Thursday, November 30, 2023

New Japan Pro Wrestling 11/26/2023 World Tag League 2023 Day 6

New Japan Pro Wrestling 11/26/2023 World Tag League 2023 Day 6

Here's what I saw:

Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona), Tomoaki Honma & Yuto Nakashima vs. BULLET CLUB (Alex Coughlin, Gabe Kidd, Gedo & Taiji Ishimori)

Honma and Gedo start us off. Gedo eye pokes him and huts his hand punching him in the head. Toa headbutts Gedo then GoA and War Dogs fight. GoA shoulders them over then they fight outside. Kidd is sent into the rails and Gedo chokes Honma in the ring. Toa ends up running into the post while Kaun is sent into the rails. Toa grabs a rail, but Kidd blocks the shot and hits him outside.

Taiji chokes Honma with a shirt then he fist drops him. Alex rams Honma into the buckles and they trade chops. Kidd foot slaps and mocks Honma. Honma suplexes Kidd. Kaun gets in and hits all of his opponents. Kaun hits a big lariat on Kidd, corner splashes him then pump kicks him in the side of the head.

Kidd takes a sandwich lariat from GoA. Alex pulls Toa out and sends him into the rails and apron. Kaun hits lariats on Kidd  then they lariat each other at the same time. Yuto and Taiji go at it. Yuto forearms and back elbows him. Yuto running forearms Taiji then crabs him. Honma ddt's Gedo then falling headbutts him. Taiji handspring back corkscrew kicks him then Taiji hits la mistica into a border city stretch on Yuto. Taiji taps out Yuto.

The finish was random but it was an okay opener with GoA and War Dogs brawling.

Toa throws a rail in the ring at Kidd after. 

Kaito Kiyomiya, Oleg Boltin & Ryohei Oiwa vs. Oskar Leube, Ren Narita & Shota Umino


Kaito and Shota start us off. Shota headlock takeovers him, gets headscissored and then they butt heads. Oiwa slaps Ren then they trade forearms. Ren underhook suplexes him then Ren takes a double armdrag. Kaito shoulders Ren over then armdrags him. Oleg comes in and slams then splashes Ren for 2. Oleg throws him around from the gutwrench position and suplexes him.

Oiwa dropkicks Ren in the corner then Ren spinning heel kicks him. Shota gets in and running forearms Oiwa. He armdrags Kaito the nbasmeent dropkicks him in the back. Shota then dropkicks Oleg. Shota fisherman suplexes Oiwa for 2. Oiwa gutwrench suplexes Shota. Oiwa is pulled over the top then Shota exploders Kaito.

Oskar gets in and hits facekicks. Oskar stomps Kaito in the corner then facekicks him. Oskar slams Kaito and hits a big chop on him. Oiwa saves Kaito and powerslams Oskar. Oskar takes a doomsday device crossbody for 2. Ren takes a double dropkick then Shota takes a double suplex. Oleg throws Ren on a belly to belly then Kaito shining wizard's Oskar to win it.

It was a decent tag with the two teams matching up well and us getting to see a little bit of everyone.

World Tag League 2023 Block B Match - Atlantis Jr. & Soberano Jr. vs. Monstersauce (Alex Zayne & Lance Archer)

AJR = Atlantis Jr., Sob = Soberano

AJR and Lance start us off. AJR chops him and Lance blocks his sunset flip. Lance misses a corner charge and takes an enzugiri from Sob on the apron. Lance is then stomped in the corner by both opponents. Sob crossbodies Lance and is caught and fallaway slammed. Lance hiptosses Alex into AJR.

Alex slams AJR then Lance slams Alex onto AJR. Lance sends AJR into the buckles hard. AJR tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Alex. Sob dropkicks Alex then jumping hurricanrana's him. Sob kicks Alex in the gut then Lance sells a missed AJR superkick. Alex takes a 2nd rope dropkick into a german. Alex is put in tree of woe then low dropkicked by AJR.

AJR takes a side slam + flipping legdrop combo. Sob pulls Lance out then slingshot hurricanrana's him outside. Alex takes kicks against the middle rope then Sob 2nd rope tornillo's him. Sob goes up top and takes a Lance step up knee then Alex flips into a hurricanrana on him. Lance flips Alex with a chokeslam on him.

Alex up kicks AJR from the mat. Sob springboards into a chokeslam then AJR is powerbombed by Lance. Alex wrist clutch, cut throat drivers Sob to win it.

It had one messy segment but was fun otherwise. It was the best use of Soberano and Atlantis so far as Alex could actually fly around with them.

World Tag League 2023 Block B Match - Bishamon (Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI) vs. Rogue Army (Bad Luck Fale & Jack Bonza)

Jack and Goto start us off. Jack gut kicks him then shoulders him over. Jack stomps his back then takes a double shoulder and a hiptoss onto him. Fale takes the double clubs on the back then takes a double shoulder. Jack then gets the double back clubs. Yoshi hits forearms on Jack. Yoshi gets sent out and is punched in the gut by Fale. Fale then sends him into the rails.

