Tuesday, November 14, 2023

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/12/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 1

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/12/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 1

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Naruki Doi vs. Atsuki Aoyagi

AA = Atsuki Aoyagi

AA poses in the corner and Doi nails him. Doi then stomps him while he's down. AA handsprings then does a back enzugiri. AA then 2nd rope moonsaults him outside.

AA cartwheels out of an irish whip then is caught with a cutter when coming off the 2nd rope. Doi then suplexes him for 2. AA flips out of a german then is rolled up for 2. AA and Doi trade back elbows and Doi does some weird sliding forearm to the gut that was probably botched.

AA la magistral's Doi for 2 then corkscrew kicks him. AA moonsaults him but Doi gets his knees up. Doi hits Doi fives then a sliding kick. Doi hits Doi dives again and AA reverses his sliding kick into a pin. AA wins it.

I liked it. It was short, fast paced and to the point. Doi was a little off here though. 

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Seigo Tachibana vs. Voodoo Murders (Jun Saito & Rei Saito)

Jiro does his headstand on the top buckle. Rei kicks the top rope while he does it and Jiro's head gets stuck in it. Jiro then has to be freed. Jiro gets on Seigo's shoulders to face Rei then Rei punches Seigo in the gut. Jiro hits shots on Rei then Rei shoulders him over.

Jiro kips up and poses then is shouldered over again. Jiro kips up again. Seigo clips Rei then Jiro dropkicks him. Rei slams Seigo then running splashes him. Seigo takes a double hiptoss for 2. Jiro breaks the count up then is double hiptossed onto Seigo. Seigo is then double foot choked in the corner.

Jun elbow drops Seigo for 2 then Rei headbutts Seigo from the apron. Rei stands on Seigo's body then slams him. Seigo takes a double shoulderblock then he dropkicks Jun in the knee. Jun misses a corner splash and Jiro gets in. Jiro hits jacket punches on Jun then Jun is knocked over the top.

Jiro pulls Rei out of the ring then Jiro and Seigo get in each others way. Seigo tope con hilos both opponents twice. Siego facekicks Rei then Jiro pumping knees Rei in the face for 2. Seigo top rope crossbodies Jun then is lariated. Jun suplexes him for 2. Seigo jumping headbutts Jun then is lariated. Jiro springboard dropkicks Jun then jacket punches Rei. Rei goes for the chokeslam on him but Seigo holds down Jiro's leg. Rei and Jun then hit stereo chokeslams and wins it.

The outcome was obvious here. I thought it went a little longer than it needed to.

Osamu Nishimura & Ryo Inoue vs. Ryuki Honda & Yuma Anzai

This oddly isn't a tournament match. Yuma and Osamu lock up and Osamu clean breaks him. Osamu headlocks him and they trade abdominal stretches. Ryo dropkicks Honda then is shouldered over. Honda chokes Ryo over the middle rope and counts with the ref when he gets him to stop. Honda cheap shots Osamu on the apron then takes a PK from the apron from Ryo. Honda shoulders over Ryo.

Yuma flying forearms Ryo then belly to belly suplexes him. Yuma dropkicks Ryo then Ryo 2nd rope dropkicks him. Osamu euros Yuma then Yuma flying knees him. Honda gets in and corner lariats Osamu then Osamu hits euros on him. Ryo hits a chest kick flurry on Honda then running back elbows him. Ryo then PK's Honda for 2.

Honda spinebusters Yuma then Ryo takes corner attacks. Honda spears Ryo for 2. Ryo hits kicks on Honda for 2 then Honda lariats Ryo. Honda hits a stiff lariat on Ryo for 2 then running one-arm powerbombs him to win it.

It was a throwaway midcard match. It was short but Ryo and Honda tried here. 

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Fuminori Abe vs. Dan Tamura

Abe does a nice snapmare. Dan escapes a bow and arrow and tries to pin him. Abe headlock takeovers him then Dan karelin's lifts him. Abe dropkicks Dan in the knee then spin kicks him in the gut. They trade forearms then Dan drops him with a forearm. Abe slaps him then Dan deadlift suplexes him.

Dan running shoulders Abe then flying shoulders him. Abe runs the ropes and slides out while holding the bottom rope, tricking him. Abe goes for a baseball punch then is lariated. Abe hits a nice dropkick then runs into a lariat for 2. Dan death valley drivers him for 2. Abe puts him in an octopus stretch and wins via ref stoppage.

It was fun but I thought it could have been a little better considering the way these guys like to work. They wanted to do some stuff here but I felt like it didn't full click at times or have the heat it should have had.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Hikaru Sato vs. Rising HAYATO

Sato clubs on him and hits corner gut kicks. Rising goes up and over then flying headscissors him. Rising gets on the middle rope and is kicked back by Sato. Sato water wheel drops him then goes for an armbar. Sato kicks him off the apron then Rising shotgun dropkicks him.

Rising hits another shotgun dropkick then flying back elbows him. Rising springboard plancha's him outside. They trade shots and Sato snapmares him. Rising hits a single leg dropkick then crucifixes him for 2. Sato enzugiri's him then chest kicks him for 2. Sato backdrops Rising.

Rising superkicks Sato then cradle tombstones him. Rising top rope asia moonsaults him and wins it.

