Wednesday, November 29, 2023

WWE NXT 11/28/2023

WWE NXT 11/28/2023

Last week's show is here:

NXT Tag Titles - The D'Angelo Family vs Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza

HC = Humberto Carrillo

The Family gets nailed as they enter and they brawl on the floor. Stacks tope con hilos over the ref while the ref is yelling at HC and Garza. HC takes a powerbomb + neckbreaker combo for 2. Stacks hits corner punches on HC then HC boots him.  HC is tripped into the middle rope. Tony belly to belly suplexes HC twice. Tony punches Garza in the gut then HC springboard twisting kicks Tony.

Garza stomps Tony in the corner then Tony hits a spear. Stacks is tagged in and hits dropkicks on both opponents. Stacks misses a corner charge then is basement dropkicked in the back. Stacks is double hiptossed then flipped the other way down. Stacks then takes a double superkick.

HC takes a german + euro combo. Stacks gets crotched up top then HC sunset bombs Tony. Stacks then takes a double gorilla press slam off the 2nd rope. We go to PiP break and return. Garza is sent into the post then Tony hot tags in. Tony lariats and belly to belly suplexes HC. Tony then exploders him into the buckles.

Stacks rolls up Garza then running euros him. HC sunset flips Stacks then deadlifts him for a Garza dropkick off the buckles. Tony spinebusters HC then Stacks botches his knee curbstomp on Garza for 2. Garza double underhook piledrivers Stacks for 2 after low blowing him. HC is thrown over the top then Garza takes the bada bing, bada boom. Tony kisses Stacks then hiptosses him over the top on HC. Tony then gets the pin.

It was an action packed opener that was fast paced. It started out well from the start and the two teams meshed well.

Axiom and Frazer talk in the back about Baron Corbin. They really put him over and basically say they are jealous of his life. Ilja Dragunov comes in and says it seems what he is doing is not worth it. Frazer tries to explain himself and says it seems Corbin's life is better than his. Ilja says it seems he lacks respect for what he is doing. Frazer says he'd rather have Corbin's life over Ilja's but says he is sorry. Ilja says we are beyond the point of apologies. Frazer says he is wound up tight and Ilja says he knows how to solve this. We see Boa and Dante Chen walking around in facepaint in the back of this.

Jerry Lawler picks Bron Breakker vs Eddy Thorpe and Kelani Jordan vs Kiana James for the Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifiers. Lawler was sadly somewhat struggling to speak.

We get a package on Johnny Gargano.

Briggs, Jensen and Fallon talk in the back. Briggs and his buddies are pumped about him getting into the ISC. He said last week was the biggest win of his career. Lexis King comes in and said he knocked it out of the park last week. He says it's nice to meet Fallon then asks why no legend selected him for the ICS. Jensen says he is stirring the pot and he says he is calling it the way he sees it. Briggs says he is a parasite for the spotlight and says Jensen will show him why he should have been picked too.

We see a video on Nikkita Lyons who they say is almost ready. We then see her in the crowd. 

Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifier - Kelani Jordan vs Kiana James

Kiana back elbows her then hits shots in the corner. Kiana then backflips and spears her. Kelani comes out of the corner then dropkicks her. Kelani hits corner spears and headlock takeovers her. Kelani side headlocks her then Kiana pulls her hair and side headlocks her. Kiana shoulders her over then Kiana blocks Kiana's through the ropes armdrag. Kelani then uses the buckles to armdrag her. Kelani slides through the ropes and hurricanrana's Kiana. Kelani is then popped up, banging her head off a table.

We go to PiP break and return. Kelani hits forearms then a cartwheel back elbow. Kelani flipping legdrops her for 2. Kiana spinebusters her for 2. They trade forearms and Kelani hits an overdrive for 2. Kiana hits her 401k and then Roxanne Perez starts ringing the bell. Kiana is confused and yells at Perez. Kelani upkicks her then hits a splitlegged moonsault to win it.

This was pretty good. These two worked really well together and it was one of the better matches both have had. The finish was dumb though and it doesn't look good for Kelani to accept a cheap win like that.

We get a video on Cameron Grimes.

Alpha Academy do a promo. Chad said he was close to winning the Heritage Cup last week. Maxxine says she wants to get her hands on Lash then Otis starts gyrating and talks about her. Chad said Meta-Four are idiots and savages and challenge them to a 6 person mixed tag match.

