Wednesday, November 15, 2023

AEW Dynamite 11/15/2023

AEW Dynamite 11/15/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Hook and Orange Cassidy vs Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley and Wheeler Yuta)

The BCC are jumped as they enter. Hook is sent into the hockey boards and Mox/OC go up into the stands. They do the old "this match hasn't started yet" BS that NJPW does to explain this. Mox chokes OC with a shirt. Yuta slams Hook in the ring. Hook then hits a karelin's lift and a shoulder throw on him.

Hook germans Mox thne Yuta hits mounted shots on Hook. Mox hits a standing orange crush on Hook and Hook goes for redrum on him. Yuta pulls Hook out then OC plancha's Yuta. Hook suplexes Mox then OC dives off the top and ddt's Mox. Mox takes kicks then OC takes a hart attack from Yuta and Mox.

We go to PiP break and return. Mox boots around OC and Book is tagged in. Hook and Yuta trade forearms then Hook northern lights suplexes Yuta. Mox is knocked off the apron then Yuta germans Hook. Hook germans Yuta back then they lariat each other at the same time. Mox nails Hook from behind then OC spears Mox. OC fights Mox outside then Hook lariats Yuta.

Mox cutters Hook then OC hits an orange punch on Mox. Mox no sells it then facekicks him. Mox hits a death rider on Hook then Yuta rolls up Hook and pins him.

I'm not a fan of opening matches going long like this. It dragged a little and went a few minutes more than it needed but it was a decent match.

Mox tells OC he is nothing and has never been nothin'. He says he will grind him into dust and walk out International champ. He says there is nothing he can do to stop him.

Tony Schiavone says we will have a face to face with Swerve and Page. He says if either attacks each other, the match at the PPV is called off and they will be suspended.

Page and Swerve come out. Page says Swerve is a phony and is dumber today than he was two years ago. Page says Swerve can't cut it and is not the man he thinks he is. He says that's the reason Swerve's fiance left him and why his kids won't talk to him. Page says Nana is using Swerve and is making his living off of Swerve. Page says Nana buys weed off of kids in the parking lot and says he will steal Nana's weed when he wins. Page says Swerve is a child and said he worked with kids for a long time. PAge says he send Swerve to his house at the bottom of hell. Page says he's not allowed to hit Swerve, but they didn't say anything about him and Nana. He beats up Nana then security tries to break it up. Page then beats up security.

I didn't like Page beating up security here or going into personal insults as that's really not a thing faces should be doing.

Roderick Strong and The Kingdom are interviewed. Strong says he knows who the devil is and calls Adam Cole. Strong says the devil is MJF. Cole says maybe Strong is the devil. Strong says Cole is not seeing what he's seeing. Cole then says he has to go and hangs up. 

TBS Championship Eliminator - Skye Blue vs Red Velvet

The winner of this gets in a TBS title 3 way at the PPV with Statlander and Julia Hart. Skye is back to wearing darker eye shadow after not joining up with Julia Hart. Red's wearing a custom apron. Skye cartwheels out of a wristlock. Red 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her then armdrags her. They both try to armdrag each other at the same itme and stare down.

Skye goes to leapfrog but has her legs swept in air then Red standing moonsaults her. Red hits punches in the conrer then stomps her in the corner. Red snapmares Skye and low dropkicks her. Red takes a ddt on the apron.

We go to PiP break and return. Red's head is tucked into the top buckle and superkicked then Red hurricanrana's her. They reverse pin attempts on each other then they do a terrible double high kick spot with both going down. Red double knees her against the ropes then Red takes a skyfall for 2. Skye gets caught and is powerbombed. Red then rolls her off the top into a bomb then Skye superkicks her.

Red superkicks her back then Skye knees her. Skye botches her code blue and wins it.

It had 2 sloppy moments but it was better than their usual offerings. It went longer than it needed to and the selling wasn't very good here. For the girls though, this might as well have been a good match.

We then see Kris and Julia watching this in the back. 

