Saturday, October 7, 2023

Stardom 10/1/2023

Stardom 10/1/2023

Saya Iida vs HANAKO vs Hina vs Fukigen Death


They try a 4 person lock up but can't get it going. They do a 4 girl headlock. Death walks the top rope and Saya gets on Hana's shoulders to chop her down. Hana picks up Saya to double boot Hina then Hana and Saya shoulder battle. Say knocks her over. 

Hina dropkicks Saya then sto's Hana for 2. Hina has Hana in a fujiwara armbar, Saya sleepers Hina then Death sits on Saya and reads a newspaper. Death hits all of them with the newspaper.

Hana corner splashes Hina and Death then Saya machine gun chops Hana. Hina hip throws Death and Saya then does a wrist-clutch uranage on Death. Hana suplexes Rina for 2. Saya dropkicks and running back elbows Hana. Death pushes Hana into Hina's butt then rolls her up to win.

It was a comedic opener but it was entertaining. 

Mina Shirakawa and Waka Tsukiyama vs Lady C and Miyu Amasaki

Waka kind of rolls into Miyu's legs and trips her then Miyu takes a double basement dropkick to the back. Waka hits hip attacks on Miyu then C flapjacks Waka into a Miyu basement dropkick. Miyu cartwheel back elbows Waka then C running shoulders Waka over.

Waka crossbodies C, then Ccatches her and giant swings her off of it. C step up knees Wak then Waka crossbodies her. Waka trips when trying to tag in Mina. Mina running back elbows C then basement dropkicks her. mina strike combos C then C facekicks her. Miyu short ddt's Mina and basement dropkicks her in the back.

Mina dropkicks Miyu in the back of the knee then Waka seated flatliners her on the 2nd rope. Mina reverse ddt's Miyu for 2. Miyu and Mina trade forearms. Mina takes a corner dropkick and facekick then Miyu tornado ddt's her for 2. Mina spinning forearms Miyu and Waka dropkicks C. Miyu takes a bad double legsweep then Mina running step up enzugiri's her. Miyu rolls her up for 2. Mina uraken's Miyu then does a lifting ddt for the win.

It was a little longer than it needed to be but it was fast paced and they tried. I liked the spot with C doing a giant swing on Waka.

Megan Bayne, Mei Seira & Suzu Suzuki vs. God's Eye (MIRAI, Saki Kashima & Syuri)

Mei misses a dropkick on Saki and is rolled up. Mei and Saki block each others irish whips. Saki armdrags Mei then Mei legsweeps her. They then try to do stereo kip ups but Saki can't do it. Mei slaps Saki. Meg picks up Saki and slams her on the mat. Meg corner spears Saki then slams her.

Saki palm strike uppercuts Mei then throws her into the buckles. Saki teases corner charging her but then tags out. Syuri kicks Saki then her and Mirai do stereo running corner moves. Mirai backdrops Suzu then Mei takes stereo basement dropkicks. Meg picks up Mirai and hits Syuri with her legs, then throws Mirai onto her.

Mei does a nice dropkick on Syuri. Suzu attacks Syuri on the ropes then flying knees her in the back of the head. Syuri and Suzu trade forearms then Syuri uranage's her for 2. Syuri chest kicks Suzu then Saki wants in.

Saki running kicks Suzu then double stomps her off the 2nd rope. Mei sunset flips Saki then Suzu and Mei double basement dropkick her and do a double kip up. Suzu germans Saki as she sits on the 2nd rope. Mirai powerbombs Suzu from her shoulder.

Saki goes up top. Meg grabs her then Mirai clips her. Meg double lariats her opponents then htrows Mei over the top out onto them. Suzu rolls up Saki for 2 then rolls her up again to win it at 9:07.

It was a decent trios match. We didn't see a lot of Meg here. They kept it fast paced but there wasn't a lot else to say about this.

Mirai was attacked by someone in a mask after. She asks what was it that attacked her. She said if you want to attack someone, attack Megan Bayne.

STARS (Hanan, Hazuki & Koguma) vs. Donna del Mondo (Maika, Mai Sakurai & Thekla)

Kog = Koguma, Haz = Hazuki

Mai is dressed up in a pimp hat and giving out fake money. Kog and Mai shake hands. They do a headscissors and then stare down. Kog ducks a facekick then takes a big facekick. Mai puts Kog in a paradise lock and poses on her. Haz then helps Kog break free.

