Sunday, November 5, 2023

AEW Collision 11/4/2023

AEW Collision 11/4/2023

Last week's show is here:

FTR say they are coming for Bill and Starks tonight and say tonight is a good night for a fight with LFI. Starks and Bill talk and say they don't know what's going on. Jake Roberts and Lance Archer say everybody dies. Darby says everybody dies and he can kill him, but he will never die. Nana and Swerve talk then AR Fox facekicks Swerve. He throws him into boxes and we go to the intro music. Well, I guess AR remembered Swerve turned on him a few months ago.

AR Fox vs Swerve Strickland

AR Fox and Swerve fight down the ramp. Swerve is back body dropped on the ramp then AR crossbodies him off the stage. AR slides down his back while he is over the 2nd rope then tope con hilos him. AR rolls Swerve into a cutter for 2. AR enzugiri's him after taking a kick. Both slingshot at the same time then Swerve hiptosses AR into the apron edge.

AR is sent into the rails then The Gates of Agony come down. AR is lifted and dropped on the top rope connector then Swerve superplexes him off the top. We go to PiP break and return. AR slaps him, kips down then kips up with an enzugiri. Swerve then takes a ddt over the 2nd rope. AR twisting brainbusters him then hits a 450 for 2.

Swerve is seated up top and AR jumps up and does a seated spanish fly on him. Swerve rolls him into a neckbreaker then does flying kick to the side of the head. AR rolls him up for 2. AR is thrown into the top buckle knee first then Swerve does a neat powerbomb into a slam. Swerve top rope double stomps him and gets the win while Prince Nana is on the apron.

Swerve turned on AR back in August, and they are just getting to this now. That's stupid. The match was what you would expect with a lot of moves and not a lot of selling. Swerve's powerbomb into a slam was cool at least and I liked them starting this one during the intro.

AR is surrounded after then FTR make the save. All 6 brawl then Big Bill and Starks come out. LFI then come out to even the numbers up. The heels walk off and we see House of Black watching in the crowd.

They do a video on MJF vs Daniel Garcia. MJF said he looks forward to wrestling him and Garcia says no more waiting in line or being put on hold. MJF says if he's getting Daniel Garcia or a sports entertainer.

We see video on MJF talking last Wednesday. He mocks Jay White, saying he's a pretender and an actor. He said he made him famous and said he's at the top of this sport. He says he will prove he is better than him at Full Gear. The Bullet Club then talk, signing "Jay pinned MJF". Jay says we told you so and bragged about pinning MJF. Jay said his crew deserves a break and will be back on Dynamite.

Lexi interviews Kip Sabian. He says he is p!ssed off as Mark Briscoe beat him up 2 weeks ago. He said The Workhorsemen are one of the most underrated tag teams in AEW and said they should scrap it out on Collision if Mark can find two partners. This was weird since Kip has been teaming with Butcher and Blade for months, but now is teaming with other people. It was also weird that it took him 2 weeks to talk about being mad at Mark Briscoe.

Roderick Strong and The Kingdom come out. Strong said people don't take them or neck health seriously. Strong said he won't stand for that. He said he will show them and Adam Cole that neck health is important and so are they.

The Kingdom vs James McGregor and Brixton Nash

Kingdom hits chops. Mike hits a spinebuster then Matt hits a running PK. Matt spinning high kicks James then Mike death valley drivers James. James takes spike piledriver and Kingdom win in a quick squash.

Strong then slides in the ring and flying knees Nash. Nigel says he is battling through the paint and Strong screams and goes back into the wheel chair.

We get a video package on Christian and Nick Wayne.

Mark Briscoe is interviewed. FTR then walk in. They say they will be his partners. Mark said he can't let them do that and says he already has a couple people in mind. Mark says he can't tell us who his partners are but we don't want to miss it.

Lance Archer vs Darby Allin

They lock up and Lance backs him up. Lance swings him around and throws him off the lock-up. Darby hits some shots and slaps him. Lance then hits a pounce, sending him out of the ring. Lance shoulder breakers him. Lance walks the top rope and is crotched. Darby then topes him. Darby jumps on his back and is slammed on the ramp. Lance then throws him on a suplex on the ramp.

We go to PiP break and return. Darby hits double boots out of the corner then Lance hits a step up knee on the buckles. Darby goes over his front to avoid a blackout and maybe hits a cutter out of it. Darby blind springboards and takes a release german.

