Tuesday, November 14, 2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 11/13/2023

WWE Monday Night Raw 11/13/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/11/wwe-monday-night-raw-1162023.html

Cody Rhodes comes out to talk, as he often does. He says he and Jey will win the tag titles tonight. He says Wargames is coming up and introduces his team. Jey Uso, Sami Zayn and Seth Rollins come out. Cody said they are here for Judgment Day then Judgment Day's music hits. They come down and say Cody's team are a group of random people thrown together. Priest says this is a family and says the Judgment Day will finally be done with all of them. Cody asks how it feels to know he can beat his partners in any match he wants but can't be a champ. Finn said Sami calls himself a star but is noting but a loser after his performance next week. They say Jey screwed all of them to help Bloodline.

Sami said its Wargames at Survivor Series and said they don't know what they are in for. Sami said will be the most brutal match of their lives and said the power on Raw lives with his team, not theirs. Cody said he's shocked they figured out how to get down here without Rhea and says she's the leader. Priest gets mad then says he's the leader. Seth says he's sick of the talking and said he's dressed for a fight. He said they should slap the taste of their mouths and they set up a match of Seth/Sami vs Dom/JD. Sami said they should get Pearce and do it now.

Seth Rollins and Sami Zayn vs Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonaugh

Seth shoulders JD over then hiptosses him. JD takes a back body drop  then Seth chokes Dom outside. JD hits Seth in the back then Dom is tagged in. Seth back elbows Dom then Sami double axe handles Dom. Sami elbows Dom off the 2nd rope then Seth is beaten up on. Dom hits 2 of 3 amigos on Seth then is suplexed.

Sami lariats Dom after springboarding backwards over him. JD pulls Dom out to safety and the faces go after both. JD is dropped on the rails face first then Sami exploders Dom in the corner. Seth lariats JD over the top then Seth and Sami do dives outside on the heels.

We go to PiP break and return. JD takes a catapult into the post inside then Seth running facekicks Dom. Seth uranages him then hits a slingblade.  Seth kicks and spinning lariats JD. JD is thrown out then Dom takes a kick to the face. Seth is tripped into the 2nd rope then superkicks Dom. Seth buckle bombs Dom then Finn and Priest come down. Seth is pulled out and Judgment Day is DQ'd.

The fight continues with Cody and Jey coming out to help. Security come to break it up and Jey spears JD. Priest pounds on JD and Pearce yells "enough" on the mic. Pearce says he's sick of the games and said the fans deserve better. Pearce says everyone is banned from ringside and the arnea tonight. Rhea yell at Pearce and we go to break.

The match was average. Nobody did anything too crazy though JD took some nice bumps out of the ring. And of course, the finish was a lame DQ finish.

We get a video saying Chase U is under investigation and they say they will talk about it on NXT tomorrow. They also say there will be more ISC qualifers tomorrow.

Rhea and Pearce are still in the ring. Pearce says she doesn't run Raw, he does. Pearce says she better not show her face either during the main then Zoey Stark comes out. She said Rhea is worried about too many things. She said Rhea should think twice about overlooking her. Rhea said she's not overlooking her and had been watching her since NXT. She said Zoey sent Trish packing in her first year and beat Becky Lynch. Rhea said Zoey reminds her of herself and says she is a future champ. She said she will only win a title if she is on a different brand than she is though. Rhea says it's time for Zoey to get out of the ring. Zoey said she nearly beat her for the title at Crown Jewel and said she will become champ at Survivor Series. Rhea goes after her, ends up going over the top then leaves before Zoey can dive on her.

Shinsuke Nakamura does a taped video. He said he is taking away a chance and it's his opportunity now. He said he will wait, for now, because it all ends in his name. I have no idea who Nakamura was referring to and the announcers didn't know either.

Seth, Cody and Sami talk in the back. Cody says he wants to talk to Seth alone and Seth says he should worry about the title match tonight. Cody says he needs him for 1 night and says they can hate each other the rest of the days. Cody said he needs him and the team needs him. Cody says he doesn't like him but says he respects him. Seth promises him that they will be good at Wargames. Seth then tells him to win the tag titles.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Otis

SN = Shinsuke Nakamura

SN punch flurries him in the gut and Otis no sells it. Otis headbutts him then SN hits a knee to the head. Otis slams him then hip attacks him in the corner. Otis does SN's good vibrations foot move then corner splashes him. Otis drops him with bolo punches then goes for the caterpillar. SN slides out then Otis runs him over.

We go to break and return. SN hits kicks to the body then takes a powerbomb after Otis blocks one. Otis shoulders him over then spinning back elbows him. Otis spinning lariats him then rips off his own shirt. Otis hits the caterpillar elbow drop for 2. Otis gets his face dropped on the top buckle then SN spinning heel kicks him. Otis hits a world's strongest slam for 2.

