Friday, November 10, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 11/10/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 11/10/2023

Last week's show is here:

Stevie Turner vs Gigi Dolin

I have no idea what happened to Stevie. I guess she just got injured like so many Performance Center girls seem to do. Stevie armdrags her over and mocks her. Gigi snapmares and sleepers her then trips her. Gigi puts a side headlock on her then forearms her on the ropes. Gigi dropkicks her back as she is tied up in the ropes then dropkicks her against the bottom rope.

Stevie pounds on her as she hangs over the apron then hits a kneelift. Gigi backslides her then Stevie lariats and neckbreakers her. Gigi rolls her up then Stevie slaps her. Gigi slaps her back and knees her then drops her with forearms. Gigi high kicks her and hits an STO. Gigi bronco busters her then does an unusual move off the 2nd rope. Gigi then hits a quetzalcoatl and wins it.

It wasn't anything special as expected. Gigi's move off the buckles was interesting. It's not good booking to have Stevie lose on her return.

Dupont and Igwe are interviewed. Dupont said he's excited to face former NXT tag champs in Gallus. He says they are bringing a new level of explosiveness. Igwe said they've seen dirty plays and gone against cheaters. He said they go back to the drawing board and refine their game. He said TNT is going to the top. Dupont says they are ready for whatever tonight and they say bodies start flying and grown men start crying. It seems their new name is TNT.

Gallus (Wolfgang and Mark Coffey) vs Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe

Igwe and Mark start us off. Igwe poses and wristlocks him. Mark takes a double arm wringer then forearms Dupont. Mark gets sent into the ropes and falls down on his butt, looking confused. Wolf armlocks Dupont then Dupon corner splashes him. Igwe hits a stiff back elbow on Wolf.

Wolf takes a double shoulderblock then Mark does as well. Dupont splashes Wolf then Mark holds the ropes open which causes Dupont to fall out. Mark forearms Dupont on the floor then forearms him inside. Wolf gorilla presses Mark onto Dupont then Wolf hits his back senton on Dupont.

Wolf puts Dupont in the cobra clutch then Dupont back back drops Wolf. Igwe hits shoulders and lariats on his opponents. He jumpingforearms Mark then hits a nice dropkick on Wolf. Igwe spinebusters Mark, really driving him into the mat, for 2.

Igwe takes a gamengiri from Mark then Mark drops Dupont. Igwe takes a flying knee + reverse F-5 and Wolf picks up the win.

This was a decent match. Igwe and Dupont had their best showing yet and it was 4 heavies hitting some hard shots.

Overall thoughts: Only 2 matches this week. The main was decent and the women's match was nothing special. I don't recommend this one.

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