Thursday, November 9, 2023

AEW Dynamite 11/8/2023

AEW Dynamite 11/8/2023

Last week's show is here: 

MJF is interviewed to start. He talks to Adam Cole. Cole says he's worried about him and said if he wants to win against The Gunn's, he needs to take Samoa Joe up on his offer. MJF says he got this and will handle Bullet Club Gold tonight after he hands Daniel Garcia. Garcia and 2.0 walk in. MJF said he agreed to this match tonight because he believes in him and sees himself in him. He said it has proven that it's talent over tenure and he wants him to prove the same. He asks if he is getting the sports entertainer or the professional wrestler. Garcia says he gets the professional wrestler. Roderick Strong and Kingdom then come in. Strong says he is a wrestling legend and could give him some tips. MJF said he was a wrestling legend and has turned into a joke. Strong asks Adam Cole if he saw that then Adam Cole hangs up on the video screen. Strong says it's time to remind everyone who he is.

AEW Title - MJF (c) vs Daniel Garcia

MJF puts him in a tequila sunrise then does his dance. DG backs him up in the corner. Garcia snapmares him, rides his back then spanks him. Garcia then goes to do his dance by 2.0 try to get in the ring and stop him. MJF does a taunting clap for him. MJF holds his hand out and asks for sportsmanship.  

Garcia slaps away his hand, goes to dance then is poked in the eye. MJF slams him then brings him down by the arm. MJF does an unusual gutwrench suplex. We go to PiP break and return. Garcia germans him and does his dance. Garcia rolls him into a suplex for 2. Garcia backslides him, slaps him and suplexes him.

Garcia misses double knees in the corner, has his arm double stomped htne is superkicked. MJF then hammerlock clutch ddt's him for 2. Garcia back body dropped up near the ropes and is superkicked as he comes down. Garcia works MJF's knee then piledrivers him for 2. Garcia puts a sharpshooter on him and dances some while he does it. MJF gets out and fujiwara armbars him. MJF then wins by submission.

I thought the ending was out of nowhere and I didn't even notice it until after it happened. It was short but better than I expected and it kept my interest for the most part.

MJF goes to shake Garcia's hand after. 2.0 pulls Garcia away.

Mark Briscoe says he's fighting Jay White for the first time. He said he remembers hwne he was just cutting his teeth in wrestling and couldn't grow a beard. He said he's ready tonight and tells him to put his title shot on the line.

Darby Allin and Sting vs The Outrunners

Darby slaps a headlock on Truth then forearms Turbo out of the ring. Darby is thrown into the buckles but knocks Truth off the apron. Floyd takes a 2v1 then is lariated over the top. Darby goes to dive but is pulled out. Truth nails Sting from behind. Sting takes a double back elbow but no sells it. The Outrunners pose then get beat up by Sting. Darby and Sting hit splashes in the corners then Sting scorpion deathlocks Turbo and submits him.

It was a squash and was okay for what it was.

Tony Schiavone, Toni Storm, Luther and Shida are in black and white. Tony announces that Toni and Shida are fighting at Full Gear for the title. Shida says Toni doesn't want the title, just attention to her bad acting. Toni said she may have the title, but will never have the spotlight. Shida says she will beat her at Full Gear. Toni says there's a saying in show business - tits up and watch for the shoe. They then stare down.

Swerve Strickland vs Penta El Zero Miedo

Swerve goes to take off Penta's mask. Penta back rolls and Swerve flying headscissors him. Swerve 2nd rope euros him in the back of the neck. Swerve works his fingers then they trade chops. Swerve stomps the fingers then pulls Penta's tongue. Penta goes up and over in the corner and hits a backstabber. Penta goes to tope him but is met with an uppercut.

Swerve drops him on the steps then takes a superkick. Swerve pops Penta up to the apron then Penta tope con hilos him outside. We go to PiP break and return. They trade bad shots then armdrag each other. They pump kick and high kick each other at the same time then lariat each other down.

Penta slingblades him then hits a spinning death valley driver for 2. Penta back body drops Swerve over the top then comes off the 2nd rope inside, lands on the apron and canadian destroyers him on the apron. Penta top rope double stomps him for 2. Penta tries to headscissor him out of the corner but is flipped into the top buckle.

Swerve superkicks Penta, Penta hangs from the bottom rope then is double stomped to the floor. Swerve misses a 450 inside then Penta cranks the arm back. Penta hits a made in japan for 2. Penta kicks him in the ribs then Swerve running death valley drivers him. Swerve top rope double stomps him and wins it.

It was indy garbage with them doing way too much and not selling much of it at all.

Swerve goes to rip off Penta's mask after then Page chases him with a chair. Page hits him with a chair on the ramp several times. Page then hits deadeye off the ramp through a table which just happens to be there. Page then yells at him and says he's a deadman.

The Bullet Club are interviewed in the back. Jay says they took a vacation this weekend. He said MJF spends all of his time searching himself online. Jay says he is truly elite and tells MJF to watch him against Mark Briscoe tonight.

Don Callis does a video promo with clips from the Yakuza video game. He talks about Kenny Omega. Kenny talks too but it's impossible to hear over the music.

Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega are interviewed. They talk about their match next week with The Don Callis Family. Jericho says they have good friends then The Young Bucks walk in. They are jealous about them teaming up and mock The Golden Jets name. Jericho said the Bucks didn't have Kenny's back when Hobbs beat him up. Jericho said it was the four of them who helped start this company. A Buck says they created the revolution and Jericho just waltzed right in. Jericho said they are two of the best to ever do this and says Jericho and Omega can beat them. The Bucks challenge them for Full Gear and say Jericho/Omega should break up if they lose. Omega says he doesn't want to wrestle them and says he can beat them and has done it before. Jericho says he wants to send them to the woodshed and says he has his own dressing room.