Mai takes a basement dropkick, double stomp and falling splash then avoids a triple basement dropkick. Mai's team then hits triple stereo facekicks. Thekla headscissors chokes Haz over the top rope. Maika slams Kog then Thekla hits a nice dropkick on Kog.

Thekla neck twists Kog then Kog cutters her. Haz dropkicks Thekla then jumps off her back to knock her opponents off the apron. Haz 2nd rope dropkicks Thekla then crossfaces her. Haz does a senton + codebreaker combo. Haz's team then hits triple stereo facewash kicks.

Thekla flying headscissors Haz then facekicks her through the ropes. Thekla facekicks Haz then birdges out of a lariat. Thekla then spears Haz for 2. Maika corner lariats Haz then running shoulders her over. Kog dropkicks Maika into a codebreaker and a ddt. Haz sentons Maika for 2.

Maika deadlift suplexes Haz then Hanan fameassers her on the pin attempt. Hanan running euros her then Thekla top rope crossbodies Hanan. Maika elbow drops Hana for 2. Thekla and Mai take stereo ddt's. Maika is held up for a double bulldog then Hanan cuty specials her for 2. Maika shot arm lariats Hanan then Hanan rolls her up for 2.

Hanan euros Maika then Maika spinning lariats her for 2. Maika michinoku drivers Hanan and wins it.

It was a decent and fast paced tag. It didn't really have enough time though to get everyone in for very long.

Mai gets on the mic after. Mai calls all the men unattractive  and doesn't say much more.

Oedo Tai (Momo Watanabe, Natsuko Tora, Rina & Ruaka) vs. Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi, Saori Anou, Tam Nakano & Yuna Mizumori)

The Angels all do a dance. Yuna has dyed her hair red and green for some reason and looks like a walking pepper.

Tora and Tam stare down. They trade forearms and Tam spin kicks her in the gut. Ruaka nails Tam as she runs the ropes. All 8 girls brawl outside with Poi and Yuna being thrown into each other. Tam is sent into the chairs outside. Tam gets her head banged off a sign and Anou is choked with an umbrella by Momo.

Tam is kicked in the leg in the ring and Ruaka crossbodies her off of it. Tora mists Tam then sliding lariats her. Tam is lariated in the corner then Tora misses a cannonball on her. Tam is lariated on the ropes then bridges out of a clothesline. She pumping knees Tora then Tora samoan drops her. Tam spinning high kicks her then Tora lariats her.

Tam germans her one her head. Anou gets in and 2nd rope double dropkicks Momo and Ruaka. Anou and Poi hit stereo kiks on the ropes. Momo kicks Anou in the body then Anou slaps her. Momo dropkicks her then Rina jumping double knees and basement dropkicks Anou.

Anou fisherman suplexes Rina then Yuna flying shoulders Rina. Yuna flying dropkicks Rina then Yuna takes running corner attacks. Rina 2nd rope double kneedrops Yuna for 2. Poi high kicks Rina then Yuna sliding lariats Rina. Yuna hits a stiff lariat on Rina. Tora hits Yuna with a stick on the ropes then Rina does a cool northern lights leg clutch suplex.

Rina sto's Yuna then Tora misses a top rope swanton. Yuna hits lariats then Tora cannonballs her against the ropes for 2. 3 of OT are whipped into the ropes then they take triple stereo superkicks. Tam goes up top and is misted. Tora then throws Tam off the apron onto her partners outside. Rina hip throws Yuna then Yuna takes a combo lariat + PK. Tora death valley drivers Yuna and wins it.

I liked this one. It was a simple heel vs face tag for the most part that was kept at a fast pace.

Tora gets on the mic after. She tells Tam to get over here and asks why she's hiding in the corner. Tora said Tam skipped the press conference and asked if she had anything to say to her. Tam said, "sorry" and Tora pushed her. Tam apologizes for not making the press conference and said she is glad Tora remembers her as a rival. Tam said she'd love to have a real singles match with her just like they did back in the day. She said on October 9th, they should have a singles match with no one at ringside. Tora headbutts her and walks off.

