Wednesday, November 29, 2023

AEW Dynamite 11/29/2023

AEW Dynamite 11/29/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Continental Classic - Gold League - Jon Moxley vs Jay Lethal

They do some headlock takeovers and headscissors. Mox back elbows him and Jay figure fours him, but both end up rolling out to the floor from it. Jay topes him then struts on the apron. Mox forearms him off the apron then topes him into the rails. Mox hits corner punches then Jay dragon screws him.

Jay stomps on the leg. Mox hits forearms and bites him. Jay handsprings and is caught with a sleeper. Jay then backdrops him and slams his leg on the mat. Jay top rope elbow drops him. We go to PiP break and return. Mox cutters him then Jay dragon screws him off the buckles. They trade forearms and hit each other on the ropes. Jon lariats him then Jay hits a lethal combination. Jay bangs Jon's knee off the mat then Jon cradles him. Jay is sent into the buckles.

Jon goes for a choke then Jay figure fours him. Jon gets out and ddt's him. Jon then hits a big lariat and a piledriver for 2. Jon puts him in a choke and taps him out to win it.

It was an okay match with Jay working the knee and Jon eventually powering through it to win. 

We get a video from Eddie Kingston from Collision. He said he knew this would be tough and said maybe he came in too cocky. He said he felt like he deserved to win and said nobody deserves anything. He said he's going to keep going and will be ready for Bryan. Bryan Danielson is on commentary and gets mad at this. He says he's not going to be humble and says he is coming in to win. He says he wants to be the first AEW triple crown champion.

Tony Schiavone interviews Sting and Ric Flair. They talk about their Clash of the Champions match. Ric said he didn't make Sting, Sting made himself. He said he's honored to be at Sting's side in Greensboro then they do a "woo" together.

Continental Classic - Gold League - Mark Briscoe vs Rush

They trade forearms to start then hit chops. Rush corner splashes him then takes a flying kick in the other corner. Mark foot chokes him in the corner then takes chops and stomps in the corner. Rush is hit while on the buckles and sent to the floor. Mark then dropkicks him through the ropes. They trade chops on the floor and Mark is sent into the rails. Rush is backdropped on the rail then Mark dives off the apron with an elbow drop on him.

Mark face kicks him then takes a german and a superkick. Mark then lariats him. We go to PiP break and return. They trade shots then slap each other at the same time. Mark then takes a belly to belly into the buckles. Mark running spears him for 2. Mark back enzugiri's him. Mark then gets belly to belly suplexed off the apron. They get back in and Mark top rope froggy bow's him.

Mark is belly to belly suplexed into the buckles again then takes a running forearm. Rush running low dropkicks him in the corner and wins it.

There was little selling here though they had an action-packed and aggressive match. I definitely would have put this one over minus the selling issues.

RJ City interviews Toni Storm, who has a belt laying on her head. Toni said they partied after her acceptance speech. She says she is tired and RJ says she has to defend her title next week. She said she's not worried and asks RJ to take her shoes off for her.

MJF comes out to talk with a cane. He says he doesn't like Samoa Joe but respects him. MJF said he turned on TNA when he was younger and saw Samoa Joe. He said Joe's talents were wasted and he wasn't given the chance to become champ in WWE. He said Joe proved you don't have to be a bodybuilder to be a star in this spot. He said Joe paved the road for people like him. MJF thanks him.

MJF said he's not too shabby himself though. He said he has helped build AEW brick by brick. He said Joe is a legend but said December 30th is about MJF's legacy, not Joe's. He said he will show the world that it is not about the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. He said Joe will have to put him down.

The lights then go out and start flashing. MJF gets jumped by people in black masks and is about to get hit wit ha bat. Joe then teleports in and stops them. A message appears on the screen and asks if Joe and MJF will face the unknown next week. MJF agrees and said he will unmask this person.  

Wardlow vs AR Fox

AR hits him as he enters then topes and tope con hilos him. Wardlow knees him in the gut. AR tries to moonsault him off the post but is slammed on the apron. Wardlow jumps up to the apron.  Wardlow throws him across the ring then throws him into the ring.

AR gets out of his gorilla press then Wardlow spears the 2nd buckle as AR moves. AR 450's him for 1. Wardlow chokes him and lariats him. Wardlow powerbombs him then top rope swantons him. Wardlow hits another powerbomb and the ref stops it.

This was a squash but AR got a lot in for some reason.

They show a video of Dante Martin's injury.

Top Flight and Action Andretti vs Brother Zay and The Hardy Boyz

This is Dante's return match. Matt side headlocks Action. Action dropkicks him then sunset flips him. Matt hiptosses Action then Action takes double legdrops from The Hardy's. Action tries to standing moonsault Jeff but lands on his feet when Jeff moves. Zay shoulders over Darius ten Darius armdrags him. Zay armdrags him again then Darius dropkicks him.