NXT Anonymous finds the video of Trick Williams being attacked. Lexis King is seen in the area and is seen following him.

We get a press conference with Andre Chase and Chase U. Chase says he wouldn't be here without the support of his buddies. Chase says they are under investigation for gambling and the misuse of university funds which has landed them in debt. Chase says this is true and says they will work to payback the obligations as soon as possible. Chase says he owes a significant amount of money and says he has suspicions who leaked this. He says if this situation isn't taken care of, everything they built with this university is in jeopardy.

Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifier - Bron Breakker vs Eddy Thorpe

Eddy has taped ribs and he's nearly bald here. Bron slams Eddy then rolls him on the mat. Eddy dropkicks him and tries to twisting crossbody him but is slammed down. Bron knees him, knocking him off the apron. Eddy is thrown into the rails. Bron hits corner spears then Eddy 2nd rope crossbodies him. Eddy gorilla press gutbusters him for 2.

We go to PiP break and return. Eddy twisting crossbodies him then hits a kick combo. Bron germans him and throws him hard into the buckles. Bron talks trash and piefaces him. Eddy hits punches and lariats him. Eddy sto's him then backdrops him. Bron germans him then hits a big spear. Bron then wins it.

Bron was good here as usual and carried Eddy along for the ride. 

Trick and Melo talk in the back. Trick is mad that Lexis King jumped him from behind. Melo said they are going to get their payback tonight. Trick says he hqas to be smart about this though and says nothing will stop him from taking what is his. Trick says King will get his, but he has to keep his eyes on the prize. Melo said he doesn't have a prize as King took it from him. Trick says they are past distracting people and they say King will get his.

Roxanne Perez talks to the girls in the back. She said if she isn't in the ICS, neither will Kiana. Ava Raine said she talked to Shawn Michaels and was told there would be last chance matches. Perez says she still has a chance then Izzi Dame said Kiana also then has a chance. Izzi face shoves her, the girls break it up then Kiana nails Perez from behind as well.

We get a video on Bronson Reed.

Ilja Dragunov vs Nathan Frazer

NF = Nathan Frazer

Ilja running facekicks him. Ilja stomps him then hits mounted shots. Ilja machine gun chops him then germans him. NF hurricanrana's him then hits punches. NF jumping knees him then NF counters his enzugiri with a jumping kick. NF enzugiri's him from the apron then springboard dropkicks him.

Ilja chops his back then NF flips out of his german. NF asai moonsaults into a reverse ddt. NF misses a pheonix splash then takes a gamengiri. Ilja powerbombs him and pounds him into the mat with 3 forearms. Ilja then wins it.

It was basically a squash but both guys looked good, it was fast paced and it was aggressive. The crowd loved it and it was a very good short match.

Baron Corbin gets on the tron after. He said he beat the crap out of a former friend of his just because he said Corbin's life was better. He said he's taking his title from him and said he will have everything once he does. Corbin says he can then go home and he'll get him a first class ticket as a christmas present. He said they'll be face to face and tells him to enjoy his lonely night.

Lyra Valkyria interviewed. She said the winner of the ICS at Deadline is next for her. Fallon Henley comes in and says she will make the most of her last chance next week. She said she will be the iron survivor at Deadline and said she will be defending against her next. Lyra says she looks forward to fighting her. Tatum Paxley then appears behind a curtain and says Lyra will beat Fallon anyway if she wins.

We get a Karmen Petrovic video. She's dressed up in a karate gi and playing with a sword. She said Arianna Grace thinks she's better than everyone else. She said she may be a dedicated beauty queen, but she's a dedicated karate black belt. She said it's time she kicks her mouth shut.

Meta-Four are sitting in a room. They talk about Alpha Academy. Dar said he survived Chad Gable and said Meta-Four are better than Alpha Academy. Dar said beating them would make them happy and said they will see them next week.

Joe Gacy is under the ring. He asks if anyone cares about him. He said he wishes he could stop caring about others opinions and wonders what is going on up in the ring. He said being beneath you is where he is wanted. He said he is dealing with this new perspective and said maybe he wishes this on his worst enemy, whoever it is, but maybe he doesn't.

Arianna Grace vs Karmen Petrovic

KP = Karmen Petrovic

Grace backs KP up in the cormer then KP kicks her hand away. Grace puts her down and offers her to kiss her hand. KP then pulls her down by the hair and Grace backs off. Grave says she is sorry and KP offers her the chance to kiss her hand. Grace gets mad and charges at her.