Fale stands on Yoshi's body then slams him. Fale stands on Yoshi's back and surfs. Jack back elbows Yoshi then Jack catches his superkick and stf's him. Yoshi knee dropkicks Jack. Goto gets in and shoulders over Jack. Goto spinning heel kicks him then backdrops him for 2. Goto lariats Jack off the ropes then fights off his opponents in a 1v2. Jack drops down and Goto takes a hard lariat from Fale.

Fale elbow drops Goto for 2. Fale goes out with Yoshi and Yoshi drives him into the rails. Jack hits a big lariat on Goto. Jack hits a doctor bomb on Goto. Yoshi comes in and lariats both opponents. Fale takes a lariat to the back of the head then is sent over the top rope. Jack takes 2 superkicks then an elbow slice + powerbomb combo. Goto picks up the win.

It was just average. Fale's limited and slow and Jack's kind of slower as well. You also know what you are getting with Bishamon. 

World Tag League 2023 Block B Match - Minoru Suzuki & Yuji Nagata vs. Just 5 Guys (Taichi & Yuya Uemura)


MS and Taichi start us of but do nothing. Yuya takes down Yuji and Yuji headscissors him. Yuya headlocks him then headlock takeovers him. Yuya armdrags him then takes a big knee to the gut. Yuji kicks him in the back and tags in MS. MS headlock takeovers Yuya then Yuji chinloks Yuya.

Yuya takes boots in the corner by MS then MS puts his boot in his face. Yuya dropkicks MS then Taichi gets in and hits kawada kicks on MS. Taichi side kicks him then running facekicks him. MS back kicks him. Taichi and MS trade face kicks and trade chest kicks for forearms.

Suuki hits a headbutt and some forearms. They trade face kicks and Yuji comes in and running facekicks Taichi. Taichi enzugiri's him. Yuya gets in and armdrags then double chops Yuji. Yuya bulldogs Yuji. They both tag out and Taichi hits a stiff lariat on MS. Yuya corner dropkicks Yuji then Yuji backdrops him.

Yuji and Yuya trade forearms then Yuji koppo kicks Yuya. Yuji step up knees Taichi in the corner then enzugiri's Yuya. Yuya reverses a backdrop for 2 then Taichi gamengiri's Yuji. Yuya top rope crossbodies Yuji then front suplexes him for the win.

It didn't seem like it would be that great on paper and it wasn't. Yuji and MS can only do so much and Taichi's not really the most exciting worker ever. Yuji did try here though.

World Tag League 2023 Block B Match - Yota Tsuji & Zandokan Jr. vs. Guerrillas Of Destiny (El Phantasmo & Hikuleo)

Zand = Zandokan Jr., ELP = El Phantasmo, Hiku = Hikuleo

Zand wants to shake hands and ELP spits in his own hand and shakes. ELP flying headscissors Zand then Zand does it back to him. ELP walks up the buckles with Zand's hand then springboard hurricanrana's him. Hiku spits in his hand and offers Yota a handshake. Yoa pulls his hand away and forearms him. Hiku hits a nice forearm and hits snake eyes on Yota.

Zand trips Hiku from the outside then Yota baseball slides him. ELP is popped up into a Yota kick. Zand corner stomps Hiku then messes up his hair. Hiku evades a 2v1 and uppercuts Hiku. Hiku double lariats his opponents then ELP gets in. ELP springboard double axe handles Zand and atomic drops Yota. ELP throws Yota out then hits kicks on Zand. ELP suplexes Zand then asai moonsaults him. ELP topes Yota outside then Zand hits his side sit out fireman's carry clean on him. Zand hits a sit out dominator for 2 on him.

ELP step up enzugiri's Yota. Yota then takes a head kick into a cut throat sitout burning hammer. Hiku takes a double dropkick to the knee at 10 minutes. Hiku is pulled over the top then Zand topes him. ELP 2nd rope connector moonsaults Zand outside then Yota top rope crossbodies ELP outside. 

Yota and Hiku fight in the ring. Hiku headbutts him then Yota suplexes him for 2. Hiku takes a superkick from Yota then takes the 2 person double underhook suplex. ELP jumps off of Yota's back to canadian destroyer Zand. ELP and Yota trade forearms then Hiku powerslams Yota. ELP superkicks Yota, dives on Zand then takes a TKO on the floor. Yota running knees Hiku then curb stomps him. Yota spears Hiku and wins it.

They tried but it wasn't a classic. Zand isn't on the level of the other guys in this match and most of his stuff was sloppy here. Hiku was basically just another body here and the best stuff in this one came from Yota and ELP.  I think ELP and Yota could have done a good one here with some better partners.

Overall thoughts: It was another day at the World Style's Clash Tag League. As has been the case so far, the tag league matches weren't great and I would not recommend this one.

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