Sunday, November 12, 2023

AEW Collision 11/11/2023

AEW Collision 11/11/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Darby Allin, Edge and Sting talk. Darby says Lance won't have to finish anything tonight. Edge says they will beat the crap out of their opponents and Sting says he calls that "showtime, folks". The Righteous, Lance Archer and Jake Roberts talk. Dutch says the grave is a door to their rebirth. Vincent said no one can hurt them more than they can themselves. Jake said Sting is done tonight. Lance says everybody dies tonight. LFI says they are coming for the tag titles and Rush said he won't forgive Starks for what he did to his brother. Don Callis said we will watch Hobbs put someone in the ground. Hobbs said anyone can get it. Daniel Garcia he will take a negative and turn it into a positive, when he makes Andrade tap out in the ring. He then says he will dance over his broken body. Andrade El Idolo says something I can't understand and says something about fighting right now.

Andrade El Idolo vs Daniel Garcia

AEI = Andrade El Idolo, DG = Daniel Garcia

AEI comes out with CJ Perry, essentially asking for a whooping from Miro. Miro is then seen watching this on the backstage TV.

AEI wristlocks him then DG puts him in it. AEI flips out of it using the ropes. DG goes to throw him out but AEI poses on the ropes. DG then tries to dance but is shouldered over by AEI. DG leapfrogs and drops down but then takes a baseball slide. DG punch flurries him in the gut then hits a low dropkick.

AEI lariats him then springboard dropkicks DG while he sits on the top rope. AEI follows him around the ring and DG tries to hit him as he gets in but misses. AEI top rope crossbodies him for 2. DG dragon screw leg whips him over the middle rope then DG flying knees him off the apron to the floor.

DG walks up to CJ outside for some reason and starts to dance. CJ does the dance back for some reason then DG rebound germans him. We go to PiP break and return. DG hits a forearm and then blocks his roll-up with an ankle lock. DG clips him then AEI hits dragon screw leg whips. AEI flying forearms him then hits a corner meteora for 2. 

DG hits a jumping double knee in the corner. DG suplexes him then AEI hits 2 suplexes. DG brainbusters him for 2. AEI slams him, goes for a moonsault and DG moves, so he standing moonsaults him on the landing. DG hits a forearm flurry then AEI slap flurries him. AEI spinning back elbows him after faking a kick then figure fours him. AEI bridges and submits him to win.

It was long and I'm generally not a fan of long opening matches. I think these matches are supposed to wake the crowd up and get them going, not finish them off in the first round. Andrade somewhat worked the knee here before the finish but I didn't think it was enough.

Andrade and CJ Perry hug after. Miro does not look happy watching it on the TV screen. 

Nick Wayne vs Dalton Castle

Dalton's going to lose this and that's a mistake. They lock up and Dalton is pushed in the corner. Dalton throws him back and poses. Nick then poses. Dalton rolls him around on the mat then backdrops him. Dalton does a nice karelin's lift, throwing him around in mid-air.

Dalton hiptosses him then Nick pulls his neck backwards over the top rope. Nick flying euros him for 2. Nick poses on him with his foot on his chest then Nick rolls him up for 2. Dalton back elbows and lariats him. Dalton exploders Nick twice. Nick back springboards off the 2nd rope and is german suplexed. Luchasaurus gets on the apron and The Boys pulls him down. Lucha then chokeslams both on the floor.

Dalton grabs Lucha then Nick grabs him. Dalton rolls up Nick for 2. Nick throws Dalton's shoulder into the post then does a back springboard into a cutter to win it.

It was as expected with Nick Wayne going over Dalton despite being 1/10th the wrestler. It was the same old usual Nick Wayne match with some extra posing in. It didn't get a ton of time.

Adam Page is talking about Swerve in the back. He said Swerve has made the biggest mistake of his life by going into his house. He said he stepped through the gates of hell and said at Full Gear, they will meet in a texas death match. He tells him to take some time to walk around Swerve's House and look at the pictures of his family. He said he wants him to imagine the moments he could have had with them as he will never be there while he can still walk and talk. He said he will send him to hell then someday walk with his son over his grave and pee on it.

LFI (Dralistico and Rush) vs The Workhorsemen

Dral = Dralistico

Dral armlocks Henry then Henry legsweeps him. Henry shoulders him over then hurricanrana's him. Dral rolls through it then hurricanrana's Henry. JD slingshot swantons Dral then the two chop each other. Dral and Rush chop each other and Rush standing dropkicks him. Rush spits at Henry and Dral flying elbows him.

