Wednesday, November 1, 2023

WWE NXT 10/31/2023

WWE NXT 10/31/2023

We see an old police car driving up and its Shotzi and Scarlett in Ghostbuser attire. They say welcome to Halloween Havoc and say, "who you gonna call?"

We get another musical performance from the same group as last week.

Tables, Ladders and Scares match - The Creed Brothers vs Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo

AG = Angel Garza, HC = Humberto Carrillo, JC = Julius Creed

The Creed's enter through the crowd and jump their opponents as they enter. AG and HC wear mexican masks and skeleton costumes. A table is set up and Garza takes an attitude adjustment off the steps through a table with his partner on it. JC runs the ropes and is chaired then HC enzugiri's Brutus.

JC pushes a ladder into his two opponents then a ladder is slammed on them while they have a ladder on them. Brutus is sent into the post then JC is double gorilla pressed onto a ladder bridged on chairs. Brutus then takes a gori special + blockbuster off the apron through tables outside. We go to PiP break. Brutus takes a running knee with a chair.

We return from break. JC's back is all bloody. JC and AG duel chairs then hit each other at the same time. JC's chair is in his face and it gets chaired, then the same happens to AG. HC then springboard enzugiri's a chair in Brutus' face. Brutus is put in a chair and dropkicked off the buckles. HC sunset flip's JC then powerbombs him on a ladder hard.

Brutus chairs his opponents in the gut. Brutus then puts the ladder on his head and spins around, hitting people with it. Brutus kicks a ladder into his two opponents on the outside. Brutus puts a ladder around his head then it gets chaired. JC then walks up the buckles and flip dives off to the outside on his opponents.

AG is knocked off the ropes through a table then Brutus hits a brutus ball on AG while he's in the lectric chair and wins it. Brutus is bleeding hard from the ear.

This was really nasty and they beat the crap out of each other. I kind of hate to put this over because they looked like they got messed up. They pulled out all the stops here and had a good one.

The Creed's and Ivy pose on a ladder after.

Scarlett and Shotzi play with a ouija board. Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre come in. they say there's a disturbance in the other room that they should take care of. Isla and Alba then say they got this and they can leave. They say they are going to fill this night with chaos and mischief.

Tiffany Stratton is interviewed in the back and asked about Fallon Henley impersonating her. She gets mad and says she is done. McKenzie then says she goes 1v1 with Tiffany Stratton...Fallon Henley next.

Joe Gacy does a promo. He said he made mistakes and did unspeakable things. He said he made people suffer and said he likes it. He said he had to go through his own pain and suffering to get where he is. He said he's only human and made mistakes like anyone else. He said people backstabbed him and asked if he's the problem. He said there are no strings on him now and said maybe you are the type that believes in fairy tales and maybe you are not.

Ilja Dragunov is warming up in the back.

Tiffany Stratton vs Fallon Henley

Fallon has new music that is worse. Tiff jumps her from behind and throws her into the rail and post. Fallon's knee is driven in the post then she is figured four'd on the post. The refs then come down and that seems to be it.

I'm not surprised by this. There were too many matches on the card so something was getting cut short.

We see Meta Four looking for the Heritage Cup in the haunted house. They are all dressed up like Scooby Doo. The doors open by themselves and they get freaked out. They get spooked at some dead girl screaming and Oro says he can't stand Halloween. We hear Tozawa say something in a spooky voice. Dar asks if Jakara speaks Japanese. Lighting strikes and Dar heads in. Someone in a costume appears behind them and they all start running. We are then told it is to be continued.

WWE NXT North American Title - Dominik Mysterio (c) vs Nathan Frazer


NF = Nathan Frazer

Dom is dressed up in a prisoner's shirt and is handcuffed. Rhea is dressed up as a police officer of some sort. NF does some kind of hiptoss counter then Dom hits punches and boots in the corner. NF headflips out of the corner and hits armdrags. NF single leg dropkicks him. Dom goes out to stall.

NF flips over him off the buckles then flying shoulders him. We go to PiP break and return. Dom hits 2 of the 3 amigos, then NF suplexes him. NF hits some strikes then Dom slaps him. NF spears him then they trad eenzugiri's. NF moonsaults into a side reverse ddt. Dom takes a baseball slide then superkicks NF when he comes outside off a tope sattempt. Dom is distracted by Rhea then NF topes Dom.

