Friday, December 1, 2023

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/23/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 5

All Japan Pro Wrestling 11/23/2023 Real World Tag League 2023 Day 5

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Atsuki Aoyagi vs. Ryo Inoue


AA = Atsuki Aoyagi

AA and Ryo lock up. Ryo rolls out of a wristlock and slaps one on. AA kips up, hammerlocks him and headlock takeovers him. Ryo shoulders him over then AA dropkicks him. AA dropkicks him off the apron then Ryo pulls him down off the buckles outside. Ryo PK's him from the apron. Ryo then chest kicks him inside for 2.

Ryo crabs him an AA ropebreaks. AA is poppped up and dropkicks Ryo. AA cartwheels and backflips out of an irish whip then Ryo dropkicks him. Ryo chest kick flurries him then flying back elbows him. Ryo then PK's him for 2. They trade forearms then Ryo double underhook suplexes him for 2. AA rolls him up and then cradles him.

AA fisherman suplexes him, holds on for another then is suplexed. Ryo slips on a triangle enzugiri and does a triangle back elbow. Ryo buzzsaw kicks him for 2 with the ref doing a bad count. AA step up enzugiri's him then handspring corkscrew kicks him for 2. AA top rope moonsaults him for 2 then 450's him to win.

It was a sub-10 minute juniors match. Not great or anything but it was an okay opener with nobody overdoing it.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Hikaru Sato vs. Koji Iwamoto

Sato waistlocks him and they trade side headlocks. Sato dirty breaks him and they trade forearms. Koji running forearms him and they trade again. Koji bridging twisting neckbreakers him for 2. Koji hits forearms then takes a kick in the corner. Sato waterwheel drops him and they trade forearms again.

Koji shoulder throws him. Koji hits a nice uranage then germans him for 2. Sato rolls out of it and kimura's him. Koji cradle shocks him for 2. Koji goes for a pop-up knee then Sato dragon screws him out of it. Sato enzugiri's him then backdrops him. Koji goes for a slam and Sato blocks it with an armbar. Sato then taps him out with it in a surprise ending.

Well, the ending was different. It was average for the most part and nothing too special. Maybe a few more minute would have helped this one out.

Junior Battle Of Glory 2023 Match - Fuminori Abe vs. Rising HAYATO

Abe backs him up into the ropes. Rising flips out of a wristlock and chops him. Rising flying headscissors him and Abe goes out. Abe's on the apron and Rising slides out under him. Rising blocks his PK from the apron and leg sweeps him onto the apron. Abe is sent into the rails then Rising goes into the rails. Rising backdrops him in the ring for 2 then headscissors him.

Abe bow and arrows him  then Rising rolls onto him for 2. Abe totally misses a slap then Rising flying back elbows him. Rising then springboard plancha's him. Rising corner shotgun dropkicks him then bulldogs him for 2. Abe spin kicks him in the gut then running kicks his back. Abe then sits down and does his pose.

Rising stomps him and they trade forearms. Rising hits a big chop then flying single leg dropkicks him. Abe rolls him up for 2 then does a neat roll up the other way for 2. Abe hurricanrana's him then Rising slingshot ddt's him over the middle rope. Rising asai moonsaults him for 2 then Abe gets his knees up on Rising's asai moonsault and pins him. Abe then rolls out and jumps into the front row.

They didn't really have enough time here with under 10 minutes and did what they could. Abe did a nice roll-up here and it was funny to see him jump in the crowd after his win.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Hideki Suzuki & Suwama vs. Hideki Okatani & Yukio Sakaguchi

Okatani and Suwama start us off but don't do much. Yukio gets in  and trades waistlocks with Suwama. Suzuki gets in and he grapples with Yukio. Suzuki holds up Yukio for a Suwama chop and Suwama actually hits it. They try a 2nd time and Suwama double chops Suzuki. Suwama throws Yukio into the corner and Okatani accidentally forearms him. Okatani shoves Yukio then they argue. Suwama double lariats them. Suwama and Suzuki argue.

Suwama boots/stomps Yukio in the corner then slams him. Suwama crabs him then Suzuki knocks Suwama over, breaking the hold. Suzuki gets in and Yukio jumping kicks him. Okatani hits forearms and back elbows Suzuki. Okatani then uses the ropes to bulldog him. Suzuki back body drops him then Suwama gets in.

Okatani forearms Suwama then is double chopped back. Yukio kicks Suwama then is headbutted. Yukio then sleepers him. Suwama and Suzuki argue and their opponents push them into each other. Yukio and Okatani then argue and do a sandwich running forearm + kick for 2.

Yukio and Okatani argue more. Suwama laraits Yukio then Suwama and Suzuki put on sleepers at the same time. Suzwama taps out Yukio and wins it.

This was stupid. It was nothing but partners arguing and fighting with each other with little wrestling to be found. 

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Ryuki Honda & Yuma Anzai vs. Ren Ayabe & Shuji Ishikawa

Honda and Shuji go at it to start. Honda backs him up, pats him on the head and hits a forearm. They trade forearms and Honda is shouldered over. Both men tag out. Ren wristlocks Yuma then Yuma hammerlocks him. Ren side headlocks him and they shoulder battle. Ren shoulders him over. Shuji slams Yuma down then stands on him with Ren on his shoulders.

Ren forearms Yuma in the corner and drops him. Yuma then takes a double foot choke in the corner. Shuji Yuma Ren with a big forearm then forearm flurries him in the corner. Shuji 2nd rope footstomps Yuma then sends Honda out with a forearm. Ren running facekicks Yuma for 2 then full nelson's him while Shuji abdominal stretches Honda.

