Tuesday, October 31, 2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 10/30/2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 10/30/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/10/wwe-monday-night-raw-10232023.html

Rhea, Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonaugh come out to talk. Rhea said they took care of every star in their way and said Priest took out Cody's ankle. She said JD will remind Seth Rollins what it's like to be an enemy of Judgment Day. She said Seth and Drew have decisions to make and says their decision decides who walks out champ at Crown Jewel. Rhea said the odds will be stacked against her at the event, but it's another chance to prove herself.

Sami Zayn comes out. He said he's sick of hearing Rhea talk. He said he has fought people like Judgment Day all of his life. He said his name isn't Sami Zayn but rebellion and resistance. He said as long as there is a breath of air in his body, he will fight Judgment Day. Rhea said he can resist all he wants, but they don't need the numbers against him. Rhea then says he should face Damian Priest tonight. Dom said they should teach him a lesson right now. Sami is about to be beaten up then Ricochet comes out to save Sami. JD goes after Ricochet but ends up over the top then Dom backs off of Ricochet.

Ricochet vs Dominik Mysterio

This started during the break. Ric hits a dropkick then has his leg pulled, which puts his crotch into the middle rope. Ric is sent into the announcer's table outside then Dom hits corner spears on him. Dom hits stomps on Ric then has his head banged off the buckle. Ric kicks the buckle while his head is on it then Ric step up enzugiri's him.

Ric hits a northern lights suplex then a suplex for 2. Ric then does a standing shooting star press for 2. Ric tope crossbodies Dom on the outside and we go to break. We return and Dom hits three amigos. Ric is catapulted into the 2nd rope but avoids a 619. Ric handspring back elbows him.

Ric flying hurricanrana's him then springboard crossbodies him. Ric then hits an asai moonsault for 2. Dom neckbreakers him then takes a superkick. Ric goes up top and Rhea gets on the apron. JD then distracts Ric and Dom rolls up Ric with his feet on the ropes and with a grab of the tights to win.

It was an okay opener. Not great or memorable but they matched up okay and kept a good pace.

Ric superkics JD after and codebreakers Dom. Rhea then pulls out Dom to escape further damage.

We get a package on DIY.

Raquel Rodriguez talks about the women's match at Crown Jewel. She said not one of her opponents has the fight or drive that she has. She said she will show the world why she is the most dominant woman on Raw.

We get a package on The Creed Brothers.

Alpha Academy (Chad Gable and Otis) vs The Creed Brothers

Julius and Chad mat wrestle. Julius is slammed down the he slams Chad down. They trade armdrags and stand off. Chad trips Julius then Julius puts him in a suplex position while seated and gets up. Chad is passed over to Brutus then takes a one arm suplex. Brutus lips out of a hiptoss and fireman's carry takeovers him.

Otis gets in and bodyblocks him. Otis misses a splash in the corner then takes a 2nd rope double hammerfist. Otis hits a double lariat on both Creeds then Chad top rope double clotheslines both opponents. The Creed's then take stereo exploders and we go to break.

We return and Chad rolls Brutus into an ankle lock. Brutus reverses it into a pin attempt and does a torture rack drop on him. Chad deadlift germans Brutus. Otis gets in and runs through both. Otis does a double lariat, slams both and short arm clotheslines Julius.

Otis hits the caterpillar on Julius for 2. Julius flying knee's Otis then Brutus top rope double axe handles Otis. Julius hits a standing ssp and Brutus hits a standing moonsault. Chad crossbodies Julius over the top then Brutus and Otis lariat battle. Brutus comes off the 2nd rope and is caught and slammed. Julius 450's Otis off the top to break up the pin then Chad moonsaults Julius, and the 2 other people in the ring as they are on each other.

All 4 men are down. Maxine gets on the apron and Ivy pulls her off. Ivy gets on the apron and Maxine pulls her off. They argue and Tozawa tries to break it up. Ivy germans Tozawa on the floor and Chad is thrown out by Brutus. Otis lariats Brutus then Otis takes a doomsday device brutus ball. Julius Creed picks up the win over Otis!

