Tuesday, November 14, 2023

WWE NXT 11/14/2023

WWE NXT 11/14/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/11/wwe-nxt-1172023.html 

Chase U is interviewed in the parking lot earlier in the day. Chase says he is cooperating with the investigating.

NXT Tag Titles - Chase U (c) vs Tony D'Angelo and Stacks

Chase snapmares Stacks then Stacks wristlocks him. Chase takes an atomic drop into a punch. Tony shoulder throws Chase then Stacks is thrown chest and throat first onto the top rope. Tony shoulders over Duke then throws out Chase. Tony then hiptosses Stacks onto his opponents outside.

We go to PiP break and return. Duke uranages Stacks and it is pointed out that some Chase U students are leaving. Stacks jumps off the apron with an elbow drop on Duke on the floor then gets a 2 count. Tony grabs Duke's foot and is kicked. Chase is hot tagged in and hits forearms.

Chase dropkicks Stacks the neckbreakers Tony. Chase exploders Stacks into Tony in the corner then top rope crossbodies him for 2. Chase takes a 2nd rope euro into a german. Chase sunset flips Stacks but Stacks gets a 2 count off of it. Chase enzuigiri's Stacks then Duke slingshot germans Stacks hard on his neck. Duke is pulled off the apron by Tony then sent into the steps. Chase cannonballs Tony off the apron.

Chase gets caught up top and Tony superplexes him. Stacks top rope splashes Chase for 2. Chase hits punches on Tony then russian legsweeps him. The rest of the Chase U student section leaves and Chase is distracted. Tony rolls up Chase for 2 then spinebusters him. Chase takes the bada-bing, bada-boom and Stacks picks up the win.

The match was entertaining but it was definitely overshadowed by whatever this scandal is that hasn't been announced yet with Chase. That was a lot of the focus here and took away some from the match. It's hard to really care about this scandal since we don't know anything about it yet.

Lita picks wrestlers for the Iron Survivor Challenge qualifiers. She picks Roxanne Perez and Lash Legend for the women's match then Trick Williams and Joe Coffey for the men's match.

Dominik Mysterio talks to Baron Corbin in the back. Corbin says he has to deal with Wes Lee. He says he's a quitter but keeps coming back. Baron says he's sending him to the hospital tonight and offers a helping hand.

Supernova Sessions with Alpha Academy

Dar has the Heritage Cup Trophy locked in a glass case with chains and calls it the modern day Mona Lisa. Chad says it is a beautiful cup and says he is lucky to have it. Jakara says luck has nothing to do with it. Tozawa said the cup would be his without Meta-Four at ringside. The two sides argue and Chad said he has the next challenger here in Otis. The Academy talks about Otis' accomplishments and how he can dance. Dar agrees to a match and calls for his music to be hit. Chad then says he's going to be the next challenger and Dar ends up getting knocked out on the couch.

Iron Survival Challenge Qualifier - Roxanne Perez vs Lash Legend

Lash hair throws Perez then Perez side headlocks her. Perez crucifixes her then fails to sunset flip her. Perez armdrags her and dropkicks her out. Perez is nailed from behind and Meta-Four get thrown out. Lash slams her then elbow drops her back for 2.

Lash does a torture rack then Perez goes for a guillotine. Lash spears the post on accident then Perez topes her. Perez top rope crossbodies her then pulls her down chest first onto the mat. Lash swinging backbreakers Perez then misses a handspring into a moonsault. Jakara comes back down and gets into the ring. Kiana James then holds Perez's arm and Lash pump kicks Perez. Lash powerbombs Perez and picks up the win.

The ending was kind of lame but at least there was a point to it. Lash has been looking a lot better lately in her various matches compared to her rookie year and she was fine here. I was surprised to see her bust out the handspring into the moonsault and I was surprised to see her win this. 

A whole bunch of NXT wrestlers are watching in the back. Tank Ledger says Tony D and Stacks are at the top of their game right now and he wants to be like them. Enofe says new champs mean new #1 contenders. Garza and Carrillo then come in and said they couldn't catch a break if they bought one. Tony D and Stacks come in celebrating their title win. Garza says their reign won't last long and Tony said they got put through tables last time they saw them. The girl with Tony D said they are busy and have to celebrate with the family. Garza pushes Enofe and they fight to end the segment.

