Monday, November 6, 2023

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 11/2/2023 Episode #36

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 11/2/2023 Episode #36 

Last week's show is here:

Stokeley Hathaway talks. He said there will be no Eddie Kingston tonight and no Eddie on Rampage because he is temporarily suspended for putting his hands on him. Stoke said he fears for his life and says Eddie will be in the unemployment line if he touches him again.

Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels vs The Righteous

The on and off team of Sydal and Daniels are back. Daniels headlocks Dutch then hits leg kicks. Dutch shoulders him over then slams him. Dutch is tripped into the middle rope. Sydal gets in and hits kicks then superkicks Vincent. Sydal standing corkscrew moonsaults Vincent. Daniels suplexes Vincent then Sydal slingshot double knee drops him.

Vincent running back elbows Sydal. Dutch short arm clotheslines Sydal then Vincent hits a low flatliner for 2. Sydal is powerbombed then Vincent top rope swantons Sydal for 2. Sydal spinning high kicks Vincent. Dutch misses a splash on Daniels and Daniels is pushed into a running sto on Vincent. Daniels flatliners Dutch then death valley drivers Vincent for 2.

Sydal hits leg kicks on Dutch then takes a black hole slam. Daniels rolls up Vincent for two then Dutch helps Vincent with a sliced bread #2. Vincent pins Daniels.

It was an average match. Sydal seemed inspired here but we all knew the outcome of this. I was surprised it went as long as it did. 

Ethan Page is interviewed. He said he's upset about what happened with Tony Nese. He said "old Ethan Page" would react in a negative way and do things he would regret tonight. Page said he's trying to do things the right way. He said he hopes Nese is watching his match tonight. He said everything he does to Josh Woods tonight are things he will envision doing to Nese. He said to enjoy the show as he will put one on for him.

Lee Moriarty vs Darius Martin

These guys fought last week. Shane Taylor got involved and is banned from ringside for this one because of it.

DM takes a kick to the gut. DM kind of rolls over him and Lee rolls with him. Lee backslides him then DM backslides him. DM dropkicks him. DM tries to come in over the 2nd rope and is kicked. Lee tries some move on his arm but can't hit it right. They trade chops and Lee abdominal stretches him. Lee yanks his arm with his leg then DM hits uppercuts. DM atomic drops him then bulldogs him using the ropes. DM plants on the top rope and flip kicks him.

DM goes up top and is caught. Lee hammerlock neckbreakers him then puts him in a border city stretch. DM crucifixes him out of it then PK's him. Lee lifts him like a suplex and flatliners him. They trade shots. Lee goes for a running euro but is countered with a german suplex. DM deadlift suplexes him then top rope frogsplashes his back to win.

It felt apart in the middle section of this with Lee messing up some moves. It was slower than it should have been.

Josh Woods vs Ethan Page 

Page cartwheels out of a wristlock and armdrags him. Woods hammerlocks him and sends his shoulder into the top buckle. Woods hammerlock slams him then stomps the shoulder. Page running shoulders him then Tony Nese walks down to ringside.

Page hits shots on Woods then facekicks him. Pageis whipped into the corner and lariats him out of it. Woods then pulls his shoulder down over the middle rope. Woods hits euros to the arm then Page running powerslams him. Mark Sterling gets on the apron. Woods spins Page around then Woods is high kicked. Page then goes for a cradle, Nese comes in and puts Woods on top. Woods gets the pin.

I didn't like that the shoulder work lead to nothing. The finish wasn't the best here with Nese interfering.

Slim J vs Angelico vs Metalik vs Gringo Loco

J and Loco were in a four way last week too. J shakes hands with Ange and headscissors Metal off of it. Loco ducks Ange's kicks then we have a 4 person stand off. J is whipped into the ropes and topes Ange off of it then Loco tope con hilos both. Loco slides under Metal on the apron and Metal top rope moonsaults outside. Metal goes to springboard and is pulled down then Ange backdrops J for 2.

Ange stomps J's back then ties his legs up. Metal breaks it up then hits a slingblade bulldog on Ange. Metal walks the 2nd rope and dropkicks Ange for 2. Loco gets stuck on the top rope and Metal walks the top rope to hurricanrana him. Ange sunset flips Metal, Loco top rope cutters Metal then J top rope splashes Ange.

J step up enzugiri's Loco then does a backcracker variation. Metal rolls up J for 2 then cradle shocks him for 2. Ange la magistrals Metal for 2. Metal is back body dropped to the floor then J top rope corkscrew enzugiri's Loco. Ange rolls up J and wins it.

