Thursday, November 2, 2023

AEW Dynamite 11/1/2023

AEW Dynamite 11/1/2023

Last week's show is here: 

 Renee interviews MJF to start. MJF is asked who he will team with tonight. He says he has a list of possible opponents then shows us Adam Cole on video chat on the monitor. Cole says he's happy MJF is the longest reigning AEW champ of all time. He says it seems the world is after MJF and says he should consider Samoa Joe's offer. MJF said he will consider Cole's offer. The Kingdom and Strong walk in. Strong says MJF seems like the devil to him and Cole hangs up. We then see the masked devil guy.

AEW International Title - Orange Cassidy (c) vs Claudio Castagnoli

CC catches him with a wheelbarrow and powerbombs hin down. CC slams him then hits knees to the body. CC's head is banged off the top buckle. CC comes of the top and takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and gutbuster. CC running lariats him on the floor then stands on his stomach. CC is pushed head first into the post then OC topes him.

CC dives on him, is caught and gorilla press dropped throat first on the rails. The ref kicks out Wheeler Yuta and Hook from ringside. CC walks up the steps and up on the ropes with OC on his shoulders. CC blocks a buckle bomb, lifts him up by his ears then does a delayed superplex. 

We go to PiP break and return. CC hits corner spears and we see video of Hook and Yuta having to be separated backstage. Hook is then kicked out of the building. CC misses a corner spear. OC topes into a tornado ddt outside. Back in the ring and OC hits his stunner out of a suplex. OC then goes for a wraparound ddt but CC turns it into a giant swing.

CC sharpshooters him then puts him in a rings of saturn variation. CC euros him for 2. CC spinning sleeper holds him. OC hits an orange punch then beachbreaks him. CC rolls out. OC stomp flurries him and hits a PK. OC satellite ddt's him for 2. OC hurricanrana's him and wins it.

I didn't like OC winning here and I'm not a fan of long opening matches like this one. It went close to 20 minutes and they did too much. The tope tornado ddt spot was cool as was CC reversing the satellite ddt into the giant swing.

Jon Moxley's music hits after. OC charges at Mox then is pounded on as CC sulks over the top rope. CC watches Mox beat up OC then Mox beats up security. Mox beats up OC more and CC pulls him off.

MJF is looking for partners in the back. He goes up to Kenny Omega's locker and finds Chris Jericho. Chris slams the door on him. Wardlow then grabs MJF, saying he took everything from him and now he will take everything from him when he least expects it. MJF runs into The Acclaimed. Caster asks MJF why doesn't he team with them and MJF walks off.

Mox is pushing boxes in the back. He said Fenix sacrificed his own body to beat him and then picked up the scraps. Mox said he showed OC respect when no one else could and said he didn't have to not beat him up in Chicago. He said he's sick of him and everyone. He says maybe he's the wrong guy at the wrong place and says he will beat him within an inch of his life at Full Gear.

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Titles - The Young Bucks and Adam Page (c) vs The Mogul Embassy

Prince Nana is not at ringside here. Page stomps on Kaun to start then facekicks him. The Bucks dropkick Toa and Cage. Page springboard lariats Kaun off the apron then Page's team hits triple stereo planchas. Kaun takes an enzugiri + lariat combo in the corner then a cannonball. Kaun is bridged on the 2nd rope for a top rope swanton.

We go to PiP break and return. Page is hot tagged in and beats up the GoA 1v2. Kaun facekicks PAge then Page lariats him. Page lariats Toa over the top and goes with him. Page pop-up powerbombs Kaun. Swerve then comes out and starts talking on the mic. He said he was at Page's house last week. Page chases after him. Toa is pulled over the top rope and Cage is superkicked. Kaun is superkicked then a Buck is lariated on the apron.

Cage 2nd rope deadlift superplexes Nick. Nick takes a double spinebuster then Matt is pounced. Matt is then swung into a powerbomb then takes a double pendulum facebuster and is pinned.

I didn't like this at all. The Mogul Embassy won, but they were beaten up most of the match when they should have been heavily protected. I also didn't like them struggling with a 3v1 advantage. This makes the original title change even dumber since The Mogul Embassy ultimately blew a months long streak for nothing.

We then see Page and Swerve fighting backstage and being separated.

A Buck then throws a hissy fit, flipping over a table and hitting a chair off the post.

MJF teases going to Samoa Joe's locker room then takes the sign off of Darby Allin's locker room. He grabs a pen and writes, "emo b!tch" on it. Max and The Acclaimed then show up with a "pick us" sign.

Tony Schiavone interviews Adam Copeland in the ring. Adam said him and Sting had the same injuries and faced the same things. He said he also thinks Darby is one of the lynchpins of AEw going forward.

Christian, Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne come out. Christian says he will retire Sting at Full Gear and says Darby has a gimp arm from Wrestledream. He says Adam should back down from him right now or he's going to snap his neck. Nick and Lucha attack Adam and Adam fights them off. Christian slides in then Lucha nails Adam from behind. Nick then hits a a blind springboard cutter off the 2nd rope on him. Chirstina goes for a conchairto then Sting comes out. Sting nails Nick and throws him then Darby comes in too. The heels are cleared off then Adam spears Christian. Adam says he will beat his @ss and says it's on. Adam says he will be Sting and Darby's partner.