Yuma belly to belly suplexes Ren then Honda gets in. Honda running lariats Ren then leans on him against the middle rope. Ren face kicks Honda and slams him. Ren and Honda trade forearms then Honda spears him. Ren flying neckbreakers him and both go down.

Shuji and Yuma both get in and trade forearms. Shuji knees him and takes a dropkick. Shuji is double suplexed then Ren flying neckbreakers both opponents at 10 minutes. Ren running face kicks Yuma in the corner then Shuji running knees Yuma for 2. Yuma germans Shuji then Hond and Ren trade shots. Honda running lariats Ren. Yuma goes for a flying knee on Shuji but is powerbombed down.

Shuji running knees Yuma for 2. Shuji fire thunders Yuma for 2. Honda gets in and exploders Ren. Shuji takes a flying knee + lariat to the back combo for 2. Shuji and Yuma trade forearms then Yuma flying knees him. Yuma hits another flying knee for 2.  Yuma germans Shuji and wins it.

It was a fun match. Not great but there was nothing wrong with it. I would have liked to have seen the giants beat up Yuma more and I would have liked to have seen Honda get more in here.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Kento Miyahara & Yuma Aoyagi vs. Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Seigo Tachibana

Yuma comes out and does his own version of Jiro's entrance with a suit jacket and tie. He then teases coming in like Jiro does then goes back out. Yuma gets Jiro mad then both pretend to exit the ring before re-entering.

Jiro does his headstand poses in the corner. Kento shoulders Jiro over then Jiro kips up and poses. Jiro gets knocked over and tries to kip up but Kento steps on his hair. Jiro armdrags him off a hiptoss and back elbows him. Yuma gets in and jacket punches Jiro. Jiro jacket punches him back then shoulders him over with Seigo. Jiro and Seigo dance around then are shaken off the ropes and get crotched on top rope. Yuma then pulls on Jiro's leg to make him ride the top rope.

Kento knocks Jiro off the apron and Yuma jacket punches Seigo. Yuma slams Seigo for 2 then chokes him with his tie. Kento facekicks Jiro off the apron then headbutts him in the seats. Kento dropkicks Seigo in the knee and the side of the head. Seigo hits forearms on Kento then is poked in the eyes. Seigo STO's him then Jiro hits jacket punches.

Jiro tries to take off Yuma's jacket then 2nd rope moonsaults Kento. Kento pump kicks Jiro then Yuma dropkicks Jiro and does his pose. Jiro tries to throw Seigo off the top at Yuma but Yuma side steps him. Seigo pulls both opponents out and tope con hilos them.  

Jiro and Seigo go up top. Jiro throws Seigo off again and Seigo misses. Jiro takes a wild bump off the top then Seigo takes a knee + kick combo from his 2 opponents. Jiro trips Yuma and gets nailed then Seigo trips pin attempts on Yuma. Seigo does an olympic slam variation on Yuma for 2. Seigo b-drivers Yuma for 2 and is pumping knee'd by Kento. Kenyo flying knees Seigo when Jiro moves then Jiro and Kento trade. Jiro superkicks Seigo on accident. Yuma twisting fisherman busters Seigo to win it.

It was an entertaining tag match with Yuma mocking Jiro and having lots of fun with it. Seigo was also the loveable loser here getting beaten up, accidentally hit and just in general being a stooge. I don't know if they were building to a Yuma/Jiro feud, but they have to do that now.

Real World Tag League 2023 Match - Hokuto Omori & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. Voodoo Murders (Jun Saito & Rei Saito) 

KN = Katsuhiko Nakajima

Omori evades Rei to start and they shoulder battle. Rei shoulders him over. KN hits multiple leg kicks on Jun when they get in. KN sleepers Jun then Jun slams him. Jun throws him out then double axe handles him off the apron.  Rei takes Omori into the crowd and chokes him with a fan's scarf. Omori then chokes Rei and is headbutted. Rei chokes Omori with a chair.

Omori is sent into the post then KN is double foot choked in the ring. KN is chopped by his opponents then kicks both. Rei shoulders him over then Jun elbow drops him. Rei stands on KN's gut then Jun joins him. Rei stomps KN then Jun running face kicks KN. Jun delay suplexes KN for 2.

KN hits kicks on Jun. Omori gets in and running forearms Jun. Jun chokeslams Omori and Omori rolls it after he lands into a head and double arm lock. Omori hits forearms on Jun against the ropes then Jun spears him.

Rei shoulders over Omori and splashes him. Rei double chops Omori in the corner then Omori takes running corner moves. Omori is double hiptossed. Rei chokeslams KN. Rei runs into Jun, knocking him off the apron then Omori forearms Rei. KN dropkicks Rei in the knee then kicks him in the leg. Rei crossbodies KN then machine gun chops him. Rei side slams him then KN takes a double chokeslam. Omori takes a double shoulder.

KN gers out of a double team and rolls up Rei for 2. KN spinning heel kicks Jun on the buckles then Omori plancha's Jun outside. KN PK's Rei then superkicks him. KN slaps Rei twice then northern lights bombs him for the win.

Anything was going to have a hard time following the prior match. This was slow and had very few highlights. Nobody did anything big here either. The big guys really needed to throw the smaller guys around here to get this over but that wasn't going to happen with Nakajima involved. Everyone basically just mailed this one in.

Overall thoughts: The main wasn't good but the semi-main was a lot of fun with Yuma dressing up as Jiro. The Suwama/Suzuki tag was less of a match and more of a debate but Honda/Anzai put up a decent one with Shuji and Ren. I would recommend this just for the semi-main.

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