It was what you would expect and it was a total spotfest. They kept it moving and didn't overdo it, so I thought it ended up being fun. 

Sonjay Dutt said he met Jay Lethal 20 years ago. He said he became his best friend then met Eddie Kingston at the same time. Dutt says Eddie and Jay are complete opposites. He says Jay is a pure wrestler and Eddie is a garbage wrestler. He says Eddie has no honor. Stokeley Hathaway walks in and says Dutt's crew did a good job whooping Eddie's @ss at Collision. Stoke goes to leave and Dutt grabs him. He says don't call Jay Lethal by his real name and said Jay Lethal is owed a title shot for beating Eddie Kingston. Stoke said he will talk to his secretary and she will email Dutt. They argue and leave.

Rachael Ellering vs LMK (Little Mean Kathleen)

RE = Rachael Ellering

LMK gets a pop from the crowd and wristlocks her. RE then takes her down by the arm. LMK runs into her and goes down. RE shoulders her over then LMK his some shots. LMK walks up the buckles and tries for an armdrag but RE blocks it and sentons her.

RE hits karelin's lift then LMK headscissors her. LMK misses a vader bomb and takes a running euro. RE black hole slams her and wins it.

It was a short squash but it was fun. Both got to do their roles a little with RE doing powerhouse stuff and LMK being the scrappy underdog.

Peter Avalon and Ryan Nemeth vs The Infantry vs The Iron Savages vs The Gates of Agony

Avalon and Ryan go to say something on the mic but are cut off by Infantry's music. They try again as they enter and Ryan says they have a question for us. They then get cut off by The Iron Savages. Peter interrupts Jacked Jameson's mic work. Peter says he's sick of them then they get cut off again by The Gates of Agony's entrance.

The Savages and the GoA were in a three-way match last week. Bronson pulls Peter down off the lock. He tells him to show his pretty @ss and does the motion that he's going to eat his butt. Peter hurricanrana's him off the ropes then Bronson sentons him.

Boulder slams Peter then misses an elbow drop. Peter splashes him, gets 2 and Boulder pushes him up. Peter falls down again on him and they do that twice. Boulder back body drops Ryan. Dean hits punches on Kaun then spinning lariats him. Dean is pushed off the 2nd rope and goes down to the floor. Kaun running back elbows Dean on the floor. Peter superkicks Dean then Ryan hits a pendulum ddt on Dean for 2.

Dean lariats Peter. Peter goes to tag the GOA, but they get off the apron. Bravo gets in and beats up on various opponents. Bravo flying corkscrew shoulders Peter then does his fakeout crossover punch. Bravo spinning ddt's Peter then Toa headbutts Bravo. Bravo takes a backcracker into a samoan drop from Toa.

Kaun is pulled over the top rope. Ryan dropkicks Toa from behind over the top. Dean double underhook backbreakers Ryan then step up enzugiri's Ryan. Peter takes a russian legsweep + facekick combo. Boulder hits a double flapjack on The Infantry. Bronson gets on Boulder's shoulders and Toa pounces both. Peter takes a double spinebuster and The GoA win it.

It was a fast paced match with people coming in and out. They did what they could with it but it didn't have enough time.

Action Andretti vs Nick Comorto vs Lee Johnson

Nick takes a double dropkick then does a double clothesline. Nick is pulled over the top rope then Lee rolls up AA. AA takes him down and they trade pin attempts. Lee takes a snake eyes then Nick does a one arm gorilla press on Lee plus a ddt on AA at the same time. Nick takes a jawbreaker then Nick ushigoroshi's AA over his knee.

Lee and AA end up doing a stalemate then AA step up enzugiri's Nick. Nick is pump kicked by AA then Nick hits a double suplex on both opponents. Nick takes a low kick and a corkscrew kick. Lee and AA lariat each other at the same time then Nick crossbodies both. Lee 2nd rope froearms Nick then AA springboard dropkicks Nick with Lee on his shoulder. AA then wins it.

It was a three way. They did some double team spots here and did what they could. It didn't have a ton of time and they didn't even really do dives here. 

Charlette Renegade vs Kiera Hogan

One guy yells, "Kiera Hogan, Yeaaaaaah!". CR shoulders over Hogan then stomps her back. Hogan takes a flapjack for 2. CR snapmares her then pulls on her nose in the camel clutch. Kiera rolls up CR then hits forearms. CR drops her with a chest forearm then CR is tripped into the middle rope. Hogan does a corner hip attack but totally misses then baseball slides her.

CR tries to pin her with her feel on the ropes then Hogan high kicks her. Hogan hits a fisherman's spinning neckbreaker and wins it.