We go to Tony Khan with a major announcement. Tony talks about All In. he said he can't think of a better Christmas gift then putting up a pre-sale for tickets at All In next year. This is a major announcement?

Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega vs 2.0

The heels jump the faces before the bell. Jericho forearms Menard over then Menard takes a double suplex. We go to PiP break and return. Jericho shoulders over Parker then hits a double axe handle off the top. Jericho codebreakers Parker and Kenny dragon suplexes Manrd. Kenny knocks Hager off the apron then tope con hilos him. Jericho goes for a lionsault but is hit with a belt. Parker misses a bat shot on Jericho then takes a bat shot. Jericho wins it.

It was short and there wasn't much to this one. This was a real waste of a matchup between the former JAS members.

Don Callis and his Family come on the ramp. Don said they both got destroyed by his family but are still here. Don says they need to take it up a notch and says maybe this gets finished on the street, not in the ring. Don challenges them to a street fight in 2 weeks. Don calls them dummies. Kenny said he'd hate to be a "stupidhead". He said none of this was about winning matches. It was about hurting them. Kenny said they aren't doing this alone and Kenny said he has someone on his side - Kota Ibushi. Don says they are still a man short. Jericho says he has a friend who is bigger than Hobbs. Jericho says Hobbs is big but no a giant. He then brings out Paul Wight. Paul drops Kyle Fletcher with a punch.

Like they have done with Kenny storylines before, they set something up then bring in other people who aren't involved whatsoever to water the match down. We saw it at Blood and Guts and now we see it here.

Kenny and Jericho are interviewed in The Elite's locker room. Jericho says in 2 weeks Don Callis' crew has to face his friends. Jericho brings up Paul Wight and The Bucks are jealous. They ask what the point was of them getting together again if they were going to do this. The Bucks ask what Jericho is doing here. Jericho said they weren't good enough and lost their trios titles tonight. Kenny said Jericho is aligned with them tonight and The Bucks say Jericho will screw him over. Oh great, another episode of Days of Our Elite.

AEW Women's Title - Hikaru Shida (c) vs Willow Nightingale

They do a clean break early. Willow rolls her up and shoulders her over. Willow then crossbodies her while she is seated. Shida goes for a flying knee but is caught. Shida pulls her over the ropes then knees her back on the apron. Shida then comes off the 2nd rope and crossbodies her outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Shida suplexes her then running facekicks her. Willow flying enzugiri's her then hits a corner hip attack. Willow spinebusters her. They trade shots and Willow 2nd rope dropkicsk her. Shida no sells it then 2nd rope dropkicks her. Shida goes up top and is hit then does a top rope falconarrow on Willow for a one count.

Shida brazilian kicks her then takes a pounce. Willow death valley drivers her for 2. Shida hurricanrana's her out of the doctor bomb attempt then Willow hits a big lariat. Shida rolls her up then hits a pumping knee. Shida hits a knee and wins it.

It was long and not good. The 1 count on the super falcon arrow was ridiculous.

Toni Storm and Luther come out after. Toni's on the amp goofing around and Shida running knees her. Shida then rips off her jacket and chases her to the back. The lights go out and Julia Hart appears in the ring. She offers Willow a handshake. Skye Blue then comes in and stares down Hart. Hart shakes her head "yes" at Skye. Skye then mists Hart. That was kind of a lame payoff for whatever the eye shadow thing was about.

MJF is sitting in the back and The Acclaimed go up to him. Bowens says nobody likes him except Caster. Caster says he has to scissor them and wear what's in the bag if he teams with them. MJF says they will never tag together. Max then runs into Sonjay Dutt and friends and they say they are here to help.

Renee interviews The Kingdom and Roderick Strong. Strong calls Adam Cole and complains that MJF didn't ask them to be his tag partners. Strong calls MJF a jerk and Cole tells him to shut up, then hangs up on him.

Bullet Club Gold vs MJF, The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn

MJF comes out in pink gear with a pink scarf and a shirt that says, "scissor me".

MJF wants Jay White. Jay gets in and quickly ducks behind his partners.  Bowens hits kicks on Juice then does an over the back legdrop on his neck. Bowens hits strikes and knocks Juice over.

Austin Gunn and Billy Gunn fight. Austin hits some punches and is dropped then Colten gets dropped. Billy then tells his own kid to suck it in a weird moment. Jay tells Billy to suck it and they trade chops. MJF is tagged in and Jay goes out. The Acclaimed try to scissor MJF and he walks away from it.

We go to PiP break and return. Colten takes a double back elbow and a double elbow drop. Bowens 2nd rope legdrops Colten in the crotch. Colten and then Jay take over on Caster. Caster gets stomped by the heels outside. The fight continues outside and the match kind of loses the plot for a bit. Caster gets back in and hot tags MJF. MJF beats up the heels. MJF counters a 310 to Yuma with a ddt then does a double kangaroo kick. MJF then takes a bladerunner from Jay and Jay wins it.

It was long and the fighting outside completely threw the whole match off. The fighting did not look good and it was boring.

Jay White wants to hit MJF with the belt after. Max Caster pushes MJF out of the way and takes the belt shot. Max wants to scissor MJF. MJF doesn't want to and Billy yells at him to do it after all he has done for him. MJF then scissors with them.

Overall thoughts: It was a weak show. Not a lot went on and it didn't have a lot of highlights. The main wasn't much and the rest of the card wasn't much more exciting. The "major announcement" was also the worst one yet.

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