We see Lyra Valkyria watching video of Xia Lia with Robbie Brookside and someone else. Lyra is told she is invited to a Warriors Tea ceremony with Lyra and she accepts.

We go to the Xia Li Tea Ceremony with Lyra Valkyria. Li asks Lyra to put a robe and says it's tradition. Li said this ceremony is how her ancestors honored rivals before combat. She bows and asks Lyra to do it too. Lyra said respect isn't something she expects from her. Li said she wants to be noticed and said she wants to make sure they are on even playing fields next week. Li makes the tea and says it must be consumed in the correct amount of time. Lyra refuses to drink the tea and Li said she will show no remorse after the battle if she doesn't. Lyra says so be it and may the strongest warrior win next week. They both bow to each other.

Trick and Carmelo Hayes are interviewed. Trick is asked about punching Melo in the face last week. Trick says Melo knows it wasn't intentional. Trick says accidents happen. Melo agrees and said he did not attack Trick. He says he will do a lie detector and says accidents happen. Trick says Lexis King will get his tonight and Melo says Trick needs to get his in the ISC qualifier tonight.

Kiana James is in the locker room and says that's how you get things done. Gigi Dolin isn't impressed. Another girl says Perz deserved it. Arianna Grace then comes in and said K. Petrovic should have apologized for what she did last week. Grace and Gigi argue and Gigi says she hopes she has experience in getting her @ss whooped as that will happen tonight.

Bron Breakker is interviewed. He said what he did to Von is what he does best - hurt people. He said he breaks everyone. Dijak then walks in and asks what his future is. Dijak said he qualified for the ISC while Bron picked splinters out of his @ss. They talk about the ISC. Bron says he doesn't want him in that match and Dijak says he does. Dijak says he's the one man he can't break. Bron says he will have him begging for retribution if they face each other in it.

Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifier - Joe Coffey vs Trick Williams

Joe does a test of strength with Trick and gets the edge then knees him. Joe slams him. Trick goes up and over in the corner then slams him. Joe euros him then shoulders him over. Joe is popped up and takes an uppercut off of it. Joe and Tirck go out and Gallus stops Trick from getting at Joe. Trick hits Gallus then is dropped by Joe.

Joe elbows Trick on top of the head then Joe lariats Trick over the top. We go to break and return. Joe backbreakers Trick then handstand sentons him. Joe shoulders him over then takes a back body drop. Trick jumping neckbreakers him. They trade shots and Joe slams him.

Trick flying clotheslines Joe then hits punches. Trick flying lariats him then hits a leg lariat. Trick flapjacks him then Joe headbutts him in the chest. Trick hits a rock bottom for 2. Mark Coffey and Wolf get on the apron. Trick nails one of them then misses a shot on Wolf and goes out. Joe topes Trick then flying shoulders Trick. Joe german Trick for 2 then takes a flying knee. Trick picks up the win.

It wasn't anything special.

Wes Lee is walking around in the back and is startled by Ilja Dragunov. Wes congratulates him on the title win and Ilja says welcome back. Wes said he has things on his agenda and says Corbin is tonight. Ilja asks him to leave him a piece of Corbin. Wes says to watch out as people want his title. Wes is asked if he is one of these people and he says no as he has other things he wants to do.

Baron Corbin is warming up. Lexis King walks up to him. Corbin said taking out Trick is how you make a name for yourself. King said he always knew he was going to be a player and Corbin asks how he got away with taking out Trick. King says all he can say is mission accomplished and tells him to enjoy the spotlight tonight.

Out The Mud vs The Brawling Brutes

Butch chops Price then is back elbowed. Butch grabs his arm then stomps it. Butch then low dropkicks him. The four stand off then OTM takes chest clubs on the apron. Nima chokeslams Ridge on the apron the Price lifts his boot up in the corner and pushes down Butch. Butch is then footpressed down by Nima.