Mayu Iwatani vs AZM

AZM rolls her up and Mayu avoids her kick. Mayu headlock takeovers her then AZM basement dropkicks her. They fight on the stage and AZM suplexes her on it. AZM double knee drops her off the bleachers then Mayu holds her leg. Both get counted out at 2:06.

AZM gets on the mic after and said that can't be it. She said she lost to her in 44 seconds last year and said her anniversary can't end like this. She then challenges her to another match. They agree.

Mayu Iwatani vs AZM

AZM runs and trips her for 2. Mayu goes out and kicks her then snapmares her on the floor. Mayu back kicks her and drops her on a tombstone attempt. AZM runs up the steps in the seats then AZM does a christo in the aisle way there. AZM dives off the stairs entrance onto her. AZM spike hurricanrana's her into the mat over the 2nd rope then top rope double stomps her.

AZM locks up both of her arms at once. AZM kicks her lariat away then is superkicked. Mayu germans her then AZM germans her while grabbing her leg. Mayu tombstones her. They trade forearms on their knees and AZM forearms flurries her to the chest. Mayu spin kicks her in the gut then flying corner dropkicks her. Mayu 2nd rope dropkicks her then AZM legsweeps her off a buzzsaw kick attempt.

Mayu rolls her up for 2 then AZM does a la mistica. AZM pulls on her arm and Mayu ropebreaks. AZM canadian destroyers her. AZM goes for a top rope double stomp but Mayu upkicks her in a neat spot. Mayu buzzsaw kicks her for 2 then Mayu top rope frogsplashes her for 2. Mayu misses a moonsault and is rolled up for 2. Mayu then dragon suplexes her and rolls her up for the win.

I don't think the submission work really added a lot here and slowed down what was otherwise an interesting match. I thought it was somewhat good but the finishing stretch could have been better.

Mayu gets on the mic after. She says happy 10th anniversary and happy birthday. She said it was supposed to be a wonderful day for AZM, but AZM lost. Mayu says the history of Stardom is not only Mayu. She says AZM has grown up and asks her to create the history of Stardom with her. She says Stardom will be alright if AZM is around. Mayu then says they should have another singles match in the future. Mayu left the ring without her title and says that Mayu didn't need this. AZM said she lost to an icon but has a new goal and that's to surpass Mayu.

Mayu wants to sing happy birthday to AZM then Mayu is attacked by the people in the masks. Mayu is carried to the back by the masked people and AZM runs after her but trips.

NJPW STRONG Women's Title Match - Giulia (c) vs. Ami Sourei

 G = Giulia

Ami side headlock takeovers her. G gets a hold in then forearms her. G puts her in an octopus stretch then Ami throws her over. Ami hits a shoulder then machine gun chops her on the ropes. G shotgun dropkicks her on the apron then throws her into the chairs.

G chairs her in full view of the ref who does nothing. G then suiplexes her on the floor. G stf's her then stomps on her. G drops her with a forearm then they trade forearms. G lifts her for a northern lights suplex variation but Ami just ends up landing on her face. G 2nd rope dropkicks her.

Ami gets stuck sitting on the top rope. G top rope butterfly suplexes her then Ami suplexes her when she tries to do a suplex off of it. Ami double chops her then does a high crab. Ami racks her then hits short arm lariats.

Ami does her twisting samoan drop move then Ami blue thunders her. G boots her then knees her in the chest. G germans her. Ami runs at her iwth a rolling lariat then twisting suplexes her for 2. Ami lariats her in the corner then hits a 2nd rope blue thunder bomb. Ami then hits a fire thunder for 2.

Ami goes for a spinning slam but G tornado ddt's her out of it. G falcon arrows her for 2 then Ami lariats her. G backdrops her then hits a stiff glorious driver for 2. G then wins it with a northern lights bomb.

It was longer and slower. I didn't really buy that Ami had a chance here and the best stuff was at the end of this. It just kind of felt like a midcard match in the main event.

Giulia says she's cheeky after but says she is more cocky. She said she thought Ami was stupid for challenging her for the belt. Giulia says she thinks she has more hidden in her and says she has a big body. Giulia says let's have another singles match. Giulia goes to shake her hand and Ami slaps it then spits at her. Giulia asks who is next to challenger for her title then she is attacked I think by the former Andras Miyagi.

Overall thoughts: The semi-main was somewhat good but flawed. The main didn't look like it would be great and it wasn't. The undercard matches were decent here though. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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