps out and pump kicks Raquel. She grabs Natalya and Raquel by their heads and Green slaps both. Raquel has Green hanging on the edge by her hair and lets her go down to the floor.

Ivy spinning enzugiri's Natalya. Indi misses a kick on Natalya on the apron, kicks the post and is eliminated. Ivy then kicks Natalya off the apron. Nia spots Ivy and runs her over. Tegan Nox is sat on the top rope and Nia pushes her over. Ivy hits kicks on Nia then takes a headbutt. Raquel facekicks Nia then 3 women eliminate Nia over the top. Ivy is still on the apronand Nia pulls her of to eliminate her.

Shayna is on Raquel's shoulders. Zoey pulls both over the ropes and Raquel is eliminated. Shayna and Zoey fight on the apron. Shayna puts a sleeper on her and Zoey misses a superkick but it is sold anyway. Zoey superkicks her twice more then ddt's her on the apron to win it.

It was long and dragged out some. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't great either for the amount of time it got.

Jackie Redmond interviews Rhea Ripley. She asks how important the next week is for Judgment Day. Rhea says Judgment Day will do what they do best. Zoey Stark walks in and says she should focus entirely on her. She said she'd be champ if it weren't for Nia. Rhea said she has a lot on her plate but didn't forget about her. She said she beat 4 women at Crown Jewel including her.

World Heavyweight Championship - Seth Rollins (c) vs Sami Zayn

They get off to a slow start. Sami gets his back and clean breaks him. Seth criss crosses him on the ropes then Sami pulls him out of the ring. They stare down face to face and we go to break. We return and Sami is whipped into the rails. He moonsaults off them onto Seth.

They trade chops and punches. Sami elbows him in the head off the 2nd rope. Seth hits more punches then Sami back springboards off the ropes and lariats him. Seth hits kicks and a spinning lariat. Seth then topes him outside. Sami then tope con hilos him.

Seth slingblades him in the ring then springboard swantons him into an asai moonsault. Seth is back body dropped onto the apron. We go to break and return. Seth enzugiri's him and buckle bombs him. Sami then hits a blue thunder for 2.

Seth spinning forearms Sami then Sami exploders him into the buckles. Seth superkicks and pedigrees him for 2. Seth jumps at him and is put in a boston crab. Seth rolls him up out of it and wins it.

The first half of this was not good with them being lazy. It picked up in the 2nd half but the finish just didn't work at all. They didn't work the back much then suddenly Sami was trying to work it to get the win. Then they just scrapped it and Seth won.

Sami and Seth stare down. They shake hands and Sami is visibly disappointed.

Judgment Day come down and nail Sami from behind 4v1. Seth topes them all then is beat up on. Jey Uso comes down and hits superkicks and a spear. Priest superkicks him then Cody Rhodes comes down. He fights with Priest and we get a 4v4 brawl. Refs and Pearce come down to stop it. Cody and Dom fight on the announcer's table then Pearce says "enough". He says he's tired of the games and said if you want to play games, its Wargames at Survivor Series.

Priest then jumps off the stairs onto Jey Uso and they all fight again. Cody then walks up the buckles and dives on people and security outside.

The ending was really good here and made you want to see Wargames.

Overall thoughts: The main event segment to close the show worked and we had some good matches. The show wasn't the greatest storyline wise though and still wasn't exactly amazing. It was an above average show overall though.

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