Nima headbutts Butch then Scrypts sliding kicks Butch on the apron.Price lariats Butch in the corner as Nima holds Butch here. Nima hits a pendulum style spinebuster on Butch. Ridge gets in and lariats Price then shoulders Nima. Ridge crossbodies Price in the corner then swinging side slams him.

Price superkicks Ridge then backdrops him. Butch step up enzugiri's Price then Butch is thrown onto Ridge. Butch is lifted into a knee to the body. Butch enzugiri's his opponents and facekicks Nima. Butch goes up top and snaps Nima's fingers. Butch then moonsaults off the apron and takes out Scrypts and Price. Ridge powerbombs Nima then Nima takes a double ddt. Butch picks up the win.

It was an okay match. OTM looked fine here and while they didn't do a ton, did fine.

Joe Gacy says he's been wondering aimlessly. He says he's a ghost wandering the halls of NXT. He said nobody knows him and he doesn't fit in. He said he's not here to inflict justice or burn ships, he's here and he's here right now. He says the Performance Center is where it begins and end. They then make it seem like he jumped off the Performance Center roof. 

Gigi Dolin vs Arianna Grace

Grace armdrags her then is backrolled. Gigi taunts her then armlocks her. Gigi crossbodies her then Grace hits some punches. Grace running back elbows her then suplexes her. Gigi backslides her then cradles her. Grace bangs Gigi's head off the mat and misses an elbow drop.

Gigi uppercuts her, leg kicks her and hits a knee lift. Gigi STO's her for 2 then Grace backslides her using the ropes. The ref catches her then Gigi high kicks her. Gigi hits an abdominal strtch driver (quetzecotl) and wins it.

It wasn't much. Just average work but Grace didn't blow anything.

We get a video on the history of Mr. Stone and Von Wagner.

Von and Stone watch the video in the back. Von's holding his head and Stone asks if he's okay. Stone asks him to come to his house for dinner and Von says he will if she makes the pasta with the sausage. Von asks him to cut out on the asparagus.

Eddy Thorpe is interviewed and was asked where he has been. He said he won the match with Dijak but it depleted him. He said he needed time to recharge. He says he's 100% now and says he will show Lawler and JBL that he is ready to go in the ISC. Drew Gulak and friends go up to him. Dempsey says he will stretch him in the ring and show no quarter. Eddy says the toughest men in the world have been trying to stretch him and Dempsey says he never stepped in the ring with him.

Chase is interviewed by the press. He said he's devastated he lost the tag titles but has no further comments. Jacy Jayne then drives up to him and takes him away.

Wes Lee vs Baron Corbin

Wes hits shots to the body then Corbin pulls him down. Corbin hits a nice shot then chops him hard. Wes hurricanrana's him out of the corner then enzugiri's and dropkicks him. Wes low dropkicks him then Corbin brainbusters him. Corbin misses a senton then Wes buzzsaw kicks him. Wes slides under Corbin then double upkicks him. Wes hits an enzugiri.

Corbin goes out, wEs tries to dive on him but takes a deep six on the floor. We go to PiP break and return. Corbin has him in an chin and arm lock. Corbin then whips him around and hits a stiff clothesline off of it. Corbin hits mounted forearms then drops elbows right on his jaw. Corbin spears the post on accident then Wes hits punches. Wes shotgun dropkicks him then topes him onto the commentator's table. Wes superkicks him then 619's him around the post.

Wes top rope dropkicks him then Corbin death valley drivers him for 2. Corbin backbreakers him then Wes koppo kicks him. Corbin sits up top and is kicked outside then Dominik Mysterio comes out. Wes topes Dom as he pushes Crobin out of the way. Wes hits Dom then takes an end of days. Corbin gets the win.

Corbin pounds on Wes after then Ilja Dragunov comes out to make the save. He germans Corbin then Corbin hits an end of days on him. Corbin then shoves the belt in Ilja's face.

The main was pretty good with the two matching well together. Loved Corbin swinging Wes into the lariat.

Ilja says Corbin made a big mistake and must live with the consequences. He gives him an NXT Title match at Deadline.

Overall thoughts: I thought it was a weak episode overall. The matches weren't that great and they are still in the process of building various storylines.

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