Friday, October 6, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 10/6/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 10/6/2023

Last week's show is here: 

Kelani Jordan and Valentina Feroz vs Izzi Dame and Tatum Paxley

KJ = Kelani Jordan

Both of Jordan's and Feroz's partners got fired, so they are teaming up with each other. Tatum and Feroz lock up.  Feroz rolling spears her then flying headscissors her. They both tag out. KJ headlocks Dame and is caught off the crossbody. KJ uses the ropes to armdrag her. KJ springboard hurricanrana's her and dropkicks her.

Dame stomps on her. Tatum misses a stomp and KJ rolls her up. Dame basement dropkicks KJ. Tatum bodyscissors KJ. Tatum tries to block KJ from making the tag but KJ does. Feroz gets in and hits a nice shotgun dropkick on Tatum and hip throws her.

Feroz meteora's Tatum for 2. KJ is thrown through the ropes then Dame drops her with a forearm outside. Tatum hits a tequila shot on KJ and picks up the win.

It was a short tag with a very fast pace. Kelani looked good here and busted out a new move. Feroz's offense looked good. Tatum also debuted a new move here with her tequila shot. I was slightly surprised she got the win here with how she has been booked.

Dante Chen is interviewed. He said he loves being out there on Level Up. He talks about Gulak's crew and says Gulak will experience Singapore style. Chen says he doesn't know Singapore style but says he is good at it. This was a weird promo that did nothing for Chen.

Javier Bernal and Luca Crusifino vs Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont

Tyson pulls down Luca to start then hits a big slam on Bernal Bernal takes a stiff double shoulder then Luca is dropped with a forearm. Bernal is shouldered over by Igwe then Igwe corner spears Luca. Tyson corner splashes Luca then Igwe gutwrenches Luca. Tyson splashes Luca for 2.

Tyson bodyblocks Luca then throws him. Tyson is stunnered over the top rope. Bernal stomps Tyson then Tyson takes a double back elbow. Luca elbow drops Tyson then does his hiptoss into a neckbreaker.

Tyson takes a double backdrop. Bernal chinlocks Tyson and takes a back body drop. Tyson hot tags in Igwe. Igwe hits shoulders and a nice flying forearm. Igwe does a boot to the face for 2. Luca is thrown over the top then Bernal rolls up Igwe and pins him.

It was short and it was fine. Tyson and Igwe looked good here as the powerhouses. 

Dante Chen vs Drew Gulak

Drew throws him hard into the corner early. Chen leapfrogs and Drew rolls underneath. Chen armdrags him. Drew boots him out of the corner then they trade chops. Chen back body drops him.

Drew is on the apron and Chen dropkicks him off, right into his friends outside. Drew neckbreakers Chen back in the ring. Drew boots Chen against the ropes then footchokes him. Drew snapmares him. Drew ties up his legs and cravates him from behind.

Chen fights out of it. Chen hits forearms and atomic drops him. Chen hits a pump kick to the side of the head. Drew rolls out and Chen topes him and his buddies at once. That looked like a bowling ball hitting pins. Chen springboards into a lariat on him. Chen clears Drew's buddies off the apron one by one then Drew tombstones him to win it.

It was one of Chen's better efforts with him doing some different offense than usual. Not great or anything but it was quick and watchable.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a bad half-hour of wrestling. All 3 matches were at least okay and I thought it was a decent show.

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