Dante gets in and corner lariats Zay. Darius suplexes Zay into a Dante slingshot senton. Action then double stomps Zay's arm. We go to PiP break and return. Jeff basement dropkicks Action in the the back then Action is double teamed in the corner. Matt hits a side effect on Action for 2. Action hits kicks on Matt.

Dante and Zay get in. Dante flips over him. Dante then uses the ropes and springboard crossbodies him. Dairus flatliners Matt off the bottom rope then Zay rolls up Dante. Zay jumps off Jeff's back and dropkicks Darius. Jeff then jumps off of Matt's back and splashes Dante. Dante is put on The Hardy's shoulders then Zay springboard dropkicks him. Matt gets on all fours outside and Darius jumps off his back to nail Matt. Action moonsaults off the rail to nail Matt.

Zay takes a shotgun dropkick into a german then Dante full-nelson side slams Zay to win it.

It was an okay 6-man. Very fast paced with a lot of top rope moves and thankfully, Dante won on his return. I honestly forgot about The Hardy's with how little they have been used lately.

Top Flight and Action Andretti are interviewed. Penta and Alex come in. Penta fist bumpbs Dane then brings in Komander and Vikingo. He says "1, 2, 3" and I think that meant they are challenging them to a trios match.

TBS Title - House Rules - Julia Hart (c) vs Emi Sakura

Hart hits shots in the corner then forward cartwheel lariats her. Hart kicks her in the back. Emi hits chops and has her arm banged off the mat. Hart kicks her in the back then is sent into the steps. Emi then crossbodies her against the steps.

We go to PiP break and return. Emi double underhook backbreakers her. Hart puts her in a choke then headscissors. Emi surfboards her. Emi misses a top rope moonsault then Hart puts her in hartless. They said this is house rules so there is no victory via submission. Hart drops the hold and lariats her in the back of the neck. Hart moonsaults off the top and barely hits it, then wins it.

This was just an average match and nothing too special. Hart almost blew the finish if it wasn't for Emi helping her. This was a good example of a match where these custom House rules did not work.

RJ City interviews Mariah May. She said she came from Stardom and said she's dying to show AEW what she can do. Mariah thanks RJ and said it means the world to her that she got to meet Tony Khan. Mariah then goes into Tony Khan's office.

Christian Cage comes out to talk with security in the ring. CC invites Adam Copeland to come to the ring. Adam doesn't come out but later does. CC hides behind security. He says thye won't make it to Montreal for the match Adam challenged him to. CC says he's sorry. He said he was mad when he saw what Adam did to Luchasaurus. He said he said he ran out of his house and started driving. He said it turned into a road trip of reflection and said he did some soul searching.

He said it reminded him of times when Adam and he took his mom's car. He said they knew they would make it and were having the time of their lives. He said Adam didn't have a father, but his father became Adam's father. He said he loves him and said they are family. He said his mom said she wanted to see them team again one last time before she died. CC said let's do it for Adam's mom. CC then goes to hit him with the belt and Adam low blows him. Adam says, "nice try, dum@ass". He tells him to shine the belt up real nice because next week it is coming home with Adam. Adam then says "go f**k yourself" without the words being bleeped. The audio is then bleeped out after he says it. I was glad Adam didn't fall for this one and didn't end up looking like a dumb babyface.

Continental Classic - Gold League - Swerve Strickland vs Jay White

Nana has a crutch but still dances. Jay hits corner spears and throws him out. Swerve is sent into the rails then Jay is sent into the rails. Swerve is then sent over the rails.

Back in the ring and Swerve hits chops. Swerve's throat is brought down over the top rope then Swerve backdrops Jay into the first row. Swerve double stomps him off the apron while he is bent over. Jay ddt's Swerve of the middle rope and we go to break.

We return and Jay has both of his arms hooked. Jay pulls him own then takes chops. Jay backdrops him then underhook suplexes him into the buckles. Swerve release backdrops Jay then hurricanrana's him while he's on the mat. Swerve then rolls into a flatliner on him and suplexes him for 2. Jay flatliners him then delay germans him. Swerve then spinning lariats him.

They trade forearms and Jay drops. Jay chopblocks him then uranages him. Jay fujiwara armbars him then Swerve cranks his arms back. The ref almost gets hit and Jay goes for a low blow. Swerve block it and backbreakers him. Swerve then mule kicks him and top rope double stomps him for 2. Jay hits a blade runner and Swerve goes out.

Jay throws Swerve back in and they trade pin attempts. Jay suplexes him then Swerve rolls him up and gets the pin.

It was acceptable as a main event but I didn't think it was great. This certainly did Jay no favors and he did not come off like a huge star here.

Overall thoughts: It was a decent show with a bunch of fine matches. This was a very wrestling heavy show and ran a few minutes past 10pm.

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