Henry is pushed over the top by the throat by Rush. We go to PiP break and return. Rush kicks JD in the face then poses. Henry treis to double stomp him while he poses but takes a spinning forearm. Rush powerslams JD for 2.

JD is dropkicked in the knees then takes a low dropkick. Henry step up enzugiri's Dral in the corner then enzugiri's him while JD swinging flatliners Dral. Rush takes a step up enzugiri then Dral takes a corner cannonball. Henry is tripped on the apron. JD goes for a top rope moonsault but gets nothing. Rush germans JD then Dral springboard codebreakers JD. Dral tope con hilo's Henry then Rush hits a stiff low dropkick on JD in the corner to win it.

It wasn't bad at all with some stiff shots. Henry looked like he got on the gas as he was noticeably bigger here.

The House of Black talk. They said the enemy of their enemy is also their enemy and say they are coming for Starks and Bill's AEW tag titles. Julia says Willow and Skye keep rejecting her gifts and says if she beats Willow tonight, Kris Statlander should give her a TBS title rematch. This was kind of all over the place.

Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale are interviewed. Kris says she can't trust Julia Hart's antics and says if anyone deserves a shot at her title, it's Willow. She said she hopes the best and wishes her luck. She said she had no comment for Skye Blue and Red Velvet.  Well, I didn't get the HoB's promo, and this came off of it, so I didn't understand this either.

Roderick Storng vs Darius Martin

DM = Darius Martin

Strong is wheelchaired down then pretends to have trouble getting out of it and walking up the steps. Strong pulls him down by the arm and then armdrags him. Strong does a headlock takeover and the crowd chants, "neck strong". DM armdrags him then dropkicks him. DM top rope crossbodies him for 2.

Strong half-nelson backbreakers him then backbreakers him. Strong hits corner punches and yells, "ADAM" at him. DM hits double boots in the corner then Strong hits a nice dropkick for 2. DM atomic drops and step up enzugiri's him. DM hits chops then uses the top rope to pele kick him.

DM bulldogs him over the 2nd rope as he slides out. DM comes off the bottom rope and takes a jumping knee. Strong flying kicks him then does a suplex into a backbreaker to win it.

It was decent but I thought it could have been a little bit better.

Strong gets on The Kingdom's shoulders and celebrates after. The Kingdom then hold DM so Mike Bennett can low blow DM. DM then takes a spike piledriver. Action Andretti then comes out way too late to help DM.

Tony Khan is with Bryan Danielson. Tony said he's sad this will be Bryan's last year as a full-time wrestler. Tony talks about All In and said he was said he was out of that one due to injury. He said he will be at All In 2024 though. Bryan said he couldn't be more excited. He then talks about the pre-sale for All In 2024.

Tony then announces the Continental Classic. He says it will be a round robin tournament with 12 AEW wrestlers. He says it will start on 11/22/23 and will be 6 weeks long. He says we will crown the winner of it at World's End on 12/30. He says Bryan Danielson will be the first entrant. Bryan is wearing tape over his eye and said he may not look ready, but has been wanting to do it his entire career. He said nothing can stop him from participating in it and said they will put on the best wrestling tournament ever.

I have a lot of thoughts on this. I'm already calling it the T1 Klimax.

Tournaments historically aren't good draws in the US. Vince hates them. I think it's going to be tough to follow for most of AEW's fans. Essentially, half of AEW's fans watch Collision and a third of AEW's fans watch Rampage. A lot of people are not going to see these matches.

I have concerns about injuries here as Bryan in particular has had one injury after another lately and AEW tends to work a dangerous style that leads to more injuries. There's also no breaks so if someone does get injured, they won't be able to make up matches easily.

They probably won't have all main eventers in this as they would end up burning through a lot of matches. But, if you don't have top guys in it, nobody will care.

It can be a way to get some different matches out there and maybe build something off of it but it also can mess with storylines as if someone is in this, they won't have a lot of time to do other things.

Julia Hart vs Willow Nightingale

Willow throws her by the hair to start and Brody King pulls out Hart to escape further damage. Hart tries to sneak up on Willow but takes corner lariats. Hart hits forearms then Willow shoulders her over. Willow slams her then crossbodies her as she is seated. Willow puts her in the gori special and we see Skye Blue watching in the back.