This wasn't good and nobody aside from that one fan in the crowd cared.

Rachael Ellering goes up in the back and asks Leyla Hirsch if she is good. Leyla said she had no business in getting in her match. Ellering introduces herself and said the one person Leyla wanted help from was not around. Leyla said Maria wasn't three for her today but said she will be next time. Ellering said she came out there because she thought it was the right thing to do. Leyla said she was wrong.

Leyla Hirsch vs Robyn Renegade

Leyla takes down RR. They go outside, Leyla pushes Charlette then is superkicked by Robyn. Leyla hits chest forearms then is chopped. Robyn drops her on her face. Leyla backrolls Robyn into a chaos theory german then shoulder throws Robyn. Leyla then armbars her and wins this quick squash.

Charlette pounds on Leyla after and Rachael Ellering comes out to clear off the heels. Leyla pushes her away.

Dalton Castle, The Boys and Gravity vs The Workhorsemen, Griff Garrison and Cole Karter

Gravity wears a peacock thing on his mask since he's teaming with Dalton and The Boys. Grav slingshot roll-ups Henry. He then does his slow walk and tags in a Boy. Henry spin kicks the Boy in the ugt then Cole takes an armdrag. Cole takes a flying back elbow then griff splashes Brent. Griff does a sitout drop on Brent's front. Griff drops down and Cole hits a dropkick on Brent.

JD chops up Brent and Brent hangs over the bottom rope outside. Brent takes a chop + kick combo from The Workhorsemen. Brandon jumps in to help Brent and is facekicked by JD. Brent then is ddt'd by JD for 2. Grav gets a hot tag in and hits shots on Griff. Grav powerslams Griff then does a headstand in the corner. Griff spinning forearms Grav in the back of the head for 2.

Grav hurricanrana's Henry into JD then tags in Dalton. Dalton hits lariats on the heels and exploders Cole, Griff and Henry. Dalton throws a Boy into Cole thne throws the other into Griff outside. Grab then asks to be thrown but JD pulls Grav out. Henry rolls up Dalton for 2 then Dalton delay germans Henry. JD lariats Dalton. JD takes a double enzugiri then Dalton throws Grav outside onto Henry and Griff. Dalton hits the bangarang on JD and wins it.

Grav's hot tag segment was bad with him having no fire for his comeback. The rest was fun with Dalton looking good as usual. I'm not a fan of Griff and Cole losing here though as they are a new team and need to look good.

ROH Women's Title - Athena (c) vs Mercedes Martinez

MM = Mercedes Martinez

Athena forearms her off the handshake then pounds on her. Athena knees her in the gut and bangs her head off the mat. MM is thrown out. Athena grabs a sign that MM's sister is holding in the front row and rips it up. MM then throws Athena into the rails. MM uppercuts her. They go back in and MM hits more shots. MM spinebusters her for 2.

Athena flips out of a spider german then Athena 2nd rope codebreakers her. Athena then does a pendulum knee. MM gets sent out of the ring then Athena topes her into the commentator's table. MM punches Athena outside then dumps her on the timekeepers table. MM stomps her outside. They fight on the chair/timekeepers rail and Athena suplexes her off the rail to the floor.

They trade forearms on their knees inside. They then get up and trade shots. MM hits palm strikes and a running knee. Athena step up enzugiri's her then MM backdrops her. Athena running face kicks her and both go down. MM does a razor's edge dominator on her for 2.

MM surfboards her but Athena bites her arm. Athena crossfaces her and is rolled up. Athena drops her with a big forearm then pulls her neck over the top rope. Athena dives off the top rope and hits a cutter. Diamante gets on the apron and distracts the ref. Athena nails Diamante then hits a GTH on the floor on her. Athena pulls off the top rope turnbuckle pad.

MM running push kicks her in the gut, sending her into the exposed buckle then does a fisherman's buster for 2. MM backrolls her but is pushed off on the pin attempt. She goes into the middle rope and someone in a hoodie hits her with a belt. Athena hits a wig splitter on her and wins it.

The person in the hoodie then turns out to be Billie Starkz. Billie grabs the belt and gets in the ring then gets on her knee and gives her the title. Athena grabs her by the chin and they walk off together. 

It was a good match with the two showing some hatred and doing a lot of strikes. Not a classic, but it did deliver. The finish furthered the Billie/Athena storyline so that worked, but it would have been nice to have a clean finish for it.

Overall thoughts: A good show overall, but it had the usual issues with nothing really planned for next week, lots of missing champions and essentially, some repeat matches from last week. I think I would recommend seeing the main, but nothing else.

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