SN 2nd rope knees him then dropkicks him in the back of the knee. SN hits a kinshasa to the back and then to the front. SN then gets the win.

Not the greatest finish ever but they matched up well and it was a good match. Otis didn't look out of place here at all.  

SN shoves Gable in the back of the head after. Gable goes at him but Tozawa holds Gable back.

We get a video package on Wargames.

Seth Rollins is walking around in the back. He runs into Drew. Drew said Seth told him he'd have no one to blame but himself at Crown Jewel if he lost. Drew said he was right. Drew then said there is osmething he wanted to give him since last Saturday and offers a handshake. They shake hands. Drew said he will work his butt off and fight his way back to a rematch. Seth says he knows he will.

Tegan Nox says she's been defined by her injury for a long time. We se eclips of her getting worked on and she said the last year of her career seemed the craziest of her life. She said she fought some of the best superstars of all time and said she learned she can hang with the best of the them.

Piper Niven vs Tegan Nox

Nox dropkicks her to start then hits a kick in the face. Piper sentons her then splashes her arm. Piper hits a short arm clothesline then shoulderbeakers her for 2. Nox hits a stiff knee to the face. Chelsea Green gets on the apron and distracts Nox then Piper clotheslines Nox. Natalya pushes Green off the apron then Piper knocks Natalya off the apron. Nox hits a shining wizard for 2. Piper misses a butt drop then is crucifixed. Nox gets the win.

It wasn't too good and just felt off. The pace and flow wasn't there at all and the crowd didn't care.

The Miz is interviewed. He said restoring his respect is important tonight against Gunther. He mocks Gunther's accent then Ivar and Valhalla come in. Ivar calls him a clown and a joke. He says Miz is not making it to Survivor Series. Bronson Reed then comes in and says they are lucky to be standing here right now. Reed said Ivar escaped him and Ivar said he doesn't see the IC title on his shoulder. Reed tells Val to smartern him up then Ivar tells him to smarten him up right now. Ivar's beard gets slapped then he pieces Reed.

Tomasso Ciampa vs Ludwig Kaiser

Kaiser slides out and Ciampa follows. They each get shots in and Kaiser is pumping knee'd off the apron. Kaiser slaps him then stomps him. Ciampa jawbreakers him and hits a nie lariat for 2. Kaiser PK's him then Vinci grabs Ciamp's leg. Kaiser lariats Ciampa.

We go to break and return. Ciampa thesz presses him then pounds on him. Ciampa running lariats him then hits a reverse ddt for 2. Kaiser slaps him then spinning clotheslines him. Kaiser does a rolling death valley driver and a PK for 2.

They trade forearms then Ciampa stomps Kaiser's arm. Ciampa hits a nice punch then knees him as he comes off the 2nd rope. Vinci runs down and kicks Johnny Gargano then Kaiser rolls up Ciampa to win it.

The ending was weak here but they did hit some real nice shots in this one. I wouldn't call it great, but it was pretty good striking wise for a WWE match. 

Judgment Day talk in the back. Rhea says she will handle Zoey and said mockingly that we should see what our fearless leaders thought process is. Priest says he didn't mean it and got hot but they all agree that Priest should be the leader at Wargames. Rhea then grabs a bag and says JD got sent to medical tonight for Judgment Day. Finn says JD has proven himself time and time again and says it's time to make him a full member of the team. Rhea says let's go make him a full-time member then Priest says he will handle it himself.

Indi Hartwell vs Xia Li

Indi running kicks her to start then kicks her in the side of the head. Indi is pushed into the steps outside then Xia hits stomps on her in the corner. Xia suplexes her then misses a knee in the corner. Indi lariats her then hits a spinebuster for 2.

Xia spinning high kicks her then Indi falls down while holding her head. The ref then calls it off with Xia winning it.

It was short and wasn't that interesting.

Becky Lynch's music hits after. She thanks her for hitting her in the head because she said now they are going to do this on her time.  She said she came looking for a fight and Xia slips out.

Becky mocks her for running and says she has set up a match between them on Raw for next week.

The Miz is warming up in the back. Gunther goes up to him. He congratulates him and said he won to the surprise of everyone. Gunther says the fun and games are over. Miz tells him to watch his match tonight and says he doesn't understand. Miz says he does what it takes to win and says there's a reason he held the title 8 times. Miz says he'll see the difference between longest reigning and greatest IC champ of all time. Gunther says whatever happens tonight will not compare to the beating of a lifetime that he will receive at Survivor Series.

Zoey and Shayna talk in the back. Shayna said she should be champ now and almost had her number last week. She said Zoey has been on a roll and she's looking forward to seeing her and Rhea at SS. Raquel walks in. She said Zoey has been showing out and wished her luck. Nia Jax walks in. She mocks them and said she already squashed Zoey. She said it would be her in there if they hadn't ganged up on her in the battle royale. Raquel asks if she is so tough, why isn't she champ? Raquel said nobody has pushed her yet and said she isn't scared of her. She said she'll beat her when they fight. 

