Friday, October 6, 2023

WWE Smackdown 10/6/2023

WWE Smackdown 10/6/2023

Last week's show is here: 

LA Knight comes out to talk. Paul Heyman interrupts before he can say anything. Solo Sikoa and Jimmy Uso are out with him. He says LA Knight is going to be the next megastar. He said with LA earning his attention though, The Bloodline will have to do something about it.

LA asks him if he's done and says he doesn't buy any of it. Jimmy interrupts and introduces himself. He said he's not making it to Fast Lane. Solo and Jimmy go to jump him then John Cena comes out. The Bloodline back up and LA gets back on the mic. LA challenges Jimmy Uso for tonight and Jimmy accepts while Heyman says "no". They then argue about it.

The Judgment Day arrive in the back and run into JD McDonaugh. Priests asks why JD is here and Rhea says she invited him. 

Asuka and Charlotte Flair vs Damage CTRL (Iyo Sky and Bayley)

Iyo flying headscissors Flair. Flair seems her down then does a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Asuka hits machine gun chops on Iyo then Asuka sunset flips her off the 2nd rope. Iyo bridges out of a high kick. Bayley shoves Iyo out of the way and takes a dropkick for her from Asuka. Asuka goes up top and double dropkicks her opponents.

We go to PiP break and return. Bayley suplexes Asuka then Iyo bodyscissors Asuka. Asuka is stomped on then takes a double flapjack. Asuka works her way out of the corner then takes a shotei palmstrike. Asuka kicks Iyo in the gut and both tag out. Flair top rope crossbodies Bayley then hits a cuty special on her.

Flair neckbreakers Bayley and goes to do a forward cartwheel but takes a lariat.  Flair forward flips into a lariat on Bayley for 2. Asuka and Flair go for a double superplex and Iyo turns it into a tower of doom. Flair facekicks Bayley then takes a meteora from Iyo on the pin attempt.

Flair accidentally kicks Asuka off the apron then Bayley rolls her up for 2. Bayley knees Flair in the face then Flair hits natural selection on her to win it.

Asuka's hot tag spot was really bad here and they missed on the Flair facekick on Asuka. I thought this also just went too long.

The Bloodline talk in the back. Jimmy says Roman is never here to make calls, so he had to make his own. The Judgment Day are in The Bloodline locker room. Jimmy says they are in the wrong room and Finn says they where they are supposed to be.

We go to break and return. Judgment Day is staring down with Bloodline in the locker room. Rhea tells everyone to get out so she can talk with Heyman. Solo and Priest stare down. Heyman tells Solo that it's okay and Rhea says, "let's talk".

The LWO come out and we go to break.

Bobby Lashley vs Rey Mysterio

They stare down. Bobby shoulders him over then hits corner spears. Bobby does a running corner spear in the other corner and footchokes him. Bobby goes for a twisting drop but Rey gets out. Rey then asai moonsaults him for 2. Bobby is pulled over the top then Rey tiger feints him.

We go to break and return.

Bobby has Rey in a bear hug and he had banged his head off the post during the break. Rey hits some headbutts to escape then Bobby puts him in it again. Rey enzugiri's him from the apron then is put in tree of woe. Bobby hits strikes on him as he hangs and does a running corner spear. Bobby spears the 2nd rope then Rey hits a top rope la silla.

Rey baseball slides Bobby's knee then ddt's him. Rey hits corner punches and hits some knees while he is lifted for a suplex. Rey trips him into the 2nd rope and Bobby blocks his 619. Rey goes to springboard and is knocked off the ropes to the floor.

Rey is sent into the barricades and thrown in. Rey then throws Santos Escobar over the barricade. Rey topes Bobby but is caught. Bobby tries to ram him into the post but Bobby goes into the post instead. Rey 619's Bobby in the gut then does a regular 619. Rey goes up top. Ford tries to distract him then the Profits and the LWO fight. Wilde is suplexed onto the floor then Rey hits la silla off the apron onto Dawkins. Rey comes back in and is speared. Bobby wins it.

It was a little slow and not the greatest match they could have had. It was still a decent match with them working the big man vs little man storyline. The finish was messy and didn't help it.