Dom is up top and NF jumps up there to superplex him. NF then spinning neckbreakers him. Dom misses a dropkick to the back but it is sold anyway then NF superkicks him. NF tries to dive on Dom outside but bangs his head off the announcer's tablke. Dom top rope frogplsashes NF and wins it.

It had some botches but was a fast paced match with some flying. Not great or anything but I thought it was a good showing for Dom and he held up well against the better Frazer.

Wes Lee comes down and superkicks Dom after. He double stomps his back and Dom rolls out.

Jacy Jayne and Andre Chase talk in the back. Jacy says he should be thanking her. She said she scratched his back and he should scratch her back too. Duke and Thea walk in. Duke said he hasn't paid for a meal in a week after winning the title. Duke said they will be known as Champ University when Thea and Jacy win tonight. Chase said they need to win fair and square tonight.

Tony D and Stacks come in. Tony D said there's two kinds of wrongs, the wrongs they do and the ones people do to them. Stacks says they owe them and Andre says "yes sir". Duke promises a rematch.

We then see Isla and Alba dressed up in a costume. Alba said anyone who touches the tag titles suffers pain.

We go back to the haunted house. Jakara says "Miss Jackson is bout that action". She gets a hand in her face when walking through a clothes rack then runs into some horro old man. She screams and faints. Oro looks for her and runs into some zombie guy who doesn't talk. The zombie guy backs him up then Oro smacks a druid with a sandwich. Tozawa is then dressed as a druid and beats up Oro. He then tells the druids to take him away.

Lash has lost her glasses and finds something under a cover. It's a trophy. she then sees something else with a cover and it's some zombie. She beats a zombie with a cookie tray then is pulled through a doorway.

Bron Breakker vs Mr. Stone

Booker talks about Gary Hart, who according to him said, "I'm not a manager, just an advisor". Stone avoids a charge and hits a shot. Bron no sells it and chases him. Bron hits a stiff clothesline on him then pulls him up by the shirt. Bron throws him across the ring.

Stone slaps Bron when he has him by the hair. Bron throws him into the buckles then Stone rolls him up for 2. Bron lifts him up and hits a nasty suplex on him. Bron yells, "it's over" and hits a nice spear. Bron then wins it.

It was a squash as expected with Stone getting beaten up.

Bron pulls out Stone after, yanking him to the floor. Bron takes off the top part of the steps, puts him on the bottom part then Von Wagner comes out. Von and Bron fight and Von lariats him over the top. Von chokeslams him on the steps then tries to drop the top part of the steps on him, but Bron slides away. Security comes out to break it up. Von then helps up Mr. Stone.

We get a video package on Lyra Valkyria winning the title last week. Becky says she's proud of her and happy it's her. She tells her to hold it down. We then see the media talk about Lyra.

Out The Mud do a promo. Scrypts said he wasn't really born to luxury and said he has been shot at and walked up on. He said Nima and Price are from the same cloth. He says the Brawling Brutes don't know about the struggle and wouldn't last a week on their block. He said they cost them a shot at the gold and said either you're somebody or nobody. He said let's see which one they are and says they are somebody. This wasn't bad at all.

WWE Women's Tag Titles - Piper Niven and Chelsea Green (c) vs Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne

They fight as the champs enter. Green's head is banged off the apron then Piper is pushed into the steps. Jacy hits a conrer attack on Green then superkicks her as she is seated. Thea armdrags Green then misses one, but hits another. Thea cartwheels off the top using the ropes then Green pulls her out. Thea then topes her. Thea crossbodies Piper outside, gets caught then Jacy cartwheels onto Piper to knock them over.

We go to PiP break and return. Piper has a sleeper of some sort on Thea. Thea 2nd rope crossbodies her, gets caught and takes a nasty shoulderbreaker. Piper misses a corner cannonball then takes a ddt. Green misses an elbow on Thea and Thea tags out. Jacy hits shots on Green then step up enzugiri's her. Jacy superkicks Piper then corner cannonballs Green.

Green takes a spinebuster for 2. Thea is put on Piper's shoulders and slammed body first. Jacy and Green forearm then pump kick each other at the same time. Jacy goes to grab the title to hit Green, Chase stops her then Jacy is hit with the unprettier and pinned.

The ending was expected here but it made sense for the story. The match was okay for what it was and they did a decent job with it. 

The spin the wheel, make the deal wheel spins after and we see maybe Isla and Alba in the riser.