The Miz vs Ivar

Miz hits some punches then takes back elbows in the corner. Miz comes off the 2nd rope and hurricanrana's him. Miz tries to lariat him over the top but needs 3 attempts to do it. Miz dropkicks him through the ropes then is pushed into the apron. Miz is then splashed against the apron.

Miz hits shots to the gut then facekicks him. Miz hits a satelittle ddt for 2. Ivar spinning slams him then Bronson Reed comes down. Miz walks up the buckles to bulldog Ivar then Ivar butt drops him in the corner.

We go to break and return. Miz hits a corner lariat, is stuck on the 2nd rope then backbreakered. Ivar tiger drivers him for 2. Ivar misses a bronco buster then takes a short ddt for 2. Miz kicks him in the chest, shoulder and face. Valhalla nails Miz outside then Ivar spinning high kicks Miz. Ivar hits a 2nd rope world's strongest slam. Ivar gets on the 2nd rope, argues with Reed outside then is powerbombed. Miz puts his feet on the ropes and pins him.

I don't like Ivar losing to Miz, but at least it wasn't clean. It wasn't a bad match and the crowd was into Miz.

Reed bodyblocks Ivar after then top rope splashes him.

Priest and JD talk in the back. He said he doesn't think he is ready and gets annoyed by him. He said JD took one for him and the team tonight then gives him Judgment Day gear. He says, "Welcome to Judgment Day". Finn walks in and says the celebration will have to wait. He tells him to get out of here before Pearce finds him. Finn then says lets show them why we are the tag team champs.

Gunther tells Vinci and Kaiser that they did a good job tonight. Kaiser takes all the credit then Gunther says he wasn't talking about him. He says Vinci won the match for Imperium and did a good job getting himself ejected and then coming back. Gunther then stares at Kaiser and Kaiser yells at Vinci. Jinder, Veer and Sanga then walk in and tell him to choose his next move wisely.

Alpha Academy and The Creed's are in the back. Otis apologizes for losing and Gable said he's proud of him. Gable says he will take care of Nakamura next week. The Creed's say maybe they need new training partners and have a "need for Creed". Brutus says they are undefeated and can maybe go for the tag team titles next. New Day walk in and say you can't talk about tag titles without them. Ivy and Maxxine talk about what they did in the battle royale last week and say they maybe got off on the wrong foot. Tozawa tells everyone to shoosh then starts dancing and tells everyone he wants to be WWE champion and holds up a Washington Commanders belt. Woods then says "that's nasty".

WWE Undisputed Tag Titles - Judgment Day (c) vs Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso

Judgment Day is banned from the building for this. We'll see how that goes. Jey hits a flying crossbody on Finn then they hockey fight. Cody and Priest then hockey fight too. Cody drops an elbow on Finn's arm and suplexes him. Priest corner stomps Jey. Jey takes kicks then an axe kick from Finn.

All 4 men fight then Finn and Priest are thrown out. Priest's head is banged off the commentary table and we go to break. We return and  Cody knees Finn in the gut. Finn grabs on Cody's face and then hits corner spears. Priest pounds on Cody in the corner. Cody comes back with shots then is thrown out. Finn puts Cody in the abdominal stretch then Cody hiptosses him.

Priest tombstones Cody for 2. Cody fights off and hot tags in Jey. Jey hits shots on Priest then superkicks him in the gut. Jey hits Finn with a punch then step up enzugiri's Priest. Jey enzugiri's Priest then Finn trips Jey. Jey is sent over the top and lariated on the floor. Jey is then sent over the announcer's table.

We go to break again and return. Cody forearms and powerslams Finn, then hits a disaster kick. Cody does the bionic elbow then superkicks Finn. Priest misses a corner splash and Jey top rope crossbodies Priest for 2. Jey superkicks Finn and Priest then top rope splashes Priest. Jey superkicks Priest then Cody hits cross rhodes on Priest. Jey spears Finn then Finn takes the Cody1D. Cody topes Priest then Cody is thrown into the post. A piece of the post's cover falls on Cody's head.

Cody is chokeslammed on the apron. Jey tope con hilos both opponents then Drew McIntrye appears. Drew hits a claymore kick on Jey and throws him in. Finn then pins Jey to win it. 

Drew then shakes hands with Rhea on the ramp after

The match was okay but not a classic or anything. Totally acceptable though as a main. We kind of knew the faces weren't winning here based on their booking as of late. We knew Drew was likely turning but I didn't expect him to possibly join Judgment Day. We'll definitely have to see how that goes.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall. Otis/Nakamura was the best thing on here. Nothing else was great but it was good enough. Drew maybe joining Judgment Day also made it worth sitting all the way through this.

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