Hart goes for a headscissors and is caught with a side slam. Willow suplexes her on the floor then we go to PiP break. We return and Hart superkicks her. Willow hits a big lariat. Willow hip attacks her in the corner then forward kicks her. Willow hits a spinebuster for 2.

Willow is arm whipped down then Hart forward cartwheel lariats her. Hart snapmares her and hits a sliding lariat to the back of the neck. Willow pounces Hart then Hart goes out and hides behind Brody King. Willow throws Hart into the post then misses a cannonball into the steps. Hart goes up top, gets caught then takes a full nelson slam for 2. Willow drops her on her butt from the powerbomb position then Hart sliding lariats her in the back of the neck. Hart top rope moonsaults her and wins.

I don't know what the powerbomb on the butt spot was about. They had few botches aside from that but it went longer than it needed to and wasn't anything special.  

Big Bill and Ricky Starks are interviewed. Starks said they don't want to be bothered by any of the people who want tag title shots. Bill said they should stay away from them and said they will never wrestle them. Lexi then tells them they are facing FTR, LFI and The House of Black at Full Gear. Starks is shocked and others knew this before they did. Starks says this will end with them staying the AEW tag champs. Starks says it won't matter as the two baddest dudes came together to become the tag champs.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs ?

Paul Wight is doing commentary for this. Hobbs splashes his opponent then lays him on the top rope so he can club him. Hobbs tells Paul to pay attention and said that's what he used to be. Hobbs' opponent dropkicks him then Hobbs hits a spinebuster. Hobbs hits a world's strongest slam and wins this quick squash.

Hobbs stares down Paul after. Don Callis gets on the mic. He says his family is the greatest family in the history of wrestling. He said they are better than the Brisco's, Gagne's, Von Erich's and bigger than the Hart's. He said the family will be in the street fight on Dynamite. He said Jericho called up Paul after Hobbs beat him down. He said Paul may have won the lottery and hit the genetic jackpot in his size but said he maybe got short changed in the brains department. He said only an idiot would face the Don Callis Family after what they have done. Don says it's not too late for Paul to change his mind. He said Jericho is going to use him and is a psychopath. Don goes up to him and says it's not too late to leave Jericho hanging in the street fight and he says he sees a scared giant. Don said he buried 2 giants in his career and will be happy to have Will bury a 3rd. He tells Hobbs to "smoke this fool". Will knocks papers over and Hobbs/Paul yell at each other. Don pulls Hobbs back and the heels leave.

FTR is interviewed. They talk about the teams in the tag title match at Full Gear. Dax said their one goal is to be AEW tag champs. He said it doesn't matter who it is, but their road to the tag titles starts now.

Sting, Adam Copeland and Darby Allin vs Lance Archer and The Righteous

Dutch pulls down Edge to start off the lock up. Adam hits forearms and lariats then flying lariats him. Darby and Vincent go at it. Darby grabs him by the hair and headlock takeovers him. Vincent hits some shots on him then Lance gets in. Lance goes to walk the top rope and Darby backs away.

Lance and Sting both do Sting's yell. Sting hits some shots on Lance then knocks the heels off the apron in the corner. Sting lariats Lance over the top. We go to PiP break and return. Vincent hits shots on Sting then bites his head.

Sting takes a corner splash and Lance corner stomps him. Sting shoulders over Vincent. Sting tags in and Darby shotgun dropkicks Vincent. Darby hits a backsplash in the corner then takes a stiff lariat from Dutch.

We go to another PiP break and return. Vincent running back elbows Darby then really throws him on a suplex. Darby pushes Vincent into Dutch off a failed Righteous double team then rolls him up for 2. Lance pulls Sting down from the apron and sends him into the rails then Adam sends Lance into the post. Adam comes off the top and hits a double clothesline on his opponents then sends Dutch and Lance to the floor. Vincent is thrown outside onto Dutch and Lance then Adam topes them, knocking all three down at once.

Darby goes off the top and coffin drops Lance outside. Dutch hits a black hole slam on Adam then String beats up on Righteous. Dutch takes a scorpion deathdrop + 2nd rope elbow drop combo. Sting hits a stinger splash on Vincent then Adam spears Vincent to win it.

I didn't think it was that special or interesting. Darby didn't really do anything too wild here and it was obvious that the heels had no chance of winning here. The two breaks during this really hurt it as well. 

Christian, Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne come onto the ramp after and stare down Adam. Christian holds his belt up and the show ends.

Overall thoughts: It was a weak show with nothing spectacular on it.

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