Lexis King is interviewed in his hippie room. He said he is pleased with his performances always and says everyone has an opinion here of him. He says that comes with the territory of being a star. He said this is his life and he will do things his way. He says to just wait and see what he does next, or what he has already done. King says McKenzie will just have to wait and see like everyone else. King then asks her to tay awhile and have a candy.

NXT Women's Breakout Tournament Final - Lola Vice vs Kelani Jordan

Kelani is dressed up as an egyptian queen. Lola hits a leg kick then KJ side headlocks her. KJ does a nice move into a backslide then leg trips her off a blocked kick. KJ armdrags her through the ropes and dropkicks her. Lola hits a kick combo on KJ then running hip attacks her.

We go to PiP break and return.  Lola's in control and misses a hip attack. KJ blocks a kick and does a new spin kick that we haven't seen before.

KJ cartwheels into a back elbow then does a flipping legdrop on her. Lola spin kicks her in the gut for 2. KJ is irish whipped but handsprings off of it then hits a flatliner. KJ puts her leg over Lola's head and spinning neckbreakers her. KJ misses a sitout moonsault after Elektra Lopez bothers her then Lola spin kicks her in the head and wins it.

What we got wasn't bad at all. KJ's still green but she busted out some new stuff here and they matched up alright. Lola won as expected here and hopefully it's the start of a better push for her. 

Noam Dar is still in the haunted house. He sees the Heritage Cup and kisses it. Zombies show up behind him. He said he can pay them double what Tozawa is paying them. Tozawa takes away the cup and he says all he wanted is a Heritage Cup match. Dar said no as he didn't get a point in the tournament. Tozawa sticks the zombies on him again and Dar says they can fight next week. Tozawa then leaves and sticks the zombies on him again.

Isla and Alba are in new costumes again. they said Shotzi and Scarlett settled the disturbance in the other room. Alba says this is a perfect evening. We then see Mr. Stone and Von Wagner. Von says Bron Breakker will pay. Stone says he won't get him a match with Bron next week. Stone says he's not ready. Boa walks behind Von during this but just passes by. Von says he doesn't care if he's not ready and starts holding his head. He tells Stone to get the match made. I wonder what the point of Boa walking around in the back was.

WWE NXT Title - Ilja Dragunov (c) vs Carmelo Hayes

Drag = Ilja Dragunov

Drag blows smoke through his nose and mouth during his entrance. They both miss kicks to start then chop each other.  Melo step up enzugiri's him then Drag oes a jumping front kick. Drag germans him and takes a step kick. Melo germans him and they trade forearms. They slap each other at the ame time and Drag counters a superkick with an enzugiri. Both then go down.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade forearms. Drag spinning chops him in the knee, enzugiri's him and germans him. Drag hits a high kick then a running knee. Drag powerbombs him for 2. Melo superkicks him, hits a pump kick then Drag does a wind up lariat.

They trade forearms then Melo does a la mistica bulldog for 2. Drag pulls him off the top then goes up top. Melo enzugiri's him while he's up there and Drag rolls down to the floor. Melo jumps over the top and ddt's him on the apron. Melo top rope frogsplashes him for 2. Drag sentons him then hits a uranage for 2.

Drag facekicks him then chops him in the back of the neck. Drag tiger feints but is kicked during it. Drag death valley drivers him on the apron. Drag puts him on a table then jumps off the rail and hits a forearm to drive him through the table. Drag facewash kicks him back in the ring.

Drag goes for a coast to coast move and Melo tries to catch him with a codebreaker. Drag avoids it. Drag is pushed in the buckles, takes a codebreaker then does a falling forearm for 2. Drag comes off the top and is caught with a codebreaker. Trick Williams' music hits and he comes out. He stares down Melo.

Drag superplexes Melo. Drag hits a torpedo moscow and wins it.

The chemistry was there but they didn't sell at all early on and I thought they focused on the sprinkles over the ice cream here. There were cool spots and they did some good stuff, but they needed more time and they needed to do about half of what they did.

Trick gets in the ring after and picks up Melo. He stares him down in the eyes and looks mad. Baron Corbin then is seen with a downed Ilja Dragunov in the back and the show ends.

Overall thoughts: It was a good TV card with title matches, a TLC match and a little comedy. I didn't love the main, but they tried. The TLC match was brutal. Lola and Kelani Jordan had an okay match and they built stuff up for next week. Pretty good show all around.

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