Paul Heyman and Rhea Ripley talk in the back. Rhea tells him to make the wise decision. She says Bloodline and Judgment Day should work together. Paul says he likes it and says he will make a call to Roman Reigns to get this authorized. Rhea stops him and asks, "authorized?". Paul says Roman needs to authorize it first. Rhea says it already is authorized and Paul says only Roman can authorize it for The Bloodline. Rhea tells him to acknowledge her. Paul tells Rhea she's in the wrong locker room to say something like that. Rhea says he will acknowledge her like Jey Uso did on Raw, or we will find out who is stronger. Paul calls Roman. 

We get a quick video with Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre doing hocus pocus stuff in a graveyard.

Austin Theory vs Dragon Lee

Theory says we are in the presence of greatness. He said he beat his own role model and said he even let Dwayne share the ring with him. He says he's the 150 hit man and said Lee's 150 will be a 150 second long career when he experiences Austin Theory live.

Lee flying headscissors Theory then does combinacion cabron in the corner. Grayson Waller comes out. Lee is distracted and is hit from behind then stomped. Lee dropkicks Theory then rebound germans him. Waller gets on the apron, Lee is distracted then Theory rolls into a dropkick on him.

We go to break and return. Theory tries to roll in again and is superkicked. Lee flying double cross chops Theory. Theory handstands in the corner then is superkicked. Lee dropkicks him in the corner for 2. Theory hits oblivion on Lee over his knee. Lee ligerbombs him for 2 then goes up top. Waller distracts him and Lee gets crotched on the top rope.

Theory does a wild alley oop type of move into a flatliner on Lee. Theory gets stuck in tree of woe and then Lee double stomps him. Lee then tope con hilos Theory and Waller. Cameron Grimes comes out and throws Waller into the post. Theory gets distracted and Lee rolls him up to win it.

At least Lee won on his debut here. They matched up well together but there was pretty much endless shenanigans in this one with the various distractions. 

Rhea talks to Jimmy Uso in the back.

Rey Mysterio comes out of the training room. He says Del Toro and Wilde can't compete tomorrow. They realize they only have 2 people for the trios match tomorrow and Rey says he needs to make a phone call.

LA Knight vs Jimmy Uso

LA headlocks him then shoulders him over. Uso shoulders him over and poses then LA back elbows him. LA powerslams him for 2. Uso avoids a BFT then is dropkicked through the ropes. Uso spinning enzugiri's him and LA goes out. Uso superkicks him outside

LA spears him from the apron then sunset flips him into his knees. LA flying lariats Uso then hits a russian legsweep. LA then ddt's him. LA stomps on him in the corner and running knees him for 2. Uso superkicks him in the gut and hits an uppercut. LA then slams him.

LA hits an elbow drop and Solo Sikoa gets in. Solo nails him fron behind and LA wins via DQ.

We didn't get much of this before it ended.

Solo hits more shots then John Cena comes out to make the save. The Judgment Day come out. Paul offers a handshake to Rhea and says "authorized". Rhea tells Judgment Day to get in thee. Bloodline and Judgment Day get on the apron then Jey Uso's music hits. Jey comes down then Cody Rhodes comes down. The crowd sings Cody's theme even after it cuts out.

The faces nail the heels then Cody topes a bunch of heels outside. Jey then suicide dives 3 people. Solo gets in the ring and stares down with Cena. Cena hits punches then Solo superkicks him. LA ducks Solo's shot then lariats him over the top. LA then hits a BFT on JD McDonaugh. Jey superkicks JD then Cena hits a blue thunder on JD. Cena then hits a five knuckle shuffle and an attitude adjustment. Cody throws his belt into the crowd and hits a cross rhodes on JD.

The closing angle was kind of cool as we got to see WWE's top faces all together. The Judgment Day and Bloodline still looked kind of dumb though for losing a 6v4.

Overall thoughts: The main was cut short for the closing angle. Bobby/Rey and Theory/Lee were okay but the women's tag match had issues. Judgment Day and Bloodline teaming up was interesting. The show was okay overall, but not must see. I wouldn't recommend this.

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