This was a good match as expected. The Creed's busted out a lot of their better stuff here and they got put over well here. The Creed's definitely looked a little heelish when Ivy beat up Tozawa so we'll have to see if there is anything to that or not and we'll have to see where this goes. It was nice to see The Creed's win as I did not expect it. 

Finn Balor and Damien Priest talk in the back. Someone knocks on the door saying Trick or Treat. The New Day then walk in dressed up as The Judgment Day. They say they are The New Judgment Day. Kofi has an empty food carton for some reason and Finn throws eaten candy in Woods' bowl. Woods say something to Rhea then Kofi pulls him out.

JD McDonaugh and Dom walk in. Finn says what happened after with Ricochet and Dom was no bueno. Priest said Ric wouldn't have gotten away with the win if the entire Judgment Day was out there. Priest says he has a lot on his place and talks about maybe cashing in at Crown Jewel. He talks about possible people to cash in on. Priest asked if he missed a meeting where they decided matches on each other. Priest said tonight shouldn't be about himself bu The Judgment Day. they all start getting hyped up and Rhea says Judgment Day runs Raw.

Nia Jax does a promo. She said she has squashed everyone since she returned and did what she said she would. She said she has squashed the most dominant women's champ in Rhea. At Crown Jewel, she says she will show she is the most dominant woman on Raw and become women's champ. 

Miz TV with Gunther

Miz introduces Gunther and Gunther doesn't come out. Kaiser and Vinci come out instead. Kaiser said Gunther isn't coming down just because he was told to and said Miz is everything wrong with the WWE Universe today. He calls Miz a clown. Miz calls Vinci the 3rd wheel and mocks him for speaking. Vinci says something about Miz's wife. Vinci grabs the mic and says he talks when he wants to talk then Kaiser said he talks when Gunther or Kaiser tell him to talk.

Gunther then comes out. He says he is not Miz's guest. He says it's 2023 and he tries to run a talk show. Gunther says the ring is sacred to him and everything Miz does is beneath him. He says Miz is beneath him and says he does not respect him. Miz said he interviewed an invisible John Cena that was more entertaining than him. He said he is the biggest star that WWE has. Gunther says it doesn't matter how entertaining you are, it only matters how good of a wrestler you are. He said that is why Miz is a talk show host and why he is the longest reigning IC champ of all time.

Miz says he can be serious when he wants to be. He said he was serious when he beat Cena and Orton and when he won the WWE championship. He said he was serious when he made Gunther's title the most relevant title in WWE. He said he'd have no problem doing it again. Gunther laughs. Gunther says Miz is all about creating memorable moments and said let's create one he'll never forget. Kaiser then grabs a pumpkin and breaks it on the mat in front of Miz. Gunther asks if he will do anything about it thne Kaiser throws Miz's chair. Miz hits Vinci and Kaiser then is dropped with a Gunther chop. Gunther holds the title over him and says he is not in his league. Miz fires on Gunther then is held for a face kick. Miz then walks away.

I don't know if they are turning Miz, but he was the face here and he did a good job in this segment.

 Miz goes up to Adam Pearce in the back. Miz said he was never disrespected like that in his career. Miz says he wants a match with Gunther for the IC title. Adam asks why he should do that. Miz runs down his credentials. Adam said he can't just give him a championship match, but can give him a chance to earn one. He said someone else wants one too and brings in Bronson Reed. Miz backs off and tells him he will be the one taking the title off of him.

DIY vs Imperium (Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci)

Vinci shoulders over Johnny. Johnny flying headscissors him. Vinci takes a double kick to the head in the corner. Vinci euros Ciampa then hits a hard lariat. Kaiser takes a hard lariat from Ciampa then Vinci is knee'd off the apron by Ciampa. Johnny then topes Vinci. Vinci backdrops Johnny on the apron then Kaiser topes Johnny. We go to break and return. Johnny is tilt-a-whirl dropped by Kaiser then Kaiser is thrown out. Vinci goes over the top then Vinci takes an enzugiri. Vinci pop-up tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Johnny.