KP takes her down with the arm. KP takes her down again and Grace boots her against the bottom rope. Joe Gacy then comes out from under the ring and takes the ring bell to the back. Grace is disgusted by this and we go to break.

We return and Grace has her arm and chin. Grace bangs KP's head off the mat then KP hits flying forearms. KP high kicks her in the corner then screw kicks her back. KP back kicks her then climbs her back with a sleeper. They pull each other's hair and Grace eye pokes her. Grace then does a fireman's carry slamd and wins it. Joe Gacy then rings the bell from the stands.

I thought it was a decent match for these two. There were no botches or anything and nobody embarassed themselves. They even furthered this thing by having Grace eye poke her. I have no idea what the Gacy stuff is about and I don't think it's going to work.

Wes Lee is interviewed. He said tonight ould be a big night and says he's attached to the North American title. He said he has to be the one to get to Deadline to beat Dom. He talks about his opponents in the four way tonight and says the odds are stacked against him. He said he will do anything for a chance to win the title back. He said tonight is high risk and high reward in regards to him not being able to challenge for the N-A title again if he loses tonight.

Brooks Jensen vs Lexis King

BJ hits a nice shot then spinning heel kicks King. hey fight on the floor, trading shots. BJ crossbodies him off the 2nd rope. We go to PiP break and return. King is in control and we see Trick and Melo watching. Melo says he has to go handle something. King knees him in the gut then kicks him in the back. King then does some running shot to the back of his head.

King snapmares him then running knees him. BJ spinning backdrops him. BJ atomic drops and superkicks him. BJ top rope dropkicks him for 2. BJ backdrops King. Carmelo Hyes comes down and gets on the apron. Briggs pulls him down with various refs. King hits a spinning neckbreaker and pins Jensen.

Jensen looked better here than King. It was an average match and nothing too special.

Wes Lee vs Johnny Gagano vs Bronson Reed vs Cameron Grimes

JG = Johnny Gargano

Reed bodyblocks Wes to start then lariats Grimes and JG. Wes 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Reed and is laid on the top rope. Reed then flips him onto his other opponents. We go to PiP break and return. Reed delay suplexes JG. Reed takes shots from all 3 opponents then Wes and Grimes jump off of JG's back onto him. Wes is then launched by Grimes and Jg into a dropkick on Reed.

Grimes shoulders over JG then Grimes takes a double dropkick from Wes and JG. Wes and JG shake hands. They avoid each others moves and stare down. Reed takes shots from those two then Reed uranage's Wes onto JG. Reed spinebusters Grimes. We then get a spot where Grimes is catapulted into Reed's crotch. Wes jumping hurricanrana's Reed out.

Wes takes an atomic drop and chest kick then JG does too. Grimes baseball slides JG then hurricanrana's both. Grimes corner lariats him then Wes topes Reed outside under the post. JG topes Reed and Wes, then topes Grimes. JG slingshot spears Grimes for 2. Wes step up enzugiri's JG then jumps off his back to meteora Grimes.

Wes springboard meteora's Reed but is caught and death valley drivered on his head. Grimes enzugiri's and superkicks Reed then top rope crossbodies him for 2. JG goes for a tornado ddt on Reed but can't get it. Reed grabs all 3 opponents and slams/samoan drops them. The spot looked dumb though as Wes openly cralwed onto Reed's back.

Reed gets on top and takes a triple powerbomb down. Grimes hits a standing spanish fly on Lee. JG hits a gargano escape on Grimes and Lee breaks it up. Reed buckle bombs Lee then sentons JG and Grimes. Reed 2nd rope gorilla presses Reed onto JG and Grimes. Ivar comes out and nails Reed. Reed forearms Ivar off the apron then Ivar spinning high kicks him. Both go into the rails then fight to the back. JG superkicks Grimes and Grimes M. Bison stomps him. Wes hits a caradiac kick on Grimes and wins it.

It went longer than it needed to but they did go all out here and came up with some creative spots. Ultimately though, it was a spotfest. The whole purpose for the match was odd as was bringing in these guys from the main rosters without a ton of explanation.

We then cut to the parking lot. Perez and Kiana are fighting and Perez is laid on top of a car. Security comes to break it up and Perez hits mounted punches on the parking lot. 

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall with almost everything being at least decent.

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