Lance hits a big chokeslam then chokeslams him hard on the apron. Jake Roberts goes to hit Darby with the skateboard but is kicked out by the ref. They go up top and Darby eye rakes him and back rakes him. Darby then sunset bombs him for the win off the top.

Darby getting up from the chokeslam on the apron was dumb. That should have killed him. I thought Lance lost a little too easy here and they did too much here as expected. 

Jake Roberts gets on the mic after. He said Darby may be the golden goose of AEW but that egg is getting scrambled, cooked and done. Jake says he has more artillery with him and brings out The Righteous. He says they know how to get the job done. Vincent says revenge is forever and it's showtime. Lance then hits a blackout on Darby. The announcers say Jake is building an army.

Lexi interviews Willow, Skye and Kris. Kris said they didn't know what she was going to do but she did the right thing. She thanked her for making the right decision. Skye said she didn't do anything for her, just willow as she always had Willow's back. Willow then tells Kris they are all friends.

Alex Abrahantes is interviewed. He said last night, the luchadores tore down the house on Rampage. Swerve and Nana then come in. He talks about beating AR Fox. Alex said Swerve violated Adam Page's family. He said Penta should beat some respect into Swerve on Wednesday. Swerve said he and Penta used to wear masks and said he wants to see whats under Penta's mask. Alex said Penta has zero miedo and said Swerve has nothing to fear but Penta himself.

The Acclaimed 69 Days Party

Billy said it seems like everyone wants to have fun and talks about fans in the crowd. Bowens says they are fired up and says he has a surprise for Max Caster. MJF then appears on the tron. He says Caster has earned his respect and said it was cool that he fought Jay White for him. He says Caster is starting to grow on him and says he is kind of starting to like the Acclaimed. He then says , "yay, scissoring".

Caster says he loves it and said this shows their hard work in AEW. He then shows a trophy at ringside that has a 69 on it. He says the trophy goes out to fans all across the world and the fans in Kansas. Caster said they wouldn't have gotten to 69 without the fans and says they will get to 69 again. Billy said he wants to know how he's going to 69 everyone in here. Bowens thanks the crowd more.

Dalton Castle then interrupts with The Boys. One of the Boys kicks the other and brings the 69 trophy in to Dalton. Dalton then breaks the trophy for some reason and a fight breaks out. Bowens gets sent into the post and it looks like we have a match.

AEW Trios Titles - The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn (c) vs Dalton Castle and The Boys

Billy bangs Dalton's head off the rails then Dalton rams him into the rails. Max beats up a Boy then Bowens is sent into the post. Dalton flying knees Max then Billy fallaway slams him. The Boys double dropkick Billy then grab a pinata. Dalton ends up getting hit with the pinata then they open the pinata and it has Acclaimed shirts in it.

We go to PiP break and return. Max takes a double soul foot then an enzugiri. Dalton knocks Billy off the apron then Bowens fights off The Boys 1v2. Bowens does an over the back legdrop on the back of the neck. Bowens 2nd rope legdrops a Boy in the crotch. Billy hits a fameasser on a Boy then the other one takes the arrival and a mic drop. The Acclaimed win.

I have no idea what this was. Dalton's been a pure face and never been a heel on AEW/ROH TV. Now he's a heel for some reason and his team is getting random title shots. This was just bizarre booking wise. The actual match was just a squash.

Andrade El Idolo is interviewed. He said he will give CJ his answer next week about letting her mange him.

Mark Briscoe, Dustin Rhodes and Keith Lee vs Kip Sabian and The Workhorsemen


Kip enzugiri's Mark in the corner then cannonballs him. Mark backdrops him then hits shots on both Workhorsemen. Mark flying kicks JD and Kip in the corners. Kip armdrags Mark off the uranage attempt then JD rebound lariats Mark outside. Kip arabian moonsaults Mark on the outside and Henry double stomps Mark of the buckles.

JD slingshot swantons Mark then sentons him. JD corner splashes Mark then corner cannonballs him. Mark hits a nasty exploder on Kip's head. Mark exploders Henry then Dustin and JD gets in. Dustin lariats him then powerslams him. Dustin canadian destroyers Kip. Mark then hits a corkscrew moonsault off the top to the outside.