It wasn't that good. The pace wasn't there at all and neither guy showed that much interest.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Cyrus & Ryan Davidson vs. Ren Ayabe & Shuji Ishikawa

Shuji and Cyrus lock up. Cyrus clean breaks then they shoulder battle. Cyrus knocks him over then they both tag out. Ryan tries to take down Ren but can't. Ryan goes up and over in the corner and takes a boot then is shouldered over. Ryan and Shuji trade forearms then Shuji headbutts him. Ren forearms Ryan down then slams him.

Shuji running clotheslines Ryan in the corner then 2nd rope double stomps him. Ryan slams Shuji then fist drops him. Cyrus sentons Shuji then does a claymore kick. Ren gets in and hits forearms then flying neckbreakers him. Ren running facekicks Cyrus in the corner then Shuji running knees Cyrus. Ren legdrops him for 2.

Ren and Cyrus trade bad strikes. Cyrus slaps him, takes a facekick then does an interesting slam into a spinebuster on Ren for 2. Ryan does a hard 3 point stance into a corner spear on Ren then Cyrus cannonballs Ren for 2. Ryan goes up top and corkscrew dives Shuji, who completely fails to catch him. Cyrus chokeslams Ren for 2 then vader bombs him for the win.

This was just average. They didn't have the time here so no one got to do that much. 

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Hideki Suzuki & Suwama vs. Hokuto Omori & Katsuhiko Nakajima

KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima

KN and Suzuki start us off. KN leg kicks him then guillotine chokes him. Suzuki puts him in a cravate then a headscissors. Omori gets in then Suwama gets in as well after Suzuki punches him in the chest.

Omori and Suwama lock up. Omori teases a clean break but knees him in the gut. Omori 2nd rope dropkicks him then Suwama hits a stiff kick to his back. Omori is thrown out then sent into the rails. Suzuki holds up Omori for a chair shot and accidentally gets nailed with it. Suzuki then takes a fan's chair and argues with Suwama outside.

The two argue more inside and Suzuki chinlocks Omori. Suzuki and Suwama fight over a tag then Suwama hits chops on Omori. Omori enzugiri's him then KN refuses Omori's tag. Suwama belly to belly suplexes Omori for 2. Suzuki backbreakers Omori then Omori back body drops him.

KN facekicks Suzuki then step up enzugiri's him. KN running facekicks Suzuki then double footchokes him in the corner. KN hits chest kicks on Suzuki then is slammed. Suwama shoulders over KN then Suzuki bangs Suwama's head off the buckles. Suzuki capture suplexes KN then takes a PK.

Suwama slaps Suzuki's back to tag him in then Omori running forearms Suwama. Omori spinning forearms Suwama then forearms him down. Omori puts him in an arm and neck hold then Suwama hits a nasty lariat on him. Suwama hits a near dangerous backdrop on Omori and Suzuki breaks Suwama's pin up. They argue and Suzuki dragon suplexes him. KN facekicks Suzuki. Omori running forearms Suwama for 2 then does an arm and neck hold on Suwama. Omori surprisingly taps out Suwama to win.

This was all about pushing Suwama vs Suzuki here. It may have made sense and built to that, but it didn't lead to a good match. Even though Omori tapped out Suwama, all of the shenanigans made it mean less. 

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Kento Miyahara & Yuma Aoyagi vs. BULK Orchestra (Galeno Del Mal & Hayato Tamura)

Galeno backs up Kento and they shoulder battle. Galeno knocks him over then takes a pump kick. Tamura and Yuma go at it then shoulder battle. They both do push ups during it then Yuma facekicks him. Tamura then shoulders him over. Tamura hits gut punches on Yuma then is tripped into the 2nd rope for a Kento knee. They all go out and Kento headbutts Tamura. Yuma tries to take off Galeno's mask. Tamura and Yuma both get sent into the rails.

Kento is lariated against then ropes then takes splashes from both opponents. Galeno stands on Kento's stomach then Tamura jumps on Galeno's back. Tamura gets in and eye rakes him, then foot chokes him. Tamura hits a chop and forearm combo on Kento. Tamura slaps around Kento then Kento suplexes him.

Yuma gets in and dropkicks Tamura. Yuma flying forearms him in the corner then top rope crossbodies him. Tamura powerslams him. Galeno gets in and rolls Yuma into a knee in the face. Galeno cannonballs Yuma in the corner then Yuma 2nd rope dropkicks him. Kento facekicks Galeno then knee dropkicks him. Kento then dropkicks him in the side of the head. Galeno spears Kento then Tamura 2nd rope shoulderblocks Kento.

Tamura is tripped outside by Yuma while running the ropes. Tamura running double lariats both opponents. Kento takes a sandwich lariat and goes down. Tamura running lariats Kento, Kento no sells it and pumping knees him. They trade forearms and Kento germans him. Galeno running headbutts Kento then Yuma top rope dropkicks Galeno.

Tamura takes a superkick + pumping knee combo. Galeno pump kicks Kento then Yuma dropkicks Galeno. Galeno shotgun dropkicks Yuma then tope con hilos Yuma outside. Kento back rolls Taura into a bridge for 2. Tamura then hits a stiff lariat on Kento then another to win it.

It really didn't pick up until the end. It was okay but disappointing. If you were expecting some big heated match, this really wasn't it. No one really put out too much of an effort here and I thought they mailed this in.

Galeno and Tamura pose on Kento after.

Overall thoughts: Just kind of an average AJPW show. The main was okay but wasn't what it could have been and nothing else was that great.

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