Miro talks about Andrade and CJ Perry. Miro says he loves CJ but she is bringing in a storm. He said she wants gold and fame and said he used to let her do what she wanted. Miro said CJ brings the worst out of herself and him. Miro said Daniel Garcia will see Miro bring the worst out of himself. Miro says he doesn't drink and drive but Garcia should? Who knows.

RJ City and Mariah May are at Toni Storm's door. May is excited and Luther is revealed to be behind the door. The screen goes to black and white everytime it is opened. May is excited to see Toni. Toni things she wants an autograph. May says she loves her and everything she does. May tells her to let her know if she needs anything. Toni then tells Luther to call Tony Khan and book a match for Friday.

Samoa Joe vs Jon Cruz

Joe checks his leg kicks. Joe facekicks him then hits a punch combo. Joe back enzugiri's him in the corner. Cruz comes off the top and Joe moves. Joe then hits a big lariat and chokes him out to win.

This was just a squash.

Joe gets on the mic after and offers his friendship to MJF. Joe said MJF's time is running out and says he is inevitable.

The Young Bucks vs Komander and Penta El Zero Miedo

Komander kicks a Buck in the chest then armdrags him. Komander dropkicks him and flips off of it. Nick slams Komander then everyone misses moves. They then pair off and high kick each other at the same time then fall over. The Bucks superkick their opponents out thne one of the Bucks does a corkscrew dive outside.

Penta superkicks a Buck then supekricks him as he handstands on the 2nd rope. Penta then flicks the ropes up so Komander can crossbody Matt. Komander takes a double team then a Buck is popped up into a hurricanrana on Penta.

We go to PiP break and return. Komander hurricanrana's Matt into Nick's enzugiri. Komander does a springboard into a hurricanrana on Nick then walks the top rope to hurricanrana Nick off the apron. Penta then walks up the buckles and dives on both Bucks outside. Penta slingblades Matt then tope con hilos Nick. Penta then slingblades Nick on the floor.

Penta superkicks both Bucks then Komander jumps off of Penta's shoulders into a double ddt on the bucks. Penta hits a made in Japan on Matt for 2. Komander takes locomotion northern lights suplexes by Matt then Matt northern lights suplexes both opponents. Matt is sent into Nick on the ropes. Penta package piledrivers Nick on the apron and Komander hurricanrana's Matt for 2.

Komander walks the top rope, jumps off of the back of Matt who is on Penta's shoulders then hits a canadian destroyer on Nick. Penta then  hits a twisting attitude adjustment on Matt for 2. Penta and Matt trade forearms then Penta superkicks him. Matt superkicks him then they pump kick each other and collide legs with supernicks. Komander enzugiri's Nick then springboards but takes a low blow. Nick then low blows Penta. Nick hits a judas effect on Penta then Komander takes a bte trigger. Matt picks up the win on Komander.

It was what you would expect - indy stuff with flips, no selling, no story and lots of dangerous moves. It also went pretty long.

The Young Bucks are interviewed. Matt is asked why they cheated and he says they don't care anymore. Kenny Omega comes in and chastizes them. The Bucks says their heat is with Jericho and not them. Jeriho then walks in and said they have a match to win before they beat The Bucks. Matt then nails Jericho from behind and security breaks it up.

The Gunn's vs Peter Avalon and ?

The jobbers are thrown out then Peter's partner takes a 310 to Yuma. The Gunn's win.

The jobber is thrown out and lands hard on the floor. Colten tells Max to imagine what will happen when it's 2v1 at the PPV. He says MJF's friend is gone and his ROH Tag Title is about to be gone.

Wardlow does a promo and says MJF's time is running out. We see Wardlow in a ring powerbombing and beating up people. He says he will make the devil his b!tch. We then see the guy in the devil mask on the screen.

Like A Dragon Street Fight - Hobbs, Konosuke Takeshita, Kyle Fletcher and Brian Cage vs Paul Wight, Kenny Omega, Chris Jericho and Kota Ibushi

Jericho and Paul are wearing suits. Everyone fights on the ramp and stage. There's some Japanese themed things around and Paul chokeslams Kyle off the stage through a table. Kyle seems to miss the table and maybe hits the back of his head off another. Cage hits forearms on Ibushi then Ibushi kicks KT.