Johnny trades shots with Vinci then ddt's him. Ciampa hits lariats on both opponents when he gets the hot tag in. Ciampa then hits a double clothesline. Ciampa hits a Thesz press with mounted punches and reverse ddt's Kaiser. Kaiser rolling death valley drivers Ciampa for 2 then Johnny rolls Vinci into a kick.

Kaiser hits a nice lariat on Ciampa. Kaiser comes off the 2nd rope and gets superkicked by Johnny. Vinci euros Ciampa then runs up the buckles and misses a moonsault. Ciampa pumping knees Vinci then Vinci takes a super kick + pumping knee combo. Johnny gets the win.

It was what you would expect with them keeping it moving and doing superkicks and lariats. I really don't get excited to see Gargano in 2023.

Kaiser shakes his head at Vinci after. 

Shinsuke Nakamura does a promo. He tells people to step forward and be his opponent so he doesn't have to look for them. He says to show yourself and says he is waiting.

We get a Candice LeRae video. She  talks about being resilient and not to worry about what comes in front of her.

We get a Xia Li video. She says to embrace fears and says she is the storm while doing kung-fu weapons stuff.

Candice LeRae vs Xia Li

Lerae dodges a kick then flurries on her with strikes. Lerae snapmares her and climbs on her back for a senton. Xia pulls her on the apron then puts the ring skirt on her head and knees her. LeRae rolls her up then Li hits a jumping knee. Li spinning high kicks her and LeRae is out of it. The ref lets her try to get up but she can't. Xia wins by knockout.

It was short and not particularly special. I'm pretty sure it was a work but LeRae did a good job selling it. This was a pretty lame way to re-introduce LeRae after 2 months of not wrestling.

Sami Zayn and Jey Uso talk in the back. Jey says he's ready to go and Sami says he is fired up. Sami thanks him for having his back. The interviewer then comes in and wants to talk to Jey. Jey says Sami will hand business tonight and says he wants to get the tag titles back with Cody. He said he wants to see how Rhea feels about that. 

We get a video on Shayna Baszler. She said she wants to rip and tear her 4 opponents up limb by limb at Crown Jewel. 

Candice LeRae is being looked at in the back and surrounded with friends. 

We get a video of Drew McIntyre at the Performance Center. He talks about winning the WWE title during covid and nobody getting to see it live. He talks about his career in WWE and complains more about nobody being at Mania that year. He said Seth is willing to break his back to win the title, but he's willing to break it for him.

Zoey Stark then talks about the 5-way at Crown Jewel. She said she will be the new champ and prove she is the most dominant on the roster.

Seth Rollins comes out to talk. He does his usual lines and said he will beat up JD McDonaugh tonight. He said he's beating Drew on Saturday but says he's a fan of him. He mocks him for crying about Mania and said people had it worse than him. Seth tells Drew to wait in line and says he's a hell of a champ. He said he will be the first man to shake his hand and call him champ if he wins. He said he isn't the same guy he was the last time they fought. JD McDonaugh then jumps him from behind.

Seth Rollins vs JD McDonaugh

Seth facekicks him then chops him. Seth throws him into the rails. JD begs off then takes chops. JD's head is banged off the buckles then he takes a back body drop. JD slingshot corkscrews onto him inside then foot chokes him. JD is back body dropped over the top rope then JD is tope'd over the announcer's table.

We go to break and return. JD takes a flatliner into the 2nd buckle. Seth misses a corner splash then lariats him. JD backrolls him then takes a sling blade. Seth pumping knees him for 2. Seth misses a curb stomp then JD headbutts him. Seth misses pedigree attempts then takes a standing spanish fly for 2.

JD takes a buckle bomb then Judgement Day come down. Seth gets distracted. JD top rope backdrops him then Seth hits a pedigree. Seth hits a curb stomp and wins.

It was a flippy match without a ton of selling or logic. It was kind of indy and I wasn't a big fan of it.