ROH TV Title - Samoa Joe (c) vs Keith Lee

They shoulder battle and joe knocks him over. Lee then knocks him over. Lee double chops him then Joe hits some chops and punches. Lee leapfrogs him then crossbodies him. We go to PiP break and return. Lee hits a punch combo to the gut then Joe drops him on both of his knee. Lee hits punches then takes a dragon screw.

Joe atomic drops him and running facekicks him. Joe then hits a senton and Lee germans him. Lee pop-up powerbombs Joe for 2. Joe puts him in a choke and wins via choke out.

It was slow and too simple. I thought they could have picked up the pace more here.

Samoa Joe talks on the mic after. He said he is the greatest television champ of all time, but said he didn't come here only to be your television title. He says he's hungry and is vacating the ROH TV championship. He says the next gold on his shoulder will be the AEW World title. Joe has done a bunch of jobs and I would have liked to see him put someone over at Final Battle instead of just vacating the title. To be honest though, nobody in ROH has been put in a position to be a worthy challenger for him. I guess this means he is done with ROH and whatever storyline he had going on with Stokeley Hathaway. As someone who thinks there is a chance that ROH is ending, this isn't a good sign. I also don't get why they had Joe beat Lee if he was just vacating the title.

Orange Cassidy and Hook do an interview. OC said Mox lost his mind if he thinks he didn't respect him. OC said all he thought about was Mox since he left him in a pool of blood. OC says he needs to beat him in order to be the International Champion that he knows he is. He said he will beat him at Full Gear.

The Gunns vs The Bollywood Boyz

Colten beats up one of the Boyz and lariats him. The Gunns then hit 310 to Yuma and win this waste of time squash.

Colten Gunn gets on the mic and calls MJF a liar. He said he is not a generational talent. Colten says the Gunns are and says they are about to be ROH tag champs. Austin says MJF is an embarassment as an ROH tag champ. He says the ROH tag titles go back in the hands of a real tag team.

We see MJF watching this on the tron then we see Samoa Joe show up behind him. MJF then leaves.

Mox and Wheeler Yuta talk in the back. Mox said he got calls asking to let OC off the hook. Mox said OC knew what he was doing by taking his match. He says what kind of example is he setting for Yuta if he doesn't beat the crap out of OC? He then asks what kind of example is OC setting for Hook and the people. Mox says he doesn't deserve to be at Full Gear and says it's game on the second they get to Full Gear. Yuta says Hook crossed the wrong crew and says he will see him in Cali.

Wardlow does a video promo. He said he has had a booth on his neck and says he has felt wasted and worthless because of MJF. He said MJF won't know hwen or where, but when we finds out, it will be too late.

Julia Hart vs Red Velvet

This is Red's first match back in 9 months due to injury. They lock up and Red rolls her up. Red hits a japanese armdrag then drops down. Hart rolls over her. Red hits shots to the gut in the corner then foot chokes her. Red hits corner punches, Hart sweeps her leg then Red falls backwards.

We go to PiP break and return. Hart has a side headlock on then Red hits a bad leg lariat. Red double knees her as she leans against the middle rope then Red standing moonsaults her for 2. Red does an iconoclasm type move for 2. Hart superkicks her then top rope moonsaults her win it.

Naturally, Red lost in her big return here, which got no hype or any kind of package to put it over. Red didn't impress here and this wasn't good. 

Hart puts her in a submission hold after then Skye Blue comes down. They stare down.

RJ City interviews Mariah May who is the newest signing. She said she has wrestled all over the world and came from Stardom in Japan. She said she's so excited to be here and a fan of Toni Storm. RJ said Toni just left and he said he can introduce her. Mariah then kisses him. This was not a good way to debut her. If you didn't know of her beforehand, you would think she's a nobody and destined for jobberhood.

Jay White's title shot is on the line - Jay White vs Mark Briscoe

Mark shoulders Jay over. Jay side headlock takeovers him then Mark backdrops him. Mark hits a suplex for 2 then Jay is nailed on the buckles and goes down to the floor. Mark dropkicks him through the ropes then elbow drops him off the apron. Jay then ddt's him inside.

Mark is thrown out then Jay fakes an injury so Bullet Club can stomp Mark. We go to PiP break and return. Mark 2nd rope dropkicks him and they trade chops. Mark hits a flying forearm then neckbreakers him. Mark then hits a fisherman buster for 2.

Jay dragon screws him over the middle rope then Mark does a rolling side death valley driver. Mark does a top rope froggy bow for 2. Jay uranage's him then hits a ki krusher for 2. Mark hits an exploder then lariats Jay. Jay backdrops Mark then brainbusters him for 2.

Jay hits a high angle ddt then blade runners him to win it.

It was what it was. They tried but it wasn't a classic or anything and the storyline for it was weak.

The Bullet Club pose after. MJF's music hits and MJF pops up behind them and hits everyone but Jay with the Dynamite Diamond Ring. Jay then escapes before he can get hit. MJF said he hopes Jay had fun dressed up as top guy because playtime is almost over. He say she has to get in the ring with a generational talent soon. MJF says he's fighting for Adam Cole and the fans. The lights go out soon after and The Acclaimed are getting beat up by masked guys in the back. Bowens is thrown through glass then the guy in the devil mask appears on the video. MJF then runs to the back to check on The Acclaimed. MJF sees them all down and Samoa Joe comes up to him. Joe says it looks like you are running out of friends champ, then laughs at him.

Overall thoughts: It was not a good show overall with some questionable booking moves. Samoa Joe vacated his TV title for no reason after having Keith Lee job to him. Mariah May had a bad debut as a Toni Storm fangirl and Red Velvet lost in her return with nothing to build her up or make people care.

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