KT takes a kick into an over the back bulldog. Kenny and Kota then do moonaults off the top to the outside. Paul bangs hobbs' head off a car hood then chops him. Jericho hits Cage with a plastic crate then a sign. Kenny is then sent headfirst into a sign. Jericho is whipped into a table then Kota Ibushi grabs a bicycle. Kota rides down the ramp and hits opponents with a pipe before taking a lariat from Cage.

Paul and Hobbs get on a stack of wood then Paul is slammed onto a car hood and slides down onto the cement. KT hits Kenny, Kota and Jericho with a bike then Kota is brainbustered on the bike, but KT mostly hurts himself on it. We go to PiP break. Kenny is suplexed on the floor by Cage then Jericho and KT go into the stands. They fight in the concourse. Jericho hits KT with a condiment of some sort then Jericho is thrown into some sofa.

We return and Jericho is ddt'd on a sofa. Jericho's head is banged off a trash can and he throws the lid at KT. Jericho chokes KT with a jacket. Kenny is 2v1'd by Cage and Kyle then suplexed on the plastic pallet. KT hits Jericho with a beverage then Omega pumping knees Kyle. Omega snap dragon suplexes Cage then Kyle forearms Kenny. Omega hits Kyle hard with a beer bottle then Cage lariats Omega. Kota top rope dropkicks Cage and Kenny is holding his hand in pain after the bottle shot.

KT climbs fridges and jumps off into fire extinguisher spray by Jericho. Hobbs comes back in and lariats both Kota and Kenny. Hobbs hits a worlds strongest slam on Kenny then Cage suplexes Kenny off the 2nd rope onto tables outside. Hobbs spinebusters Kota then chokes him. Jericho gets back to ringside and duels chairs with Hobbs. Jericho hits him with a chair then Hobbs spinebusters him.

Kenny hits Cage with a plastic crate, Kota is sent into the rails and Jericho is splashed by Hobbs. Jericho codebreakers Hobbs then Cage f-5's Jericho. Kyle half and half suplexes Kenny. Kota takes a tombstone off the apron through a sign bridged on chairs by Kyle.

Jericho hits a judas effect on Hobbs then Hobbs is duct taped to the ropes. Hobbs talks trash and Jericho duct tapes his mouth shut. Kenny hits Hobbs with a sign and chair then Cage spinning lariats Kenny. Cage pumphandle slams Jericho then Cage takes a poisonrana from Kenny. Kenny hits v-triggers on Cage and Hobbs then Kenny hits a one-winged angel on Hobbs to win it.

It was a hardcore match with lots of weapons shots, big spots and people brawling all around the building. There wasn't a lot of selling and it did go long but it was entertaining. I think Kenny, Paul and Kyle all got hurt during this one. I do have to question why Paul Wight being completely out of it didn't end the match and I do wonder why Hobbs didn't bother pinning him.

MJF comes out to talk in the ring. He said he feels cursed sometimes and said he is sorry The Acclaimed got caught in the crossfires of his life. He said he is sorry they got hurt and hopes they feel better. MJF said life at the top is lonely and says everyone is coming to shove him off the top of the mountain. He says he is afraid and is worried about letting the people down.

He says he's not willing to quit or give up though. MJF said he doesn't think Jay White can take his spot on the mountain. He said he will find out who is behind the devil mask and says there will be hell to pay when he does.

Jay White comes out. He said MJF is embarrassing himself. He said MJF is not the hero and is always the villain. He said MJF can't change and says his days as champ are numbered. He then says to get him.

Bullet Club Gold jump MJF and Juice knocks out MJF with a punch. MJF takes a 310 to Yuma. MJF takes a blade runner.

We then see Joe watching this on a TV to close the show.

Overall thoughts: The main was a hardcore brawl as expected and opener wasn't bad. Even the women's match was passable, but still not exactly good. I didn't like the two squashes though or The Young Bucks' match. I would say it was slightly good.

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