Lee pop-up powerbombs Henry onto Kip then Mark top rope froggy bows Kip to win it.

It was a short one with the heels getting some offense in then the faces taking over and winning it. As I said earlier, I have no idea why Kip was with The Workhorsemen instead of his usual partners in The Butcher and The Blade. It's not like those dudes are busy with other matches. 

Mark Briscoe is interviewed. He said he's feeling good and said he smells gold in the hills. He says he sees an imposter named Jay White, walking around with gold that don't belong to him. He challenges him to a match on Wednesday with his title shot on the line.

Willow Nightingale vs Emi Sakura


They shoulder battle to start. Emi mongolian chops her and is shouldered over. Willow rolls over and poses. Willow then low crossbodies her and Emi didn't seem ready for it. Willow slams her and hits corner hip attacks. Emi screams in her ear then crossbodies her, knocking her off the apron.

Emi crossbodies her against the steps. Emi crossbodies her in the corner and we go to PiP break. We return and Willow fights out of a dragon sleeper. Willow is pulled out then is whipped into the rails and apron. Willow death valley drivers her on the floor then 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2.

Emi rolls up Willow for 2 then Willow rolls her up for 2. Emi hits a spinning neckbreaker then eye rakes her. Emi spinning back elbows her and lariats her. Willow spinebusters her for 2. Willow then does a doctor bomb to win it.

They did too much here with Emi taking a death valley driver on the floor and still being in this. Not great, but it might have been passable otherwise. 

Samoa Joe is interviewed and is now the longest reigning TV champ. He said he has not heard back from MJF yet. He said MJF needs to realize that he needs someone to watch his back properly. He says he will endure the pain week after week until he realizes this. He says he has beaten everyone put in front of him. Keith Lee then comes in and says he hasn't beaten everyone. Joe says we can remedy that situation Wednesday and Keith agrees.

Ricky Starks, Big Bill and The Gates of Agony vs FTR, Rush and Preston Vance

Vance tries to go up and over Bill in the corner but struggles to then hits shots on him. Bill corner splashes him then Vance running corner lariats him. Bill hits a big lariat then Kaun suplexes Vance. Cash gets in then trades punches with Kaun. Cash goes up and over then trips him into a Dax elbow drop.

Toa headbutts Dax then has his head banged off the mat. Toa no sells it, slams him and does a headbutt drop for 2. Dax flying kicks Toa then takes a short arm clothesline. Rush hits shots on Starks, sends him out then throws him into the rails outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Dax is choked over the middle rope by Nana and Kaun. Dax takes a corner splash and a lariat. Stakrs walks the top rope and hits Dax on his way down. Starks leg lariats him over the 2nd rope then legdrops him on the apron.

Starks goes to the commentary table and puts over Big Bill on the mic. Bill misses a 2nd rope elbow on Dax. Rush headbutts Starks and then stomps on him in the corner. Rush then kicks him in the face and does the tranquillo pose. Rush powerslams Starks for 2.

Stakrs is stomped on by Vance and Rush then double powerbombed by them. Toa headbutts Vance then samoan drops him. Toa misses a corner splash and hits the post. Vance forearms Bill then takes a chokeslam from him. Bill double lariats FTR then Rush top rope dropkicks Bill. Rush rebound germans Kaun. Starks germans Rush. Kaun gorilla press gutbusters Cash then Starks superkicks Kaun on accident. Rush spinning punches Starks.

Daz gets in and hits shots on Kaun. Rush and Dax do a big rig on Kaun then Cash topes Toa outside. Rush low dropkicks Kaun in the corner and wins it.

I thought it was a mess. There were a lot of people coming in and out for no reason and they didn't have enough time for everyone to really get some substancial things in. Rush tried to do his spots but nobody reacted and it was just not that special at all.

Rush and Vance refuse to shake FTR's hands after.

The House of Black talk on the tron after. They said the legacy of FTR is worth more than their weight in gold and they will beat it into them if they don't believe them. The House of Black then teleport inside and beat up FTR. The Blackpool Combat Club then make the save with chairs.

Overall thoughts: It was a weak show. The main wasn't anything special. We had odd stuff like Kip Sabian teaming with The Workhorsemen, Dalton Castle being a heel and AR Fox getting revenge on Swerve for something that happened months ago and hasn't been mentioned much since.

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