Seth goes outside and tells Damien Priest to make his move. He says he's waiting on it. 

Adam Pearce and Ricochet talk in the back. Adam offers him a chance to compete in a match for the IC Title. Ric says he wants a match with Dom instead. Chelsea Green and Piper Niven go up to Adam and are dresed like The Hart Foundation. Green isn't happy about the trick or street fight. Adam says the match is next and says he has a lot on his plate. Green tells him nice costume, even though he isn't wearing one. Ivar and Valhallah go up to Adam. Val says the god demand they speak to him about the IC title. Ivar says they will see him in his office. Adam says he needs a drink.

Becky Lynch is interviewed. She talks about Lyra taking the NXT title and basically says she was worthy of it. She said she defended her title more times in 42 days than Roman and Rhea did all year. She said she didn't need the title, the title needs her. Xia Li comes in. Li asks if she is scared other and complains that she didn't get a title shot. She asks what she is doing. Becky says they can fight right here, right now. Li says they will fight, but on her time. Lynch complains, asking when her time is.

Trick or Street Fight - Chelsea Green vs Natalaya

Green is dressed as Bret Hart and Natalya is dressed as some kind of black bunny. Green teases giving herglasses to a fan but takes them away. Nat is thrown backwards and then pied in the face. Nat's head is banged off the mat.

Green throws candy in the ring and Nat hits her with a kendo stick. Nat spinning lariats her over the rail. Green hits her with a trash can lid. Piper sprays whipped cream onto Nat. Green then gets on the rail and misses a senton, going through the table. Green's head is thrown into the bobbing for apples bucket. Piper steps in and Nat nails her. Nat goes to put Piper in the sharpshooter and Green literally tries to put herself in it too.

Nat picks up a pumpkin but is kicked. Green pulls another pumpkick off the table and Nikki Cross' head is sticking out of the table. Green gets spooked and drops a pumpkin on her head. Nat is thrown into the steps. Green is spooked by Cross then powerbombed on candy corn. Nat sharpshooters Green then Piper gets on the apron. Green pies Piper on accident then then Green hits an unprettier on Nat to win it.

You know the deal here. It was a comedic street fight. Silly and goofy but it has its moments. 

Rhea Ripley talks about the 5-way.

Damien Priest vs Sami Zayn

Pretty weak main event here. They lock up and Sami is backed up in the corner. Sami bangs Priest's head off the buckles then 2nd rope elbows him in the head. Sami is whipped into the rails outside and moonsaults off of them onto him. Priest then kicks him when he gets back in.

Priest hits kicks then jumping back elbows him. Priest throws him on a falcon arrow for 2. Sami walks up the buckles and tornado ddt's him. Priest chokeslams him on the apron.

We go to break and return. Sami blind springboards over Priest then lariats him. Dom and Finn come down and Sami rolls up Priest. Sami hits Dom on the apron then Priest hits a cross rhodes on Sami.

Priest misses a splash and Finn gets in the ring. Dom nails Sami then Jey Uso comes out. Jey lariats Dom outside and punches Finn. Jey superkicks Priest and the ref calls for the bell.

Jey goes to help up Sami then both are jumped by Judgment Day. Cody Rhodes comes out and trades with Priest. Cody knocks him out of the ring then bangs his head off a table. Dom and Finn are knocked out of the ring then Jey and Sami tope both. JD saves Priest from a cross rhodes on the announcer's table then Sami facekicks JD. JD takes a cross rhodes on the table twice.

Cody gets on the mic after and says Priest was unsuccessful in trying to take him out. He says he was put down but got back up. Cody says Priest is a walk-behinder and says he walks behind the other Judgment Day members. Cody said his path goes straight through him at Crown Jewel.

The main was okay enough but nothing memorable.

Overall thoughts: A pretty weak Raw. Go-home shows usually aren't that great as they want to save stuff for the PPV. The Creed's vs Alpha Academy was the best match on this show and the trick or street fight had its moments, but it was a skippable show.

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